- 7:45 AM: Stephen Spillane At count centre, good crowd here at neptune #le09
- 7:45 AM: barratree Heavy security presence at the fingal count . . . Just in case #le09
- 7:46 AM: squidlimerick ooh ooh forgot the hastag. off to #le09 count
- 7:51 AM: BrianGreene drill given to all party tally folk fingal count centre north county dublin. its well full here #le09 we tally Euros too!
- 7:51 AM: niamhvus Arriving at my first ever count
- 7:51 AM: squidlimerick ooh ooh forgot the hastag. off to #le09 count
- 7:53 AM: Suzy Byrne Good Morning all – we expect things to start getting busy here from 11 am but of course we’ll bring you anything we get before then. We’ll be taking info by text, twitter, and directing people to blogs, video, flikr, qik and other output.
- 7:57 AM: Suzy Byrne For those who want to plan their day – Newstalk Coverage underway from 10am and runs till 8 pm today. RTE Radio 1 goes on air at 11am. TV beings for one hour at 1 and then from 4 – 6pm.
- 7:57 AM: TheEmergency Tis D-day folks. Watch out for @TheEmergency throughout Newstalk’s results coverage today. #emer #le09
- 7:57 AM: Suzy Byrne Irish Election Liveblog – bit.ly – or tweet using tag #le09 – other content will be found during day on irishelection.com
- 7:58 AM: Suzy Byrne Morning all – 6 minutes to opening of the boxes. Good luck to all the candidates and tallyers #le09
- 8:01 AM: chistorra Doors open in the Waterford Election Sorting office. #LE09
- 8:08 AM: barratree on data entry duty for castleknock ward. Great collective effort here #le09
- 8:08 AM: Suzy Byrne Bye-election in Dublin South – Collective tally – from first 100 boxes 70% going to Lee.
- 8:11 AM: TheEmergency Tally: 7/10 1st prefs for Geo Lee in 1st 10 boxes open in Dublin South byelection #le09
- 8:15 AM: deebdublin newstalk reporting 7/10 first pref going to George Lee in Dublin South according to very early tallies
- 8:15 AM: PJ Coogan At Neptune Stadium .. then moving to City Hall later.. we have reporters at all Cork Ce
- 8:16 AM: PJ Coogan sorry for early typos !! Will get the hang of it – should have a tally pattern for Cork City Council by 9.45
- 8:17 AM: Suzy Byrne Great stuff PJ – thanks.
- 8:17 AM: eoinpurcell i know lee is going to win, but really 70% of the poll. Those Tallies must be off #le09
- 8:19 AM: eoinpurcell That said, I’m not on hand to see so I’d be wiser to hold back judgment! #le09
- 8:20 AM: Suzy Byrne In review of campaign Brendan O’Brien on Newstalk admits to getting out of his car and measuring the Fianna Fáil election logo to prove it was smaller than in previous years. No tapes needed we all know it was – if it was there at all.
- 8:21 AM: Suzy Byrne Mary Hanafin said that some candidates made logo smaller than the FF official template.
- 8:23 AM: RTE_Elections Counting is geting under way this morning in the local elections and the two bye-elections tinyurl.com
- 8:23 AM: TheEmergency Mary Hasafin on Newstalk admits some FF candidates shrank party logo as stipulated by template for posters. #le09
- 8:24 AM: JoeBrennan At the opening of the boxes in Letterkenny, looks like it’s going to be a long day and ages before we even start to tally
- 8:25 AM: skearon Online from the Wicklow County Council Count Centre, will be posting regular updates from the Tally
- 8:25 AM: RTE_Elections Details of the RTE/Sunday Independent exit poll carried out with Lansdowne research by will begin to emerge from 11am
- 8:27 AM: Suzy Byrne 1/3 of boxes open in Dublin South – Lee Polling well – one box is 200plus for Lee, White 91, Brennan 55. (Newstalk)
- 8:29 AM: Suzy Byrne Dublin Central – 45% turn out. Only one box open. FG Paschal Donoghue polling 40% out of first box.
- 8:30 AM: stephencrowley will be reportig from my local count and the new V ex Green result. it should be depressing either way #le09 at 1pm
- 8:30 AM: TheEmergency Dub south Lee tally v high with 1/3 boxes open. #le09
- 8:31 AM: adam_douglas3 counting has begun – early indications not promising
- 8:32 AM: caseyorla Tally- Ganley & Higgins , 50-50 in Loughrea boxes
- 8:34 AM: igaeilge #le09 is there any FF candidate who didn’t shrink the party logo? igaeilge.wordpress.com
- 8:35 AM: MickFealty Looks like George Lee is walking home in Dublin South… Gorgeous timing George #FG #le09
- 8:38 AM: aoifecarroll Tallying North Inner City boxes in Central by election-3 horse race in my boxes Bacik, o’sullivan, Donohue #Le09
- 8:44 AM: igaeilge #le09 Mary Hanafin admits some FF candidates shrank the FF logo on election posters. understatement of the week. any FF candidate who didnt
- 8:44 AM: RTE_Elections A web cam has been set up in the RTÉ Radio centre – watch the election programmes as they broadcast live from 11am at www.rte.ie/live
- 8:45 AM: damienmulley Gorgeous George seems to be on to a winner #Le09
- 8:45 AM: barratree should mention that thats after the blakestown boxes so very skewed #le09
- 8:46 AM: barratree higgins past 1000 after 10 boxes for castleknock #le09
- 8:47 AM: PJ Coogan nothing concrete in Cork City yet .. FF had 13 seats on City Council – party people say they will be pleased if they hold 10..
- 8:55 AM: TheEmergency On @satedition Olivia Mitchell FG TD in Dub south describes apparent Lee landslide as boxes open. #le09
- 8:56 AM: irishelection As George Lee runs away with Dub South we have the live blog here url.ie #LE09
- 8:57 AM: paul_cawley sounds like George Lee is doing extremely well [via: Newstalk] #le09
- 8:57 AM: BrianGreene tallying balbriggan boxes
- 8:57 AM: abigailrieley Sorry, last name on that Rt was Donoghue. So 4 Nth Inner City by election tally it’s Labour, Ind, FG according to tally.
- 9:00 AM: TheEmergency RT @BrianGreene: fingalcoco.ie webcasting count #le09
- 9:00 AM: TheEmergency RT @9th_Centre: COUNTCAM One of Sligos main counting centres live cam (not on yet of course-council) www.sligococo.ie #le09
- 9:01 AM: cianflah 13% open in South Inner City in Dublin – Humphreys (Lab) on 23% Doolan (SF) 16% Flynn (Ind) 13% Noone (FG) 12% Ryan (FF) on 10% and Parodi on 8%
- 9:02 AM: RTE_Elections Early indications suggest Fine Gael’s George Lee is set for a massive victory in the Dublin South bye-election
- 9:02 AM: caseyorla RTE news – George Lee dead cert to take Dub South seat, #le09
- 9:04 AM: monaghanpenguin Donnybrook has huge vote for Ryan + Mitchell in Euros Very heavy Fine Gael in locals. O’Callaghan + Donnelly reasonable showing for FF #LE09
- 9:05 AM: sligococo 10:00pm European votes being split for transfer to Castlebar
- 9:05 AM: RTE_Elections Dublin Central is proving a lot harder to call, although Fine Gael’s Paschal Donohue has performed very well in some areas
- 9:06 AM: Simon McGarr I want a sound off- everyone who’s at a count today is getting auto added. So everything you say is getting sucked in, hashtags or no. Hands up whose twitter is being given the Royal Road!
- 9:06 AM: Robbiecousins Bee Gee Mossy Ahern must be gutted. Tragedy, Maurice, Bertie and Noel won’t get to reform the band
- 9:07 AM: RTE_Elections The ballot boxes have been open for just over an hour
- 9:08 AM: Suzy Byrne Dublin Central On 31 percent of boxes – 21 percent Donohue 20% bacick O’Sullivan on 20% Burke on 9. These are north inner city boxes.
- 9:08 AM: Suzy Byrne Pat Rabbitte predicts George Lee’s Ascension into heaven before noon…
- 9:10 AM: krayZpaving SEIC tally, 26% complete: Humphreys 27%; Doolan 15%; Noon 11%; Parodi 10%; Ryan 8%; Uzell 7%; all Pearse St boxes in plus a few #le09
- 9:10 AM: Robbiecousins First tally on Newstalk gave 7 to 1 in favour of G. Lee. That is impressive
- 9:10 AM: themayonews Figures from tally of four boxes – Barrett 69; Courtney 17; Crowley 59; Deere 69; Durcan 112; Gavin 87; Guthrie 78; Henaghan 82 #elections
- 9:10 AM: eoinpurcell Anyone got a tally on FGs pc in central yet? #le09
- 9:12 AM: Suzy Byrne Colm Keaveney (Labour) topping the poll in Galway county. Tuam Local Electoral Area
- 9:12 AM: dickobrien Pascal Donohue looking good in Dublin Central, wtih 18% boxes open, but mostly inner city boxes opened so far. No Drumcondra boxes yet.
- 9:16 AM: joescanlon I have dial up, very slow edge iPhone connection, and the four Irish channels on tv, what’s my best way to keep tabs on the count? #le09
- 9:16 AM: krayZpaving The tally men do their magic in the bullpens for SWIC, SEIC & Pembroke-Rathmines. #le09 mypict.me
- 9:17 AM: cianflah Lee on 52% with White and Brennan on 20% roughly. Newstalk say he will romp hme on first count
- 9:18 AM: Suzy Byrne Tom Reilly coming 2nd in Tuam – the man with no FF logo until Irishelection.com pointed it out.
- 9:19 AM: Suzy Byrne Brian Hayes says Lee is on 52 percent of vote – predicts win on first count #le09
- 9:19 AM: krayZpaving The tally men do their magic in the bullpens for SWIC, SEIC & Pembroke-Rathmines. #le09 mypict.me
- 9:19 AM: PJ Coogan labour could take second seat in Cork City NW .. new FG man Barry Keane also polling well here..
- 9:22 AM: cianflah Early days in Pembroke: McCartan 21%, Eoghan Murphy 20%, Dermot Lacey 13% Garrett Tubridy 6%, Oisin Quinn 7%
- 9:22 AM: krayZpaving 4% of boxes tallied in Dublin Euros: de Rossa & Mitchell home and dry. FF polling 21% between the two. No geographical info. #le09
- 9:26 AM: krayZpaving Great performance by Kevin Humphreys of @labour in Pearse St & Ringsend – more than 1.5 quotas in those boxes #le09
- 9:30 AM: cianflah Fianna Fail vote has completely collapsed in Louth
- 9:38 AM: themayonews Michael Kilcoyne looks like he is going to top the poll in MCC Castlebar Electoral Area, along with doubling the quota in the Cbar TC.
- 9:39 AM: RTE_Elections Kilkenny city: Fianna Fail vote holding up and may match the 34% first preferences the party received in the city in last local elections
- 9:44 AM: themayonews Early indications in Westport TC. Martin Keane looks like he is going to top the poll with new FG man Christy Hyland polling very strongly
. - 9:45 AM: themayonews In Europe, FF
look in trouble here in Mayo, and may not hold on to their seat. Early predictions are for Higgins, Harkin and Ganley. - 9:47 AM: ubfid @naoisen Looks like I was wrong, then: Ganley may make it after all #ep09
- 9:47 AM: ubfid @krayZpaving Looking good for Eoin Ryan, if those figures persist #ep09
- 9:48 AM: stevenconlon #le09 Count suspended in Letterkenny – stray votes found
- 9:48 AM: TheEmergency Erk. =>RT @naoisen: Declan Ganley polling ahead of Harkin in Donegal. #Le09
- 9:48 AM: fintanr Ivan Yates talking on Newstalk about El Berts shafting of Mary Fitzpatrick, cut off quickly by the presenters #le09
- 9:48 AM: TheEmergency Seem to remember you calling @declanganley as having a good shout from way back in NW @naoisen #le09
- 9:49 AM: squidlimerick watching things nationally, FF poll 15 percent in Dublin Central (estimatye) #le09
- 9:49 AM: EmilyTully Donegal: Tallymen tell me Pat the Cope is polling well as is Declan Ganley who at this point is polling ahead of Marian Harkin #le09
- 9:50 AM: krayZpaving Kilkenny City showing @labour not doing as well as expected, while Fianna Fail holding their vote from last time. #le09
- 9:51 AM: fintanr 22% Donohoe, 21% O’Sullivan, 19% Bacik from newstalk tallies #le09
- 9:51 AM: Bazalini I think its early door to be counting Donohue out. Alot of FG boxes to be open yet
- 9:52 AM: Suzy Byrne Agreed Bazalini – Phibsboro/Cabra/Drumcondra boxes not opened yet in Dublin Central
- 9:52 AM: TheEmergency Dub central tally Fg 22% maureen o’sullivan 21 lab 19 FF 15.maureen o’sullivan thought 2 b well placed to get transfers from 1st slims #le09
- 9:53 AM: themayonews In Ballina TC, the four who look safe after the early tallies are Mulherin (FG), O’Malley (FF), McAndrew (FF) and Ginty (Ind).
- 9:55 AM: Suzy Byrne Joe Higgins coming in on 27% of a fifth of boxes tallied in Fingal – no surprise there #le09
- 9:55 AM: Suzy Byrne Ivan Yates gets his finglas mixed up with Fingal casting aspersions of FInglas as SF stronghold #le09
- 9:55 AM: thusspakeblixa #le09 Joe Higgins at 27% in Fingal -Newstalk
- 9:55 AM: squidlimerick They’ll be bitching in City hall about being there until 4am. their own falt for leaving the count so late #le09
- 9:57 AM: TheEmergency Joe Higgins polling strongly – tally from fingal. Neck + neck with FG. SF way back figs based on 20% of boxes & it’s higgins country #le09
- 9:57 AM: Stephen Spillane FG polling well in cork city south west lea. Buttimer looks like topipng poll #le09
- 9:57 AM: handylearn Irish byelection dublin central: tally results. doohan.org
- 9:57 AM: dickobrien Dublin SEIC tally has Humphreys at 28.3%. Mannix Flynn polling very well at 10.7%. Doolan at 12.1%.
- 10:00 AM: RTE_Elections An RTÉ exit poll on the local elections shows a big drop in support for Fianna Fáil, and significant gains for both Fine Gael and Labour
- 10:01 AM: themayonews Early indications in Ballina County Council are Fine Gael looking to retain four, Annie May Reape might take the only seat for FF #elections
- 10:02 AM: RTE_Elections Exit poll suggests Fianna Fáil will get just 24% of the vote, 8 points lower than their result five years ago
- 10:02 AM: themayonews Gerry Ginty looks like he could take the final seat for Ballina County from Johnnie O’Malley #elections
- 10:02 AM: Bazalini Listening to Pat Rabitte here, I seem to remember him in previous elections calling results that no-one ever saw. I’d give alot of credibilty to him.
- 10:02 AM: PJ Coogan lord mayor of Cork Brian Bermingham (FG) in trouble … also Donal Counihan FF… his immediate predecessor ..
- 10:02 AM: RTE_Elections Exit poll: Fine Gael is on 34%, 6.5% ahead of 2004, while Labour jumps five and a half points to 17%
- 10:02 AM: Robbiecousins Really thought Ivana would split Maureen’s vote. But doesnt look like it.
- 10:02 AM: thusspakeblixa #le09 MOS leading followed by Donohoe, Bacik, Ahern and Burke respectively
- 10:03 AM: RTE_Elections Exit poll: Greens will get 3%, Sinn Féin 9%, and Independents and others 13%
- 10:05 AM: krayZpaving SEIC tally: 61% tallied; Humphreys 30%; Noone 13%; Flynn 12%; Doolan 11%; Parodi 11%; Ryan 9%; Wheeler 5%. 2 quotas for @labour so far #le09
- 10:06 AM: jonathangrimes Isn’t this a great day to be following the election count? Perfect weather altogether #le09
- 10:06 AM: clicky_here RT @RTE_Elections: Exit poll: Greens will get 3%, Sinn Féin 9%, and Independents and others 13% #le09
- 10:07 AM: MickFealty George Lee on 54 Brennan 17 (I think) Lee’s worst box 42 best 70… first candidate whose won on 1st preferences since 1984 #le09
- 10:07 AM: themayonews The safe seats in Ballina Town Council actually look like Mulherin, Ginty, Johnnie O’Malley, Barry McLoughlin and Peter Clarke #elections
- 10:07 AM: RTE_Elections Dublin South tally sees George Lee taking the Dail seat on the first count with 54%
- 10:08 AM: clicky_here Count & results timetable: www.irishtimes.com MEP results tomorrow at 9p.m. #le09
- 10:09 AM: kingkane Could Maurice Ahern’s council seat be at risk? #le09
- 10:10 AM: squidlimerick Kilmallock Heffernan (labour) and Houlihan polling well after 11 boxes open le09
- 10:10 AM: squidlimerick Castleconnel Wade and Teefy heading the poll #le09
- 10:10 AM: thusspakeblixa #le09 Limerick- FG up in City and County, could gain 2-3 seats
- 10:10 AM: EmilyTully FG polling well for the locals in Donegal #le09
- 10:11 AM: JoeLeogue No FF backlash evident in Lismore Town Co. – 1 of 3 candidates tops poll, others strong #le09
- 10:11 AM: pedrorq @jonathangrimes where can I follow the election count online? #le09
- 10:14 AM: themayonews Fine Gael candidates polling very strongly in Westport Town with a possibility of them taking five seats.
- 10:14 AM: swearimnotpaul @RTE_elections You should keep using the #le09 hashtag.
- 10:15 AM: krayZpaving RT @MickFealty: RTE Poll FF 24 Labour 17 FG 34 Greens 3 SF 9 LE09
- 10:15 AM: thusspakeblixa #le09 Ivan Yates and Pat Rabbitte predict that this couldd be the worst FF showing EVER
- 10:15 AM: Bazalini Any idea Suzy where Dublin Central is with the % boxes counted.
- 10:15 AM: aoifecarroll Central 74 %tally Ahern 13%, Bacik 18%, Burke 12%, Donohue 24%, Geary 3%, O’Sullivan 25 %#Le09
- 10:19 AM: RTE_Elections Maureen O’Sullivan (Ind) predicted to win Dublin Central to succeed Tony Gregory
- 10:19 AM: cianflah Figs from Muhuddart LAb: 25, SP: 20, SF: 13, FG: 16, FF: 19, 1k betwe three african candidates
- 10:20 AM: Bazalini Dermot Ahern – not denying its time to panic……….
- 10:21 AM: thusspakeblixa #le09 BIG gains for Socialist Party in Fingal. Could quadruple seats – Newstalk
- 10:21 AM: cianflah 30% tally in Fingal: E Byrne 5%, De Burca 5%, De Rossa 19, Higins 23.5%, Mitchel 18%, Simons 3%, Ryan 11.5%,
- 10:21 AM: Simon McGarr @Unarocks I have €20 at 7/1 on IB so I’m particularly exercised on her behalf. But the early tallies point to Maureen O’Sullivan win #le09
- 10:21 AM: thusspakeblixa #le09 No Green councillors?
- 10:22 AM: RTE_Elections Dublin Central: FG’s Paschal Donohoe polled strongly to top 24% – Tallies
- 10:22 AM: squidlimerick illigan expected to top poll in Limerick City East. Scully (FG) leading in City South #le09
- 10:22 AM: Simon McGarr Burke will break for O’Sullivan more than Bacik. Any guesses on Ahern’s transfers? #le09
- 10:22 AM: EvertB RT @EmilyTully: Ganley polling strong in Galway, Sligo and Donegal – could take a seat #le09
- 10:23 AM: cianflah Ahern’s transfers could be everywhere – though they were encouraging on the doors to support O Sulivan I hear since they think they can get it bck off her next time.
- 10:24 AM: EmilyTully Ganley on 31% in Sligo – Pat the Cope on 6% #le09
- 10:24 AM: Simon McGarr De Udder Brudder’s voters would all need to be closet Ivana fans to carry her into the lead. #le09
- 10:24 AM: kingkane Some of Ahern’s will go to Donohue but more to O’Sullivan. I would presume SF go to Sullivan more but could Bacik catch her? #le09
- 10:25 AM: squidlimerick Live 95FM : coming with health warning euro vote looks like Crowley (FF) Bourke (FG) and Kelly (Labour) #le09
- 10:25 AM: TheEmergency Early calls for O’Sulllivan in dub central. Seems tiny bit previous but wud be achievement #le09
- 10:26 AM: thusspakeblixa #le09 Labour, FG and Labour up in Dublin. Labour go up to 24% in Artane, FG at 27%. 27% in SE Inner-City, SF also up.
- 10:28 AM: RTE_Elections EP election: Marian Harkin (Ind) set to top poll in North-West
- 10:28 AM: cianflah FF on 7% in Dundalk, FG on 19% SF 23%
- 10:28 AM: RTE_Elections EP election: Declan Ganley (Libertas) polling better than expected in North-West
- 10:28 AM: TheEmergency Boyd-Barrett showing strongly in Dun Laoghaire and may make it this time. #le09
- 10:28 AM: stevenconlon #le09 Euro tallys: Inishowen Donegal box: 1st FF, 2nd SF, 3rd Harkin, 4th Ganley, 5th FG
- 10:29 AM: thusspakeblixa #le09 Big FG gains in Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown. People Before Profit doing well in Ballybrack.
- 10:29 AM: thusspakeblixa #le09 Dun Laoighaire/Ratdown – Joe Higgins picking up a lot of votes in Dundrum (!) Richard Boyd-Barrett polling well in Dun Laoghaire
- 10:29 AM: themayonews In Castlebar TC, new FG candidate Caroline Heston has polled very well and looks like taking a seat.
- 10:30 AM: paulmullin Donegal Town Council count has been suspended as stray votes have been found in Letterkenny? #le09
- 10:30 AM: janeruffino Did the rap video hurt or help Alan Kelly? If we send Ganley to Europe will they kick us out? #le09
- 10:30 AM: faduda New blog post: What The Tallyman Saw (Kildare #le09) faduda.ie
- 10:31 AM: themayonews In Castlebar MCC area, its looks like Burke and Kenny (FG), McDonnell (FF) and Kilcoyne and Durcan (Ind) are now safe.
- 10:31 AM: RTE_Elections EP election: Nessa Childers (Lab) & Mairead McGuinness (FG) to top poll in East
- 10:31 AM: Stephen Spillane Topping poll: cork south west: buttimer fg, cse, mcgonigle fg, csc kingston lab. #Le09
- 10:32 AM: RTE_Elections EP election: Liam Aylward (FF) & John Paul Phelan (FG) in battle for last East seat
- 10:33 AM: PJ Coogan poll toppers Cork City Council wards .. Mick Barry SP, John Kelleher Lab, Jonathan O’Brien SF, John Buttimer FG, Laura McGonigle FG, Lorraine Kingston Lab. Labour in line for second seat in SW Ward..
- 10:34 AM: imurphy @BrianGreene Fair play to Fingal CoCo they’ve been embracing webcasting for a while now. Where exactly is the count taking place? #le09
- 10:34 AM: thusspakeblixa Cork CC- South Central FF down 11% and Green down 5%. Both down all over Cork City. Mick Barry of Socialists set to top Northside poll #le09
- 10:34 AM: janeruffino We’re thinking of going to the RDS later this afternoon, in the hope of a good old-fashioned, bloodspattery faction fight. Wanna come? #le09
- 10:34 AM: themayonews And it will be a battle royal for the final two seats, internally, between Gavin, Feeney, Crowley (FF) and McCormack, Guthrie (FG).
- 10:35 AM: thusspakeblixa Green vote down 60% in some areas – Newstalk #le09
- 10:36 AM: RTE_Elections Bye-elections: Dermot Ahern concedes that Fianna Fáil will not win either contest
- 10:37 AM: swearimnotpaul RT @RTE_Elections EP election: Childers (Lab) & McGuinness (FG) to top poll in East. Phelan FG and Aylward FF to battle for third seat #le09
- 10:37 AM: kingkane FG in with a real shout of a gain in Artane – whitehall. #le09
- 10:37 AM: krayZpaving RTE predict McGuinness & Childers to take seats in Ireland East. Aylward & Phelan fighting for 3rd. Delighted. #le09
- 10:37 AM: damianobroin quote of the day Noel Whelan: what looks like Ganley’s bald head may be Marian Harkin’s cheek (his health warning on euro tallies) #le09
- 10:37 AM: Simon McGarr Abandoning Newstalk for RTE radio. #le09
- 10:38 AM: thusspakeblixa Joe Higgins topping polls in Balbriggan, Lusk & Rush. #le09
- 10:39 AM: samuelbowman @spiller2 Any news on SF in Cork City SE? #le09
- 10:39 AM: CllrJoeRyan FG forecast Labour to hold 5 seats on Wexford Borough Council & Lawlor 2 gain in County
- 10:40 AM: krayZpaving @CllrJoeRyan Well done Wexford Labour! #le09
- 10:42 AM: thusspakeblixa Drogheda North- FF set to lose both seats on council. FF holding seats in Kells. Labour looking good in Navan. #le09
- 10:42 AM: fintanr v. poor Dublin Central turnout, 45% reported. Disappointing so few people choose to vote – don’t complain if you don’t vote #le09
- 10:43 AM: thusspakeblixa Nessa Childers topping polls, followed by Mairead McGuiness and Brian Aylward #le09
- 10:43 AM: Simon McGarr Pat Leahy, Conventional Wizard, Tips Eoin Ryan for MEP seat Pfft. #le09
- 10:44 AM: Suzy Byrne Jim Glennon says that Maurice Aherns’ Council Seat is under threat
- 10:45 AM: Stephen Spillane Buttimer, fg south west, kingston lab south central have passed quotas on tally. #le09
- 10:46 AM: cianflah Fianna Fail polling well in rural Roscommon, new canditate Laurance Fallon FG polling well in the area. Tally results show that Independent HAC Pau|la Mc Namara will top the poll in Mid Roscommon Electoral Area.
- 10:46 AM: thusspakeblixa Jim Higgins, Marian Harkin and Declan Ganley topping polls in Mayo #le09
- 10:46 AM: nmcgivney George Lee at 54% Dub South and is incredibly also pulling ahead in Dub Central, in Meath and Cavan/Monaghan and as MEP NW cand. #le09
- 10:47 AM: Stephen Spillane Buttimer, fg south west, kingston lab south central have passed quotas on tally. #le09
- 10:47 AM: PJ Coogan FF likely to take no seat in CSW ward..
- 10:49 AM: lexia On my way to Blogger HQ. #le09
- 10:49 AM: Suzy Byrne Mannix Flynn predicted to take Daithi Doolan’s seat in Dublin South Inner City #le09
- 10:49 AM: Simon McGarr Dermot Aherne doesn’t think that actual electoral results are a good indication of how FF is doing. But… but… what other yardstick are we using?
- 10:50 AM: cianflah SP set to take balbriggan seat with tery kelleher
- 10:50 AM: janeruffino Dublin SE: looking like Humprhies stays, Mannix ousts SF, and Parodi could be in, despite stupidly coverage of her in the media. #le09
- 10:51 AM: RTE_Elections EP election: Proinsias De Rossa (Lab) & Gay Mitchell (FG) to take seats in Dublin
- 10:51 AM: RTE_Elections EP election: Joe Higgins (SP), Eoin Ryan (FF) & Mary Lou McDonald (SF) in battle for final Dublin seat
- 10:54 AM: cianflah Dublin South West Inner City tally: Ardagh FF 9%, Byrne FG 17%, Connell NP 3%, Gallagher LAB 19%, MArtin Hogan GP 8%, MacVeigh (PBP) 8%, Moynihan LAB 18%, Ni Dallaigh SF 12%. Anita Reilly FF7%, SZCZECINSKI 1%
- 10:54 AM: cianflah Clare Daly will top swords poll for SP some day for them in Fingal
- 10:56 AM: EmilyTully Ganley on 31 %in Sligo – Pat the Cope on 6 %#le09c
- 10:56 AM: Simon McGarr De Udder Brudder’s voters would all need to be closet Ivana fans to carry her into the lead. #le09
- 10:56 AM: Jnisbet This is more intense than a full body wash with wire wool and dettol! #le09
- 10:57 AM: Killian2009 Waiting on the master tally but numbers so far are not good.
- 10:57 AM: irishelection RT @emilytully Ganley on 31 %in Sligo – P|at the Cope on 6/% #LE09
- 10:57 AM: Stephen Spillane Topping poll: cork south west: buttimer fg, cse, mcgonigle fg, csc kingston lab. #Le09
- 10:57 AM: JoeLeogue Will any local election see a lower first pref count than Prendeville (Ind) in lismore town who tallied a total of 5? #le09
- 10:59 AM: cianflah Final Tally for South East Inner City: Quota will be 1854
Doolan on 1096 11.8%, Flynn on 1,364 14.7%, Humphreys 2,500 27.4%, - 11:00 AM: themayonews Therese Ruane and Harry Barrett also have polled respectably and could be involved in the race for the final seat in Castlebar.
- 11:00 AM: Campaign_Watch Mitchell, De Rossa to take Dublin seats, Higgins, Ryan and McDonald in battle for third spot #le09 #ie09
- 11:00 AM: RachelMorrogh Sitting in the haidresser, absorbed by tweets on #le09
- 11:01 AM: krayZpaving SEIC 100% tally: Crosby 3%; Doolan 12%; Flynn 15%; Humphreys 27%; Noone 13%; Parodi 10%; Ryan 8%; Uzell 3%; Wheeler 6% #le09
- 11:02 AM: Suzy Byrne We pause for the Angelus at blogger hq and reach for the jellies #le09
- 11:04 AM: TheEmergency RT @nmcgivney: Follow the real deal here. It’s 100% live 100% of the time. www.irishelection.com #le09
- 11:05 AM: themayonews Looks like a battle between Indepedent Gerry Ginty and FF duo Michael Loftus and Johnnie O’Malley for the last seat in Ballina. #elections
- 11:05 AM: SimonHaden Green seat on Ennis Town Council looks safe. But Ennis Co Co seat will be down to the wire.
- 11:05 AM: Suzy Byrne @SimonHaden any news on Enistymon? Anne Marie?
- 11:07 AM: MickFealty @suzybie That erectile dysfuncion advert was a bit unnerving so close to the Angelus… Or am I just gettin old? #le09
- 11:07 AM: cianflah Patrick Nulty set to get in on first count in mulhuddart – first time candidate swept in with party support
- 11:08 AM: Suzy Byrne John McGuinness son will top poll in Kilkenny – 2 quotas
- 11:09 AM: Bazalini Very slow scribble room – if you want a hand with Modulation I’d gladly help
- 11:09 AM: enormous @suzybie good. Mannix had the absolutely best election posters #le09
- 11:10 AM: eoinpurcell loving the radio cam! It’s the business #le09
- 11:10 AM: Suzy Byrne Hello to the 200 people watching the liveblog – feel free to leave comments, news, opinions!
- 11:11 AM: TheEmergency Greens might have no councillors. Will they get the hint finally? #le09
- 11:11 AM: aoifac Any tallies in from Dun Laoghaire constituency? #le09
- 11:12 AM: LAMcEvoy Any news on Artane ward yet #le09
- 11:12 AM: RTE_Elections EP election: FF’s Brian Crowley to top the poll in the South constituency
- 11:12 AM: Suzy Byrne Gareth Tubridy at 5 percent
- 11:14 AM: omegar24 Listening to election results on Newstalk. Via Satelite Television! Glad i thought of that, else i was spending the day in the Car!! #LE09
- 11:14 AM: BrianGreene @briangreene on 5% 65% of boxes opened (tally) #le09
- 11:14 AM: Iceman Any DSC tallies?
- 11:15 AM: Stephen Spillane Sorting finished. Moving to city hall shortly. 1st result for south west expected at around 5. Others similar. #Le09
- 11:15 AM: Suzy Byrne Dublin South Central? @Iceman? early South West City stuff way back will look for update.
- 11:16 AM: Stephen Spillane Sorting finished. Moving to city hall shortly. 1st result for south west expected at around 5. Others similar. #Le09
- 11:16 AM: TheEmergency George obviously knows how to work a Luas stop. Oh, and a constant TV presence for years. winner of Celebrity Election. #le09
- 11:16 AM: BrianGreene @briangreene on 5% 65% of boxes opened (tally) #le09
- 11:17 AM: RTE_Elections EP election: Former GAA head Sean Kelly (FG) to take second seat in South
- 11:17 AM: SimonHaden Clare CC Ennistymon area – I spoke to AM Flanagan and some positive tallies so probably fighting for last seat. So maybe a gain for Greens !
- 11:17 AM: Iceman Crumlin Kimmage is what i’m looking for?
- 11:18 AM: Suzy Byrne @SimonHaden – if you speak with her again tell her I said hello!
- 11:19 AM: Suzy Byrne @Iceman Heard Upton and Byrne were safe – nothing else so far – will keep looking.
- 11:19 AM: keatingciara #le09 anyone heard anything out of clare??
- 11:19 AM: samuelbowman @sheehanpaul Too right. Decades of hectoring anybody in power followed by the most craven two years in their party’s history. #le09
- 11:19 AM: sheehanpaul Looks like those greens are getting the hammering they deserve. I hope Dan Boyle and co are finished #le09
- 11:19 AM: Elrobo RTE’s coverage and discussion far out weighs Newstalks today
- 11:19 AM: RTE_Elections Green Party TD Ciaran Cuffe has said the party’s performance in the elections opens up the question of whether they should be in Government
- 11:19 AM: irishelection @Fergal Trim Electoral Area – 2 FF safe, 1 FG safe no seat for labour as last seat likely to go for FG too. #le09
- 11:20 AM: dannyboy anybody got any idea how conway-walch is doing in belmullet-achill
- 11:20 AM: barratree O’Gorman (Greens) on 9.2% with all but one box in #le09 #fb
- 11:20 AM: eoinpurcell Any danger that Higgins FG won’t take seat in north west? #le09
- 11:20 AM: EmilyTully #le09 Ganley and Harkin in joint 3rd place in the Donegal Euro tally
- 11:20 AM: keatingciara #le09 eoghan murphy might take seat off edie wynne. Tubs not polling well FF might well split vote and lose a seat, no news on labour nos?
- 11:21 AM: Mark_Coughlan Shay Brennan is “in it for the longhaul” and would consider Senead. #le09
- 11:22 AM: Iceman Crumlin/Kimmage – Byrne Lab, Collins – PBP. Safe. Ardagh FF, McGinley, FG, McHugh SF & Upton Lab in a battle for final two seats.
- 11:23 AM: irishelection Midday update with some nuggets from live blog url.ie @Suzybie working the liveblog url.ie #LE09
- 11:23 AM: themayonews Despite a high-profile campaign, Labour Town Councillor, Keith Martin looks like he’ll be fighting for the last seat on Westport town Co …
- 11:24 AM: cianflah From TAllaght – SP should keep their seat Dermot Looney (LAb) in fight with FF for final seat
- 11:26 AM: Johnp63 Just looking at list of parties and realized for the first time no PDs listed. Wonderfull #le09
- 11:27 AM: RTE_Elections Local elections: Tallies show Fine Gael outperforming Fianna Fail in many areas with Independent candidates also doing extremely well
- 11:27 AM: Bazalini Higgins is home in a boat
- 11:28 AM: Mark_Coughlan Net connection not great in RDS, taking pics.. waiting on Lee announcement. #le09
- 11:28 AM: samuelbowman Ex-PDs doing well in Galway East
- 11:28 AM: samuelbowman @Johnp63 Oh harsh, at least we gave people somebody to hate! The Greens just don’t fill the “coldhearted villain” role as well #le09
- 11:28 AM: RTE_Elections Local elections: Fianna Fail polling just above 20% in many areas, but better in Clare, Tipperary, Leitrim, Longford, Kilkenny and Carlow
- 11:29 AM: wendylimerick Any news on Rebecca Moynihan (Lab) in Dublin?
- 11:29 AM: Iceman A boat fair play but will hw get elected?
- 11:29 AM: cianflah Rte news are wrongly reporting that mark deareys wife took a town council seat. Its his sister in law
- 11:29 AM: samuelbowman Cork’s 96fm are saying Cork SE (my ward) might return only 1 FF cllr. Never been so proud to be from Ballintemple! #le09
- 11:30 AM: RTE_Elections Local elections: Fine Gael are polling well over 30% in places such as Cork city, Waterford, Limerick and Galway
- 11:30 AM: sarahphelan Any updates on macroom area vote count? #le09
- 11:31 AM: Stephen Spillane Party vote in south west: fg 36.44%, ff 25.49%, lab 22.64%, sf 10.91%, gp 4.52%. 75% Tally #le09
- 11:31 AM: RTE_Elections Local elections: Labour is doing well in some urban areas like Dublin city, and county Waterford
- 11:31 AM: politicalthicko are there any fianna fail councillors being elected who aren’t a TDs son or daughter? #le09
- 11:32 AM: Dublin 12 How is Ballyfermot Jackson doing
- 11:32 AM: Iceman A right kick in the teeth for FG if they do not win DC bye-election.
- 11:32 AM: davidcochrane Are my comments coming up?
- 11:33 AM: Iceman Stop whinging David. Lol.
- 11:33 AM: Elrobo Former PDs are doing well though, according to RTE
- 11:33 AM: EmilyTully #le09 Mary Coughlan “reduction in FF vote in Letterkenny expected, taken aback by Pat the Cope’s votes so far and surprised by Ganley”
- 11:33 AM: RTE_Elections Bye-elections: If Fine Gael’s George Lee wins Dublin South on the first count, it will be the first such victory for the party since 1975
- 11:34 AM: Alexia Golez Coughlan on Highland Radio “great to see our two people doing strong” “expectation that JHiggins would do better, but has not transferred and Ganley coming through.. quite a mix between Local Elections and FG doing well, but not transferring to the Euros”
- 11:35 AM: Iceman No i do not think so. No meltdown for FF, pity. Now the Greens will possibly fall apart.
- 11:35 AM: irishelection @mark_coughlan pic?
- 11:37 AM: Mark_Coughlan Conor Lenihan just arrived and kissed Shay Brennan on the forehead. Odd.
- 11:38 AM: Iceman Michael Martin saying his Brothers are on a knife edge to win seats in Cork. A good day.
- 11:38 AM: Bazalini Anyone who says FF are not in meltdown are living on Cloud Cuckoo land
- 11:38 AM: Dublin 12 Vincent Jackson was around D12 yesterday in a bus owned by Cathloic Youth Care (CYC) that was sponsored by AIB. Wonder was the driver also employed by CYC. Did not think the use of youth service facilities funded by one of our wonderful banks could be used to support an election campaign.
- 11:39 AM: politicalthicko shay brennan on radio 1 the election “was a fantastic experience” – he’s clearly into S&M #le09
- 11:39 AM: fintanr local independent vote is completely unsustainable in a GE… does this render a large part of local results irrelevant for analysis? #le09
- 11:40 AM: wendylimerick LOL @Conor Lenihan just arrived and kissed Shay Brennan on the forehead. Odd.
- 11:40 AM: Iceman Ballyfermot tallies anyone?
- 11:41 AM: stevenconlon #le09 EP elections tally Letterkenny area have FF at 32.1%, SF at 22.87%, Harkin in 3rd (no numbers), Libertas 11.30%
- 11:41 AM: jonathangrimes RT @TheEmergency: Greens might have no councillors. Will they get the hint finally? #le09
- 11:41 AM: Elrobo Shay Brennan congratulating Lee already on Radio 1
- 11:41 AM: stevenconlon #le09 EP elections tally Letterkenny area have FF at 32.1%, SF at 22.87%, Harkin in 3rd (no numbers), Libertas 11.30%
- 11:41 AM: eoinpurcell is liveblog picking up the twitter posts correctly #le09
- 11:41 AM: samuelbowman SBrennan’s not that bad, tbh, I am a bit sorry it was him that got a beating. His dad was a gent and he’s not the worst of FF at all #le09
- 11:42 AM: eoinpurcell @davidcochrane Figured, but the tallies (incomplete as they are) suggest some higher Ganley support than expected! #le09
- 11:43 AM: Campaign_Watch Maurice Ahern concedes defeat in Dublin Central #le09
- 11:43 AM: Campaign_Watch Dublin Central tallies: O’Sullivan 26%, Donohoe 22%, Bacik 17%, Burke 14%, Ahern 12%, Geary 3% #le09
- 11:44 AM: PJ Coogan tony fitzgerald may now hold out for FF in Cork NW .. his tally came back in later boxes but my number-cruncher here is predicting a worrying night for Damian Wallace FF in North Central ..
- 11:44 AM: TheEmergency RT @naoisen: McGuinness machine looks set to retain 4 seats for FF in Kilkenny city holding party vote at 34% and eating into Labour’s #le09
- 11:44 AM: aoifecarroll Final Central Tally: O’Sullivan 26, Donohue 22, Bacik 17, Burke 14, Ahern 12, Geary 3
- 11:44 AM: keatingciara #le09 ahern concedes defeat… tee hee. heard rumours he might be in trouble for the council seat too!
- 11:45 AM: rianomurchu In Youghal TC, Beecher (FG) and Coyne (FF) well ahead on tallies.#le09
- 11:46 AM: cianflah Mark Mortell getting very worked up about FG on 34% shouldnt they be doing better though?
- 11:46 AM: irishelection RT @naoisen McGuinness machine looks set to retain 4 seats for FF in Kilkenny city holding party vote at 34% and eating into Labour’s
- 11:46 AM: owencorrigan owencorrigan Maureen O’Sullivan there on Newstalk bigging up her parish pumpery over blow-in Ivana. PFFFFFTT! #le09
- 11:46 AM: JL Pagano I wonder if even the most hardened FFer really believes the poor showing is a typical mid term blip? #le09
- 11:47 AM: thusspakeblixa McHugh to squeeze ahead of Ardagh in Crunlin-Kimmage? Please? #le09
- 11:49 AM: squidlimerick Fine Gael candidates set to top polls in both Newcastle West and Rathkeale, while Hannon (labour) leading in Adare #le09
- 11:49 AM: politicalthicko Maureen O’Sullivan starts to refer to herself in the 3rd person on radio 1 “It’s the Maureen O’Sullivan thing to do”… how humble #le09
- 11:50 AM: RTE_Elections Bye-elections: Fianna Fail’s candidate in Dublin South bye-election, Shay Brennan, has conceded defeat to Fine Gael’s George Lee
- 11:50 AM: Suzy Byrne Maureen O’Sullivan is waiting on her students to come out of the English Exam before going to the count.
- 11:50 AM: samuelbowman Yes, Bacik did badly. Always a mistake to run in Dub-C but she’s the most offputting candidate imaginable without a FF after her name. #le09
- 11:51 AM: kingkane Right taking a break to digest the tallies and have lunch. Still waiting to hear about Killorglin tallies #le09
- 11:51 AM: squidlimerick Bye-Elections watch Lee (Fine Gael) and O’Sullivan (Independent) set to take the two Dail seats #le09
- 11:51 AM: RTE_Elections Local elections: Brid Smith (People Before Profit) expected to take seat in Dublin City Council
- 11:51 AM: aoifac Any estimate yet of what time the George Lee 1st count will be at? #le09
- 11:51 AM: squidlimerick Bye-Elections watch Lee (Fine Gael) and O’Sullivan (Independent) set to take the two Dail seats #le09
- 11:51 AM: squidlimerick Bye-Elections watch Lee (Fine Gael) and O’Sullivan (Independent) set to take the two Dail seats #le09
- 11:51 AM: PoliticsIE RT @naoisen: McGuinness machine looks set to retain 4 seats for FF in Kilkenny city holding party vote at 34% and eating into Labour’s #le09
- 11:51 AM: politicalthicko Maureen O’Sullivan starts to refer to herself in the 3rd person on radio 1 “It’s the Maureen O’Sullivan thing to do”… how humble #le09
- 11:52 AM: squidlimerick Fine Gael candidates set to top polls in both Newcastle West and Rathkeale, while Hannon (labour) leading in Adare #le09
- 11:53 AM: pedrorq Honestly innocent question – why are electors so disappointed at FF after so many years of growth? #le09
- 11:53 AM: cianflah Dermot Ahern knifing candidates left right and centre on RTE today as if it is down to them that the party cant muster a vote. Intimating that Ahern machine didnt want to put maurice forward.
- 11:53 AM: RTE_Elections Local elections: Tallies suggest Fianna Fail could lose up to 40 council seats nationwide, pundits say
- 11:54 AM: themayonews No surprises in Westport Electoral Area, Fine Gael will take three seats easily, Flynn and the two O’Malleys, with Margaret Adams.
- 11:54 AM: cianflah Glencullen LEA: Lettie (Lab) 26%, Joyce FG 16%, Richmond FG 16%, Murphy FF, 12, Byrne FF, 9%, O Sulivan Lab 7%, Wyse 6%
- 11:55 AM: sendboyle @samuelbowman I’m far from smug or happy. I haven’t said anything about these very very disappointing results. #le09
- 11:56 AM: themayonews Sinn Féin councillor Dave Keatiing will have a real battle to hold on to his seat on Westport Town Council.
- 11:56 AM: cianflah Garret Tubridy on 4.4%
- 11:57 AM: samuelbowman @pedrorq Fast growth followed by faster collapse ≠ good econ mngmnt. FF never looked past their next election for economic plans. #le09
- 11:58 AM: owencorrigan Eoin Ryan on 14% to Mary Lou’s 13.5%, Joe only on 11% – with FF transfers to come, ooh… #le09
- 11:59 AM: Simon McGarr Who says Shea Brennan gets to concede George’s win? He wasn’t even 2nd. #le09
- 12:01 PM: Campaign_Watch FF’s Shay Brennan concedes defeat to FG’s George Lee #le09
- 12:02 PM: RTE_Elections RTE TV Elections 2009 has just gone on air. Watch it or listen to RTE Radio One coverage on line at www.rte.ie
- 12:02 PM: aoifecarroll Tubridy on 4.4% in Pembroke! Looks like 3 Labour hold there #Le09
- 12:02 PM: irishelection Shay Brennan gives his reaction ot George Lee’s win over at Irish Election #LE09 url.ie HT @mark_coughlan
- 12:04 PM: Campaign_Watch Hanafin says exit polls ‘disappointing’ yet ‘not entirely unexpected’ #le09
- 12:04 PM: politicalthicko greens set to take 2% of euro votes. How’s planet bertie for you now gormley? #le09
- 12:04 PM: keatingciara @aoifecarroll #le09 woohoo! apart from Tubs’n'Tiles dismal showing any other numbers?
- 12:04 PM: squidlimerick Tallies Kilmallock Heffernan (lab) 23 percent Donegan (Fine Gael ) 18 percent #le09
- 12:05 PM: Campaign_Watch Hanafin says exit polls ‘disappointing’ yet ‘not entirely unexpected’ #le09
- 12:05 PM: rianomurchu At least one Tubridy has had a good month
- 12:06 PM: squidlimerick Live 95 FM estimate Adare FF1 FG 2 Lab 1 #le09
- 12:06 PM: gavreilly On lunch at the Sth Dublin count. From casually overhearing tallymen here, it looks like Eoin Ryan got a healthy share of 1st prefs. #le09
- 12:06 PM: squidlimerick Live 95 FM estimate Adare FF1 FG 2 Lab 1 #le09
- 12:06 PM: niamhvus Applause for Kevin Humphreys as he arrives in count centre. Topped poll in SEIC. #le09
- 12:06 PM: rianomurchu At least one Tubridy has had a good month
- 12:07 PM: adam_douglas3 FermoyTC 1st count: Bowes (Ind) 67, Hartnett (FF) 66 Douglas (Green) 65, Hughes (Ind) 48, Hutton (Ind) 28, Carey (Ind) 22 #le09 – long day!!
- 12:10 PM: Suzy Byrne Caatelconell – 72 percent of boxes open – Egan, J. (F.G.) 1,116 11.40%, Forde-Brennan, T. (G.P.) 190 1.94% Gleeson, N. (F.F.) 1,060 10.83%, Harty, M. (F.G.) 981 10.02% Jackman, M. (F.G.) 1,127 11.51%, Keating, S. (S.F.) 171 1.75% Meagher, J. (F.F.) 466 4.76%, Secas, E. (L.P.) 696 7.11%, Sheehan, M. (F.G.) 635 6.49% Stokes, B. (F.F.) 457 4.67%
Teefy, B. 1,276 13.04%
Wade, E. (F.F.) 1,614 16.49% - 12:10 PM: nmcgivney Newstalk on radio in kitchen and on itunes upstairs. Half minute delay on iTunes. Kitchen getting results before upstairs. #le09
- 12:10 PM: wendylimerick Ganely doing well in Clare and Galway city-Newstalk
- 12:11 PM: Stephen Spillane Looks like an fg 1, 2 in south east. Des cahill topping, mcgonile 2nd. Fight on for 3rd fg seat. #le09
- 12:11 PM: Stephen Spillane Looks like an fg 1, 2 in south east. Des cahill topping, mcgonile 2nd. Fight on for 3rd fg seat. #le09
- 12:11 PM: skearon Tally %: Arklow – 67, Bray -74, East – 75, Greystones – 94 & West – 74; coming in slowly
- 12:12 PM: Iceman Ferris doing much better than expected in Cork city! Details to follow.
- 12:12 PM: wendylimerick Brian Stokes FF in Castleconnell is Peter Power right hand man
- 12:13 PM: Suzy Byrne Limerick City East – 92 percent of boxes open Collopy, T. (S.F.) 296 6.60%
Daly, J. 232 5.17%
Gilligan, J. 918 20.46%
Hannan, N. 380 8.47%
Mason, P. 41 0.91%
McCarthy, D. (F.G.) 526 11.72%
McInerney, C. (F.F.) 166 3.70%
McLoughlin, G. (L.P.) 731 16.29%
O’Hanlon, K. (F.F.) 733 16.34%
Shanahan, J. 178 3.97%
Vereker, C. 286 - 12:13 PM: Riven Labour win 3 seats on Naas Town Council. Fianna Fáil down to one from three. LE09
- 12:13 PM: wendylimerick FF In Cork City only polled 22.66% local election
- 12:15 PM: Suzy Byrne Live tallies from Limerick Local elections counts reckon.constructsoftware.ie
- 12:15 PM: squidlimerick Limerick City North [95fm) Fahey Byrne Scully Kennedy, set to be elected. Long (FG) Houlihan (independent) in trouble #le09
- 12:15 PM: eoinpurcell Go on George Lee! Declaration in five minutes on RTE #le09
- 12:15 PM: barratree Joe 28% and eithne loftus 23% elected on first count. Quota is 20% Going home for lunch. Transfers will be interesting. #le09
- 12:15 PM: JennyJeffer Any news on Clare Daly?
- 12:17 PM: Suzy Byrne @Jennyjeffer – Clare Daly topping poll in Swords – and Socialists doing very well in Fingal and other places!
- 12:17 PM: ireland Follow Irish local election results this weekend by monitoring #le09 as the political landscape shifts to the left.
- 12:18 PM: Bazalini RTE: Euro Election Exit Poll
FG 30%
FF 23%
Lab 16%
SF 12%
Libertas 4%
Socialist 3%
Green 2%
Ind 10%Sample: 3,000
moe 1%c - 12:18 PM: squidlimerick Correction imerick City SOUTH [95fm) Fahey Byrne Scully Kennedy, set to be elected. Long (FG) Houlihan (independent) in trouble #le09
- 12:19 PM: joe what about galway county
- 12:19 PM: omegar24 Per RTE Apparently Ciaran Cuffe TD has questioned if the Greens should stay in Gov with FF!! Bring on the Vote of No Confidence!! #LE09
- 12:19 PM: gomaonaigh Cllr. Paddy Cosgrave is topping the poll with one box remaining to be tallied #le09
- 12:22 PM: Stephen Spillane FG in trouble on northside of cork. Could loose 2 seats. Gosch and o’callaghan in trouble #le09
- 12:22 PM: Stephen Spillane FG in trouble on northside of cork. Could loose 2 seats. Gosch and o’callaghan in trouble #le09
- 12:25 PM: Iceman Protest Vote going too SP & PBP but not SF. RTE.
- 12:26 PM: ann_donnelly @spiller2 Where’s best place to get local results. Want to see Co Council Skibb district #Le09
- 12:26 PM: stevenconlon #le09 Tally for EP in Donegal / Inishowen / Letterkenny FF: 31.92, SF: 29, Harkin 12.44, Ganley: 10.9
- 12:27 PM: niamhvus Loving my first count. Great for a politics information junkie
- 12:29 PM: RTE_Elections Fianna Fail’s Maurice Ahern, seen as out of contention in the Dublin Central bye-election, may also lose his Dublin City council seat
- 12:29 PM: aoifecarroll Labour gain in Mulhuddart-O’Donovan & Nulty to win, Hamill to hold in Castleknock #Le09
- 12:31 PM: aoifecarroll Labour gain in Mulhuddart-O’Donovan & Nulty to win, Hamill to hold in Castleknock #Le09
- 12:31 PM: faduda New blog post: What The Tallyman Saw II (Kildare /Celbridge) #le09 faduda.ie
- 12:32 PM: Suzy Byrne Off for a smoke…lunch being taken at counts around the country – thanks to everyone for sending info #le09
- 12:32 PM: Simon McGarr Just saw some school uniforms. Spare a thought for Leaving Certs running through the rain. Tougher than any count. #le09
- 12:32 PM: samuelbowman @marloft How many votes have been seen in Ire NW, do you know? Is there potential for a big swing when eg Clare comes in? #le09
- 12:32 PM: aoifecarroll Gallagher & Moyinhan to win in SWIC, another Labour gain #Le09
- 12:34 PM: igaeilge #le09 #EP09 #gaeilge bit.ly for breis eolais.
- 12:34 PM: keatingciara #le09 seriously are they opening any boxes in clare????
- 12:34 PM: thusspakeblixa #le09 Any more news from Crumlin-Kimmage?
- 12:34 PM: igaeilge #le09 #EP09 First item in advisory booklet for FF candidates in General Election handbook: Decreased party logo leads to increased vote.
- 12:34 PM: aoifecarroll Gallagher & Moyinhan to win in SWIC, another Labour gain #Le09
- 12:35 PM: aoifecarroll Eric Byrne to top poll in Crumlin Kimmage, Henry Upton well placed for another Lab gain #Le09
- 12:35 PM: Stephen Spillane Carrigaline tally. Forde fg 16.8%, mcgrath ff 16.6%, lombard fg 14.3%, collins fg 12.35%
- 12:35 PM: irishelection Exit polls are good for FG, Ganley and Higgins url.ie #LE09
- 12:36 PM: marloft Jim Fahy predicts slugfest for Euro seats in North & West #le09
- 12:36 PM: Mark_Coughlan @cianflah @suzybie @irishelection is the site down? Doesnt seem to be loading for me…
- 12:37 PM: Stephen Spillane Carrigaline tally. Forde fg 16.8%, mcgrath ff 16.6%, lombard fg 14.3%, collins fg 12.35% #le09
- 12:37 PM: Stephen Spillane Carrigaline tally. Forde fg 16.8%, mcgrath ff 16.6%, lombard fg 14.3%, collins fg 12.35% #le09
- 12:37 PM: Bazalini @sendboyle – Dan – You going to give us an official response or can we use this one – “I’m far from smug or happy. I haven’t said anything about these very very disappointing results”
- 12:37 PM: Elrobo Lenihan getting his pants in a twist on Radio1 @ SeanOR…”you let everyone else speak for sometime”. Lenihan is adamant that FF will stay put until 2012
- 12:38 PM: Iceman Crumlin/Kimmage Eric Byrne, Joan Collins, Ruairi McGinley in. Ardagh and Upton fight last seat as SF loss.
- 12:38 PM: Iceman 27% of Dublin Euro boxes opened and its a dogfight for the 3rd seat with SP, FF & SF.
- 12:39 PM: Simon McGarr FF have their line set out by now: These elections don’t count. #le09
- 12:39 PM: Jnisbet Pen Rathmines – murphy 15, Quinn 11.5, Lacey 10.5, Freehill 10.2, Wynne 9.7, mccarten 9.4, donnelly 7.8, O’Callaghan 7.7 #le09
- 12:39 PM: aoifecarroll Aodohan O’Riordan to win in Clontarf, Andrew Montague, Paddy Bourke will hold in Artane #Le09
- 12:40 PM: marloft Sligo: Harkin 49%, Ganley 31%, The Cope 6%, Higgins 5% Haven’t hear anything about O’Keefe #le09
- 12:41 PM: RTE_Elections Minister Micheal Martin: ‘This is not a good day for Fianna Fail in electoral terms.’
- 12:43 PM: Suzy Byrne Granard LEA (Longford) Tally Stokes (Ind) 111, Maura K-h FG 99 PJ Reilly 85 quota 61
- 12:43 PM: Iceman Ardagh 400 votes ahead of Upton. Eric Byrne got 3,500 and Upton looks like he may gain huge from Byrne.
- 12:44 PM: skearon Just waiting on last box Wicklow CC East Tally
- 12:44 PM: dickobrien Any overall tallies for Dublin City Council floating around yet?
- 12:44 PM: paudok Arklow TN Final Tally: Fitz 1346, Demp 848, Annsl 567, Kelly 537 #le09
- 12:44 PM: Mark_Coughlan Some problems with @irishelection I stuck up a post on www.markcoughlan.com in the meantime
- 12:44 PM: paudok #le09 Nicky Kelly’s vote down in Arklow town from 1355 to 537!!!
- 12:45 PM: Mark_Coughlan Some problems with @irishelection I stuck up a post on www.markcoughlan.com in the meantime #le09
- 12:46 PM: Stephen Spillane hey sorry for not interacting with people. didnt have access.
- 12:46 PM: Stephen Spillane @ann_donnelly Skibb dont have the foggiest, im sorry!
- 12:47 PM: RTE_Elections Local elections: Labour could gain up to three seats on Kildare county council
- 12:47 PM: Suzy Byrne Qik’s from RDS www.qik.com
- 12:48 PM: irishelection @lexia Cabra is maurice ahern let us know how he is doin
- 12:48 PM: thusspakeblixa SF’s Ray McHugh appears to have lost out in Crumlin-Kimmage. -Tallaght Echo #LE09
- 12:49 PM: Iceman Crumlin/Kimmage & SWIC could see Lab, PBP gains. DSC Prediction. SF 2 -1, FF 0 -1, FG 2 O, PBP 2 +1, IND 1 O, Lab 5 +2.
- 12:49 PM: rianomurchu @Tupp_Ed: The XanuFF response is not surprising. #le09
- 12:49 PM: samuelbowman @sheehanpaul I thought so (maybe Euros?) but then why is Martin in city hall? #le09
- 12:49 PM: thusspakeblixa Highest turnout in Drumshanbo- 90%! #LE09
- 12:49 PM: giolchairithe #le09 #EP09 #gaeilge bit.ly
Comhairle do FF short.ie - 12:50 PM: keatingciara #le09 lot of spoiled votes for the euro election in clare, apparently
- 12:50 PM: Stephen Spillane RT @stephencrowley: I can’t believe the electorate is using this to force an alternative gov. It will probably happen. #le09
- 12:50 PM: TheEmergency Confusion about whether @declanganley doing well enough to get seat. Green seat on Clare CoCo likely gone. #le09
- 12:50 PM: Stephen Spillane John Buttimer outpolled @jerrybuttimer!!! Fair play!
- 12:52 PM: RTE_Elections Local elections: Hurler Brian Whelehan fails to win seat for Fine Gael in Offaly, but John Shaw does it for Fianna Fail
- 12:53 PM: irishelection server issues at the moment have let @blacknight know its down, fingers crossed we are back quickly liveblog is humming nicely
- 12:54 PM: Suzy Byrne Dublin Central Tally complete – Lee on 53.4 Brennan on 18 and White on 19% #le09
- 12:54 PM: brianpcleary #le09 George Lee on 53.4% in the 100% tally
- 12:54 PM: thusspakeblixa How’s Joan Collins doing in Crumlin-Kimmage? #LE09
- 12:54 PM: lexia Ahern could lose Cllr seat. Averaging about 20-30 votes per box for the 12 boxes I watched. Labour’s Clancy was about the same/better #le09
- 12:56 PM: Suzy Byrne Joe higgins tells Sean O’Rourke on radio 1 not to count him out in Dublin Euro seat
- 12:56 PM: Iceman Crowe & King safe for SF on SDCC. Any word on O’ Connor in Clondalkin?
- 12:56 PM: RTE_Elections Bye-elections: Final Dublin South tally confirms FG’s George Lee tops the poll on 53.4%
- 12:56 PM: lexia Qikking live – #le09
qik.com - 12:58 PM: keatingciara #le09 Maurice Ahern on RTE. its disappointing… understatement of the year!
- 12:59 PM: RTE_Elections Minister for Foreign Affairs Micheal Martin says Brian Cowen’s leadership will not be challenged
- 1:00 PM: Suzy Byrne Dublin City Local – Cabra /Glasnevin Tally – 50 percent boxes open – Maurice Ahern on 8 .3 percent – Mary Fitzpatrick on 21%
- 1:00 PM: keithnolan RT @WHExaminer: preliminary tallies up on Westmeath Examiner site bit.ly #le09
- 1:00 PM: stevenconlon #le09 RT @sligococo Result for Sligo Borough Council East ward twurl.nl
- 1:01 PM: Suzy Byrne Sligo County Council East Ward – Declan Bree Tops poll with 1.5 quota – results www.sligoborough.ie
- 1:01 PM: Paddy Any word on how Donie Fell is doing in Waterford?
- 1:02 PM: niamhvus Madness as Maureen O’Sullivan arrives #le09
- 1:04 PM: RTE_Elections Minister for Social and Family Affairs Mary Hanafin says local candidates have taken the brunt of people’s upset and anger
- 1:04 PM: squidlimerick RTE: FF vote falls by 40 percent in Nenagh (estimate) FF set to lose 3 seats #le09
- 1:04 PM: Bazalini @WHExaminer What is the party share in Iarmhi
- 1:06 PM: Stephen Spillane @ann_donnelly 3 will be elected on first count!!
all happy here
- 1:06 PM: Suzy Byrne Bazalini – see whexaminer website ?
- 1:07 PM: thusspakeblixa FF ‘holding its own’ in Roscommon – RTE Local Election Results #le09
- 1:07 PM: Stephen Spillane FG to loose 3 seats in Cork County Council and 2 on City Council #le09
- 1:08 PM: cianflah How do Fine Gael lose three seats in cork spiller?
- 1:08 PM: lexia Fitzpatrick 18.1, Clancy 15.1, Perry 14.4, McGrattan 9.9, O’Shea 9, Kearney 8.1, Ahern 8.4, Keegan 6.5, Fitzgerald 6.4,mcNab 4.3
- 1:09 PM: endamadden Heres hoping RT @lexia: Ahern could lose Cllr seat.
- 1:09 PM: Dublin 12 Anyone hear how Vincent Jackson of Ballyfermot is doing
- 1:10 PM: naoisen Polish McGuinness candidate Anna Michalska in with a shout for 5th FF seat in Kilkenny city.
- 1:11 PM: brianpcleary #le09 Clonmel Borough Council tally suggests Healy (Ind) Ambrose FF) Ryan (Lab) Dunne (FG) Molloy (FF) with Healy’s transfers dictating rest
- 1:11 PM: Bazalini I was looking a complete county breakdown. Looks like Labour remains a WH stronghold. I even think FG might be down
- 1:11 PM: Samuel Is irishelection.com dead?
- 1:11 PM: Suzy Byrne @samuel should be back
- 1:11 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Gilroy tops Blarney tally bit.ly
- 1:12 PM: keatingciara #le09 well done newstalk webcam for george hook
- 1:12 PM: Campaign_Watch WatchPeople Before Profit’s Richard Boyd Barrett tops poll in DL ward, colleague Hugh Lewis in the mix for seat in Ballybrack ward #le09
- 1:12 PM: Fergal Heading out to ballsbridge in torrential rain, @ghook in my earphones #le09
- 1:13 PM: PoliticsIE RT @Campaign_Watch: Greens set to lose all four Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown council seats, FF may lose five of seven #le09
- 1:13 PM: conorp @rodericogorman Was just reading that, shame. Never know, you might get Mahony’s transfers
- 1:13 PM: wendylimerick Hanifin looking really uncomfortable re Cowen Leadership
- 1:13 PM: Johnp63 Rouri Quinn says civil war over. Votes simply moving from one centrest party to centre right party #le09
- 1:14 PM: irishelection thanks to the fantastic @blacknight the site is back up with a post from the RDS by @mark_coughlan url.ie #le09
- 1:15 PM: cianflah Deaglan De Breadun on newstalk thinks FF are doing better than we thought, classic expectation game stuff here – we have no idea how FF have done yet. They have not won either by election and we have no idea on councils or MEP seats
- 1:16 PM: Stephen Spillane Food bein put in front of me. Love the buttimers!!
- 1:17 PM: squidlimerick 100 percent of city east boxes open. Gilligan, (independent) O’Hanlon (FF) McLoughlan (labour) McCarthy (FG) look safe #le09
- 1:17 PM: dannyburke I’m watching Count Day Liveblog #le09 on @scribblelive scrbliv.me
- 1:17 PM: Samuel thanks suzie
- 1:17 PM: cianflah Lexia has maureen o sulivan interview on qik www.qik.com
- 1:19 PM: Stephen Spillane FG may loose seats in Kanturk, Bandon and Skibbereen. #le09
- 1:21 PM: squidlimerick City South Fahey (FG) Leddin (lab) Scully (FG) Scully(FG) McLoughlan (lab) kennedy (ind) Wallace, Houlihan (ind) Long (FG) in trouble #le09
- 1:21 PM: UmarAhmed RT @owencorrigan Eoin Ryan on 14% to Mary Lou’s 13.5%, Joe only on 11% – with FF transfers to come, ooh… #le09
- 1:21 PM: Suzy Byrne RT @lexia: Qikking live – #le09 qik.com <= maureen o’sullivan
- 1:21 PM: Stephen Spillane FG may loose seats in Kanturk, Bandon and Skibbereen. #le09
- 1:21 PM: Iceman Whats up with FG leaking seats all over Cork?
- 1:22 PM: Samuel Any word on tally for Dublin CC Clontarf? Sorry from this newbie if this has already been answered but can’t find search field here.
- 1:22 PM: irishelection RT @suzybieRT @lexia: Qikking live – #le09 qik.com <= maureen o’sullivan
- 1:23 PM: pat how is jim higgins doing in euro NW#le09
- 1:23 PM: Johnp63 George “i effin told yous” Lee arriving at count centre. The story of the election??? #le09
- 1:23 PM: lexia The George Lee media scrum is 100 bodies fucking wide. Jesus. #le09
- 1:24 PM: Suzy Byrne Cork FG vote on northside of Cork is collapsing – going to Labour/SF/Ind – tallies and reports are welcome!
- 1:24 PM: dinglenews RTE NEWS reports the final Dublin South bye-election tally confirms FG’s George Lee tops the poll on 53.4%
- 1:24 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: HSE worker leading Mallow tally bit.ly
- 1:26 PM: Suzy Byrne Alexia has Enda on qik qik.com
- 1:27 PM: irishelection @lexia is must watch Qiking – now presser with Enda www.qik.com #LE09
- 1:27 PM: eoinwilson Ballybrack, 100% tally. FG 29.8%; FF 11.4%; Lab 34.2; GP 5.4; PBP 15.5%; SF 3.6%
- 1:27 PM: Campaign_Watch FG’s Enda Kenny hails ‘spectacular’ victory for George Lee and ‘historic’ performance of party across Ireland #le09
- 1:27 PM: niamhvus They sang George Lee to the tune of Olé Olé #le09
- 1:28 PM: Iceman Jesus how boring is Kenny to listen too.
- 1:28 PM: cymorg FF Tom Reilly tops poll in Tuam Town Council
- 1:28 PM: dickobrien George Lee is being absolutely mobbed
- 1:28 PM: RTE_Elections George Lee says he anticipates a change in government
- 1:29 PM: wendylimerick Lee next leader of FG worth a bet
- 1:31 PM: themayonews Castlebar Town Council first count due in 30 minutes. It looks like FF might only get one seat from nine – Blackie Gavin. #elections
- 1:32 PM: keithnolan Longford town council tally – Nolan, Sexton, Warnock, Connellan, Mitchell, Keogh, Connell, Flaherty, Gilmore bit.ly #le09
- 1:32 PM: themayonews The nine Castlebar Town cllrs look like Kilcoyne, Durcan, Henaghan, Heston, Deere, Ruane, Barrett, Gavin and McCormack #elections
- 1:32 PM: RTE_Elections Local elections: The Green party faces potentially serious losses among the 18 city and county council seats won in the last local elections
- 1:33 PM: themayonews Outgoing Mayor Kevin Guthrie is in a real battle to hold onto his Castlebar TC seat with party colleague Eugene McCormack. #elections
- 1:33 PM: themayonews Eugene McCormack could, conceivably, win a county council seat and lose his town. #elections
- 1:35 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Good results for Kieran McCarthy in tally bit.ly
- 1:35 PM: RTE_Elections Bye-elections: George Lee says ‘to be put down as number one by so many people is an amazing achievement’
- 1:35 PM: g3sicht Lee is stressing economic responsibilty and he’s in a centre right party? wtf? #le09
- 1:35 PM: Campaign_Watch FG’s Enda Kenny hails ‘spectacular’ victory for George Lee and ‘historic’ performance of party across Ireland #le09
- 1:35 PM: Samuel Any on air comments yet about SF’s poor performance? Appear to be losing council seats right across the land. Ireland says no to foreign party!
- 1:35 PM: wendylimerick Anything from Kerry yet? In particular Dingle
- 1:35 PM: Iceman Any news from Lucan, DMW?
- 1:36 PM: keithnolan Longford town council tally – Nolan, Sexton, Warnock, Connellan, Mitchell, Keogh, Connell, Flaherty, Gilmore bit.ly #le09
- 1:36 PM: themayonews In Claremorris the indomnitable Patsy O’Brien looks set to top the poll with John Cribbin and Richard Finn next in line. #elections
- 1:36 PM: Stephen Spillane heading off shortly to City Hall. Will be tweeting via phone unless i find a plug.
- 1:37 PM: squidlimerick Newstalk : Declan Ganley (Libertas) polling well in Clare #le09
- 1:37 PM: krayZpaving Have heard I was named & shamed on RTÉ by Ruairi Quinn as responsible for the Childers campaign. Deny everything! #le09
- 1:37 PM: themayonews It will be three from four for the last three in Claremorris with Ml Burke, Damien Ryan, Ml Carty and Tom Connolly all close.#elections
- 1:37 PM: UnaRocks Still waiting for first count result in galway city east #le09
- 1:37 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Sinn Féin could take three city seats bit.ly
- 1:38 PM: themayonews Outgoing councillors Pat McHugh and Harry Walsh together with newcomer Ger McHale look doomed in Claremorris. #elections
- 1:38 PM: igaeilge #le09 #ep09: Will FF suffer transfers deficit due to candidates reducing size of party logo on posters? bit.ly
- 1:40 PM: Stephen Spillane Heading to carrigaline count #le09
- 1:41 PM: Alanpwoods Any news of Carmichael in Whitehall artane? #le09
- 1:41 PM: Stephen Spillane Heading to carrigaline count #le09
- 1:41 PM: wendylimerick Suprised Ganley is polling well in Clare…any data on Susan O’Keeffe?
- 1:41 PM: Paddy So nothing about Waterford?
- 1:41 PM: Suzy Byrne @paddy no news from waterford I’ve seen anyway
- 1:42 PM: Melanie Peters Labour to take additional seats on Kildare CC
- 1:42 PM: keatingciara #le09 FG swing 42% in clare, SF 11% vote.
- 1:42 PM: thusspakeblixa New blog post: the ‘swing to the left’ – bit.ly
#le09 - 1:43 PM: Longford_Leader NEWS: 1315PM – Town council tally points to Mae’s return: The tally numbers from the Longford Town Council .. tinyurl.com
- 1:44 PM: PM Whats the from the Kildare CC tally?
- 1:44 PM: Suzy Byrne PM – see faduda.ie for reports
- 1:47 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Creed topping Macroom tally bit.ly
- 1:48 PM: Suzy Byrne Newstalk at RDS img36.imageshack.us
- 1:49 PM: Mark_Coughlan Irish election is back.
- 1:49 PM: damienmulley RT @eoinwilson Dun Laoghaire 100%: FG 28.2%; FF 10.6%; PPB 22.8%; Lab 16.5%; GP 5.9%; SF 1.3%; plus 4 indos. #le09
- 1:49 PM: Iceman Boxes missing in Roscommon and Clare.
- 1:54 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Midleton tally results bit.ly
- 1:56 PM: keatingciara #le09 Strong independent showing on ennis town council according to m guilfoyle.
- 1:56 PM: aoifac Any idea of who will get in in Dun Laoghaire ward? #LE09
- 1:56 PM: squidlimerick Dan Boyle set to be blown out of the water going by Limerick boxes .#le09
- 1:56 PM: GregHiggins How are Fianna Fáil doing in Cork North Central (Dáil constituency) Flemming, Sheehan and Brosnan? Barry Keane in the south side…#le09
- 1:56 PM: lexia Qikking live – #le09
qik.com - 1:56 PM: Campaign_Watch FG’s George Lee says he is “absolutely delighted and humbled” by his election victory #le09
- 1:56 PM: OwenRooney Boyd Barrett at 23% in DL; it’s worrying how well the Socialist Workers Party can do with a simple change of name. #le09
- 1:57 PM: proinnsias @aoifac #LE09 dlr tally :RT @eoinwilson FG 28.2%; FF 10.6%; PPB 22.8%; Lab 16.5%; GP 5.9%; SF 1.3%; plus 4 indos
- 1:57 PM: marblefire Tally for north sligo i came second thanks to every one
- 1:58 PM: Suzy Byrne Alexia qik’s Lee’s arrival to talk to George hook qik.com
- 1:59 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Counting to commence at Parochial Hall bit.ly
- 2:00 PM: eoinwilson Dundrum 100%: FF 18%; FG 33%; Lab 19%; GP 8%; SF 4%; Fox (Ind) 10%; two other Indos on 6%. #le09
- 2:00 PM: Stephen Spillane Fg have 2 quotas in macroom electoral area. FF going to loose a seat to lab. #Le09
- 2:00 PM: Stephen Spillane Fg have 2 quotas in macroom electoral area. FF going to loose a seat to lab. #Le09
- 2:02 PM: lexia Qikking live – #le09
qik.com - 2:02 PM: morsolutions Ged Nash (lab) tops North Drogheda poll, also on course for Louth Co Co seat. #le09
- 2:03 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Count begins at City Hall bit.ly
- 2:04 PM: _ep09 By @igaeilge #le09 #-ep09 #gaeilge Laghdaigh an lógó, méadaigh an vóta: Mír 1 i lámhleabhar FF d’iarrthóiri Olltoghcháin i 2012 (nó roi …
- 2:04 PM: cianflah The DL figure for FF is stunning, curious about the Blackrock LEA since they are Min Hanafin strongholds – the scale of meltdown in one of FF most efficient machines is a pretty strong signal
- 2:05 PM: Iceman Lucan looking like, got word from count centre that Keating will poll over 4,000
Looks like
The three FFers on about 1,300 votes altogether
Keating on 1.6 quota with circa 1,500 to distribute
about 30-40% will go to Lavelle which should bring him in
Fifth seat will be a dogfight - 2:05 PM: Bazalini Stuck in Belfast – No TV or Radio. A fecking delight to have this Scribble here and all the other online media.
- 2:06 PM: themayonews First count in in Westport TC, where Martin Keane and Christy Hyland are elected and Fine Gael’s five candidates should take five seats.
- 2:06 PM: squidlimerick Sean Griffin (sf) 342 votes (tally) #le09
- 2:06 PM: squidlimerick Limerick city south Leddin (lab) Fahey (fg) byrne (fg) scully (fg) kennedy (ind) McLoughlan (lab) long (fg) #le09
- 2:07 PM: RTE_Elections EP elections: Outgoing MEP Marian Harkin has enjoyed a landslide victory in Sligo, polling nearly 15,000 votes.
- 2:07 PM: Paddy any word on how Frank Gallagher SP is doing in Drogheda?
- 2:08 PM: themayonews First count in Westport Town Council sees Ind Martin Keane topping the poll and elected and newcomer, Christy Hyland for Fine Gael also …
- 2:08 PM: RTE_Elections EP election: Declan Ganley of Libertas has also polled v well in the NW, standing in second place with nearly 3,500 votes
- 2:08 PM: froodie Brian Meaney (green) still may hold seat in Ennis West. James Breen deffo in from Clare FM #le09
- 2:09 PM: ManAboutCouch RTE TV has decided that showing a profile of Margo is more important than covering the election. #le09
- 2:09 PM: benraue Tally Room: Europe 2009 – Irish results tinyurl.com
- 2:09 PM: Iceman Lions winning at present with two Irish Tries. Just thought i’d add that.
- 2:11 PM: themayonews First count in in Castlebar, Michael Kilcoyne exceeds quota by a whopping 479, and Frank Durcan make a swift return to Marsh House.
- 2:14 PM: cianflah due to forgotten templeougue box it now looks like three labour cllrs from Tallaght (incl Looney) with SP scrapping for final seat
- 2:15 PM: SimonHaden Ennis West (4 seats) Clare Co Co prediction from Clare FM: 1. J Breen (IND); 2 T Mulqueen (FG); 3 T McNamara (FF); 4 B. Meaney (Green)
- 2:15 PM: joe anyone know anymore about wicklow
- 2:16 PM: Suzy Byrne Tally for Dublin Euro – fingal, DLR and dublin city – Mitchell 24.6%, De Rossa 19.7 Ryan 14.2 higgins 13.7, McDonald 10, Byrne 4.2, De Burca 5.4, McKenna 4.1, Simons 3.2% (Newstalk)
- 2:17 PM: Fergal Tally suggests higgins to take last dublin euro seat #le09
- 2:17 PM: tallaghtecho 3:08 : RDS: South West Inner City updateLabour’s Rebecca Moynihan was congratulated by a passer-by near the tally counting area but she r..
- 2:17 PM: Iceman What % is that Euro Tally?
- 2:18 PM: irishelection Inviting all of you to work out who gets Dublins 3rd seat on the tally figures posted url.ie #LE09
- 2:18 PM: Suzy Byrne Not sure on percentage iceman
- 2:18 PM: abigailrieley Sounds very close between @EoinRyanMEP & @VoteJoeHiggins in Dublin Euro vote. According to Newstalk tho Joe could yet win. Early tally tho.
- 2:20 PM: lostexpectation hello balbriggan TC results being webcast at www.fingalcoco.public-i.tv
- 2:21 PM: thusspakeblixa RT@emiltullyAnyone notice that web savvy candidates are doing better? Those with Twitter accounts smelling sucess?- Joe Higgins! #le09
- 2:22 PM: dermotcasey Just heard Joe McCarthy on the radio on Dublin Tally figures. Its thanks to Joe and a few others that we’re having count we can watch.
- 2:23 PM: BrianGreene the radio is talking of tallies that put joe higgins in the running for 3rd seat #le09 #ie09 im still in Fingal Count
- 2:24 PM: Simon McGarr Can anyone get an estimate of spend from the MEP candidates in Dublin? Joe approx 30k. #le09
- 2:24 PM: BrianGreene the radio is talking of tallies that put joe higgins in the running for 3rd seat #le09 #ie09 im still in Fingal Count
- 2:24 PM: froodie #le09 Kilkee Town Council complete is 4FF, 4FG and 1IND (5women for 1st time) from Clare FM
- 2:25 PM: SimonHaden Clare Co Co Ennistymon area. FF vote holding up very strong with 25/32 boxes open. Probably 3 FF; 1 FG and last seat between FF, FG and Green.
- 2:25 PM: Paulo Breaking news of 1 seat each for FG and Labour with Labour, FF & Inde fighting for the last two sets
- 2:26 PM: themayonews Where Michael Kilcoyne’s surplus of 479 votes go will decide so much. Kilcoyne himself expects them to go in every direction. #elections
- 2:26 PM: Suzy Byrne @Paulo Blackrock ?
- 2:27 PM: proinnsias Talk now that there are Dub City Council boxes missing (newstalk) #le09
- 2:27 PM: Mergito #LE09 Mary Jackman set to top poll in Casteconnel, strong FG showing
- 2:27 PM: squidlimerick Dan Neville congratulates “Ballingarry man” George Lee #le09
- 2:28 PM: BrianGreene here we sit in view of the Team Aer Lingus hanger which has lost its SR Technics signage. #le09 Fingal Count Centre
- 2:28 PM: Iceman Any word on SWIC & Ballyfermot?
- 2:29 PM: lexia Oops…. Last Qik was too early
- 2:29 PM: Suzy Byrne SWIC Gallagher and Moynihan are only confirmations I have
- 2:29 PM: BrianGreene Green Party to lose both it seats in Malahide Howth. 2.7 & 4.3% each (full tally) #le09
- 2:29 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Bantry’s O Shea in trouble bit.ly
- 2:29 PM: Fergal Waiting for dart to landsdowne. Anyone in blogger hq, or should i go straight to the count? #le09
- 2:29 PM: BrianGreene Green Party to lose both it seats in Malahide Howth. 2.7 & 4.3% each (full tally) #le09
- 2:30 PM: wendylimerick Congrats to Rebecca Moynihan
- 2:30 PM: Waterfire Any news re john gallagher in dublin swic and labours farren in blackrock? would b grateful.
- 2:30 PM: Suzy Byrne Gallagher is ok from last reports ~Waterfire
- 2:31 PM: Iceman How are SF Minihan and NíDailaigh polling in SWIC & Ballyfermot?
- 2:31 PM: EmilyTully Are the Rush/lusk boxes open yet in Fingal?? #le09
- 2:31 PM: fustar Limerick N: Conor O’Donoghue (Christian Solidarity) has but 0.54% of vote. God reportedly going mental. #le09
- 2:31 PM: thusspakeblixa Tallaght Echo updates from count – bit.ly
#le09 - 2:31 PM: lexia Qikking live – #le09
qik.com - 2:33 PM: BrianGreene Dublin Full tally (expect South Dublin) FG 24.6% Lab 19.7 Ryan 14.2% SP 13.7 SF 10% GP 5% Patrica McKenna 4% Byrne 4% Simmons 3% #ie09
- 2:33 PM: Suzy Byrne
- 2:33 PM: EmilyTully #le09 FF holding on tight to council seats in Donegal
- 2:34 PM: keatingciara #le09 Kilrush Prendiville, Williams, Moroney, Klein, elected
- 2:34 PM: clareconway @dermotcasey last i heard mannix had a seat #le09
- 2:35 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Counting at City Hall bit.ly
- 2:35 PM: Campaign_Watch Dublin City Council tallies: South Inner City – Humphries (Lab) 27.4%, Flynn (Ind) 14.7%. North Inner City: O’Sullivan (Ind) 24.4%. #le09
- 2:35 PM: chiarraigrrl wishing twitter had an edit function so I could put the hashtag #le09 in my irish election posts… ah well!
- 2:35 PM: eoinbannon Longford full tally: FF 34.7%, FG 40.6%, SF 4.7%, Lab 1.4%, Others 18.4%. Caveat: couple of boxes were missed. FG may lose 1or 2 seats #LE09
- 2:35 PM: spacemandc Birr offaly tally: ormond 1506 carroll 1045 mcloughlin 1003…#le09
- 2:36 PM: BrianGreene Joe Higgins has entered the building #le09 he will top the poll in Castleknock, circa 2500+ votes
- 2:37 PM: BrianGreene Joe Higgins has entered the building #le09 he will top the poll in Castleknock, circa 2500+ votes
- 2:37 PM: clicky_here Watch out, gays: @RTE_Elections Declan Ganley of Libertas has polled v well in the NW, in second place with nearly 3,500 votes #le09
- 2:38 PM: themayonews First count finally arrives here in Castlebar, it for Ballina Area, quota is 1,731; Michelle Mulherin is elected with 1,921. # elections
- 2:38 PM: adam_douglas3 Fermoy TC 1st Pref vote (continued)
10McLaughlin (FF) 3.8%
15.Hartnett (FF) 2.3%
16.Douglas (Green) 2.2%
19.Carey (Ind) 0.8% - 2:39 PM: adam_douglas3 Fermoy TC 1st Pref vote
Labour 35%
Fianna Fail 17.4%
Fine Gael 17.3%
Sinn Fein 4.6%
Green 2.2%
Independents 23.4% - 2:39 PM: adam_douglas3 Fermoy TC 1st Pref vote (continued)
5. Corcoran (FF) 5.7%
6. Dolan Moore (FF) 5.6%
7. Pyne (FG) 5%
8. Murphy (Ind) 4.8%
9. Coleman (SF) 4.6% - 2:40 PM: faduda New blog post: What The Tallyman Saw III (Kildare / Naas) #le09 faduda.ie
- 2:40 PM: eoinwilson Blackrock 100% opened. FG 40%; FF 17.5%; Lab 22.6; GP 6.8%; Ind 13.1%. #le09
- 2:40 PM: corkdavid1970 well done Noel McCarthy (Lab) – elected Fermoy TC – 3 quotas #le09
- 2:41 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Count underway at Parochial Hall bit.ly
- 2:43 PM: Stephen Spillane Heading to city hall. Count under way in county and city. #Le09
- 2:43 PM: RTE_Elections Minister Micheal Martin says the election fallout will not raise questions for the FF party over Cowen’s leadership
- 2:43 PM: lexia Thanks for nothing Mannix. He’s too busy.
- 2:43 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Big changes expected at City Hall bit.ly
- 2:45 PM: Stephen Spillane Heading to city hall. Count under way in county and city. #Le09
- 2:45 PM: eoinbannon Caveat re. North-West tally – I think tallying has been v patchy. Nothing comprehensive was done in Longford: no one cared about Euros #LE09
- 2:45 PM: thusspakeblixa Anyone know how the Christian Solidarity fella that ran in 10 consituencies got on?! #le09
- 2:45 PM: Paddy Mulhuddart – 1st count
LP 1 – 1,898
SP (Ruth Coppinger) – 1,705
LP2 – 1,696
FG – 1,649
SF – 1,517 - 2:48 PM: lexia Qikking live – #le09
qik.com - 2:49 PM: lexia Qikking live – #le09
qik.com - 2:50 PM: RTE_Elections Local elections: FG looks likely to gain seats in Carlow, Louth, Clare and Donegal at the expense of sitting FF councillors
- 2:50 PM: krayZpaving George Lee TD has just been declared elected. #le09
- 2:51 PM: BrianGreene @jonathangrimes Corr should hold, he has ~1600 fpv’s on tally #le09
- 2:52 PM: Iceman Close that one, Lol.
- 2:52 PM: PJ Coogan listen to cork counts online www.c103.ie from 6pm till late
- 2:52 PM: cymorg Still nothing about Galway County? Anyone alive out there?
- 2:52 PM: lexia Qikking live – #le09
qik.com - 2:53 PM: TommyCarcetti My staffers are telling me to put on a brave face #LE09
- 2:53 PM: BrianGreene @jonathangrimes Corr should hold, he has ~1600 fpv’s on tally #le09
- 2:53 PM: clicky_here RT @krayZpaving George Lee TD has just been declared elected. #le09
- 2:53 PM: krayZpaving George Lee TD has just been declared elected. #le09
- 2:53 PM: Suzy Byrne
- 2:53 PM: lexia Qikking live – #le09
qik.com - 2:53 PM: Campaign_Watch Lee exceeds quota on first count in Dublin South byelection. Lee elected #le09
- 2:54 PM: BrianGreene I need power, the 12v type..
- 2:54 PM: samuelbowman Just looking at Paddy Power’s list of potential successors to Brian Cowen… Jesus they are fucked. bit.ly #le09
- 2:54 PM: Iceman Jesus the tallys for DCC are slow?
- 2:55 PM: BrianGreene @jonathangrimes Corr should hold, he has ~1600 fpv’s on tally #le09
- 2:55 PM: RTE_Elections Fine Gael’s George Lee has been elected to the Dáil for the Dublin South constituency with more than 27,600 votes
- 2:55 PM: alanhealy Cork City SW – Tally result: Two FF cllrs look safe. Labour may gain extra seat at FG Lord Mayor’s expense. SF also likely to gain seat.
- 2:55 PM: lexia Me phone might die soon!
- 2:55 PM: _ep09 By @giolchairithe #le09 #-ep09 #gaeilge bit.ly
Comhairle do FF short.ie - 2:55 PM: SimonHaden Final tallies for Clare CoCo in next half hour – Clare FM
- 2:56 PM: RTE_Elections The Taoiseach has said that the election results are disappointing for FF, and the people had spoken but it was now time to move forward
- 2:56 PM: squidlimerick RTE: Worst FF result since 1927 #le09 Off to ensconse myself in City Hall.
- 2:56 PM: Stephen Spillane Well @suzybie‘s friend simon harris got elected to greytowns town council with 4 quotas & county with a quota and a half #le09
- 2:57 PM: RTE_Elections The Taoiseach has said the elections were a disappointing result for Fianna Fáil and a poor result by the party’s standards.
- 2:57 PM: lexia Qikking live – #le09
qik.com - 2:58 PM: RTE_Elections Fianna Fáil TD Noel O’Flynn has said the elections have been disastrous and the Government should consider reversing some of the cutbacks
- 2:58 PM: stevenconlon #le09 UPDATE figures for EP09: Donegal TALLY: 44% boxes open: FF 32.49, SF 23.65, Harkin 11.34, Ganley 10.21
- 2:59 PM: lexia Qikking live – #le09
qik.com - 2:59 PM: RTE_Elections Early tallies for the European elections indicate that Libertas’ Declan Ganley is in with a fighting chance in the North-West
- 3:00 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Cork North Central – Early Tallies bit.ly
- 3:02 PM: irishelection @Lexia who was that on your qik? #LE09
- 3:02 PM: BrianGreene SF may lose only seat on Fingal Mulhuddart Paul Donnelly need transfers from the African candidates that are beneath him in vote count #le09
- 3:03 PM: lexia @irishelection maurice ahern I think – atlwast that’s what I called him before and after
- 3:04 PM: lexia @irishelection nope it wasnt him
- 3:04 PM: BrianGreene RT@deanwhitbread it’s terrible the way the Irish Greens f*cked up the Green reputation by propping up the Irish Govt. – awful! // here here
- 3:04 PM: SimonHaden Ennis Town Council 1st Count
- 3:04 PM: lostexpectation who was that lexia was talking too
- 3:04 PM: lostexpectation “and the people had spoken but it was now time to move forward”
- 3:04 PM: BrianGreene SF may lose only seat on Fingal Mulhuddart Paul Donnelly need transfers from the African candidates that are beneath him in vote count #le09
- 3:04 PM: alanhealy Cork City SW – Tally result: Two FF cllrs look safe. Labour may gain extra seat at FG Lord Mayor’s expense. SF likely to gain seat. #le09
- 3:05 PM: lexia @irishelection FF on the ground of Cabra
- 3:05 PM: irishelection @Lexia who was that on your qik? #LE09
- 3:06 PM: sinnfeinireland SF set to make gains in Donegal, Wicklow, Limerick, Waterford, Kerry and Kilkenny. Battles and good polls in Dublin constituencies. SF
- 3:06 PM: lexia @irishelection epic confusion
was from Ahern camp
- 3:06 PM: lostexpectation so cowen is ignoring it
- 3:06 PM: BrianGreene SF may lTHe THe springs are back in politics as tallies from TRalee sugest he tops poll in Tralee electoral areade ose only seat on Fingal Mulhuddart Paul Donnelly need transfers from the African candidates that are beneath him in vote count #le09
- 3:07 PM: keatingciara #le09 tommy brennan, Johnny flynn, Mary Howard elected to the Ennis town council.
- 3:07 PM: alanhealy Cork City SW – Tally result: Two FF cllrs look safe. Labour may gain extra seat at FG Lord Mayor’s expense. SF likely to gain seat. #le09
- 3:08 PM: RTE_Elections George Lee says ‘I think the people were trying to send a message as far as they are concerned the Government has broken the economy’
- 3:08 PM: RTE_Elections Independent candidate Michael Kilcoyne has been elected to Mayo County Council on the first count.
- 3:08 PM: brettmirl Cork CoCo Fermoy – Patrick O’Driscoll FG is set to top the poll #le09
- 3:09 PM: Stephen Spillane FG tallying top 3 places in newcastle west in limerick. #Le09
- 3:09 PM: RTE_Elections Fine Gael’s Henry Kenny, a brother of the party leader, has also been elected on the first count in the last few minutes.
- 3:09 PM: SimonHaden Ennis Town Council (9 SEATS) 1st Count: CONSIDINE (FF) 529; BRENNAN (IND) 1015; COOTERYAN (FG) 421; FLYNN (FG) 1314; FOX (FG) 227; GLYNN (FF) 388; GUILFOYLE (IND) 676; HAYES (SF) 234; MATTHEW (IND) 252; NEYLON (IND) 615; MEANEY (GREEN) 587; OSHEA (LAB) 385; KELLY (IND) 24; MOYLAN (FF) 145; OBADEYI (IND) 128; HOWARD (FG) 791.
- 3:09 PM: lexia Lee on RTE yfrog.com
- 3:09 PM: RTE_Elections The Fianna Fáil TD for Cork North-Central, Noel O’Flynn, has said the elections have been disastrous for his party.
- 3:09 PM: Suzy Byrne Follow Alexia qiking in RDS qik.com
- 3:10 PM: Paddy www.indymedia.ie/attachments/jun2009/eoin_ryan.jpg
- 3:10 PM: themayonews Castlebar first count in, Michael Kilcoyne elected, surpassing the quota by some 600 votes, with Henry Kenny also elected.
- 3:10 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Cork North West – Early Tallies bit.ly
- 3:11 PM: RTE_Elections George Lee says that in voting for him, the people in Dublin South are sending a message that they are not happy with the Govt in power
- 3:11 PM: Stephen Spillane FG tallying top 3 places in newcastle west in limerick. #Le09
- 3:11 PM: TheEmergency Mini-Dev on @vincentbrowne now telling spinfibs. Blaming people who bought too many houses. The bastards. #emer #le09
- 3:12 PM: lexia Not feeling too hot.
- 3:12 PM: eoinbannon Any news on Galway City Co? #LE09
- 3:12 PM: Campaign_Watch Turnout in Dublin South: 57.7%, Total Poll: 52,479 Quota 26,019. Lee secured 27,768 first preference votes #le09
- 3:12 PM: Iceman Why are we not getting DCC Tallys?
- 3:13 PM: krayZpaving In Dublin @labour looks set to go from 15 to 20 or 21 seats on Dublin City Council. #le09
- 3:13 PM: Mark_Coughlan @MickFealty Eamon O’Cuiv or Dempsey.
- 3:13 PM: keatingciara #le09 might just pop out to the RDS in a bit. This stuff is kinda addictive.
- 3:14 PM: tallaghtecho 4:09 : Basketball Arena: Tallaght SouthTendai Madondo has also lost her seat in Tallaght South. The Green first-timer got 600 first prefe..
- 3:15 PM: RTE_Elections A collated tally for Dublin City, Fingal and Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown shows FG’s Gay Mitchell leading with almost 25% of first preferences.
- 3:15 PM: Johnp63 First time I’ve seen George Lee without makeup or a tie. Tut tut. #le09
- 3:15 PM: lexia LOL. RTE AV lady asks Alan for interview, he stands in rain she ignores while awaiting Lee, he gets huffy.
- 3:15 PM: cianflah THe Springs are back in irish politics as Arthur Spring tops the poll in the Tralee electoral area for Kerry Co Co. He beats Ferris into second place for the area tho she has polled strongly in Euros.
- 3:15 PM: Longford_Leader NEWS: 1600- Fianna Fail vote holds up: With all of the tally figures in, it’s clear the much-anticipated co.. tinyurl.com
- 3:15 PM: lexia Alan is Alan Shatter
- 3:16 PM: Waterfire yes thank u all so much for keeping us who are far away up to speed.
- 3:16 PM: Fergal Crehan The grumbling begins. O’Flynn on Newstalk blames leadership for the sufferings of FF candidates
- 3:16 PM: RTE_Elections Taoiseach Brian Cowen has said he is confident that Eoin Ryan can win a European Parliament seat for Fianna Fáil in Dublin.
- 3:16 PM: krayZpaving In Dublin @labour looks set to go from 15 to 20 or 21 seats on Dublin City Council. #le09
- 3:17 PM: wendylimerick Cian any news on Dingle in Kerry?
- 3:17 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Cork North East – Early Tallies bit.ly
- 3:18 PM: lostexpectation pat carey always brought out for bad news for ff
- 3:18 PM: Samuel Anyone know why the DCC tallies are so late? Full Tipp South tallies here – www.dtmorris.com
- 3:18 PM: cianflah Dingle Electoral area – Griffin (FG) top of tally at the moment, Cosai second with O Shea in third. Milltwon boxes to be opened so O Shea could jump to second
- 3:18 PM: themayonews The celebrities are now arriving as the counts get interesting, the great Willie Joe Padden is out mixing with masses in the TF Cafe Bar!
- 3:18 PM: cianflah SF wins 2 out of three in Listowel – that is a first time SF candidate topping poll. Going by tallies. Wow.
- 3:18 PM: Suzy Byrne @wendylimerick ask and you will receive!
- 3:19 PM: wendylimerick Oh thanks for that Cian Fitzgerald (ff) anywhere son of ex senator tom Fitzgerald
- 3:19 PM: samuelbowman Make sure to tune in to UCC’s Liam Weeks on Newstalk! #le09
- 3:19 PM: kingkane Live streaming from Killarney! elections.kerrycoco.ie #le09
- 3:20 PM: themayonews A few tallymen took some time out to back Sea The Stars in the Derby, correctly ignoring the advice of The FInal Furlong in The Mayo News!
- 3:20 PM: joe does anyone know anything about greystones?? im dying to know
- 3:21 PM: RTE_Elections The Taoiseach congratulates George Lee on his victory but says Fianna Fáil’s Shay Brennan defended his father’s seat with honour.
- 3:21 PM: wendylimerick Major win there for sf in Listowel
- 3:21 PM: Suzy Byrne Joe – Simon harris 4 quotas in town council was what I heard last
- 3:22 PM: Fergal Crehan Speculation on RTE that the FF vote didn’t come out in Dublin Central. Not even with the vaunted Bertie Machine?
- 3:23 PM: lexia Lee on a soapbox? yfrog.com
- 3:23 PM: RTE_Elections On Drivetime, FG’s Alan Dukes has said the success of Independent Maureen O’Sullivan in Dublin Central was due to the Tony Gregory effect
- 3:23 PM: themayonews For anyone interested in hurling, Mayo are just a point down at half time in the Christy Ring semi-final…
- 3:23 PM: keatingciara #le09 any results in cabra glasnevin locals yet?
- 3:23 PM: themayonews And like Fine Gael, they have the wind at their backs in the second half!
- 3:24 PM: lexia Ursula looks on yfrog.com
- 3:25 PM: SimonHaden Ennis Town Council Prediction: FG 3 (+1); IND 4 (+1); FF 1 (-2); GREEN 1 (-). Fianna Fail way down in Clare urban areas but holding in rural.
- 3:25 PM: lexia Damn. Missing the other half of the lee interview. Reckless?
- 3:25 PM: Fergal Crehan Brian Lenihan on RTE. Says 24% of the vote in locals isn’t too bad. Sign of the times.
- 3:25 PM: TheEmergency Fine Gael has just joined George Lee #le09
- 3:27 PM: wendylimerick Eamon Ryan going off on a green economy rant on rte1 avoiding the obvious election crash
- 3:27 PM: joe joe higgins winning in the 3 person dog fight by a quater of a percent to eoin ryan
- 3:28 PM: Campaign_Watch Rough Dublin Europe constituency tally: Mitchell 23.3%, De Rossa 23.3%, Higgins 13.5%, Ryan 13.25%, McDonald 13.1% #le09
- 3:28 PM: Elrobo The 3rd seat in Dublin MEP will come down to transfers! If the Greens & FF had asked their voters to give their following numbers to each other Ryan may have been saved!
- 3:28 PM: joe Suzy Byrne- any news on dereck mitchell in greystones after the abwood controversy??
- 3:29 PM: RTE_Elections The Minister for Finance has said the bye-election results are looking disappointing for the Government
- 3:29 PM: lexia Qikking live – #le09
qik.com - 3:29 PM: RTE_Elections Brian Lenihan said Fianna Fáil had brought forward a plan but that the opposition had just criticised
- 3:30 PM: chiarraigrrl Drumshanbo had a 98% turnout and hundreds waiting to vote yesterday morning. Awesome #le09
- 3:30 PM: samuelbowman Newstalk: Higgins, MLM and Ryan all ~12% in Dublin, the three of them are roughly tied for the third seat. #le09
- 3:31 PM: RTE_Elections Tally figures suggest that Fianna Fáil could lose four seats on Louth County Council and see their seats drop from nine to five
- 3:33 PM: RTE_Elections In Kildare, the Green Party councillor JJ Power could lose out to an Independent.
- 3:34 PM: krayZpaving Eric Byrne of @labour becomes the first person elected to Dublin City Council. #le09
- 3:34 PM: Niall001 Thanks to everyone providing tweets from around the country
- 3:34 PM: wendylimerick Noel Flynn on RTE
- 3:35 PM: RTE_Elections Asked if the election results would bring a change in policy, Brian Lenihan said there was no alternative to Govt policy on the economy
- 3:36 PM: RTE_Elections The Greens look set to lose a seat in the Borris area of Carlow, which is the base of Green deputy-leader Mary White
- 3:36 PM: chiarraigrrl LOL I love the woman on RTE right now for Labour. “the public is furious at how you blew the boom”, “decisions were right is nonsense” #le09
- 3:36 PM: lexia Qikking live – #le09
qik.com - 3:37 PM: RTE_Elections Tally figures suggest that Fianna Fáil could lose four seats on Louth County Council and see their seats drop from nine to five
- 3:37 PM: bosca Election Count 09: Tally counts of the Athy Area votes indicate that Mark Wall (LAB) has headed the poll, with t.. short.ie
- 3:38 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: O’Flynn attacks government bit.ly
- 3:38 PM: Fergal Crehan DL Rathdown – all four Greens may lose their seats
- 3:39 PM: RTE_Elections FF are aiming to gain a seat the Taoiseach’s home area of Tullamore after a strong performance by his brother Barry Cowen
- 3:39 PM: caseyorla Leitrim County Council – changes ahead www.irishtimes.com
- 3:39 PM: Fergal Crehan PBP likely to get two seats, including one for Boyd Barratt
- 3:39 PM: Iceman Still no tallys for DSC?
- 3:40 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Mark O’ Keeffe in trouble bit.ly
- 3:40 PM: Suzy Byrne Eric Byrne elected – first councillor @ Iceman.
- 3:40 PM: Johnp63 Eoin Ryan in trouble again behind joe higgins. Does Donagh diamond sound like a pole dancer? #le09
- 3:41 PM: lexia €2.50 for a small bottle of 7up. RDS is taking the piss.
- 3:41 PM: Iceman Any figuyess Suzie?
- 3:41 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Aileen D Pyne could lose seat bit.ly
- 3:42 PM: Fergal Crehan Mannix Flynn likely to take a seat in South Inner, probably at expense of SF’s Daithi Doolan
- 3:43 PM: RTE_Elections FG’s George Lee has said he’s convinced that the party will hold onto its three seats in the constituency in the next general election
- 3:43 PM: Mergito surprising amount of areas ‘bucking the trend’, including possible second FF seat in Galway city, Cameron and P.Conneely look safe. #le09
- 3:43 PM: tallestdwarf Eric Byrne of @labour becomes the first person elected to Dublin City Council. #le09
- 3:43 PM: Samuel Is Daithi Doolan’s drop in votes down to local “problems” with his former army pals?
- 3:44 PM: brettmirl KK CoCo Ballyragget – Tally – FG 37.8%, Lab 25%, FF 21.6% #le09
- 3:44 PM: John Handelaar www.kildarestreet.com
- 3:44 PM: wendylimerick All male academics on RTE panel bloody feck sake
- 3:46 PM: RTE_Elections Enda Kenny says that in voting for FG the people have voted for change
- 3:46 PM: darran RT @spiller2: Carrigaline tally. Forde fg 16.8%, mcgrath ff 16.6%, lombard fg 14.3%, collins fg 12.35% #le09
- 3:46 PM: wendylimerick Enda Kenny now on
- 3:47 PM: athtrasna wondering where the Castleknock tallies are?#le09
- 3:47 PM: SimonHaden Clare Co Co – Shannon Area Prediction: 2 FG; 1 FF; 3 IND.
- 3:48 PM: RTE_Elections Fine Gael leader says local issues were blown off the map by people’s concerns for their futures
- 3:48 PM: Iceman Why don’t you ask him Samuel.
- 3:49 PM: RTE_Elections Speaking in Tullamore, Brian Cowen says FF had to take decisions that were necessary for the country
- 3:50 PM: Iceman GE on the cards?
- 3:51 PM: RTE_Elections Enda Kenny says FF made wrong choices, with no coherence to how it went about its business
- 3:51 PM: SimonHaden Greens in Clare may buck the trend with a possible additional seat on Council from Ann Marie Flanagan. FG to make gains. FF almost wiped out in Ennis & Shannon. Independents polling strongly. Labour no change.
- 3:53 PM: krayZpaving Eamon Gilmore of @labour has just arrived at the RDS count centre. #le09
- 3:53 PM: athtrasna OMG – Forde’s vote held up despite switching party! #le09
- 3:54 PM: lexia Gilmore on the way
- 3:54 PM: RTE_Elections The Fine Gael leader says the next general election will be a lot sooner than people imagined
- 3:55 PM: RTE_Elections Fianna Fáil in Kildare is privately conceding that the party could lose as many as five (50%) of its 10 seats.
- 3:56 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Cork South East – Early Tallies bit.ly
- 3:56 PM: themayonews FInal tallies in Swinford show that Cathaoirleach of the council, Joe Mellett, is in serious trouble!
- 3:57 PM: lexia I want to shout “out of the way shitheads” to the rude photographers
- 3:57 PM: brettmirl KK CoCo Piltown – Tally – FF 26.5%, FG 49.4%, Lab 15.7%, SF 3.2%, Ind 4.6% #le09
- 3:57 PM: samuelbowman I very much hope that Toireasa Ferrorisst fails to win a seat. Looks like Sean Kelly stole some of her Kerry thunder #le09
- 3:57 PM: lexia Qikking live – #le09
qik.com - 3:57 PM: RTE_Elections In Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown it is very possible now that all four outgoing Green councillors will not retain their seats
- 3:57 PM: RTE_Elections GAA star Brian Whelehan (FG) does not look like he’s going to take a seat in Offaly
- 3:58 PM: RTE_Elections In Wicklow, the Fianna Fáil vote appears to be holding up reasonably well in three out of five electoral areas
- 3:58 PM: cianflah Sam she seems to have done OK Kerry wise and polled decently in Cork city, she is in the mix alright but all the figs ive heard are quite vague
- 3:58 PM: Iceman Upton & Byrne (Lab) in now for Crumlin/Kimmage Labour gain. Collins should be next followed by FG or FF.
- 3:59 PM: themayonews Swinford could reverse the trend by giving FF a gain with Jimmy Maloney and Michael Smyth in line for a seat if transfers go as expected.
- 3:59 PM: handelaar Fair play to Mick Barry (SOC), who’s about to be re-elected in Cork City NC – the only pol in town who canvasses between elections #le09
- 3:59 PM: UnaRocks First count from galway city east announced in a few mins #le09
- 4:00 PM: Iceman SWIC will see 2 Lab and 1 FG but nothing on the 4th seat yet.
- 4:00 PM: Paddy Any word on how Dave Keating second SP candidate in cork is doing?
- 4:01 PM: brettmirl KK CoCo Piltown – Tally – FF 26.5%, FG 49.4%, Lab 15.7%, SF 3.2%, Ind 4.6% #le09
- 4:01 PM: RTE_Elections The Govt’s handling of the economy influenced the voting decision of more than three quarters of voters, according to an RTÉ exit poll
- 4:01 PM: krayZpaving Eamon Gilmore of @labour has just arrived at the RDS count centre. #le09
- 4:01 PM: Iceman Still nothing on Ballyfermot.
- 4:02 PM: EmilyTully RT @RTE_Elections: The Govt’s handling of the economy influenced the voting decision of more than three quarters of voters,
- 4:03 PM: handelaar RT @electionsirl Results as they come bit.ly #le09
- 4:03 PM: Iceman Gerry Adams on RTE now.
- 4:04 PM: cianflah Fine Gael Leader Enda Kenny T.D. will be joined by new FG T.D. George Lee at Party headquarters, where he will make an important announcement following today’s historic win and rejection of the FF Government by three out of four of the population.
Date: Saturday 6th June 2009
Time: 7.30pm
Location: Fine Gael Party HQ, 51 Upper Mount Street, Dublin 2. - 4:04 PM: EmilyTully Donegal Euros latest 32.67% FF Pat the Cope, 21.9% SF McLoughlin, 12% Ind Harkin, 10.56% Lib Ganley, 9.79% FG Jim Higgins #le09
- 4:04 PM: cianflah GE anyone?
- 4:05 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Government under fire bit.ly
- 4:07 PM: davgreene Crackin’ up to be a tide-turning election in Ireland- Libertas set to take a seat in Ireland-NW #LE09
- 4:07 PM: Samuel Gerry didnt have much to say for himself
- 4:08 PM: wendylimerick Id say GE
- 4:08 PM: machinenation The Final Battle for the last seat Kilrush Town Council #le09 bit.ly 7 elected 2FF 3FG 2Ind
- 4:09 PM: RTE_Elections Lansdowne Market Research poll for RTÉ and the Sunday Independent finds 77% of voters said the Govt’s handling of economy influenced vote
- 4:09 PM: Paddy Mulhuddart – After 3rd count LP (Patrick Nulty) 1,965 SP (Ruth coppinger) 1,795, LP (O’Donovan) 1,758, FG (Dennison) 1,707. Quota 2210 with SP (Denis Keane) 667 votes to be redistributed. SP could get in on next count if there is a big transfer to coppinger
- 4:09 PM: Samuel Dub City Council – RTE giving PBP + 2, SF – 2
- 4:09 PM: Oisin O’Brien Daithi Do-Little
- 4:10 PM: RTE_Elections Independents have polled well in Co Meath. In Navan, Francis Deane topped the poll and Independent Brian Fitzgerald was top in Dunshaughlin
- 4:11 PM: Iceman Yes Samuel but the SF loss where to an Ind and Lab not PBP.
- 4:11 PM: alan_mccormack Heading to the Limerick city north count. Tallies show FG romping home. #le09
- 4:12 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Cork South West– Early Tallies bit.ly
- 4:12 PM: themayonews The first member elected to MCC, Michelle Mulherin has just arrived at the count in Castlebar to raptorous applause.
- 4:12 PM: joe any more news on wicklow??
- 4:12 PM: Michael Ryan Any word from Kilbeggan in Westmeath?
- 4:14 PM: tallaghtecho 5:14 : RDS: General update If Charlie Ardagh can’t hold off McGinley (FG) then Fianna Fail will be as smoked as a salmon in Burdocks
- 4:15 PM: Suzy Byrne @MichaelRyan FF have miraculously increased their vote in Mullingar and Westmeath – you could look at Westmeath Examiner site?? www.westmeathexaminer.ie
- 4:15 PM: irishelection Early evening roundup wit tales of the day thoughts welcome url.ie #LE09 Also looking 4 crystal ball gazers url.ie
- 4:16 PM: samuelbowman Both of Micheál Martin’s bros are “facing a major uphill struggle” to get elected in Cork. #le09
- 4:17 PM: RTE_Elections The Taoiseach tells RTÉ: ‘Obviously the tide of public opinion is against us at the moment’
- 4:18 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: First results expected in next hour bit.ly
- 4:19 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Cork South Central – Early Tallies bit.ly
- 4:19 PM: Johnp63 Mitchell, de rossa and higgins 123 after first full tally #le09
- 4:19 PM: Karl Nolan Sinn Fein need to run someone else in South East Inner City Daithi has too much baggage
- 4:19 PM: Fergal Crehan Navan 2 seats assured for FG, a real possibilty of a thitd. 2 FF seats
- 4:19 PM: Samuel @iceman – apologies, I was talking about full numbers, not individual contests. You can’t spin that one
- 4:20 PM: Iceman If Charlie Ardagh does lose his seat Dublin South Central will have no FF Councillors but the odd thing is DSC has 2 FF TD’s, work that one out why don’t you.
- 4:20 PM: Fergal Crehan Trim: FG likely to pick up an extra seat
- 4:20 PM: clareconway Any word on Patton in Dl/Rathdown? #le09
- 4:21 PM: Iceman Sam no spin just thought you spun it that way.
- 4:21 PM: Iceman Yes i agree and i thik Crumlin/Kimmage thw sasme.
- 4:22 PM: Excited Any news on Blackrock, apart from Party Tally totals?
- 4:22 PM: RTE_Elections In Galway City, early tallies show that Labour’s Billy Cameron has topped the poll with 20.7% of the vote
- 4:22 PM: lexia my phone is dead.. hello dongle #le09
- 4:22 PM: thusspakeblixa Crumlin/Kimmage- Joan Collins 371 away from quota, Henry Upton 815. 5 votes separate Ardagh and McGinley -Tallaght Echo #le09
- 4:22 PM: TheEmergency There’s something of the night about Pat Carey, is their not? #vinnieb #le09
- 4:22 PM: Johnp63 Anyone else finding twitter sluggish today? #le09
- 4:23 PM: cymorg After round 5 in Tuam Town Council (9 seats) the following 5 are elected… Tom Reilly (FF), Sally-Ann Flanagan (FG), Peter Warren (FG), Mary Loftus (Lab) & Eamon Kitt (FF).
Breda Mullarkey and Grainne Morahan are eliminated. FG look set for another 1 or 2, Lab. could land one. - 4:23 PM: Fergal Crehan Cassidy and Yore both to take FF seats in Meath. Oliver Fox FF and John Farrelly FG fighting over a seat
- 4:23 PM: themayonews Tereasa McGuire is elected to Westport TC, with colleague Myles Staunton also on the verge of making it 3 out of 4 for Fine Gael.
- 4:23 PM: brianpcleary #le09 South Tipp CoCo count starts soon. Votes have been transferred to Pat O’callaghan Complex. FG tallying at 30%
- 4:24 PM: Fergal Crehan Kells tally likely to come in within half an hour
- 4:24 PM: Samuel @iceman – i’m a spin-free zone. That’s how RTE reported it. Maybe take it up with them? RTE, Donnybrook, Dublin 4
- 4:25 PM: RTE_Elections In Galway Central tallies show two Independents topping the poll: Declan McDonnell (12.8%) and Terry O’Flaherty (12.5%)
- 4:25 PM: froodie Spotted Cormac Hurley’s posters being taken down in the rain in Limerick North. Looked like the man himself, can’t be 100% #le09
- 4:25 PM: eoinwilson first time in Irish political history that a party has more cabinet ministers than councillors? (@andrewmurphy) #le09
- 4:27 PM: RTE_Elections In Roscommon, tallies put Independents topping the poll in three out of five electoral areas: Athlone, Castlerea and Strokestown.
- 4:28 PM: Michael Ryan @Suzy Byrne – Thanks for link to Westmeath Examiner Site. Looks like Kilbeggan Man Paul Daly will save a Seat for FF which he has held since he was co-opted onto when long-standing FF Councillor Tom Cowley died 2 years ago.
- 4:28 PM: SimonHaden Clare CC Ennistymon area – On final tally it now looks like it will be 2 FG & 3FF. Ann Marie Flanagan may not now make breakthrough for Greens even though vote slightly up.
- 4:29 PM: Stephen Spillane FG’s joe o’callaghan ahead of tony fitzgerald of FF by 50. Fighting for last seat. Maybe no FG loss? #Le09
- 4:29 PM: RTE_Elections Sinn Féin’s Gerry Adams says there is a need for the ‘broad left’ to work together to ensure that core values can be put into policy
- 4:29 PM: Tomfoolery How many wards will return zero FF councillors? I know that in the last local elections, Lucan (South Dublin Co. Co.) elected no FF councillor. Will this phenomenon occur elsewhere?
- 4:29 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Results of RTÉ European election exit poll bit.ly
- 4:30 PM: EmilyTully What’s the story with Euros in Sligo, Galway and Mayo anyone??? #le09
- 4:30 PM: RTE_Elections Labour’s Eric Byrne and Kevin Humphries have been elected to Dublin City Council
- 4:32 PM: RTE_Elections Reacting to FF’s election performance, the Minister for Transport said decisions in the current circumstances were never going to be popular
- 4:32 PM: lexia @ann_donnelly Those come tomorrow night. All of Europe reports tomorrow night
- 4:32 PM: Alexia Golez Video of Kevin Humphreys in South East Inner City getting elected currently uploading – to come!
- 4:33 PM: RTE_Elections Minister for Finance tells Drivetime it is time all parties put on European jerseys and worked together towards the Lisbon Treaty referendum
- 4:33 PM: Alexia Golez Announcement of Count 1 of South East Inner City www.youtube.com. Humphreys on shoulders alert
- 4:34 PM: krayZpaving John Feehily of @labour becomes first Labour member of Leitrim County Council. Now that’s one for the records! #le09
- 4:34 PM: Samuel @vincentbrowne lashing into gerry adams. Adams says party to focus on “rebuilding”. Bank security teams, please note
- 4:34 PM: Dave Cleary daithi moved out of pearse street and forgot us , labour rule the roost
- 4:34 PM: RTE_Elections In Meath, tallies indicate that the former PD candidate Serena Campbell, who is standing in Slane for FG, is topping the poll
- 4:35 PM: RTE_Elections In Trim, FG look likely to take the first two seats, while in Cavan FF may lose three or four seats
- 4:35 PM: Fergal Crehan Kevin Meenan SF elected in Meath
- 4:36 PM: faduda New blog post: What The Tallyman Saw V (Kildare / Clane) #le09 faduda.ie
- 4:36 PM: RTE_Elections The Labour party is set to remain the largest party on the Dublin City Council, with at least 15 seats
- 4:37 PM: keatingciara #le09 KilrushCoCo Garry 1560, Kelly 1440,Curtin 1439
keane1245,Keating 1075, Chambers 1016, o’dea 825, prendiville 776, breen 587 - 4:37 PM: lexia SEIC Announcement – humphreys elected – bit.ly
- 4:37 PM: RTE_Elections The People Before Profit Alliance looks set to win two Dublin City Council seats
- 4:38 PM: omegar24 hmmm Wonder if Labour Can turn there good results into actual General Election Results. Hope so. would be better than FF or FG in Gov. #le09
- 4:38 PM: Paddy Ruth coppinger just elected in mulhuddart
- 4:38 PM: Elrobo Gilmore on RTE1
- 4:40 PM: cianflah Any reliable tallies from South?
- 4:42 PM: Emer Doherty why didn’t sinn fein do better in inner city dublin north & south ? isn’t this their heartland ?
- 4:43 PM: Stephen Spillane FG’s joe o’callaghan ahead of tony fitzgerald of FF by 50. Fighting for last seat. Maybe no FG loss? #Le09
- 4:43 PM: eolai why are tallies even allowed in the European elections, a day before counting begins? Shouldn’t that be against rules somewhere? #le09
- 4:43 PM: Stephen Spillane FG’s joe o’callaghan ahead of tony fitzgerald of FF by 50. Fighting for last seat. Maybe no FG loss? #Le09
- 4:43 PM: irlef2009 Fianna Fail in total denial. Pat Carey on Newstalk thinks public anger is about what they are DOING NOW and not what they DID BEFORE! #le09
- 4:44 PM: Fergal Crehan Ruth Coppinger Socialist Party elected Mulhuddert
- 4:44 PM: RTE_Elections Minister for Finance Brian Lenihan tell Drivetime he believes Fine Gael is moving to the right
- 4:44 PM: Suzy Byrne hello to our 293 watchers – remember to have a look at Irishelection.com for latest posts and analysis and photos also!
- 4:44 PM: Iceman SF could have 2 DCC Councillors in the NIC & SWIC. What more do you want from two candidates?
- 4:45 PM: cymorg After round 6 in Tuam Town Council Owen Ward (Ind.) is eliminated, no additional candidates elected this round.
- 4:45 PM: proinnsias #le09 anyone seen tallys from the Dublin Clontarf ward ?
- 4:45 PM: chiarraigrrl RT @oisincoghlan “Rathmines: murphy 15, Quinn 11.5, Lacey 10.5, Freehill 10.2, Wynne 9.7, mccarten 9.4, donnelly 7.8, O’Callaghan 7.7″ #le09
- 4:45 PM: EmilyTully What’s the story with Euros in Sligo, Galway and Mayo anyone??? #le09
- 4:45 PM: irlef2009 Let’s hope this is the beginning of the end for this discredited government. They have no mandate. This was a vote on their record. #le09
- 4:45 PM: joe any news in wicklow??
- 4:46 PM: lexia Sitting in the middle of frustrated FFers. Apparently the only thing that could have stopped Lee would have been saying he worked for Anglo.
- 4:46 PM: Suzy Byrne box went missing wicklow and everyone was locked in till it was found – hence delay.
- 4:46 PM: JL Pagano According to NewsTalk, George Lee “literally blew his opponents out of the water.” Anyone have footage? #le09
- 4:46 PM: ann_donnelly @spiller2 Are there any MEP results for South? #Le09
- 4:49 PM: brettmirl Anyone have any news from Dunshaughlin area of Meath CoCo??? #le09
- 4:50 PM: Fergal Crehan Mark Deerey likely to take a seat for Grrens in Dundalk South
- 4:50 PM: RTE_Elections The Socialist Party’s Ruth Coppinger has won a seat on Fingal County Council
- 4:50 PM: joe Suzy Byrne – oh i see has it been sorted yt??
- 4:50 PM: Paddy What about some analysis about Joe Higgins in 3rd place for euro elections. We need transfer analysis
- 4:50 PM: Samuel @suzybyrne – hello back. Fabulous service. Well done to all involved. Specially like the TV advice updates as to who is on. Very orange woman current on @vincentbrowne
- 4:51 PM: squidlimerick I am reliably informed that Maurice Quinlivan will not be the first SF councillor in Limerick City, but the Second #le09
- 4:51 PM: themayonews Greens Party candidate Fergus McAllister’s votes distributed after 7th county in Westport, as Fine Gael’s Myles Staunton elected.#elections
- 4:53 PM: RTE_Elections In Kilkenny, Andrew McGuinness (FF), son of former Junior Minister John McGuinness, looks set to win a seat
- 4:53 PM: JoeLeogue Pa o’driscoll (FG)second past the post in Fermoy town council and looks certain for a county council seat #le09
- 4:53 PM: Campaign_Watch Ind Michael Kilcoyne, FG’s Henry Kenny and Michelle Mulherin elected to Mayo County Council #le09
- 4:54 PM: RTE_Elections Tallies in Carlow show the Green Party securing just 6% of first preference votes, and it looks likely they’ll have no seat on Carlow CoCo
- 4:55 PM: RTE_Elections Labour leader Eamon Gilmore tells Drivetime these are the best ever local election results for Labour
- 4:56 PM: Samuel Dublin Central FF 3483, Labour 4926, SF 3770, FG 6439, GP 203, CSP 203, IND 7639, WP 519, IND 614
- 4:56 PM: irlef2009 Lenihan on RTE: “We decided … to put the future generation above the future election.” What a load of bull when they sold us all out #le09
- 4:57 PM: samuelbowman If Ganley wins his seat, then we’ve witnessed a ‘Bradley effect’: people lying to pollsters because Libertas have a bad rep #le09
- 4:58 PM: chiarraigrrl RT @RTE_Elections“The People Before Profit Alliance looks set to win two Dublin City Council seats” excellent #le09
- 5:00 PM: Samuel RTE TV just turned off the cameras and gone home. Meanwhile, Noel Dempsey waving his hands around on tv3
- 5:00 PM: RTE_Elections In Dublin Central, Independent Maureen O’Sullivan stands 7639 votes after the first count and is tipped to take the seat
- 5:00 PM: TheEmergency @declanganley on @ghook “quietly confident”… That’s half a first… #le09
- 5:00 PM: Stephen Spillane Cork North Central looks set to make first declaration, adjudication currently taking place #le09
- 5:01 PM: RTE_Elections In Dublin Central, Independent Maureen O’Sullivan stands at 7639 votes after the first count and is tipped to take the seat
- 5:02 PM: proinnsias @eolai why would they be against the rules ? Votes have been cast, they can’t alter anything by tallying #le09
- 5:02 PM: adrianweckler Slow, slow in Fingal, which I’m covering for SBP. Only Mulhuddart has returned a count. Socialist, Labour gains are big the story here #le09
- 5:02 PM: cianflah LExia is posting some great photos from down in the RDS www.flickr.com
- 5:02 PM: eoinpurcell I love the fight in Dublin Central between the Aherns & the Fitzpatrick’s. In the end Fitzpatrick will win #le09
- 5:05 PM: cianflah Gallagher’s team in North and West not happy with the way things are panning out.
- 5:05 PM: RTE_Elections FF TD Timmy Dooley has said that candidate selections for local elections should be made locally and not by party headquarters
- 5:06 PM: eoinpurcell Given FGs vote in DS, there is a real chance of them holding 3 seats in a general. At 27K votes they would have nearly three quotas #le09
- 5:06 PM: keatingciara @eolai #le09 its because they are sorting the votes face up as opposed to face down as they did the last time , hence the tallies
- 5:06 PM: gomaonaigh First count for Rathfarnham due in 5mins. #le09
- 5:06 PM: Campaign_Watch Enda Kenny’s brother Henry elected to Mayo County Council for Fine Gael #le09
- 5:06 PM: J_Ketch People suffering from Republican Derangement Syndrome in the US – any thoughts on what we can do with that re FF & GOP, sorry GP? #le09
- 5:06 PM: adrianweckler @eolai Nope. Because they’re not ‘official’ #le09
- 5:06 PM: PJ Coogan cork city council.. worst case for FF 7 seats ..
- 5:06 PM: lostexpectation H/M: quota 2653, PC 3715; AF 26999; O’B2267; COC 2195; JG 1762; AP 1634; JW 1299 no figures for JM yet i hr ago any update on jm
- 5:06 PM: Tom Foley Anyone know how Mannix Flynn is doing ?
- 5:06 PM: cymorg After round 7 in Tuam Town Council Paul Osikoya, the only Green on the ticket, is eliminated, no additional candidates elected.
- 5:08 PM: RTE_Elections FF could loose up to half of their seats on Dublin City Council, while Labour, FG, and the PBP Alliance could gain 2 each.
- 5:08 PM: Campaign_Watch Confirmed local election results at 17.45: FG 2, Labour 2, Others 2, Sinn Fein 1, FF 0, Greens 0 #le09
- 5:09 PM: TheEmergency Terry Prone making good point on vincent browne … Oh hang the volume’s down … That’s Hooky #le09
- 5:09 PM: brettmirl Carlow Town Council Tally – FF 34%, FG 23%, Lab 16%, SF 8%, Ind 9% #le09
- 5:09 PM: Johnp63 rte first full tally. Mitchel 23.3 De Rossa 20.9 Higgins 13.45 Ryan 13.25 McDonald 13.1 #le09
- 5:11 PM: RTE_Elections Fine Gael’s Eoghan Murphy has been elected to Dublin City Council for the Pembroke/Rathmines area
- 5:13 PM: RTE_Elections Fine Gael’s Eddie Staunton has been elected to Mayo County Council on the third count in the Ballina electoral area
- 5:14 PM: RTE_Elections Fianna Fáil’s Al McDonnell has been elected to Mayo County Council on the fourth count for the Castlebar electoral area
- 5:14 PM: Iceman Ballyfermot 4th seat news, anyone?
- 5:14 PM: lostexpectation elected in castleknock
joe higgns sp 3878
eithne loftus fg 3028 - 5:14 PM: Po Neill Meath CC Trim area tally 1st count butler (fg) 1822 cantwell (ind) 613 carey (fg) 1441 fegan (ff) 1543 (cont’d)
- 5:15 PM: eoinpurcell 28412 is tvp in DC, 14207 is quota #le09
- 5:15 PM: squidlimerick By the way, first SF councillor in Limerick was Paddy Mulcahy, ht limericknewswire.com #le09
- 5:15 PM: squidlimerick Candidates starting to show up here in advance of impending result #le09
#le09 - 5:16 PM: joe any news in greystones been waiting for the result all day????
- 5:16 PM: handelaar #le09 Maureen O’Sullivan in first place in count 1 #dublincentral
- 5:17 PM: Pat Mull Any news of South Tipp
- 5:17 PM: Po Neill Meath CC Trim area rest of tally golden (ind) 976 lynch (sf) 466 mcelhinney (lab) 1189 murray (ff) 1189
- 5:17 PM: cymorg After round 8 in Tuam Town Council Pat O’Hora (Lab.) is eliminated, no additional candidates elected.
- 5:17 PM: TheAngelOfDebt Clare County Council Ennistymon EA, 1 elected – NO FF backlash here !!!! bit.ly #le09
- 5:17 PM: Stephen Spillane Cork North Central looks set to make first declaration, adjudication currently taking place #le09
- 5:18 PM: TheEmergency Maureen O’Sullivan looks good in dublin central. Several minor counts will ensue as low polling candidates eliminated #le09
- 5:18 PM: RTE_Elections Joe Higgins of the Socialist Party has been elected to Fingal County Council
- 5:21 PM: Samuel @patmull – Tipp South tallies here – www.dtmorris.com
- 5:21 PM: kingkane The Greens have spent 2 decades painstakingly building up and in only 2 years in government with FF have almost lost it all, for what? #le09
- 5:22 PM: Christine Bohan Seems Fianna Fail have lost 11 of their 12 seats on Dublin City Council. Mad. #le09
- 5:22 PM: OisinCoghlan Gormley’s policy adviser 2 lose seat RT @BrianGreene Green Party to lose both it seats in Malahide Howth. 2.7 & 4.3% each (full tally) #le09
- 5:22 PM: TheEmergency Gilmore wants election that’s 3 way contest lab v fg v ff. No interest in sf as part of coalition. Speaking on@ghook #le09
- 5:22 PM: caseyorla Loughrea electoral area Fianna F 20.88%, Greens 0.91%, Fine Gael 40.42%, Labour 2.89%, Independents 34.90%, #le09
- 5:22 PM: themayonews Veteran Eddie Staunton becomes the second councillor elected in Balina area, while Al McDonnell is third elected in the Castlebar area.
- 5:22 PM: Christine Bohan Joe Higgins just elected to Fingal with a surplus of over one thousand #le09
- 5:23 PM: eoinpurcell Can anyone confirm that the current tally in Dublin Euro Constituency includes Dublin South? #le09
- 5:23 PM: chiarraigrrl “the Greens in meltdown” according to RTE. Growth in left-wing parties, people before profit probably 2 seats in the city. #le09
- 5:23 PM: Smcgarr
- 5:23 PM: Waterfire Anyone know how Lab’s farren in blackrock & Lab’s McDowell in Donaghmede are doing? Fabulous news for Dublin if Charlie Ardagh is NOT elected – a less inquisitive and critical mind in a public representative would have been hard to find.
- 5:24 PM: brettmirl 3 candidates elected to the Carlow Town Council: Jennifer Murnane FF, Michael Abbey FG, Tom O’Neill FG #le09
- 5:24 PM: dermotcasey where is best place online to see results of Local elections #le09
- 5:24 PM: RTE_Elections The RTÉ/Sunday Independent Exit Poll is available on the RTÉ elections website. Click tinyurl.com to view
- 5:24 PM: brettmirl 3 candidates elected to the Muinebheag Town Council Denis Foley FG, Arthur McDonald FF, Thomas Dermody FF. #le09
- 5:26 PM: brettmirl Cllr Andrew McGuinnenss, FF, has over two quotas in the Kilkenny Borough Council election, increasing his vote by 4% on 2004. #le09
- 5:26 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Adjudications on spoiled votes bit.ly
- 5:26 PM: Johnp63 is there now an economics editor job going in RTE. Must dig out my abacus #le09
- 5:26 PM: Samuel Gilmore says no – again – to going into government with FF (@vincentbrowne, tv3) after next GE
- 5:26 PM: Po Neill Meath CC Trim area 4 seats tallymen expect butler (fg) fegan (ff) then carey (fg) murray (ff), lab, ind battle for 3rd and 4th.
- 5:26 PM: Suzy Byrne P O’Neill – can we ask you to find out what is going on in Dunshauglin?
- 5:28 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Coleman elected in Bandon bit.ly
- 5:28 PM: Smcgarr
- 5:30 PM: irishanorak Dun Laoghaire-Ballybrack ward First count in total valid poll of 14010 quota of 2336, no.1 ocallaghan (lab) 2543 (elected); no 2 bailey (fg) 2298; no 3 smyth (lab) 2210; no 4 lewis (people before profit) 2175; no 5 marren (fg) 1957. Labour surplus of 207 to be distributed therefore all 2543 votes to be counted for number twos and proportionlly allocated
- 5:30 PM: EmilyTully Retweeting @RTE_Elections: Joe Higgins of the Socialist Party has been elected to Fingal County Council
- 5:30 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Mallow results imminent bit.ly
- 5:31 PM: Po Neill Expecting Dunshaughlin info in about 20 minutes.
- 5:31 PM: dlooney Just back from interesting powwow over disputed ballots. Very educational re voter literacy. 1st count expected in 5 #le09
- 5:31 PM: TheEmergency Gilmore on #vinnieb : no left wing alliance ahead of gen. election. #le09
- 5:31 PM: TheEmergency Gilmore on #vinnieb: mold has been cracked in #le09 lab job to widen the crack [six] Lab will not enter electoral pact. Won’t coalesce w/ FF
- 5:31 PM: brettmirl @martin_mills McGuinnes (john) is well liked around KK. He does a lot for the place in fairness. Plus his “maverick” ways help too #le09
- 5:31 PM: handelaar Right then. 2007 Electoral math now no longer in effect. Time for GP to start talking to the other parties? #le09
- 5:31 PM: Johnp63 Joe higgins elected. ………. To fingal co co. Good man joe. 1 down 1 to go #le09
- 5:33 PM: EmilyTully Frankt McBrearty Jnr looking likely to get a seat on Donegal Co Council for Labour #le09
- 5:34 PM: squidlimerick Limerick City results from 1990 fro #le09 m Irishelection.com
- 5:34 PM: irishelection RT @Emilytully Frank| McBrearty Jnr looking likely to get a seat on Donegal Co Council for Labour #LE09
- 5:36 PM: themayonews Fianna Fail’s Margaret Adams is the first of her party to be elected to Westport Town Council after surplus votes from Dave Keating push …
- 5:40 PM: adam_douglas3 Cllr Tim carey has become the first candidate Eliminated from the Fermoy TC Election #le09
- 5:40 PM: squidlimerick Limerick City East result imminent, Limerick City South result due 2000 hrs #le09 John Gilligan expected to top poll in East
- 5:41 PM: irlef2009 Tim Dooley said that candidate selection for local elections should be made locally & not by party HQ – Who made him senator? Bertie! #le09
- 5:41 PM: adam_douglas3 Labour get both their FermoyTC candidates Elected within 3 counts, 1st & 3rd Place respectively – a tactical error in not running more?#le09
- 5:41 PM: lostexpectation people explaining on newstalk about why they ‘love’ george lee
- 5:42 PM: chiarraigrrl photo on the front of the Irish Times is officially my favourite photo of the election- newlyweds voting: tinyurl.com #le09
- 5:43 PM: martin_mills Fair play to John McGuinness. The only FF-er thats doing something right! #le09
- 5:43 PM: Christine Bohan Any word from Finglas-Ballymun or Artane-Whitehall? #le09
- 5:43 PM: irishanorak dooley is a TD now!
- 5:44 PM: John J RE: Balbriggan town council – one FF and one FG elected so far. Next 3 are Ind, SP and LP >> Can you say who was elected? #le09
- 5:44 PM: Simon McGarr RDS awash with Labour, triumphant. Other parties circumspect. #le09
- 5:45 PM: themayonews Sitting MCC in Ballina, Johnny O’Malley, has just lost his seat, while Killala man Jarlath Munnelly, makes it three for FG in Ballina.
- 5:47 PM: RTE_Elections Eamon Gilmore: ‘Any day Labour beats FF in a bye-election is a good day for Labour.’
- 5:47 PM: Suzy Byrne Fine Gael to move motion of no confidence in Government next week
- 5:47 PM: RTE_Elections Gerry Adams: ‘I think we’ve had a good election, we took a hit in the 2007, I think we have recovered from that.’
- 5:47 PM: RTE_Elections Labour candidate in Dublin Central Ivana Bacik has said it is most likely that Maureen O’Sullivan will take the seat in the bye-election
- 5:48 PM: RTE_Elections Labour’s John Gallagher has been elected to Dublin City Council in the South West Inner City area
- 5:48 PM: Iceman Lucan Ahmed| 447 = 2.9%
Balesty 561 = 3.7%
Cooley 734 = 4.8%
Dowling 518 = 3.4%
Doyle 553 = 3.6%
Farrell 727 = 4.8%
Finnegan 700 = 4.7%
Jones 846 = 5.5%
Keating 4132 = 27.1%
Lavelle 1287 = 8.4%
Moynihan 862 =5.6%
O’Connell 2096 = 13.7%
Tuffy 1797 = 11.8% - 5:48 PM: RTE_Elections Fianna Fail’s Mary Fitzpatrick has been elected to Dublin City Council in Cabra/Glasnevin on the first count
- 5:48 PM: cymorg Larry Bane (FG), Sean Cunniffe (Lab) and Martin Ward (Ind.) elected in Tuam Town Council. I’m signing off now as all results are in.
- 5:49 PM: EmilyTully Pat the Cope in the house – about to be interviewed on Highland Radio #le09
- 5:49 PM: RTE_Elections In Sligo, Veronica Cawley (Labour) has topped the poll in the Strandhill area
- 5:50 PM: John J @irishanora I know that. But he started his Oireachtas career as a Taoiseach’s nominee to the Seanad. Didn’t mind the nod from head office then!
- 5:50 PM: Sean O’Toole Sinn Fein not in touch with the people , growth in the North is down to Catholic numbers
- 5:50 PM: Iceman SF in a battle for last seat in SWIC & Ballyfermot.
- 5:50 PM: John J RE: Fine Gael to move motion of no confidence in Government next week. What’s the source, please, Suzy?
- 5:50 PM: RTE_Elections In Leitrim, FF my lose a seat to Labour’s James Feeley, who has a a good chance of winning the last seat in the Carrick-on-Shannan area
- 5:50 PM: Samuel Cowen biographer doing some half-assed cheerleading on tv3. “Came into the job at a very bad time”.
- 5:50 PM: YouthNovel Enda Kenny to make announcement later that next week, Fine Gael will be making a vote of no confidence in the Government #le09 #eu09
- 5:51 PM: Paddy Balbriggan town council – one FF and one FG elected so far. Next 3 are Ind, SP and LP
- 5:51 PM: Simon McGarr Overheard, Mary-Lou McD saying it had been a big ask. #le09
- 5:51 PM: RTE_Elections Labour party candidate Nessa Childers has polled 26% of the 1st preference votes in the Kildare North and South constituencies
- 5:52 PM: Stephen Spillane South west result imminent! Well try to get results after celebrating!!! #Le09
- 5:52 PM: Samuel News on FG no confidence vote came via Ursula Halligan on @vincentbrowne
- 5:52 PM: Stephen Spillane South west result imminent! Well try to get results after celebrating!!! #Le09
- 5:52 PM: stevenconlon #le09 Sligo Borough East seats awarded (4 seat ward): Bree IND, McGarry LAB, McLaughlin FG, McManus SF. 1 FF casualty
- 5:53 PM: davidcochrane RT @suzybie Fine Gael to move motion of no confidence in government next week #le09
- 5:53 PM: RTE_Elections In Greystones, the FG vote is up almost 23% and the party may take one seat from FF on Wicklow County council
- 5:54 PM: EmilyTully RT @damienmulley: RT @jakobyte So much for the tv license. #News talk and #tv3 giving RTE a schooling in compelling election coverage.
- 5:56 PM: lexia @Fergal back in blogger HQ – ran out of power
- 5:56 PM: chiarraigrrl Joe Higgins spoke very well on TV3- glad he’s most likely in for EP. Good man
- 5:56 PM: colmisainmdom Did terry prone utter a single word on tv3 tonight? #le09
- 5:56 PM: aoifac DLRCoCo so far – Baker in Blackrock. McCarthy in Glencullen. O’Callaghan in Ballybrack. #le09
- 5:56 PM: irlef2009 Joe Higgins on TV3 #le09
- 5:56 PM: PJ Coogan ireland 1-0 up robbie keane !!
- 5:56 PM: Iceman ulgaria 0 – 1 Ireland. Richard Dunne 24th minute.
- 5:56 PM: Samuel TV3 now gone home too. Ho-hum
- 5:57 PM: irishanorak @john j i know that as well just mean he has a different constituency to cater for now
- 5:57 PM: Suzy Byrne We’re hearing Richard Dunne on the Irish goal
- 5:57 PM: lostexpectation sworsds result now www.fingalcoco.public-i.tv
- 5:57 PM: Iceman Yes Richard Dunne scored not Keane.
- 5:58 PM: John J Dunne greart header from a free cross
- 6:00 PM: lostexpectation clare daly SP elected in swords 3192 votes
- 6:00 PM: John J @irishanorak It was the principle I was referring to. But then I suppose I am being a bit stupid to mention FF and principles. They don’t really go together.
- 6:01 PM: RTE_Elections Fine Gael’s Jarleth Munnelly has been elected to Mayo County Council on the fourth count in the Ballina Electoral Area
- 6:01 PM: Stephen Spillane Buttimer elected with a surplus of 803!
- 6:02 PM: EmilyTully @ghook definitely is the best election coverage – well done to all, streets ahead
- 6:04 PM: Iceman 1 – 1
- 6:04 PM: PJ Coogan buttimer on 96fm shortly 102.6fm 103fmc
- 6:07 PM: EmilyTully almost finished sorting and verifying here in Donegal – papers will now be bundles off to various count centres #le09
- 6:07 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Buttimer elected in South West bit.ly
- 6:09 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Creed elected on first count bit.ly
- 6:10 PM: themayonews Fianna Fail Westport Town Councillor Declan Dever has lost his seat after the 10th count
- 6:10 PM: Iceman SWORDS Electoral Area
Electorate= 35652
Total Poll = 15742
Invalid = 157
Valid = 15585
5 seats, Quota= 2598
Butler = 1487
Daly = 3192 [elected]
Devitt = 1364
Diviney = 253
Dowling = 1234
Duffy = 514
Hennessy = 932
Kelleher = 1561
Kelly = 721
Lawless = 939
McCamley = 262
McGuire = 1572
O’Neill = 733
Ward = 821 - 6:11 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Daly elected in Skibb bit.ly
- 6:15 PM: stevenconlon #le09 FG Daniel McGarrigle granted recount in Sligo Ciity Nth Ward cliffhanger – 4 votes between him and party colleague for elimination
- 6:15 PM: tallaghtecho 6:52 : RDS: Simpsons memory to cheer me upWhen they are discussing which film should win the Springfield Film Festival.Krusty is being pu..
- 6:15 PM: Jnisbet coverage bows to sport -this is my sport, where the elections channel, there must be one going on somewhere in the world at all times! #le09
- 6:15 PM: tallaghtecho 7:07 : Basketball Arena: Tallaght SouthSecond count in….still no-one elected. Madondo (GRN) out, her votes are being distributed. Malon..
- 6:16 PM: sfinnegan if all the parties organised in the north the sinners wouldn’t do aswell up there
- 6:17 PM: natural20 @Jnisbet Looking like Quinn should retain his Pem/Rath seat though, aye? #ie09
- 6:17 PM: lexia Video – Result of the first count in Dublin Central Byelection bit.ly
- 6:17 PM: brettmirl A recheck has been called for the Kilkenny Borough Council just when an annoucement was due. #le09
- 6:18 PM: RTE_Elections Labour’s Michael Conaghan has been elected in Ballyermot/Drimnagh
- 6:18 PM: RTE_Elections Labour’s John Lyons and Sinn Féin’s Dessie Ellis have been elected in Ballymun/Finglas
- 6:20 PM: Suzy Byrne South Dublin County Council First Counts www.southdublin.ie
- 6:21 PM: Johnp63 am i right in thinking that if Joe Higgins won a euro seat he would then have to give it or fingal co co seat up? #le09
- 6:23 PM: dickobrien So busy updating results that there’s no time for Twitter.
- 6:23 PM: irishelection yup we are down again but @blacknight are helping. Back soon. Meantime go to the liveblog ppl. url.ie
- 6:23 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Non-party candidate secures first Kanturk seat bit.ly
- 6:24 PM: keithnolan heading into the count in Mullingar for a bit ; elections are being announced #le09
- 6:24 PM: brettmirl Fianna Fail is set to lose its seat in Thomastown area of KK CoCo for the first time in the history of the State. #le09
- 6:25 PM: dickobrien People Before Profit Alliance doing surprisingly well. 3 seats so far that I can see.
- 6:26 PM: dickobrien And Labour having a storming time in Dublin City. 7 of the 12 seats filled so far.
- 6:26 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: It’s great to be first bit.ly
- 6:26 PM: darran irishelection.com is crawling…. #le09
- 6:27 PM: dlooney First count in Tallaght Central finally in. Polling 5th with 2329 votes or 9.8%. Gonna be close! #le09
- 6:27 PM: thusspakeblixa TALLAGHT CENTRAL 1ST COUNT Duff (LAB) 3125, Brophy (FG) 3085, Crowe (SF) 2715, Kearns (LAB) 2643, Looney (LAB) 2329, Murphy (SOC) 2159 #le09
- 6:27 PM: Simon McGarr Drowned rats dodged in for eats twixt count and blogger hq #le09
- 6:28 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Recount in North East bit.ly
- 6:29 PM: PJ Coogan recount of first count in cork city NE
- 6:29 PM: cianflah Irishelection.com is down so bear with us as we get it working.
- 6:29 PM: Stephen Spillane North east 1st count: lab, ff, & fg all within 13 votes. recount just granted #Le09
- 6:29 PM: RTE_Elections Joan Collins from the People Before Profit Alliance and Henry Upton of Labour have both been elected in the Crumlin/Kimmage area
- 6:29 PM: Stephen Spillane North east 1st count: lab, ff, & fg all within 13 votes. recount just granted #Le09
- 6:29 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Gilroy elected bit.ly
- 6:30 PM: lexia Video – Results of the second count for Crumlin Kimmage bit.ly
- 6:30 PM: RTE_Elections Labour’s Sean Kenny elected on first count in Donaghmeade
- 6:31 PM: philipmurphy #le09 Anyone got any info on how things are going in Drumlish, Longford?
- 6:31 PM: lexia I’m uncomfortable with the amount of George Lee photos I snapped.
- 6:32 PM: robnubis Very pleased with the results so far in these elections. My faith in the electorate is restored. #LE09
- 6:32 PM: gomaonaigh Congratulations to Cllr. Patrick Nulty.
- 6:32 PM: Christine Bohan Patrick Nulty, Michael ODonovan(both Lab), David McGuinness (FF) and Kieran Denison (FG) elected in Mulhuddart #le09
- 6:32 PM: lexia I need food.. I’m off to grab something
- 6:33 PM: themayonews Anna Mae Reape elected in Ballina for FF, Gerry Ginty looking likely to take a seat.
- 6:34 PM: stephencrowley Come on. Hurry up and eliminate me!
- 6:36 PM: aoifac still haven’t read any reports about Kenny’s call for a no confidence vote on the likes of Irish Times or RTE. Anyone have a reliable report on it? Only place I have seen anything was here.
- 6:36 PM: Suzy Byrne Aoifeac – it was on TV3 – Vincent Browne- we’ll have the press release shortly
- 6:37 PM: niamhvus @rebeccamoy SWIC just declared elected #le09
- 6:37 PM: themayonews Westport TC is the first finished – FG take 5 amazingly, with FF 2, Adams and Mulroy, Keane Ind, and Keith Martin , Labour takes last seat.
- 6:38 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Nobody elected on first count in Fermoy bit.ly
- 6:39 PM: lostexpectation how many no confidence votes has he done or threatened?
- 6:39 PM: aoifac Thanks Suzy
- 6:42 PM: Stephen Spillane Cahill, mcgonigle fg & o’flynn lab elected on 1st count in south east!! #le09
- 6:42 PM: aoifecarroll @RebeccaMoy takes 2nd seat in SWIC! #Le09
- 6:42 PM: irishelection We are back – mark has a post from the RDS up. Thanks everyone @blacknight for help today. url.ie #LE09
- 6:46 PM: RTE_Elections Labour’s Rebecca Moynihan has been elected in South West Inner City on the 5th count
- 6:46 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Three elected in Cork South East bit.ly
- 6:46 PM: RTE_Elections Brid Smith of the People Before Profit Alliance has been elected in Ballyfermot/Drimnagh
- 6:48 PM: RTE_Elections After count 5 in the Dublin Central bye-election, candidates Paul O’Loughlin, Malachy Steenson and Patrick Talbot have all been eliminated
- 6:48 PM: squidlimerick Audio of John Gilligan’s election uploaded to Limerickblogger.ie also press gaggle #le09
- 6:50 PM: RTE_Elections Green Party leader John Gormley says today’s election results are a clear indication that some Govt decisions have been deeply unpopular
- 6:50 PM: themayonews It’s a recount in Castlebar, only three votes seperate FF’s Mickey Feeney and Labour Harry Barrett. Count adjourned until Sunday at 5pm.
- 6:55 PM: dickobrien Hmmm, 12 hours of election work fuelled only by coffee, muffins and smokes may not be best preparation for the Wicklow 200 tomorrow.
- 6:56 PM: dickobrien 16 of 52 seats filled in Dublin City. Lab 9, FG 1, FF 1, SF, 2, PBPA 2, Ind 1
- 6:57 PM: denisefay #le09 – is there any twitters at the louth county council count?
- 6:57 PM: irlef2009 Looks like we’ll have no FF in Fingal Balbriggan #le09
- 6:57 PM: eoinwilson And so begins the recount in Dundrum. #le09
- 6:57 PM: philipmurphy @brettmirl how’s it looking for FG and FF in Ballyragget? #le09
- 6:58 PM: krayZpaving In a bizzarre tactical error, Enda Kenny announces a motion of no confidence in the taoiseach. Way to kill the story by Tuesday. #le09
- 6:58 PM: krayZpaving In a bizzarre tactical error, Enda Kenny announces a motion of no confidence in the taoiseach. Way to kill the story by Tuesday. #le09
- 6:58 PM: EmilyTully Pat the Cope Gallagher: “Its been a bad day for FF – we expected that” #le09
- 6:58 PM: irlef2009 @denisefay Seems there are no counts in for Louth. Just checked RTE site. #le09
- 7:00 PM: EmilyTully Pat the Cope Gallagher: “Paschal’s (Mooney)votes will be important to me” #le09
- 7:02 PM: RTE_Elections Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny says he will move a motion of no confidence in the Government when the Dáil meets on Tuesday
- 7:02 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Creed honoured with win bit.ly
- 7:03 PM: RTE_Elections Enda Kenny says the election results show that the days of Fianna Fáil dominance are over
- 7:03 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: North East recount abandoned bit.ly
- 7:04 PM: YouthNovel Woohoo! Clare Daly got in! Fair Play to her 3192 first preferences… Wowzers #le09
- 7:04 PM: philipmurphy @brettmirl cheers! Think FG will get Brennan, Connery and Kavanagh in? #le09
- 7:04 PM: EmilyTully Pat the Cope Gallagher: “Paschal’s (Mooney)votes will be important to me” #le09
- 7:05 PM: irishelection Enda Kenny to table a motion of no confidence in government url.ie #LE09
- 7:08 PM: athtrasna The difference in the council websites is irritatin!!? Some have count figures, some don’t even seem to know there’s an election on! #le09
- 7:08 PM: PJ Coogan mary sheilds FF elected 2nd count cork sw
- 7:10 PM: Suzy Byrne @poneill thanks – Mick McLoughlin not running in Dunshaughlin?
- 7:10 PM: garymckeown RTÉ/ Lansdowne exit poll: Fine Gael is biggest party with 30% of the European Parliament vote (and 34% in the local elections). #eu09 #le09
- 7:12 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Sheilds elected bit.ly
- 7:12 PM: Stephen Spillane Sheilds ff elected on 2nd count in south west. Murphy gp eliminated #le09
- 7:13 PM: Iceman Wicklow County Council, East Area – 98% Tally
One box missing
Casey FF 1536
Dignam FF 913
Dunne FF 648
Kavanagh,C LAB 1344
Kavanagh,P GP 720
O’Neill FG 1256
O’Shaugh LAB 1767
Snell SF 1426
Winters FG 1686
FF % 27.41%
FG % 26.04%
Lab % 27.53%
GP % 6.37%
Oth % 0.00%
SF 12.62% - 7:13 PM: brenflakes Andrew McGuinness of Fianna Fail and Martin Brett of Fine Gael have been elected to Kilkenny Borough Council on the first count.
- 7:14 PM: RTE_Elections Sinn Féin’s Larry O’Toole has been elected on the second count in Artane/Whitehall
- 7:14 PM: RTE_Elections Fine Gael’s Ruairi McGinley has taken the last seat in Crumlin/Kimmage on the 6th count
- 7:15 PM: Po Neill Dunshaughlin tally source says Mick McLoughlin has no hope of seat.
- 7:15 PM: Suzy Byrne Thanks for that P O’Neill
- 7:15 PM: tallaghtecho 7:56 : RDS: Crumlin/Kimmage singing The People Before Profit supporters broke into song after Joan Collins was elected.
They belted out .. - 7:16 PM: Stephen Spillane Sheilds ff elected on 2nd count in south west. Murphy gp eliminated #le09
- 7:17 PM: brettmirl @philipmurphy Fianna Fail: 22% Fine Gael: 39.3% #le09
- 7:17 PM: WSJEurope Irish Government Battered in Elections: Ireland’s ruling Fianna Fail party was battered in local elections and t.. tinyurl.com
- 7:17 PM: barjames fianna fail was annihilated in drogheda north according to tally men
(via @acidnation)
- 7:17 PM: RTE_Elections Enda Kenny has declined to say if he has a particular role in mind for George Lee
- 7:18 PM: brenflakes @aoifac He was like that in the GAA too, I wouldn’t worry about it, it’s nothing personal.
- 7:19 PM: wendylimerick Showing my civil servant friend the latest technology
- 7:19 PM: aoifac Maria Bailey and People Before Profit candidate Hugh Lewis elected in Ballybrack. Just one seat left, looks like FF may not get in in that ward.
- 7:19 PM: ryano Checked out the Joe Higgins MEP/Cllr conundrum last week: seems certain he can co-opt replacement without even attending first meeting #le09
- 7:22 PM: brenflakes Cáit Keane(FG) and I think John Lahart (FF) over the line in the 1st in Rathfarnham. Coburn (FG) and Cosgrave (Lab) to follow I’d imagine?
- 7:23 PM: stephencrowley officially received 3.1% of the vote and polled 10th out of 11. beat a FF. I am happy… ish
- 7:23 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: McCarthy and O’Brien elected in North West bit.ly
- 7:27 PM: aoifac Did that girl with the facebook pictures get elected? Don’t remember her ward.
- 7:27 PM: WHExaminer McDermott FG in in Coole with 1335; quota 1315; in 2nd count, distrib of SFein votes, Hill FF up to 1,259, McCarthy at 1230 Mullen out #LE09
- 7:28 PM: WHExaminer Mgar TC 2nd count, no-one elected through Dollard’s surplus, Harkin, 29 votes, elim. #LE09
- 7:29 PM: thusspakeblixa RATHFARNHAM 1ST COUNT Cait Keane (FG) and John Lahart (FF) elected #LE09
- 7:30 PM: thusspakeblixa Crumlin/Kimmage result:
Eric Byrne (Lab), Joan Collins (PbP), Henry Upton (Lab) and Ruairi McGinley (FG) #LE09 - 7:31 PM: finkeegan Just shows you: your vote counts! VIA @themayonews: Recount in Castlebar, only three votes seperate FF and Labour
- 7:32 PM: themayonews There is another recount, this time in Ballina MCC area. Gerry Ginty is 19 votes clear of FF’s Michael Loftus for the last seat. Weir in 4th
- 7:33 PM: keithnolan 10 people sorting votes using pigeon holes is a lot more interesting to watch than an e-vote #le09
- 7:33 PM: johnmayo #le09 what is the best site to follow local elections ie following transfers. rte not doing it for me
- 7:35 PM: NeoLiberalScum I’m tired, hungry, feel like I’m coming down with flu and absolutely bolloxed. That is the result of a well run election. (Plus some elected reps)
- 7:36 PM: Suzy Byrne @NeoLiberalScum congratulations and hope you are getting fed!
- 7:36 PM: aoifac @johnmayo – certainly not Irish Times. Most disappointing coverage, they just shouldn’t have bothered.
- 7:36 PM: cianflah Full exit poll on the RTE site on PDF www.rte.ie
- 7:36 PM: aoifac cool, thanks
- 7:38 PM: RTE_Elections Sein Féin candidate in Dublin Central Christy Burke has been eliminated and his 4,420 votes are now being distributed
- 7:39 PM: athtrasna is it just me or have the ex-PDs done well today? #le09
- 7:40 PM: aoifecarroll Why have FG made the obvious schoolboy error of tabling a no confidence motion? Way to give FF back the power
- 7:40 PM: RTE_Elections Maureen O’Sullivan (IND) is the front runner in Dublin Central with 9,352 votes – she’s expected to benefit substantially from SF transfers
- 7:43 PM: irlef2009 @barratree It’s raining down here in Skerries! Snowing up in Balbriggan? Typical June weather!
- 7:43 PM: irlef2009 @barratree It’s raining down here in Skerries! Snowing up in Balbriggan? Typical June weather!
- 7:43 PM: eoinwilson Tom Kivlehan eliminated in Ballybrack #le09
- 7:44 PM: deebdublin BBC coverage of election: bit.ly Nice pics of count and of Dublin south ballot paper with lee no 1 #le09
- 7:44 PM: PaulJMcMahon #le09 Meath Duns Tally 1.Fitzgerald Ind 2359 2. Killian FF 2041 3. Doherty FG 1625 4. Bonner Ind 1534 5. Leonard FF 1052 6. O’Connor FG 1043
- 7:44 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Hegarty elected in East Cork bit.ly
- 7:44 PM: RTE_Elections Dublin Central FG candidate Paschal Donohoe is on 7,412 and Ivana Bacik is on 5,774, both trailing Maureen O’Sullivan
- 7:44 PM: damienblake Fine Gael vote in Letterkenny Town Council up by approx 40% to 2.5 quotas – likely to go from 1 seat to …. 1 seat. #le09
- 7:44 PM: thusspakeblixa Ballyfermot/Drimnagh-Vincent Jackson(IND), Louise Minihan(SF) and Philip Nolan (FG) in battle for last 2 seats. Jackson & Minihan lead #le09
- 7:46 PM: Suzy Byrne @ray #le09 Meath Duns Tally 1.Fitzgerald Ind 2359 2. Killian FF 2041 3. Doh|erty FG 1625 4. Bonner Ind 1534 5. Leonard FF 1052 6. O’Connor FG 1043c
- 7:46 PM: thusspakeblixa Maria Parodi and Felix Manning look set to grab two seats in South East Inner City – all updates from Tallaght Echo #le09
- 7:46 PM: squidlimerick Looks like there will be a full recount in Limerick City South #le09
- 7:46 PM: ann_donnelly Clonakilty’s Jim Daly Fine Gael, returning County Councillor, elected in first count. Wonder where the transfers r going. Great game.
- 7:47 PM: squidlimerick Limerick City North Hourigan (FG) Elected #le09
- 7:48 PM: damienblake Fine Gael director on Highland Radio talking recount for the Town Council. Donegal County Council counts taking place tomorrow. #le09
- 7:49 PM: WHExaminer Boxer Moran elected in Ath wid 1771, quota: 1505; his surplus being distrib now. Lookin gd: J Whelan M Cooney F Keena #LE09
- 7:50 PM: cianflah Johnny ‘Porridge’ O COnnor not looking good for his Kerry Co Co seat in Killorglin. Losing to running mate
www.irishtimes.com - 7:54 PM: BrianGreene #le09 would you believe Malahide Howth ward has not declared a 1st count 12 hrs after starting. I will have 1032fpv when they do call it
- 7:54 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Forde , McGrath and Lombard elected bit.ly
- 7:55 PM: aoifecarroll Frank McBrearty Jr elected for Lab in Donegal! #Le09
- 7:57 PM: Suzy Byrne Wendy = Ian is fighting for last seat was last I heard – between him and his running mate?
- 7:57 PM: politicalthicko rumours abound that FF are to finally start pronouncing the fail in their name correctly. #le09
- 7:57 PM: squidlimerick Audio added to limerick blogger. Interview Jan O’Sullivan and City North Count 1 result #le09
- 7:58 PM: Suzy Byrne @Jennyjeffer – hi to Stevie…
- 7:59 PM: breakingnewsie Fine Gael to table motion of no confidence in Government: Fine Gael are to propose a motion of no confidence in .. short.ie
- 8:00 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Kelly and Burton elected bit.ly
- 8:01 PM: eoinpurcell I think there is a string chance that Paschal Donoghue my actually retain the runner up spot in DC though it’d be a close thing #le09
- 8:01 PM: damienblake @aoifecarroll He will be, but the count here isn’t until tmrw. That’s based on tally figures, which are usually very good here #le09
- 8:01 PM: Bazalini Anyone got a link to the breakdown on the Dublin Central distribuitions. Nothing on RTE
- 8:02 PM: Suzy Byrne ~ @Bazalini Dublin city returning officer seems less technically aware than his colleagues in Sligo, Fingal, South Dublin Co. Council etc.
- 8:02 PM: eoinpurcell Tis on rte, just slightly hidden bit.ly
#le09 - 8:03 PM: RTE_Elections Sinn Féin’s Christy Burke has been elected on the second count in North Inner City
- 8:03 PM: Mark_Coughlan The man @MannixFlynn is in. #le09
- 8:03 PM: Suzy Byrne Dublin Central Count www.rte.ie
- 8:04 PM: RTE_Elections Fine Gael’s Gerry Breen and Independent Damian O’Farrell have both been elected on the first count in Clontarf
- 8:04 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Kingston elected in South Central bit.ly
- 8:04 PM: RTE_Elections Labour’s Aine Clancy has been elected on the fourth count in Cabra/Glasnevin
- 8:05 PM: RTE_Elections Fine Gael’s Seamus Weir has taken the 5th seat in the Ballina electoral area. He was elected to Mayo CoCo on the 6th count
- 8:05 PM: John J Suzy – Any news from Fingal count?
- 8:05 PM: Justin RTE says 113 seats have been filled. Does anyone have a party breakdown – including smaller parties – for this figure?
- 8:05 PM: Bazalini Thanks – dead right its hidden – Thanks for link
- 8:05 PM: lostexpectation declan gnaley still only on 10%
- 8:05 PM: wendylimerick Thanks Suzy!
- 8:06 PM: Ray Cheers P & Suzy.. it’s my old ward…now all I need is Fingal to get their finger out!
- 8:06 PM: RTE_Elections In Ballina, Independent candidate Gerry Ginty was elected, but a recount has been called by Fianna Fail’s Michael Loftus
- 8:07 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Walsh eliminated bit.ly
- 8:09 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Second count in South East bit.ly
- 8:11 PM: krayZpaving Rté exit poll in East: McGuinness 25, Childers 20, Aylward 16, Phelan 13. #le09
- 8:11 PM: Stephen Spillane Kingston lab elected in south central. O’halloran fg outpolling the 2 ff candidates. #Le09
- 8:15 PM: tallaghtecho 9:04 : Basketball Arena: General update Yes Pat, the count is taking that long, longer perhaps!! We’re heading into our thirteenth hour, ..
- 8:15 PM: faduda New blog post: Kildare possibly slowed count in country #le09 faduda.ie
- 8:15 PM: michaelpkelly What about town councils?#le09
- 8:15 PM: faduda New blog post: Kildare (Athy) Martin Miley Jnr (FF) elected #le09 faduda.ie
- 8:17 PM: RTE_Elections Following the 7th count in the Dublin Central bye-election, Independent candidate Maureen O’Sullivan now stands on 11,062
- 8:19 PM: RTE_Elections Ivana Bacik has been eliminated. Her 6.537 votes will be distributed to the two remaining candidates, Maureen O’Sullivan & Paschal Donohoe
- 8:20 PM: dickobrien 26 of 52 seats filled in Dublin City [Lab 11, FG 4, FF 1, SF, 5, PBPA 2, Ind 3]
- 8:29 PM: aoifac Donal Marren got the last seat in Ballybrack – 2 LAB, 2 FG & 1 PBP. Sitting Cllrs to lose out were FF and GN.
- 8:29 PM: aoifac Barry Ward elected, 2nd seat in Blackrock (Dun Laoghaire) so a great result there, FG first two past the post in the ward.
- 8:29 PM: chiarraigrrl George Lee got more than 27k first preferences- well ahead of the next candidate at 10k… #le09 hurrah!!
- 8:29 PM: squidlimerick Limerick City South Leddin (Lab) Byrne (FG) Elected #le09
- 8:30 PM: lostexpectation castleknock final result, j higgins sp,e loftus fg, peggy hamill lp, m murray ff, elected
- 8:30 PM: Justin Thans for that info Dick. It’s good to get the bigger picture
- 8:30 PM: Bazalini Any idea what Donohue is behind MoS
- 8:30 PM: Anonymous Marren got the least seat in Ballybrack – 2 LAB, 2 FG & 1 PBP. Sitting FF and GN lost out.
- 8:30 PM: Bazalini Good to see Martin Miley Jnr get elected. I hope he is not so shy in future that he is a FF councillor
- 8:31 PM: Suzy Byrne Liveblog team watching television online for first time today – far too busy online up to now for telly watching
- 8:31 PM: krayZpaving Rté seem to think there was only Dublin South by election. No mention of @labour historic gains in rural areas. Leitrim, Donegal, etc #le09
- 8:31 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Kelleher and Murphy elected in North East bit.ly
- 8:34 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Canty elected to Macroom area bit.ly
- 8:35 PM: Sarah Brenna Any word on Maria Parodi ?
- 8:36 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Michael Martin out of the race bit.ly
- 8:37 PM: aoifecarroll RTE are a disgrace. Not one mention of all the @labour gains. #Le09
- 8:37 PM: Maldini @SDDesign Higgins has said he will also contest the next general election and co-opt his Euro seat to a colleague if elected #le09
- 8:37 PM: Johnp63 RTE poll, 37% want neither cowen or kenny as next taoiseach. Proof we need a “none of the above” on the ballot papers #le09
- 8:37 PM: aoifecarroll RTE are a disgrace. Not one mention of all the @labour gains. #Le09
- 8:37 PM: pathfinderpat Congratulations to Eddie Ryan from Galbally for getting elected to Limerick County Council #le09
- 8:37 PM: thusspakeblixa Ballyfermot/Drimnagh FINAL RESULT- Conaghan (Lab), Smith (PbP), Jackson (Ind), Minihan (SF) #le09
- 8:37 PM: barratree Rod not elected on sixth count in castleknock. Murray gets it. Politics not meritocracy. Over and Out. #le09 #fb
- 8:37 PM: chiarraigrrl 55% of people in an exit poll want a general election this year, according to RTE, with 35% wanting Enda Kenny as Taoiseach. #le09
- 8:37 PM: DaraghLally @RTE_Elections I’m with @ireland – it’s a good idea to use #hashtags, in this case #le09 – that way more people will see your tweets.
- 8:38 PM: PJ Coogan michael ahern elected cork sw
- 8:38 PM: krayZpaving RT @aoifecarroll: RTE are a disgrace. Not one mention of all the @labour gains. #Le09
- 8:39 PM: DaraghLally @RTE_Elections I’m with @ireland – it’s a good idea to use #hashtags, in this case #le09 – that way more people will see your tweets.
- 8:40 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Ahern elected in Cork South West bit.ly
- 8:51 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Connolly eliminated bit.ly
- 8:53 PM: RTE_Elections The full RTÉ/Sunday Independent Exit Poll is available on the RTÉ elections website. Click tinyurl.com to view
- 8:59 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Deputy McGrath congratulates his brother on win bit.ly
- 9:05 PM: RTE_Elections Independent candidate Maureen O’Sullivan has been elected in the Dublin Central bye-election
- 9:07 PM: lexia Home. Picked up the Trib and Sindo on the way
- 9:08 PM: aoifac O’Sullivan elected in Dublin Central
- 9:08 PM: Waterfire Any tally (not exit poll) news re Ferris down Kerry way would be appreciated? Lab Farren in Blackrock or Lab McDowell in Donaghmede.
- 9:08 PM: SimonHaden Brian Meaney for Greens still on course to hold seat in Ennis West. Breen (IND) and Mulqueen (FG) elected. Other seat will go to McNamara (FF).
- 9:09 PM: lostexpectation Howhth Malahide 1st count. Coyle 3781. Farrell 2739. Maher 2372. O’Call 2256. Power 1659. Guiren 1814. Wolfe 1319. Total poll 22251. Quota 3709
- 9:09 PM: eamon o’donnell how’s daithi do-little doing , doing little no doubt
- 9:09 PM: brettmirl Joe Malone, FF has been elected on the 2nd count of KK Borough Council. So far 2 FF, 1 FG #le09
- 9:09 PM: WHExaminer Latest on Athlone: Boxer Moran’s 266 distributed, no-one elected, so now underway is distribution of the 505 votes of Jack Moran Ind #LE09
- 9:10 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Lombard delighted with FG success in Carrigaline bit.ly
- 9:10 PM: RTE_Elections Independent candidate Maureen O’Sullivan has been elected in the Dublin Central bye-election
- 9:10 PM: stratagemni Maureen O’Sullivan (Ind) succeeds colleague Tony Gregory in Dublin Central by-election, while George Lee secures Dublin South for Fine Gael.
- 9:10 PM: randomirishnews Independent Maureen O’Sullivan elected to Dublin Central.
- 9:13 PM: aoifac Bhreathnach in for Lab in Blackrock, last seat left. Farren only got 936 first prefs, not sure he is even still in the running. May go to Victor Boyhan former PD now Ind (obviously didn’t tell people he used to be PD:) )
- 9:14 PM: tallaghtecho 10:04 : Basketball Arena: RathfarnhamOver and out RDS reporter…enjoy your freedom!No one elected on second Rathfarnham vote, Labour’s C..
- 9:14 PM: irishauthor I’m watching Count Day Liveblog #le09 on @scribblelive scrbliv.me
- 9:14 PM: brettmirl Kilkenny bucking the national trends, Green candidate Noonan doing very well and should be returned to both Borough and Co Councils #le09
- 9:14 PM: Jnisbet Dear Lord, I love the 5th 6th and potentially 7th counts! here ’till midnight and sleep tomorrow! Well done the counters! #le09
- 9:14 PM: keithnolan Back from the Mullingar count – could all do with some tea down there – a long night ahead. Great to finally meet @WHExaminer too ! #le09
- 9:14 PM: tallaghtecho 10:14 : Basketball Arena: General UpdateHi again Pat, you must be reading our minds…there is rumours circulating that the count may be ..
- 9:16 PM: damienblake @suzybie FF will have three highest pollers in Letterkenny LEA tmrw. This likely to be repeated anywhere else?! #le09
- 9:18 PM: PatrickSaint anyone know how Michael Stroke Fahy is doing in South galway/ Loughrea? #le09
- 9:18 PM: eamon o’donnell is katherine noone doing well ?
- 9:19 PM: Suzy Byrne @Eamon – she was elected www.rte.ie
- 9:19 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: McMurry eliminated bit.ly
- 9:20 PM: keithnolan For anyone interested in how the Westmeath elections are going, follow @WHExaminer for the live results #le09
- 9:20 PM: lostexpectation howhmalahide others JG NP 1814, AP FF 1659, JW SSP 1319, BG SP 1032, DH GP 962, COM SF 638, RK GP 616, EMcK 341, JS NP 237, PJ NP 202 #le09
- 9:20 PM: handelaar bit.ly
www.kildarestreet.com #le09 - 9:21 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Burns out of the running bit.ly
- 9:22 PM: eoinbannon Still waiting for first of Co Co counts in Longford! Town council going at snail’s pace too. FF still on cards to gain 1 Co councillor #le09
- 9:22 PM: brettmirl Maurice Shorthall, Lab & Mary Hilda Cavanagh, FG elected in Ballyragget LEA KK CoCo #le09
- 9:25 PM: RTE_Elections Maureen O’Sullivan has said she will be a community committed TD who will serve ordinary people
- 9:26 PM: eamon o’donnell tks Suzy , so that’s Katherine, Mannix and Kevin who’s looking like the last seat ? tell me it’s Maria please
- 9:26 PM: PatrickSaint FG Martin Conway of Ennistymon topped poll + elected in North Clare, Ennistymon…. publican + Independent Eugene MacNamara + Obama looka like been eliminated
- 9:26 PM: RTE_Elections Maureen O’Sullivan said it was sad Tony Gregory was not here to see her victory, but she said he would have a wry look on his face
- 9:28 PM: Suzy Byrne Eamon – rte website has changed again – am looking for verfication elsewhere. Will be back to you
- 9:30 PM: lexia @RTE_Elections It would be hard for him to see it, alright.
- 9:31 PM: brenflakes Second count: distributions of McGuinness’s surplus of 604
Malcolm Noonan +26 = 636
John Coonan +84 = 652
Joe Malone +131 = 695 ELECTED
Betty Manning + 26 = 536
Marie Fitzpatrick + 35 = 511
Kathleen Funchion +27 = 501
David Fitzgerald +14 = 444
Paul Cuddihy + 10 = 430
Sean O hArgain +9 = 366
Mick Greene +5 = 349
Jimmy Leahy +18 =362
Joe Reidy +99 = 418
Frank Kavanagh +17 = 289
Anna Michalska +58 = 291
Darren Murphy +8 =221
Sean Butler +10 = 190
Eugene McGuinness +24 = 200
Noel Frawley +2 = 109
Roger O’Reilly +1 = 27 - 9:31 PM: brenflakes That’s Kilkenny
- 9:31 PM: PatrickSaint Obama comment on previous quote refered to canditate’s style, material + campaign style and not meant in anyway racial!
- 9:32 PM: Suzy Byrne @iceman www.rte.ie
- 9:32 PM: squidlimerick Limerick City North Count 3 Pat McCarthy (ind) eliminated. No one has been elected #le09
- 9:32 PM: machinenation Ennis East and West shuffling on. FF losing seats in both EA s. bit.ly #le09
- 9:32 PM: faduda Facebook candidate Emma Kiernan has been elected to Newbridge Town Council #le09
- 9:32 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Berminingham makes it bit.ly
- 9:33 PM: Iceman Final seat in the SWIC anyone?
- 9:33 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: O’ Grady eliminated bit.ly
- 9:33 PM: ryano Anyone know the latest on Dublin North Inner City? #le09
- 9:33 PM: Stephen Spillane Mick barry (soc) tops poll in cork north central #le09
- 9:37 PM: Maldini Fergus Byrne (SF) and Stephen O’Connell (FF) eliminated from Fingal-Balbriggan. Byrne on 3rd count and O’Connell on 4th. #le09
- 9:37 PM: Elrobo @ryano according to bit.ly 3 down O’Sullivan IND, Costello LAB & Burke SF, 3 more seats up for grabs. #le09
- 9:37 PM: Mark_Coughlan Trying to write something for @irishelection but I’m fecking knackered. 50 words in.
- 9:37 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Brosnan elected, Coughlan eliminated bit.ly
- 9:39 PM: aoifac Neal Richmond FG now in Glencullen – Sandyford
- 9:39 PM: Suzy Byrne Miriam Lords’ election awards bit.ly #le09
- 9:39 PM: faduda New blog post: Heydon (FG) elected on fourth count (Kildare / Athy) #le09 faduda.ie
- 9:39 PM: Elrobo In Dublin NIC, what happens to O’Sullivans seat now that she has won the Central by-election? #le09
- 9:40 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Second Carrigaline count fails to elect a candidate bit.ly
- 9:40 PM: eoinwilson Meabh Cody just eliminated on fourth count #le09
- 9:41 PM: faduda New blog post: Kildare (Celbridge) second count results #le09 faduda.ie
- 9:43 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Mulvihill elected to Midleton area bit.ly
- 9:43 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Barry tops the poll in North Central bit.ly
- 9:46 PM: Suzy Byrne
- 9:48 PM: Suzy Byrne Wicklow results including Town Councils indytech-dev4.com
- 9:49 PM: WHExaminer Kilbeggan Coghill elim; Athlone, Lisa Bourke elim; Mgar Towm Council Higgins elim; Mgar East, Leonard elected; West Casey elim. #LE09
- 9:54 PM: squidlimerick Limerick City North : no one elected in 4 . Natt Larkin (Ind) eliminated #le09
- 9:54 PM: WHExaminer mullingar town council rashid butt elim. #LE09
- 9:56 PM: stevenconlon #le09 SligoCoCo: Sligo/Strandhill (7):Bree (IND), Healy McGowan (FF), Henry (FG), McGarry (LAB), McLoughlin (FG), McManus (SF), O’Grady(FF)
- 9:56 PM: dlooney Cllr Mick Duff elected. Gonna be right to the wire for us #le09
- 9:58 PM: Suzy Byrne South Dublin Co. Council Count Results are available (including transfers!) www.southdublin.ie
- 9:59 PM: eamon o’donnell hi Suzy any update on SEIC ?
- 10:00 PM: Suzy Byrne Eamon – see this – trusted source confirms election of Noone and Parodi twitter.com
- 10:00 PM: cianflah Spring and Ferris both elected to Kerry Co Co fpr Tralee on first count (yup were still only on first count) adjourned till tomorrow
- 10:00 PM: tommycooney Searched Twitter for #le09: tinyurl.com
- 10:01 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: MacIntyre eliminated bit.ly
- 10:01 PM: janeruffino Frustrated that RTE’s Dublin SE page says only one seat’s been filled, while overall site says they all are. Which is correct? #le09
- 10:03 PM: themayonews Clarification regarding Westport Town Council: It was Fianna Fail’s Brendan Mulroy who took the last seat, with Labour’s Keith Martin in …
- 10:04 PM: Suzy Byrne Greens call recount in Bray Town Council West – 1 FF and 1 FG and 1 SF elected – between 2 Labour and Green for last seat.
- 10:04 PM: eamon o’donnell tks Suzy
- 10:04 PM: SimonHaden Ennistymon final result Hillery, Nagle & Kelly (all FF); Conway & Arkins (all FG). FF 54.7% of vote !!! Are they all asleep in North Clare ?
- 10:05 PM: squidlimerick Audio City East Count Six has been added to Limerickblogger.ie #le09
- 10:05 PM: WHExaminer Athlone: Kieran Molloy eliminated, 4th count, 864 votes for distribution. Mullingar West Frank McIntyre elim #LE09
- 10:05 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Crowley eliminated bit.ly
- 10:06 PM: RTE_Elections Andrew Montague of Fine Gael has been elected on the fourth count in Artane / Whitehall
- 10:07 PM: RTE_Elections Independent Vincent Jackson has taken a seat in Ballyfermot/Drimnagh and Louise Minihan has taken a seat there for Sinn Féin
- 10:07 PM: lexia Roscommon Co. Co. – counts are projected to go on until 3am in the morning – just 4 out of 26 seats have been filled
- 10:07 PM: RTE_Elections Clare Byrne of Fine Gael has been elected in the South West Inner City as has Sinn Féin’s Criona Ni Dhalaigh
- 10:07 PM: PatrickSaint How did Flanagan do in Ennistymon?
- 10:07 PM: Dublin 12 Will we soon have a general election folks
- 10:08 PM: janeruffino Thanks to Suzy Byrne and @niamhvus I got some clarity: Mannix, Parodi and Humphreys all elected. Regret not making it to RDS now. #le09
- 10:08 PM: AislingK7 #le09 Looking at Limk South voting.. FG and Lab looking good
- 10:08 PM: RTE_Elections Maria Parodi of Labour and Independent Mannix Flynn have taken seats in the South East Inner City as has Fine Gael’s Catherine Noone
- 10:08 PM: darran Forde, McGrath & Lombard elected. Looks like Collins then Desmond for the next 2. Anyones guess for the last seat! url.ie #le09
- 10:08 PM: Suzy Byrne @RTE_Elections Andrew Montague is a Labour Party Candidate #le09
- 10:08 PM: RTE_Elections Paddy Bourke of Fine Gael has been elected in Artane/ Whitehall
- 10:09 PM: RTE_Elections Aodhain O’Riordain of Labour has been elected in Clontarf and Independent Ciaran Perry has taken a seat in Cabra/Glasnevin
- 10:10 PM: PJ Coogan henry cremin SF elected cork SW… fergal dennehy FF goned
- 10:10 PM: PatrickSaint we’ll have a long hot summer (hopefully) and an autumn election…chaos for a while…see Ireland: Boom, Burst…Revolution? —http://is.gd/QO8X
- 10:10 PM: SimonHaden @patricksaint Ann Marie Flanagan (ENNISTYMON) increased her vote slightly to 757. But entrance of young new FF female candidate and mopping up of retired IND Laffertys votes by FG Conway kept her out of the running.
- 10:11 PM: Stephen Spillane South west count finished. 2 Fg, 2 lab, 1 ff, 1sf dennehy looses seat #le09
- 10:13 PM: themayonews Clarification regarding Westport Town Council: It was Fianna Fail’s Brendan Mulroy who took the last seat, with Labour’s Keith Martin in …
- 10:13 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Minister O’ Keeffe says FF expected to take a hit bit.ly
- 10:13 PM: PatrickSaint Thanks Ennistymon — I was hoping she’d do it…Eugene didn’t help either…had the impression that FF are ‘surrounded’ there…was surprised Nagle made it
- 10:13 PM: Cliona Ryan Labour rule in SEIC, daithi do-little is out
- 10:14 PM: swearimnotpaul Townsend first past the post in Muine Bheag Carlow County Council election url.ie #le09
- 10:14 PM: syzygial Fourteen hours later and the count continues @ DLRCC count centre. Feighery and Corish hanging in there, just! #fb #le09
- 10:14 PM: tallaghtecho 10:45 : Basketball Arena: Tallaght Central FIRST candidate elected in Tallaght Central, Labour’s Mick Duff. The Tymon North community wor..
- 10:14 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Dennehy loses seat bit.ly
- 10:15 PM: tallaghtecho 11:09 : Basketball Arena: Tallaght South Hot!RE- COUNT for Tallaght South due to 15 votes in it between Fianna Fail’s John Hannon and Fin..
- 10:16 PM: SimonHaden How many councillors will the Greens end up with ? So far probables are Deary (Louth); Meaney (Clare); Noonan (Kilkenny); Corr (Fingal). Any news from O’Brolchain in Galway City ?
- 10:17 PM: Maldini @irlef2009 by the way www.fingalcoco.ie has an election area that seems to update quicker than RTE #le09
- 10:17 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Count five in Macroom bit.ly
- 10:18 PM: PatrickSaint RTE seem behind the curve…twitter + bloggers on the ball
- 10:20 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Fleming elected in Blarney bit.ly
- 10:20 PM: aoifac Boyhan in Blackrock – IND formally PD. IND & FG win, FF &GP lose.
- 10:21 PM: skearon Wicklow County Count – spoilt votes now being shown to candidates, 1st count is getting a little nearer….
- 10:21 PM: SimonHaden @patricksaint It’s not FF who are surrounded in North Clare it’s us who live here ! Nagle was one of those who hid FF name on his posters.
- 10:21 PM: PatrickSaint Any Loughrea/South Galway results?
- 10:22 PM: skearon Wicklow County Count – spoilt votes now being shown to candidates, 1st count is getting a little nearer….
- 10:23 PM: aoifac Tom Joyce (FG) & Tom Murphy (FF) in Glencullen. So far Murphy is FF’s ONLY elected Cllr in DLRCoCo. 9 seats left to fill.
- 10:24 PM: handelaar Award-winning Cork City website doing its usual sterling job with election updates, I see. Apparently there’s to be an election soon. #le09
- 10:25 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Cork South West – Final Result bit.ly
- 10:26 PM: Suzy Byrne Many thanks to everyone for their input today from around the country – we’ll be running the liveblog again tomorrow to cover the European Parliament Counts (and for a while yet tonight!)
- 10:28 PM: keatingciara #le09 if rte is to be believed they are still on the 1st count in many of the wards in the dublin city council…..arrggghhh
- 10:28 PM: WHExaminer Mgar East Georgina Bagnall elim; Kilbeggan Paul Daly elected, Mullingar Town Council Corrigan eliminated; Mgar West, Sorca Clarke elim #LE09
- 10:29 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Tynan elected bit.ly
- 10:30 PM: faduda New blog post: Daly (FG) elected on 5th count in Kildare (Athy) #le09 faduda.ie
- 10:32 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Re-count in Bandon Electoral Area bit.ly
- 10:33 PM: John Fingal County Council have a live link to there election count, leave it run and you can catch updates from returning officers on counts. They are also updating there website on counts also. well done Fingal.:-) www.fingalcoco.public-i.tv
- 10:33 PM: P O’Neill Meath counts very slow; collected tallies for Trim and Dunshaughlin here tinyurl.com
- 10:33 PM: machinenation Ennis west 4 seats filled – Ind FF FG GP – Meaney GP elected for his work rate bit.ly #le09 Breen elected as thorn in side
- 10:33 PM: marloft Tally NW: Harkin 85k; Higgins 79k; Gallagher 75k; Ganley 67k; McLoughlin 45k Mooney 43k O’Reilly 37k O’Keeffe 25k #LE09 bit.ly
- 10:33 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Cork North East – Final Result bit.ly
- 10:35 PM: marloft Tubbercurry #LE09 Colleary, FF 754; Fleming FG 748; Gormley Ind 2,117; Lundy FF 956; McCarrick Ind 344; Murray FG 879 bit.ly
- 10:35 PM: WHExaminer Frankie Keena elected in Athlone. Surplus of 98 to be distributed. #LE09
- 10:40 PM: WHExaminer Betty Doran elim in 7th count Mgar West #LE09
- 10:40 PM: irlef2009 Wonder where RTE got all that attendance and other information for Euro MPs? Here: Your MEPs : By country/region ow.ly #le09
- 10:40 PM: Fergal Uh Oh. George Lee says he’s “humbled”. I’ve always thought that only the pathalogically insincere claim to be humbled by success #le09
- 10:41 PM: WHExaminer Betty Doran elim in 7th count Mgar West #LE09
- 10:46 PM: Alexia Golez Hugely impressed by Highland Radio and Roscommon’s Rosfm
- 10:47 PM: leotraynor @CiaranCuffe Elsewhere they’re calling it an electoral disaster due to coalition with an inept and corrupt party. #LE09
- 10:47 PM: irlef2009 Larry Dunne, FG, eliminated in Fingal Balbriggan. That might do it for Skerries candidate, Tom O’Leary, of FG. bit.ly #le09
- 10:47 PM: brettmirl bit.ly
Tallies are very high for Ratoath candidates. Are all boxes open? #le09 - 10:48 PM: SimonHaden Betty Doran ! Thats another EX-GREEN councillor thats lost their seat (Bronwen Maher)
- 10:49 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Gallagher eliminated bit.ly
- 10:51 PM: SimonHaden Brian Meaney (Green) RE-Elected for Clare County Council (Ennis West) even though electoral area was split in two. Congratulations Brian !
- 10:52 PM: syzygial RT @CiaranCuffe We’re calling this a “crisitunity” here in Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown #LE09
- 10:52 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Linehan-Foley out of Midleton race bit.ly
- 10:52 PM: irlef2009 @Fergal Sincerity: once you can fake that, you’ve got it made
- 10:52 PM: WHExaminer Kilbeggan: Arthur, FG, elected, and COrcoran, Lab, without reaching quota. Kilbeggan completel. #LE09
- 10:55 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Coughlan and Moynihan elected in Macroom bit.ly
- 10:55 PM: P O’Neill brettmirl, dunshaughlin tally is a few hours old but source was firm on its reliability. bad showing for McLaughlin (lab) stood out.
- 10:56 PM: squidlimerick Kilmallock Count 8 Creehan (FF) Eliminated #le09
- 10:56 PM: sharoncasey RT @CiaratnCuffe We’re calling this a “crisitunity” here in Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown #LE09
- 10:56 PM: boredsahm What is happening in Pembroke-Rathmines? #le09
- 10:56 PM: ann_donnelly @CiaranCuffe Sorry your candidate didn’t do well in Cork County Council Skibbereen district. Not enough exposure for party here #LE09
- 10:58 PM: PatrickSaint according to RTE exit poll 81% dissatisfied with how country being run, 55% want general election this year.
- 10:58 PM: dlooney Colm Brophy about to be elected for FG for the second seat. We are looking good for seat 5
- 10:58 PM: Stephen Spillane Fg’s neville held the seat from lab’s buckey in bandon #le09
- 11:01 PM: squidlimerick Mick the Quill has been eliminated in the City North after Count 7 #le09
- 11:02 PM: BrianGreene Joe Higgins, Clare Daly, Ruth Coppinger top the poll for SP in Fingal. #le09 Terry Kelleher elected to Balbriggan Town Council
- 11:03 PM: Mark_Coughlan The count for the Euro elections only STARTS tomorrow right? As in nothing has been counted as of yet in Ireland? Right? #le09
- 11:03 PM: lexia Break in Rosfm coverage with Diana Ross’ “Chain Reaction”. Gift.
- 11:03 PM: BrianGreene Drogheda Borough Council Frank Gallagher SP looking good for seat on COUNT 7 url.ie
- 11:05 PM: TheEmergency RT @mannixflynn: Thanks for pressing the buzzer, i’m in x #le09
- 11:05 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Nobody elected on third Carrigaline count bit.ly
- 11:06 PM: Suzy Byrne @Mark_Coughlan count begins at 9am – first count not allowed to be announced until 9 pm #le09
- 11:06 PM: athtrasna @Mark_Coughlan – Euro count starts tomorrow am – results not announced til 9pm when voting finishes across Europe #le09
- 11:07 PM: Paschald What a day. Gutted and so proud at the same time. Ended up with 10,198 votes.
- 11:08 PM: krayZpaving In Carlow, @labour returns a gain of 1 with patton, Quinn, 2 x Townsend& hurley. #le09
- 11:08 PM: PatrickSaint how’re FF looking in Clare? Any casualties?
- 11:08 PM: aoifac Proud of you too Pascal and hold on to those posters
- 11:08 PM: TheRealAmz Election coverage too addictive. Can’t go to bed yet. #le09
- 11:09 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: The wait continues bit.ly
- 11:10 PM: Paschald Councillor Mary O’Shea elected. Thank God!
- 11:13 PM: athtrasna @paschald Good things come to those who wait, and you won’t have to wait long. Well done on your amazing vote! #le09
- 11:14 PM: squidlimerick McLoughlan (Labour) elected in City North #le09
- 11:14 PM: SimonHaden FF CLARE – Peter Considine & Bernard Hanrahan have both lost their seats.
- 11:15 PM: tallaghtecho 0:12 : Basketball Arena: Lucan updateSixth count is in and still no further seats filled.Guss O’Connell (Ind) only needs 45 votes to secu..
- 11:15 PM: squidlimerick Banko (FF) eliminated in City South #le09
- 11:15 PM: PJ Coogan FF will only have 6 seats on new cork city council.. down from ten
- 11:15 PM: Suzy Byrne @PJCoogan thanks so much for all your updates today
- 11:16 PM: PatrickSaint Simon— I assume that’s Ennis Town council…how’re they doing in Killaloe ED? Hear FG topped the poll
- 11:17 PM: Alexia Golez 2nd Count for Roscommon (Athlone) coming soon.. Returning officer about speak. Jimmy Kenny (IND – former FF) is expected to do well. Tony Ward’s (IND) surplus will be dispersed.
- 11:17 PM: cianflah Mid Roscommon Second Count:
LEYDEN, Orla FF 1012 Elected
Paula Mc Namara’s surplus now been distributed.
Athlone (Roscommon) Count 1:
Tony Ward IND and John Naughton FG both elected on count 1
Tony Ward’s Surplus now been distributed.
Stll awaiting vote counts for Strokestown, Castlerea & Boyle. - 11:18 PM: Mark_Coughlan 27% of Libertas voters would vote Yes to Lisbon 2… WTF, according to Lansdowne Stats on today’s exit poll.
- 11:19 PM: RTE_Elections Mary Bohan and Francis Gilmartin (both Fianna Fáil) have been elected to Leitrim County Council after the fifth count in Dromahair
- 11:20 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Counhiahn gone bit.ly
- 11:21 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Coughlan says government need to give more funding to council bit.ly
- 11:23 PM: Mark_Coughlan several sources say The Cope was struggling to get non-Donegal votes, Harkin was looking good and Higgins was in. So it was Gan vs Cope. WTF
- 11:23 PM: Maldini #le09 all very tight in Fingal-Balbriggan. Transfers from party-mate make Murray a potential FF gain. Not many of those around today.
- 11:24 PM: Alexia Golez 2nd Count – Sth Roscommon (Athlone) Tony Ward’s (IND) Surplus of 319 votes dispersed. 1144 – Quota. Trevor Finneran (FF) +20 (676) / Anthony Geraghty (FF) +33 (485) / Dermot Kelly (FG) +67 (622) / Jim Kenny (IND) +65 (1072) / Alma Keogh (SF) +31 (393) / John Keogh (FF) +39 (744) / Paddy Kilduff (FF) +36 (711 ) / Ollie Moore (FG) +38 (870)
- 11:25 PM: athtrasna @corkpolitics Any update on Kanturk? #le09
- 11:25 PM: Suzy Byrne at 00.24 counts are still being updated from everywhere on the liveblog bit.ly
- 11:27 PM: Alexia Golez Spoiled vote figures in Sth Roscommon (Athlone) were under serious scrutiny. Two sitting Cllrs were watching the votes under scrutiny (some 300) very, very closely. Rosfm is not reporting which Cllrs these were, but it turned out that only 74 votes were spoiled.
- 11:28 PM: Mark_Coughlan @damienblake So those sources might be right? Ganely will be in with a shot? He’s only at 10% acc to Exit poll with Cope at 21%/top…
- 11:28 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Two eliminated in South Central bit.ly
- 11:28 PM: RTE_Elections Fine Gael’s Catherine McLoughlin has been elected to Tipperary South Riding County Council after the fifth count in Cashel
- 11:28 PM: squidlimerick Latest Count in City North No one elected . Tina O’Gorman (Ind) eliminated #le09
- 11:28 PM: faduda New blog post: McGinley (Lab) elected in Kildare (Celbridge) third count #le09 faduda.ie
- 11:28 PM: SimonHaden Patrick – No its Clare County Council. Dont have Ennis Town Council result but probably only 1 FF seat there out of 9 so also a loss. No idea of Killaloe count.
- 11:29 PM: Mark_Coughlan @AllanCavanagh Didnt know that, I’ve heard little from Euros. Surprised though, thought he would getting more rural votes than townish.
- 11:29 PM: Essekane FF have a multi-headache in the Dáil constituency of Dublin Mid West. In the Clondalkin end, (1) they lost a sitting councillor and the councillor who was elected (on the last count) is a vocal critic of (2a) the sitting FF TD (and juvenile minister) John Curran and (2b) party HQ. In the north end of the consitiuency, Lucan, they are heading to having no councillor (again).
- 11:29 PM: aoifac 6 seats left to fill in DLRCOCO – 4 in Dun Laoghaire & 2 in Dundrum. So far FG 10, LAB 6PBP 2, IND 2 & FF 2
- 11:30 PM: Fergal @suzybie Liveblog really coming into its own now. Results are coming in, nobody else is covering them. #le09
- 11:30 PM: irlef2009 If Murray (FF) gets in, looks like others will be O’Leary (FG), O’Connor (Ind), and a fight between Byrne (Lab) and Corr (GP). Agree? #le09
- 11:31 PM: abigailrieley Does anyone know if Tom Stafford (FF) got in with the Dub Central local poll? #le09
- 11:32 PM: irlef2009 Fingal-Balbriggan – If Murray (FF) does not get in, looks like both Byrne (Lab) and Corr (GP) will make it. #le09
- 11:33 PM: RTE_Elections Labour’s John Mulvihill Snr has been elected to Cork County Council after the third count in Midleton
- 11:33 PM: Mark_Coughlan @suzybie jayzuz didnt realise that ICP had out-polled Malachy Steensen – that’s a dam shame.
- 11:35 PM: Suzy Byrne @abigailrieley Dublin North Inner City Count result #le09 bit.ly
- 11:35 PM: miguelpdl I found there was a firehose approach to #le09 live count twittering online and on national radio today, ended up reverting to local radio.
- 11:35 PM: stevenconlon #le09 sligo/Drumcliffe CoCo FINAL (6 seat): Cawley (LAB), Leonard (FG), Barry (FF), Devins (FF), Keaney (FF), Lyons (FG)….1 FF casualty
- 11:35 PM: WHExaminer Mullingar West completed: In are Penrose Lab, Troy FF Cornally Lab, Cooney FG, and Gynn. Mullingar East: McLoughlin elim #LE09
- 11:35 PM: funferal Happy to see Labour take a second seat in Galway, at expense of FF #le09
- 11:35 PM: Suzy Byrne @abigailrieley Dublin North Inner City Count result #le09 bit.ly
- 11:36 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: The longest day bit.ly
- 11:37 PM: Suzy Byrne South Dublin Co. Council Clondalkin Complete – Elected – Dowd, Delaney, Kenny, Ridge, Gilligan, McDonagh – details on www.southdublin.ie
- 11:37 PM: PJ Coogan terry shannon FF elected cork SE
- 11:38 PM: Alexia Golez Damn. Count has been adjourned in Roscommon for the night and will be resumed at 9am.
- 11:38 PM: viddythis anyone know if they have stopped counting in the Kilkenny for the night? 23 seats yet to be filled according to RTE. #le09
- 11:39 PM: RTE_Elections Fine Gael’s Sean McKiernan Jnr has been elected to Cavan County Council after the sixth count in Bailieborough
- 11:41 PM: Alexia Golez What the heck. Crazy Roscommon people. They can’t decide. Counts for Castlerea (1st) and 3rd Count for Sth Roscommon (Athlone) to go ahead tonight.
- 11:42 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Shannon holds his seat bit.ly
- 11:42 PM: Maldini #le09 Donaghmede count over 1.Kenny (Lab) 2. Forde (SF) 3. Brabazon (FF) 4. Crimmins (FG) beats out 2nd Lab candidate McDowell for last seat
- 11:44 PM: paul_cawley great day… interesting hearing all the #le09 data all day… off to bed
- 11:44 PM: Suzy Byrne Dermot Looney Elected in Tallaght Central – @dlooney #le09
- 11:45 PM: RTE_Elections Ind Sean Canney, Fine Gael’s Tom McHugh and Labour’s Colm Keaveney have been elected to Galway Co Council after the first count in Tuam
- 11:46 PM: Mark_Coughlan @damienmulley there was a few screens in the press room where I spotted the live blog today.
- 11:46 PM: squidlimerick City South (Count 5) Jack Bourke Eliminated. loses deposit #le09
- 11:46 PM: cianflah wow at Tom Stafford’s vote, a vital cog in the bertie machine about to fall off. That will not be a source of happiness and light for the mafia.
- 11:48 PM: squidlimerick imerick City North … James NIx (Green) Eliminated #le09
- 11:49 PM: Mark_Coughlan @dlooney Oi Dermot! I’m delighted to point out that your Twitter profile is out-of-date.
- 11:49 PM: abigailrieley Disgusted to see that the bloody Immigration Control Platform got 600 plus votes in Dub Central. #le09
- 11:53 PM: John Fingal Co CO: Swords LEA Final results: Five seats: Clare Daly (SP), Gerry Maguire(Lab), Tom Kelleher (Lab), Darragh Butler (FF), Anne Devitt (FG).
- 11:54 PM: aoifac So want to go to bed but want to wait and see if DLRCOCO is finished.
- 11:54 PM: abigailrieley Dublin Central might be the most left leaning constituency in the country but we’ve our fair share of racist reactionaries! #le09
- 11:55 PM: PatrickSaint Simon, that’s great news!!
- 11:56 PM: Maldini @abigailrieley Yeah, just be thankful ICP are too stupid to realise they might have been elected to the council with that amount #le09
- 11:56 PM: RTE_Elections Two former PDs – Terry O’Flaherty and Declan McDonnell – have won seats in Galwat City East as Independent candidates
- 11:56 PM: Simon McGarr farm4.static.flickr.com
- 11:57 PM: PatrickSaint Any news of SOuth Galway/Loughrea?
- 11:57 PM: lostexpectation fingal count center calling it a night
- 11:57 PM: greenwithenvy Any news from Galway or did all the counters go to wave goodbye to the Volvo boats today?
- 11:57 PM: SimonHaden Galway City West – O’Brolchain (Green) will be fighting for last seat but reasonable chance of making it. Big looser here is IND Callanan (ex Sinn Fein).
- 11:58 PM: RTE_Elections A recount in the Kilmallock area of Limerick County Council will commence at 9am
- 11:58 PM: cianflah % Of First Pref Votes by Party Mid Roscommon:
Fianna Fail 47.5%,
Fine Gael 28.6%,
People before profit party 1.9%,
Independents 22%.
% Of First Pref Votes by Party Athlone Roscommon:
Fianna Fail 31.2%,
Fine Gael 33.4%,
Sinn Fein 4.5%,
Independents 30.9%. - 11:58 PM: Essekane @Suzy Byrne on Looney election in Tallaght Central: Where is FF’s Eamon Walsh? SDCC’s website is lagging on the reporting. Will Tallaght Central be another ward without a FF councillor?
- 11:59 PM: Simon McGarr It appears to me that Suzy is now the national source of election news.
- 12:00 AM: Suzy Byrne @essekane – count complete…reload the the site to update it. Walsh last to be elected.
- 12:00 AM: irishelection Keyboard cat plays Shay Brennan off the stage url.ie and a look at tomorrow’s Euro poll url.ie #LE09
- 12:00 AM: PatrickSaint Is the general picture an FF wipe out?
- 12:00 AM: Fergal Notion: Will FFs collapse in the cities and relative strength in rural areas lead to a Blue State-Red State type divide? #le09
- 12:00 AM: irishelection Keyboard cat plays Shay Brennan off the stage url.ie and a look at tomorrow’s Euro poll url.ie #LE09
- 12:00 AM: corkpolitics New blog post: Final result for Skibbereen bit.ly
- 12:02 AM: Suzy Byrne RT @Patrick_DCC: Dublin City Council – 39 of 52 seats filled. 16 Lab. 7 FG. 7 Ind/Other. 6 SF. 3 FF. 0 GP. #le09
- 12:02 AM: corkpolitics New blog post: Final result for Bantry bit.ly
- 12:03 AM: cianflah Fergal it really could do, but it depends on how the scale of rural vote translates into GE seats. Current rural votes could mean only 1 seat in 3/4/5 seaters and a de facto FF implosion so it might be wait and see on that front.
- 12:04 AM: corkpolitics New blog post: Final result for Fermoy bit.ly
- 12:04 AM: krayZpaving @suzybie that’s as close to a landslide for @labour as can be achieved in our system. #le09
- 12:06 AM: corkpolitics New blog post: Final result for Mallow bit.ly
- 12:06 AM: Fergal Crehan Labour seem to be picking up seats in all sorts of surprising places around the country
- 12:06 AM: Suzy Byrne @krayZpaving agree – will be very interesting to watch DCC in action #le09
- 12:06 AM: aoifac Mary Mitchell O’Connor (FG) returned in Dun Laoghaire. 3 seats still to fill there
- 12:06 AM: Suzy Byrne Fair play to the local councils who did put results online, and the local papers also – now to get them all online for GE! #le09
- 12:07 AM: lexia LOL. Luke Ming Flanagan (IND) on Rosfm. His wife spoiled her vote for him by putting a loveheart on it.
He was elected in the 1st count
- 12:07 AM: athtrasna if only all the councils had them online. Cork & Kilkenny don’t seem to have noticed that there was an election! #le09
- 12:07 AM: lexia Luke Ming Flanagan elected in 1st Count of Castlerea, Roscommon.
- 12:08 AM: Mark_Coughlan Can you make slideshows with Flickr Pro?
- 12:09 AM: cianflah Castlerea Electoral Area First Count:
John Kelly IND 2230 Elected
Luke Ming Flanagan IND 1556 Elected
John Kelly’s surplus to be distributed this will not happen until 9.00 AM tomorrow morning when the count will continue. - 12:09 AM: RTE_Elections Labour’s Mary Freehill and Fiann Fail’s Jim O’Callaghan have been elected to Dublin City Council after the ninth count in Pembroke/Rathmines
- 12:09 AM: corkpolitics New blog post: Donnelly out of the race for Carrig seat bit.ly
- 12:10 AM: Fergal Crehan Luke Flanagan once ran in Galway under the name Ming The Merciless on a Legalise Cannabis platform, simply in order to piss off his former landlord Frank Fahy. Now he’s topping polls. Brilliant.
- 12:10 AM: corkpolitics New blog post: No joy in latest Midleton count bit.ly
- 12:13 AM: PatrickSaint Brilliant to see Ming elected.
- 12:14 AM: corkpolitics New blog post: Neville retains last Bandon seat bit.ly
- 12:14 AM: tallaghtecho 1:01 : Basketball Arena: Sobbing Granny update…We feel for you, hope you get everything sorted sooner rather than later!!
- 12:15 AM: tallaghtecho 1:13 : Oisin Quinn and Eoghan Murphy are definitely in for Pembroke-Rathmines
- 12:15 AM: PatrickSaint I’ll ask again..any news on South Galway, cant find anything online
- 12:15 AM: Mark_Coughlan Still waiting to post my final IE content of the day.
- 12:15 AM: finkeegan Left looking less loony: congratulations to our good friend, Aine Clancy [LAB], who took a Dublin City Council seat in #le09
- 12:16 AM: Suzy Byrne @Tommy and the ones watching liveblog on Irishelection.com – plus people coming in and out of scribble live site – not same 114 at all!! (she says to herself to prove her sanity!)
- 12:16 AM: PatrickSaint Good one Fergal. I hope not. More Ind canditates will appear. It will be chaotic for a while I’d say
- 12:16 AM: corkpolitics New blog post: Count continues in Carrig, Kanturk and Midleton bit.ly
- 12:17 AM: Tommy Great service folks. But are there really only 129 election junkies in the land still
Up? - 12:17 AM: aoifac Off to bed now. Back tomorrow /later today.
- 12:18 AM: Alexia Golez Full results for Castlerea (1st) – 7 seats – 1162 Quota – Liam Callaghan (FG) 743 / Michael Creaton (FG) 771 / Paschal Fitzmaurice (FF) 647 / Luke Ming Flanagan (IND) 1556 / Micheál Frain (FG) 501 / John Kelly (IND) 2230 / James Kilcoyne (FF) 550 / Michael McGreal (FG) 909 / Padraig Morris (IND) 244 / Michael Patrick Mulligan (SF) 695 / John Murray (FG) 430 – Ger O’Brien (IND) 23 // John Kelly’s surplus of 1068 to be dispersed. Count begins again at 10am
- 12:18 AM: Suzy Byrne Ashdub – southdublin.ie have the latest on Tallaght – reload page to get latest results
- 12:18 AM: Suzy Byrne At Aoifeac – many thanks for all the DLRCoCo results!
- 12:18 AM: squidlimerick Limerick City South (Count 6) O’Calaghan FF) Eliminated no one elected #le09
- 12:18 AM: monaghanpenguin Councillor Jim O’Callaghan elected tonight third on the poll after Michael Donnelly’s transfers. I’m broken but so happy. #LE09
- 12:19 AM: AshDob Any news on dublin south tallaght
- 12:19 AM: lostexpectation oh fingal is still going ithought they were all leaving
- 12:19 AM: lexia of course, I meant Ming not Mick.. damn tired fingers
- 12:20 AM: WHExaminer Mullingar Town CounciL Sorca Clarke elim and Bourke FG in; Athlone final: Cooney, Whelan, McFadden n Allen in; Mgar East, Bourke FG in #LE09
- 12:20 AM: corkpolitics New blog post: John Sheehan eliminated bit.ly
- 12:20 AM: squidlimerick Limerick City North … Cormac Hurley (FG) Elected #le09
- 12:20 AM: irlef2009 Kelleher (SP) eliminated in Fingal-Balbriggan. #le09
- 12:20 AM: eoinpurcell SoutH Dublin posted here www.southdublin.ie #le09
- 12:20 AM: WHExaminer tense times as battle between Davitt and Bourke FF on for final Mullingar East seat #LE09
- 12:20 AM: eoinpurcell SoutH Dublin posted here www.southdublin.ie #le09
- 12:20 AM: RTE_Elections Fine Gael’s Noel Buckley has been elected to Cork County Council on the sixth count in Kanturk
- 12:21 AM: krayZpaving Off to bed, having heard Oisin Quinn & @dlooney are elected. Have to be in Punchestown for 0900 for Euro count. #le09
- 12:22 AM: Stephen Spillane Fg just won the 2nd seat in cork south central! Well done emmet!
- 12:22 AM: irlef2009 Fingal. Kelleher will probably transfer enough to O’Connor to get him elected. Then depends on how many go to the Independents & Corr #le09
- 12:22 AM: SimonHaden Looks like Greens will be left with only 4 or 5 city or co council seats and possibly a few town council seats.
- 12:23 AM: Suzy Byrne @patricksant you looked at analysis posts on Irishelection.com to leave longer comments etc.?
- 12:23 AM: Maldini SDCC putting info on twitter now @sdccelections they should probably put the #le09 on to get more viewers though
- 12:24 AM: corkpolitics New blog post: Kavanagh eliminated bit.ly
- 12:24 AM: Alexia Golez Talk of a FF-IND coalition on Roscommon CoCo according to Rosfm. John Kelly (IND and elected on 1st count) denies all knowledge of a pact. Kelly says that independents worked well with FG. Kelly: “You know what they say about the devil you know”
- 12:26 AM: RTE_Elections Mark Coughlan has captured some great photos from the RDS count centre today – check them out tinyurl.com
- 12:26 AM: cianflah Longford Election Update.
Just one seat filled in Longford County Council.
Larry Bannon FG 925 votes Elected
Count will continue in the morning. - 12:27 AM: irlef2009 Just got very tight in Balbriggan. O’Connor (Ind) within a shout of getting there. O’Leary (FG) looks safe. Murray (FF) falling away #le09
- 12:27 AM: irlef2009 Fingal-Balbriggan. Byrne (Lab) 300 ahead of Corr (GP) so could be safe. Interesting if Brown (Ind) transfers to McKeon (Ind) first. #le09
- 12:27 AM: JoeLeogue FF buck national trend in Fermoy electoral area, retaining their two co co seats and adding two town co seats #le09
- 12:28 AM: squidlimerick Audio added to Limerickblogger.ie City South Count Six #le09
- 12:28 AM: Suzy Byrne Keating and O’Connell elected in Lucan Ward – onto 9th count there now
- 12:28 AM: neiljung What council is the single Green elected so far in?
- 12:28 AM: AshDob poor greens back to the drawing board…
- 12:28 AM: SimonHaden RTE Count Results here: www.rte.ie
- 12:28 AM: themayonews Hello again! Patsy O’Brien romped home in Claremorris, unbelieveable performance, it is going to go late though for the rest…
- 12:28 AM: corkpolitics New blog post: Three elected in Cork South East bit.ly
- 12:30 AM: SimonHaden neiljung – its Brian Meaney for Clare County Council (Ennis West)
- 12:32 AM: Alexia Golez 3rd count – Sth Roscommon (Athlone) expected in a matter of moments
- 12:32 AM: RTE_Elections Fine Gael’s Mary Mitchell O’Connor has been elected to Dun Laoighaire/Rathdown County Council after the eighth count in Dun Laoighaire
- 12:32 AM: corkpolitics New blog post: Cork South East – Final Result bit.ly
- 12:33 AM: squidlimerick Denis McCarthy takes final seat in Limerick East #le09
- 12:33 AM: boredsahm Pembroke Rathmines decided Lacey and Wynne elected? #le09
- 12:35 AM: PatrickSaint yeah, seems the poor old greens got sprayed with the weedkiller…pity, but that’s politics
- 12:36 AM: RTE_Elections Fianna Fáil’s Mark O’Keeffe, son of Education Minister Batt O’Keeffe, has lost his seat on Cork County Council
- 12:36 AM: corkpolitics New blog post: O’Driscoll gone, O’Halloran elected bit.ly
- 12:38 AM: Simon McGarr Local government has always been important to the Greens. Being flattened in Local Elections is an even heavier blow to them than to, say, the Christian Solidarity Party.
- 12:38 AM: Mark_Coughlan Last blog post of Saturday now up on @irishelection www.irishelection.com #le09
- 12:40 AM: Fergal Crehan Looking at Dublin on a constituency by constituency basis. FF’s Dublin collapse is striking.
- 12:40 AM: Alexia Golez 3nd Count – Sth Roscommon (Athlone) John Naughton’s (FG) surplus of 143 votes dispersed. 1144 – Quota. Trevor Finneran (FF) +7 (683) / Anthony Geraghty (FF) +4 (489) / Dermot Kelly (FG) +15 (637) / Jim Kenny (IND) +21 (1093) / Alma Keogh (SF) +11 (404) / John Keogh (FF) +16 (760) / Paddy Kilduff (FF) +9 (720) / Ollie Moore (FG) +60(930). No candidate reached the quota in this count. No surplus to disperse. Excluding Alma Keogh and her votes will be dispersed. Count resumes at 10am. Supporters are shouting and want to see another count. “Finish it out”, they shout out. CoCo people are ignoring the shouts and pick up their jackets to leave.
- 12:42 AM: squidlimerick Audio : Final result for Limerick City East uploaded to Limerickblogger #le09
- 12:42 AM: Alexia Golez End of the Roscommon counts. Rosfm team collapse!
- 12:42 AM: AshDob How many seats have the Greens won. and Where??? Anyone?
- 12:42 AM: PatrickSaint any predictions for post election ireland?
- 12:42 AM: themayonews The Castlebar TC final was FG 4, Heneghan, Heston, Deere, McCormack; FF, Gavin; Lab, Barrett; SF, Ruane; Ind, Kilcoyne, Durcan early on.
- 12:42 AM: faduda New blog post: Kildare Co Co (Celbridge) 4th count #le09 faduda.ie
- 12:43 AM: PatrickSaint 1 green in clare co co….
- 12:43 AM: Suzy Byrne 6/7 Green councillors out of 18 will be relected
- 12:44 AM: athtrasna Labour seems to excel at vote management, Pembroke/Rathmines is proof of that! #le09
- 12:44 AM: themayonews Swinford sees Murray home as he likes, Maloney and Lavin look safeish, but big battle for last seat, with Mellett in big bother it seems!
- 12:45 AM: lostexpectation gp will have 6/7 two many, they lost two cllrs in the newly merged howth malahide ward
- 12:46 AM: AshDob so they have 1 so far? whata shambles… poor Gormley and Co…it certainly is no longer green…but grey the rain is washing away the greens….Suzy any idea where these 6/7 greens will be elected? #le09
- 12:47 AM: Suzy Byrne @ashdub – been liveblogging for over 14 hours now – it’s all a blur! But Louth, Kilkenny etc were mentioned today. Mark Geary? Noonan?
- 12:48 AM: PatrickSaint they may get 1 in Galway…O’Brolochain?
- 12:49 AM: PatrickSaint what’s the general picture out here? any comments for a blog, anyone?
- 12:49 AM: Christine Bohan Labour won three seats in both Pembroke-Rathmines and also Tallaght Central. Unprecedented. #le09
- 12:49 AM: RTE_Elections A recount has started in the Bailieborough electoral area of Cavan County Council
- 12:50 AM: corkpolitics New blog post: Spillane eliminated bit.ly
- 12:53 AM: AshDob Thanks Suzy….And so nothing for the greens in Dublin…wow!
- 12:53 AM: wesg RT @suzybie: RT @Patrick_DCC: Dublin City Council – 39 of 52 seats filled. 16 Lab. 7 FG. 7 Ind/Other. 6 SF. 3 FF. 0 GP. #le09
- 12:54 AM: lexia Before I go – I love this picture of Joan Burton! www.flickr.com
- 12:56 AM: corkpolitics New blog post: O’Connell elected bit.ly
- 12:57 AM: corkpolitics New blog post: Desmond elected bit.ly
- 12:59 AM: corkpolitics New blog post: corkpolitics.ie
- 1:01 AM: RTE_Elections Fine Gael’s Siobhan McGloin has been elected to Leitrim County Council after the fifth count in Manorhamilton
- 1:03 AM: sazzybm Got home from the Kanturk/Mallow/Fermoy count about and hour ago. totally wrecked, been there since 9. The Man incharge of the Kanturk counting was a disaster!!!! Mallow were on their 7th count and Kanturk hadent even started its 4th!!!!! unreal! I knew it would be long like, but this was ridiculous. And it was a real Shame FG lost 4 seats in cork county!!!
- 1:03 AM: Roscommon LE09 Counting in Roscommon Finished until later this morning some angry exchanges by canditates who wished for the count to continue. #le09
- 1:03 AM: faduda New blog post: Co Kildare town council results (unconfirmed) #le09 faduda.ie
- 1:04 AM: corkpolitics New blog post: O’ Byrne out if the running bit.ly
- 1:04 AM: themayonews Cribbin and Finn elected in Claremorris, four big names left for three seats!
- 1:06 AM: themayonews After two o’clock at the count and we look like we’ll be here until four am at least#elections
- 1:07 AM: themayonews John Cribbin and Richard Finn both in on 4th count in Claremorris. Big battle for last three seats between four candidates. #elections
- 1:09 AM: RTE_Elections Fianna Fáil’s Siobhan Ambrose has been elected to Tipperary South Riding County Council after the fifth count in Clonmel
- 1:13 AM: corkpolitics New blog post: Shepperd eliminated bit.ly
- 1:14 AM: tallaghtecho 1:35 : Basketball Arena: Lucan update Jim Doyle (Ind) has been eliminated. His 1088 votes are now being redistributed. HOLD THE PRESSES -..
- 1:14 AM: eoinbannon Counting in Longford suspended til 12noon tomorrow.Town Council elected: ex-PD Mae Sexton is back as Ind. Only 1 CoCouncil seat filled #le09
- 1:14 AM: tallaghtecho 1:58 : Basketball Arena: Lucan update Still no closer to deciding the final three Lucan seats.
I’m sure I’ve seen a few of the supporter.. - 1:15 AM: corkpolitics New blog post: Fitzgerald elected, O’Callaghan eliminated bit.ly
- 1:17 AM: RTE_Elections Labour’s Eoin Holmes has been elected to Meath County Council after the first count in the Slane electoral area
- 1:17 AM: eoinbannon Off to bed too. By Sunday evening we should have some proper info on North-West euro. Details so far are a bit too patchy to call it. #le09
- 1:18 AM: Fifibellemeara Any further update on Westmeath count? #le09
- 1:20 AM: themayonews Fianna Fail’s national problems may not be reflected in Swinford where they could take 2 from 4 – a gain of 1. Maloney and Smith.#elections
- 1:21 AM: sdccelections Lucan – Count 9 now available on www.southdublin.ie
- 1:21 AM: faduda Just checked the stats, today busiest day for blog hits since I began measuring. Who knew there were so many election geeks out there? #le09
- 1:22 AM: Christine Bohan I think Fergal’s earlier tweet about the significant rural-urban divide is the best place to begin analysing today’s results. Dublin has gone left, with Labour and left-wing candidates dominating (even as the Greens imploded and SF declined). Meanwhile, rural areas are predominantly FF and FG.
- 1:24 AM: RTE_Elections Fianna Fáil’s Deirdre Heney and Fine Gael’s Naoise O Muiri have been elected to Dublin City Council after the sixth count in Clontarf
- 1:25 AM: AndrewTMurphy best result for Greens in Galway County – congrats and hard luck to Paul, Patrick & Tom #le09
- 1:25 AM: squidlimerick Limerick City North (Count 12) No one elected .. Ryan (Lab) eliminated #le09
- 1:26 AM: corkpolitics New blog post: Cork North West – Final Result bit.ly
- 1:32 AM: RTE_Elections Independent Charlie Murphy and Fine Gael’s John Murphy have been elected to Carlow County Council after the sixth count in Borris
- 1:32 AM: corkpolitics New blog post: Martin survives in South Central bit.ly
- 1:35 AM: themayonews A whisper – only a whisper – that in Swinford Caulfield could get enough transfers to overtake Smyth from C Henry’s transfers! #elections
- 1:36 AM: themayonews Were that to happen then Smyth’s votes would probably put Caulfield over the line – a most unlikely outcome. Just a whisper tho! #elections
- 1:37 AM: corkpolitics New blog post: Cork South Central – Final Result bit.ly
- 1:37 AM: themayonews What we do know is that Swiford is still extremely unpredictable! #elections
- 1:38 AM: aoifecarroll Jane Dillon-Byrne & Stephen Fitzpatrick elected in Dun Laoghaire!! #Le09
- 1:39 AM: RTE_Elections There has been a full recount called for the Belturbet area of Cavan County Council. Counting has been postponed until 10am on Monday
- 1:43 AM: swearimnotpaul Recount due on Monday for Muine Bheag Town Council election. Just 5 votes between 9th and 10th. 3 FF 3 FG 2 Lab 1 Ind.Now I’m to bed. #le09
- 1:43 AM: squidlimerick Limerick City South (Count 9) No one elected .. Cathal McCarthy (independent) Eliminated #le09
- 1:44 AM: RTE_Elections Fine Gael’s Willie Aird and Sinn Féin’s Brian Stanley have been elected to Laois County Council after the first count in Portlaoise
- 1:44 AM: aoifecarroll What a slate of young @labour victories. Yes, i’m biased but Moynihan, Parodi, Upton, Fitzpatrick, Nolan & O’Callaghan are fab! #Le09
- 1:45 AM: RTE_Elections Fianna Fáil’s John Foley has been elected to Offaly County Council after the first count in the Edenderry electoral area
- 1:45 AM: corkpolitics New blog post: Connolly eliminated in North Central bit.ly
- 1:46 AM: aoifecarroll Claire O’Regan just elected in North East Inner City for @labour #Le09
- 1:48 AM: sdccelections Lucan – Count 10 now available on www.southdublin.ie
- 1:53 AM: RTE_Elections A recount will commence at 2pm for the Tipperary electoral area of Tipperary South Riding County Council
- 1:54 AM: corkpolitics New blog post: Recount in North Central bit.ly
- 1:57 AM: RTE_Elections Independent Michael N Clarke has been elected to Sligo County Council after the first count in the Dromore electoral area #LE09
- 1:58 AM: RTE_Elections RTÉ Elections Twitter will resume later this morning
- 1:59 AM: Paschald Ray McAdam elected in North Inner City ward. Wonderful end to a fine day.
- 2:02 AM: RTE_Elections A few counts are still continuing. Most have adjourned and will resume later today #LE09
- 2:03 AM: themayonews Claremorris over. Damien Ryan reaches quota. Ml Burke and Tom Connolly elected without reaching the quota.Ml Carty loses out. #elections
- 2:04 AM: themayonews It now means FG have taken 4 from 6 in Ballina and Claremorris and look set for 3 from 4 in Westport. Overall majority looks safe.#elections
- 2:04 AM: themayonews Claremorris counting staff allowed go home – lucky them! Two more counts should sort Swinford. Very unpredictable. #elections
- 2:08 AM: corkpolitics New blog post: Collins elected in Carrigaline bit.ly
- 2:13 AM: sdccelections Lucan – Count 11 now available on www.southdublin.ie and is now complete
- 2:15 AM: tallaghtecho 3:09 : Basketball Arena: Final updateWell guys, end of the road for tonight. It has been a real experience. Thanks for keeping up with us..
- 2:17 AM: corkpolitics New blog post: Coveney delighted with FG success in Carrigaline bit.ly
- 2:20 AM: corkpolitics New blog post: Noel Collins elected in Midleton bit.ly
- 2:23 AM: lostexpectation is jimmy guerin going to win a seat over both ff rivals
- 2:33 AM: themayonews 3.30am and no end in sight! Swinford is turning into a pivotal area with Fine Gael praying for 2 seats to secure majority on MCC…
- 2:44 AM: corkpolitics New blog post: Martin eliminated from Carrigaline battle bit.ly
- 2:54 AM: themayonews Another count in in Swinford, Caulfield out, and advantage lies with the sitting councillors Lavin, Maloney and Mellett, but only just!
- 2:56 AM: themayonews Smyth looked like gaining a seat for FF against the odds but he is now up against it, needing a substanial transfers from Caulfield…
- 3:09 AM: corkpolitics New blog post: Boyle scoops final Carrigaline seat bit.ly
- 3:12 AM: corkpolitics New blog post: Final Midleton count bit.ly
- 3:40 AM: themayonews At 4.38am, Joe Mellett creates a Lazurus style comeback, and along with Eugene Lavin creates a remarkable comeback for FG in Swinford!
- 3:42 AM: themayonews Fine Gael now looked locked on for an overall majority for FG on Mayo County Council! Tomorrow is another day…
- 8:23 AM: Suzy Byrne Liveblog comment moderating will recommence at 9am – some updates through twitter will get through automatically from other bloggers and local papers/other media outlets etc. See you in the morning for the European Parliament Elections Counts which commence at 9am.
- 8:23 AM: lostexpectation howth malahide Elected, Pc lp, coc lp, eob ff , af fg, jm fg
- 8:23 AM: lexia FF veterans are grey, morbidly obese and wear sports jackets
- 8:23 AM: krayZpaving And so the sorting starts at the Ireland East count. #le09 mypict.me
- 8:23 AM: krayZpaving Have arrived at Punchestown for the Ireland East Euro Count. Seems it’s just me, the counters & Newstalk at the mo. #le09
- 8:23 AM: MickFealty Candidate tensions boiled over in Rathnew on polling day: url.ie (via @finkeegan and @Imaginemaker) #le09
- 8:23 AM: deebdublin Story of Green Party council losses: Dundrum Ward. Former FF now Ind Tony Fox retains seat, Aoife Brennan FF gains bit.ly #le09
- 8:24 AM: lexia FF veterans are grey, morbidly obese and wear sports jackets
- 8:25 AM: ElectionsIRL Cavan County Council first preference votes online: bit.ly
- 8:26 AM: krayZpaving Trollies full of ballots. You’ve got to love it. #le09 mypict.me
- 8:28 AM: lexia Listening to Shinners talk about seeing Gay Mitchell’s wife
- 8:32 AM: PatrickSaint can’t find anything from South Galway…any inof out there?
- 8:35 AM: Suzy Byrne Patrick is this any use to you? Nobody I know in Galway count at moment. www.rte.ie
- 8:38 AM: lexia Hello and welcome to McKenna FM. Have a better pic in the vid camera yfrog.com
- 8:38 AM: Suzy Byrne Mary White – Deputy Leader of Green Party – says that the Green Party have taken a kicking yesterday and party will come through this result.
- 8:40 AM: Waterfire Indo reports (tho it does give u a plug as well):”The new media are immediate and useful and fun and, perhaps, an indication of the future. But, for now, they lack the overall coherence and perspective that a Sean O’Rourke can bring to a barrage of information.” Tosh to that – u’re great scribblers and thanks for all ur hard work.
- 8:41 AM: lexia Votes being sorted yfrog.com
- 8:41 AM: lexia Qikking live – #le09
qik.com - 8:44 AM: Suzy Byrne
- 8:45 AM: lexia Qikking live – #le09
qik.com - 8:46 AM: Suzy Byrne @Waterfire many thanks for that – we’re having fun directing the traffic and getting the information out. Who says we have to be the same as Sean O’Rourke? A sort of compliment from the Indo for online media? This I have to see and frame!!
- 8:51 AM: PatrickSaint thanks suzi…they haven’t posted the EDs yet, just the overall county stats.
- 8:52 AM: krayZpaving All quiet here at Punchestown as the Euro count is underway. Newstalk, RTE & INN here, but nothing much to report. #le09
- 8:53 AM: Suzy Byrne FF has lost 2 and maybe 3 former lord mayors in Cork
- 8:54 AM: omegar24 hmmm Enda Kenny is basically with himself, saying that what they people are saying is important, but refusing to go near SF! #le09
- 8:54 AM: Suzy Byrne If you want to know what’s happening in Limerick have a look at www.limericknewswire.com and www.limerickblogger.ie
- 8:55 AM: samuelbowman Oh baby. I successfully predicted Cork SE exactly, what a result! #le09
- 8:56 AM: lexia Qikking live – #le09
qik.com - 8:56 AM: Suzy Byrne Ballyhaunis Blog reflects on the Claremorris Local Electoral Area ballyhaunis.blogs.ie
- 8:57 AM: Suzy Byrne Youghal Online on the Youghal Town Council Results www.youghalonline.com
- 9:02 AM: Suzy Byrne Watching Alexia’s Qik’s from RDS I’m struck by how nice the counters are being to tallyers in terms of slowly displaying ballots! www.qik.com/alexiagolez
- 9:05 AM: villa81 Do any of the papers have detailed count breakdowns from the locals? RTE.ie is not great for working out patterns in specific wards #le09
- 9:05 AM: paul_m_hayes Pretty amazing that when FF are supposed to be ‘in meltdown’ and universally hated they still pick up almost 25% of vote #le09
- 9:05 AM: lexia Watching DeRossa and Mitchell ballots. Seeing more Simons than Ryan. This scares me.
- 9:06 AM: lexia Barely seeing DeBurca at all
- 9:06 AM: sazzybm I thought FF would take a big hammering, but its not as big as I thought!!!! Does anyone know whats happening in the North Tipp locals? My mam wants to know how Lowery is doing!!! Why, I dont know!!!!
- 9:09 AM: irlef2009 Just woke up to the great news that Fingal-Balbriggan LEA uncontaminated by either FF, GP or SF councillors. Good start to the day. #le09
- 9:09 AM: omegar24 hmmm Labour have won 102 seats Local seats Nationally, so far though Don’t think there is many more for them to win. Good Result! #le09
- 9:09 AM: Suzy Byrne farm4.static.flickr.com
- 9:10 AM: Suzy Byrne Great Photos from Kilkenny Count last night on Flickr Moorepat – www.flickr.com
- 9:10 AM: themayonews Count is underway in the European and local elections here in Castlebar.
- 9:11 AM: Suzy Byrne Maurice Ahern still in with a shout of his seat in Local Elections
- 9:12 AM: themayonews Westport looks a certain to go with 3FG and 1 FF while in Belmullet McNamara will top the poll with Quinn in trouble
- 9:17 AM: RTE_Elections Counting has resumed in the local elections and begun for the European Parliament elections.
- 9:20 AM: Bazalini @themayonews – great work yesterday
- 9:20 AM: Bazalini Just looking at figures for LE’s – FG – 31.97%, FF 24.58%, Labour 16.08%, SF 7.59%. I am still amazed FF polled so high. It ainn’t as bad as many thought. I’m FG btw before anyone starts
- 9:20 AM: Waterfire its de alan ruddock article headline ‘a nation speaks out’, suzy. it’ll b interesting to see if your traffic spikes considerably today after u’re mentioned in de article.
- 9:22 AM: RTE_Elections European election: A large number of blank ballot papers have been report from early tallies in the South Constituency.
- 9:22 AM: irlef2009 FingalCoCo: 24 seats. Lab 9, FG 6, Ind 5, FF 4. Possible Lab/FG alliance. FF -5%, FG -2%, GP -2%, Lab +7%, Ind +3% on 2004 1st pref. #le09
- 9:22 AM: themayonews Tally men keeping a close eye on the transfers in Belmullet area, they will be crucial…..might have the first count in an hour
- 9:23 AM: RTE_Elections The Green Party has lost all its city and county council seats in Dublin, where most of its TDs are based #LE09
- 9:25 AM: lexia The Green Party has lost all its city and county council seats in Dublin, where most of its TDs are based #LE09 (via @RTE_Elections)
- 9:28 AM: damienmulley “If John Gormley, the Greens’ leader, was capable of humility, he would be a deeply troubled man.” url.ie #le09
- 9:31 AM: BrianGreene THE Green Party has been wiped out on Fingal County Council, losing all its 3 seats Joe Corr, David Healy and Robbie Kelly all gone #le09
- 9:32 AM: Suzy Byrne Gerry Adams blames Daithi Doolans’ defeat on Evening Herald ‘scurrilous’ story.
- 9:32 AM: paul o’dwyer shinners totally out of touch on the ground , FF vote gone and SF barely see any of it they need to ask themselves some questions
- 9:32 AM: Tipster Has anybody done any “equality” analysis of the local elections outcomes yet? Do we know the numbers or percentages of the councillors who are: women and men; who are immigrants or from minority ethnic groups or backgrounds (including, perchance, Travellers); who have a disability; who are gay or lesbian?
- 9:32 AM: wendylimerick That is some mess for the Green Party
- 9:34 AM: paul o’dwyer daithi didn’t do well as he’s known locally as daithi do-little
- 9:34 AM: Suzy Byrne @Paul so I learnt from all the commenters on the liveblog yesterday!
- 9:34 AM: krayZpaving RT @RTE_Elections: The Green Party has lost all its city and county council seats in Dublin, where most of its TDs are based #LE09
- 9:36 AM: Suzy Byrne
- 9:38 AM: PJ Coogan cork NC ward recount underway – called at 2am on behalf of Jackie Connolly WP.. who has no chance of election! Smart money giving SF Thomas Gould the last seat .. Mick Barry SP headed poll .. Catherine Clancy Lab also elected, FG and FF to take a seat each.. Damian Wallace of FF losing out.. State of parties Cork City Council to date before NC completed .. FF5 FG7 Lab7 SF3 SP1 WP1 NP4
- 9:38 AM: PatrickSaint newstalk giving good programming…RTE will roll out Maid Marion soon
- 9:38 AM: sazzybm The Greens are ones suffering now, for doing a deal with the devil. I think it is a clear message that their supporters don
- 9:38 AM: Suzy Byrne Kayleigh decides not to vote for fianna fail bit.ly #le09
- 9:38 AM: eolai can’t help thinking that had Green Party not gone into govt with FF, that they would have cleaned up this time instead of wiping out #le09
- 9:39 AM: lexia LOLing at the fact my zi6 camera is distracting all the tallymen.
- 9:39 AM: RTE_Elections FF’s Leonard Enright has been elected to Limerick County Council after the eight count #LE09
- 9:40 AM: Oran Kelly Paul that’s not quite right Daithi did do something he got out of Pearse St. when he was linked with some local trouble ran down to Ringsend and into Labour’s back yard.
- 9:42 AM: RTE_Elections European election: Estimated turnout said to be 500,000 in South Constituency
- 9:44 AM: Suzy Byrne Any word on protest vote in Clare about being included in North-west constituency?
- 9:45 AM: wendylimerick Protest Vote -To who-Ganley?
- 9:45 AM: Suzy Byrne @wendy – no I heard something on spoilt votes yesterday ?
- 9:45 AM: SimonHaden Looks like only 2 Green Councillors (not including a few town council seats). It’s so depressing but a clear message to the Green leadership. However are FG really any different to FF at local or national level ? What exactly is the difference that the electorate are seeing ? There was as much corruption as in FF and even Lab councillors were taking money. For goodness sake what short memories we have and the briber is only in jail two weeks.
- 9:45 AM: AllanCavanagh So, the @sendboyle and Donal Geoghegan vanity project has come to fruition for @greenparty_ie. Well done the pair of ye. #le09
- 9:46 AM: BrianGreene #le09 oddity in Howth Malahide. FG lost a seat only standing 2 when they had 3/7. FF held their 1/7 seat. GP lost 2/7 (now a 5 seater)
- 9:46 AM: RTE_Elections Local elections: FF’s Tom Fleming & Michael Cahill elected to Kerry County Council #LE09
- 9:46 AM: PatrickSaint Clareman McNamara picked up some votes as protest in South
- 9:46 AM: wendylimerick Ah
- 9:47 AM: RTE_Elections Local elections: SKIA’s Michael Gleeson, IND Danny Healy-Rae & IND Michael Healy-Rae all elected to Kerry County Council #LE09
- 9:48 AM: PatrickSaint Mary White on newstalk live
- 9:48 AM: wendylimerick Mary White on Newstalk
- 9:48 AM: AdamMaguire Labour have more seats now than in 2004 & there are still 333 to be won; this looks like Gilmore’s election, not Kenny’s #le09
- 9:50 AM: lexia Maurice Ahern wearing Dublin GAA shirt under sports jacket
- 9:51 AM: wendylimerick So Mary has the new Green Vision of local government reform now been rejected
- 9:53 AM: omegar24 @AdamMaguire but do they have many more candidates left to win a seat? I think they are reaching the end of what they will win #le09
- 9:53 AM: lexia Qikking live – #le09
qik.com - 9:53 AM: RTE_Elections Local elections: FG’s Ray McAdam, LAB’s Claire O’Regan, IND Nial Ring elected to Dublin City Council after eleventh count #LE09
- 9:54 AM: BrianGreene #le09 Gormley to take power away from councillors. I think the electorate took power away from the Green Party! kicked where it hurts.
- 9:54 AM: Suzy Byrne
- 9:55 AM: lexia Qikking live – #le09
qik.com - 9:55 AM: Mark_Coughlan BAck in a very empty RDS #le09
- 9:57 AM: themayonews Gerry Coyle has arrived and after looking over the tally figures he looks relaxed and confident #elections
- 9:58 AM: RTE_Elections Local elections: FG’s John Hegarty, FF’s Malcolm Byrne have been elected to Wexford County Council #LE09
- 9:59 AM: BrianGreene Fingal CoCo 3SP 9LAB / 6FG 4FF / 2NP wonder what the balance of power is? Will Labour turn right or left? right or left? right left? #le09
- 9:59 AM: RTE_Elections Local elections: LAB’s Robert Ireton, FG’s Michael Kinsella, IND Declan MacPartlin elected to Wexford County Council #LE09
- 10:00 AM: lexia @damienmulley @wendylimerick yfrog.com
- 10:02 AM: Declan O’Kane SF doing bad all over Dublin negative press will affect all their candidates but they been threading water for some time now, need some new fish in the think tank.
- 10:03 AM: PatrickSaint any galway county tallies or results?
- 10:03 AM: Paschald Dublin Central FG 09: 3 public representatives. DC FG 04 : 1 public representative. So proud.
- 10:03 AM: Suzy Byrne
- 10:04 AM: RTE_Elections Local elections: LAB’s James O’Shaughnessy & FG’s Irene Winters elected to Wicklow County Council after the third count #LE09
- 10:05 AM: Suzy Byrne George Lee on Marian Finucane
- 10:07 AM: BrianGreene #le09 party health warning: coalition with fianna fail can seriously damage the junior partner. PDs Labour & Greens
- 10:07 AM: RTE_Elections Local elections: Complete recount in Oranmore (Galway CoCo), only five votes separate two candidates battling for last seat #LE09
- 10:07 AM: irlef2009 Joe Higgins on the Wide Angle on Newstalk. #le09
- 10:09 AM: RTE_Elections Local elections: FG’s Vincent Blake elected to Wicklow County Council after third count #LE09
- 10:13 AM: igaeilge #le09 Mary White on Newstalk. Who could have predicted the global/national bubble bursting, she asked. Who indeed but the Greens!
- 10:14 AM: RTE_Elections Local elections: FF first preference vote in Dublin down 6.6% since the last local elections in 2004
- 10:14 AM: tallaghtecho 11:11 : Basketball Arena: Tallaght South update Morning abhaille, how’s things? I was lucky enough to make it home for half one unlile my..
- 10:15 AM: JP O’Brien any word on who will take the last euro seat in dublin ?
- 10:16 AM: Alexia Golez Hello from the RDS. It’s going to be a long day ahead!
- 10:16 AM: Suzy Byrne JP – It’s going to be a long day on that one and the last seats in all the other Euro Constituencies. We’ll have news later today from the tallies.
- 10:16 AM: Suzy Byrne @Alexia – We’re wondering if there is news on a tally or news on Maurice keeping his council seat in Cabra/Glasnevin
- 10:17 AM: SimonHaden Will Enda Kenny now finally bite the bullet and talk to Sinn Fein because the numbers dictate that an alternative Govt. must include them ?
- 10:17 AM: Alexia Golez Sitting down for a couple of minutes. Going to upload some video and pictures.
- 10:17 AM: Alexia Golez @Suzy According to him, he’s in with a shout. There’s a count happening atm.
- 10:18 AM: MickFealty @sinnfeinireland We’re hearing there were no RTE tallies for South Dublin Council area? #le09 #EU09 How are yours for there?
- 10:19 AM: Alexia Golez @Suzy C/G is certainly where the news will break before the Euros. Gonna pop back once I’m done here
- 10:21 AM: Alexia Golez Any news on Roscommon? I’ve become obsessed with it all
- 10:23 AM: krayZpaving Watching “The Office” (US) to kill time at the Ireland East count. Glad I brought the laptop! #le09
- 10:23 AM: lexia Juicing up my phone!
- 10:25 AM: Stephen Spillane morning all! apologies for not reponding to people yesterday. I believe Sinead Shepard got elected. #le09
- 10:25 AM: Stephen Spillane North Central was still going when i left the count last night. Pat Gosch seemed safe #le09
- 10:26 AM: Stephen Spillane in North East Tony Fitzgerald FF, looked like he was going to beat O’Callaghan of FG for the last seat. #le09
- 10:26 AM: cianflah Morning all – G.Lee on Marian while Dermot Ahern spins his ass off over on Newstalk. Best of luck to candidates today, heres hoping we have as much fun as yesterday.
- 10:27 AM: Stephen Spillane Hearing grat things for Colm Burke in with a chance of the 3rd seat! #le09
- 10:27 AM: BrianGreene @suzybie I was on the crash barrier tallying Balbriggan LEA some Euros there were not tallied;Joe Higgins ahead in Skerries Rural Balbriggan
- 10:30 AM: wendylimerick That will be some win for FG if they get the 2 Euro Seats in South
- 10:30 AM: BrianGreene the JoikuSpot wifi hotspot named ‘socialist’ was invaluable to the team in FCCcc yesterday. nearly lost it twice
- 10:30 AM: Peter Kelly @ Stephen Spillane – Cork Nth Central recount started at 10am – Mick Barry, followed by Catherine Clancy – the one FF, one FG and one SF – Damien Wallace (FF) to loose out
- 10:30 AM: PatrickSaint george lee has lured me to rte —he sounds good
- 10:31 AM: themayonews Serious discussions going on among agents and candidates in the Belmullet area over spoiled votes #elections
- 10:32 AM: RTE_Elections Local elections: Full recount in Cabra/Glasnevin area of Dublin City Council where Maurice Ahern fights to hold his seat #LE09
- 10:33 AM: PatrickSaint great stuff Mayo News…wish the rest of the print media were on the ball
- 10:33 AM: wendylimerick RT @dinglenews: New tally estimates for dingle this morning:GRIFFIN-2112, O’Shea-2051, COSAI-1659, O’CONNOR-1315, FITZ-1115,HANAFIN-813
- 10:38 AM: wendylimerick For Dingle will be 2FG 1FF
- 10:38 AM: lexia Qikking live – #le09
qik.com - 10:40 AM: Stephen Spillane So FG only lost on seat in Skib. Predictions of collapse in West Cork, didnt come through.
- 10:41 AM: dinglenews Patrick Hanafin eliminated: new standings GRIFFIN-2227, O’Shea-2140, COSAI-1946, O’CONNOR-1488, FITZ-1252
- 10:41 AM: Suzy Byrne
- 10:41 AM: Stephen Spillane RT @seanmck09: All 3 FF Cllrs. in Bailieborough LEA lost their seats, replaced by 2 new FF candidates – Wow!! #le09
- 10:43 AM: lexia Cabra Glasnevin ballot watching tense. Party supporters spotting errors. Eagle eyes! yfrog.com
- 10:43 AM: Stephen Spillane So on Cork City Council the FG representation looks to stay at 8. Seat lost in North West, balanced out by gain in South East. #le09
- 10:44 AM: Stephen Spillane FF have lost 4 seats on Cork City Council and maybe a 5th if Wallace cant hold his seat in North Central. #le09
- 10:46 AM: Campaign_Watch Wicklow County Council yet to report a first count #le09
- 10:47 AM: Stephen Spillane Sinead Shepard of FG was elected to Cobh Town Council. is.gd #le09
- 10:48 AM: Suzy Byrne Very Few Fianna Fail members at RDS according to RTE – and very few requests for count passes over weekend from FF members. Tally in Dublin will be sporadic – Labour and FG doing a tally of sorts of Euro count.
- 10:48 AM: RTE_Elections Local elections: After been re-elected in Sligo’s Dromore area FF councillor Joe Queenan has criticised party leadership in Dublin #LE09
- 10:49 AM: BrianGreene top story in the Louth Leader. Sunday 8am – A LAWN bowls competition has been organised to help keep people in Louth fit this summer.
- 10:49 AM: Stephen Spillane @BrianGreene how did you get on??
- 10:50 AM: RTE_Elections Local elections: FF had 10 seats on Sligo County Council but it looks like they will lose three by the time the count is over #LE09
- 10:50 AM: Stephen Spillane FG didnt lose a seat in Kanturk either! So only down 1 seat in County! Phew! #le09
- 10:51 AM: garymckeown The Green Party has lost all its city and county council seats in Dublin #le09
- 10:52 AM: RTE_Elections Local elections: A full tally of Donegal Co Council votes indicates that Fianna Fáil will lose three or possibly four seats. #LE09
- 10:52 AM: BrianGreene that was Louth Lincolnshire www.louthleader.co.uk not Louth Ireland
- 10:53 AM: Gerard Roscommon Local Election count continuing in Roscommon Electoral area still awaiting the first count for Strokestown & Boyle Electoral Area
- 10:54 AM: RTE_Elections Local elections: A full tally of Donegal Co Council suggets FG is set to gain two seats, SF one #LE09
- 10:54 AM: PatrickSaint just got text obituary for FF. It will be a big funeral with so many casualties. No flowers please, send them to the Greens.
- 10:55 AM: Stephen Spillane RT @joej: Ray McAdam wins a seat for FG in North Inner city – first FG seat since 1985. FF win none url.ie #le09
- 10:55 AM: RTE_Elections Local elections: FF’s Pat Casey elected to Wicklow County Council after fourth count #LE09
- 10:56 AM: PJ Coogan Poetry Corner .. heard on Newstalk… ” Lie with dogs, Wake with fleas.. Go in with FF .. end up like PD’s “…
- 10:57 AM: RTE_Elections Local elections: FG’s John Naughten, IND Tony Ward elected to Roscommon County Council #LE09
- 10:58 AM: Roscommon LE09 Still Awaiting count from longford count centres
- 10:58 AM: RTE_Elections Local elections: IND Jimmy Kenny elected to Roscommon County Council after fourth count #LE09
- 10:59 AM: BrianGreene RT@garymckeown The Green Party has lost all its city and county council seats in Dublin #le09 // they got a Balbriggan Town Council seat.
- 11:00 AM: aoifecarroll Does anyone have details for Lucan electoral area?
- 11:01 AM: lexia Dispersal of Fitzpatrick’s surplus. Don’t see the carry through to Ahern. Qik coming.
- 11:01 AM: lexia Qikking live – #le09
qik.com - 11:02 AM: Mark_Coughlan One has heard that a candidate in the NW is purposefully supplying wrong tallies. Dunno who. #le09
- 11:03 AM: Stephen Spillane @Mark_Coughlan ganley??
- 11:03 AM: BrianGreene @spiller2 1032 4.7% 9/15 on fpv. in 5 seater. haven’t dissected the tally but the most excellent tally was shared effort.did Kinsealy vote?
- 11:05 AM: Stephen Spillane @BrianGreene fair play! thats a good result. whos kinsealy??
- 11:05 AM: lexia Qikking live – #le09
qik.com - 11:06 AM: wendylimerick I see Mary Burke, Hospital (Fianna Fail) and Willie Sister has asked for a recount in the Kilmallock area
- 11:06 AM: Roscommon LE09 Declan Ganley could be the dark horse in the north west, Marian Harkins looking set to top the poll #le09
- 11:07 AM: cianflah Right now only Labour, SP, PBP are in a position where they are already ahead of their 2004 total. That is before 300 seats are finally handed out
- 11:07 AM: Suzy Byrne @clooncashel – would doubt harkins will top poll in NW based on exit poll etc. #le09
- 11:08 AM: BrianGreene @spiller2 en.wikipedia.org an area of largest growth in HowthMalahide ward. It had a v.low turn out
Haughey land too
- 11:09 AM: lexia Cabra Glasnevin counts expected to go all day long. Also some of the counters object to their image being videoed or photographed. Fabulous.
- 11:09 AM: Suzy Byrne
- 11:09 AM: lexia Still Qikked though
- 11:10 AM: Roscommon LE09 where is pat the cope based on the exit polls in the North West
- 11:10 AM: krayZpaving @AdamMaguire It’s about being “in there right to the end, and just lost” instead of “was hammered”. #le09
- 11:10 AM: lexia Ahern will wait until 3:30 before deciding on anything
- 11:11 AM: Stephen Spillane RT @FionaAshe: George Lee TD on Today FM now – Love the sound of that, George Lee TD…
- 11:12 AM: lexia Qikking live – #le09
qik.com - 11:12 AM: Suzy Byrne @clooncashel www.rte.ie
- 11:12 AM: themayonews 1st Belmullet count in McNamara tops poll followed by Holmes, Coyle and Conway-Walsh. Tim Quinn looks like losing his seats #elections
- 11:12 AM: BrianGreene #LE09 BTW its always helpfull to shout out who is appearing on what media outlet for the channel hoppers. thanks in advance.
- 11:13 AM: RTE_Elections Local elections: FG’s Joe Cooney elected to Clare County Council with 2,780 votes, believed to be a record vote in that area #LE09
- 11:13 AM: Roscommon LE09 Jimmy Kenny IND also elected in the Athlone (Roscommon Electoral Area) the last two seats should be between Trevor Finneran & Paddy Kilduff both FF, it will be a tough fight.
- 11:13 AM: Suzy Byrne
- 11:14 AM: RTE_Elections Local elections: IND Christy Curtin & FG’s Oliver Garry have been elected to Clare County Council #LE09
- 11:14 AM: tallaghtecho 12:08 : Basketball Arena: Tallaght SouthNEWSFLASH! Tea-break time here in the arena for the count-staff!
- 11:14 AM: themayonews Ganley applying for an injunction because it appears boxes opened before 9am. Stay tuned for more details #elections
- 11:14 AM: RTE_Elections Local elections: LAB’s Nicky Kelly elected to Wicklow County Council after fourth count #LE09
- 11:15 AM: krayZpaving @AdamMaguire It’s all about the spin. A day’s worth of talk will influence the story for the rest of the week. #le09
- 11:16 AM: Sile Flannnery is d blog working rite can’t see my comments cuming up ?
- 11:16 AM: wendylimerick RTE Large Number of spoilt votes in Euro South as well
- 11:16 AM: Suzy Byrne The live blog is prioritising reports of result and tallies and not comments at the moment Sile
- 11:16 AM: RTE_Elections Local elections: So far, 119 FF councillors elected, compared to 205 for FG, 108 for LAB, 2 Greens, 34 SF, 88 others #LE09
- 11:17 AM: RTE_Elections Local elections: FG’s Mary Barrett & Dara Mulvey elected to Sligo County Council after fifth count #LE09
- 11:17 AM: Suzy Byrne Qiking the Eiblin Byrne press gaggle in RDS @lexia bit.ly
- 11:18 AM: lexia Qikking live – #le09
qik.com - 11:20 AM: lexia Qikking live – #le09
qik.com - 11:23 AM: irlef2009 Word on RTE seems to be that Euro tallies, especially in NW, are very inconsistent and unreliable. Sounds reasonable. #le09
- 11:24 AM: Suzy Byrne
- 11:25 AM: lexia Seriously loving Qik. It’s confusing all the trad journalists.
- 11:25 AM: RTE_Elections Local elections: Labour has emerged as the biggest party in the Dublin local authorities #LE09
- 11:26 AM: RTE_Elections Local elections: Labour has 45 seats across Dublin City, Fingal, South Dublin and Dun Laoghaire/Rathdown councils #LE09
- 11:26 AM: RTE_Elections Local elections: FF can only expect to get 19 out of a total of 130 seats on the four Dublin councils #LE09
- 11:26 AM: aoifac @themayonews More info please. RTE just covered the constituency and said Ganley had meeting with his team but not taking action.
- 11:26 AM: RTE_Elections Local elections: The Greens have lost all 8 seats they held and do not now have a single representative in Dublin #LE09
- 11:26 AM: topgold Down the street in Cashel Town Council we have 3 people chasing 2 seats after eleven counts. #le09
- 11:26 AM: browne_jp Limerick City Council Full results are in. Trends and council Seat details by party available bit.ly #le09
- 11:27 AM: RTE_Elections Local elections: Dublin – The People Before Profit Alliance have five representatives and the Socialist Party three #LE09
- 11:27 AM: themayonews Libertas founder Declan Ganley has arrived at the count centre in Castlebar, counting for Europe is well underway. #elections
- 11:27 AM: RTE_Elections Local elections: There are 12 independents across the Dublin local authorities #LE09
- 11:27 AM: eolai was going to go to Croker today to watch the Dubs in hurling and in football. Have decided to watch the elections by @lexia instead
- 11:29 AM: corkpolitics New blog post: European count underway bit.ly
- 11:30 AM: RTE_Elections Local elections: FG’s John Crowe elected to Clare County Council #LE09 www.rte.ie
- 11:30 AM: cianflah Eibhlin Byrne on Newstalk ‘loss of Ryan worse for Dublin than for FF’ #le09
- 11:33 AM: Mark_Coughlan Just saw that the Paul McGrath candidate (Victor Boyhan) in Blackrock beat two FFers to last seat. #le09
- 11:33 AM: themayonews Johno’ and peter flynn are elected in Westport. Flynn is hoisted high by supporters and hits his head on the low ceiling #elections
- 11:33 AM: themayonews former councillor Pat Kilbane is eliminated in Belmullet #elections
- 11:33 AM: RTE_Elections European election: FF says it accepts it will be fighting for its seat in the North West constituency
- 11:33 AM: Mark_Coughlan Just saw that the Paul McGrath candidate (Victor Boyhan) in Blackrock beat two FFers to last seat. #le09
- 11:33 AM: PatrickSaint george lee doing the rounds…he’s up next on newstalk
- 11:34 AM: AdamMaguire Mary Fitzpatrick tops Cabra/Glasnevin while Maurice Ahern struggles hold on; if FF have sense they’ll be making urgent changes at St Luke’s.
- 11:34 AM: samuelbowman @Mark_Coughlan Why is he called the Paul McGrath candidate? Forgive my ignorance! #le09
- 11:34 AM: MabroIRL Cork County Council roundup: bit.ly How Fianna Fail managed to get 39.8% of the vote boggles and infuriates. #ABFF #le09
- 11:35 AM: brettmirl KK Borough Council Update: 1FG, 3FF, 1Lab, 1Grn. 6 more to be elected. #le09
- 11:35 AM: wendylimerick Mary Burke (Willie Sister) has failed in her quest to help the women in Kilmallock
- 11:35 AM: wendylimerick Great to see Tom Shortt (Labour) (brother of Pat) get elected in Limerick City North
- 11:36 AM: RTE_Elections Local elections: IND Thomas Welby & FG’s Sean Kyne elected to Galway County Council #LE09
- 11:36 AM: Suzy Byrne @wendylimerick – great feminist was Mary O’Dea?
- 11:36 AM: wendylimerick Sean Kelly now on Marian
- 11:36 AM: PatrickSaint any word from galway South/loughrea?
- 11:38 AM: wendylimerick Suzy Mary came to me and said she was going to help all the women of Kilmallock she was against 11 men
- 11:38 AM: Alexia Golez Roscommon, Roscommon, Roscommon… How are the numbers?
- 11:39 AM: Suzy Byrne @ Alexia Next Election we may send you to Roscommon to cover the count
You are our local expert!
- 11:39 AM: damienblake Letterkenny TC recount ended. 4FF, 2Ind. 1xFG,SF,other. FG take 1 seat on a vote of 2.5 quotas. #le09
- 11:39 AM: Alexia Golez @Suzy I loves it
Club together and buy me a tractor!
- 11:40 AM: themayonews Libertas founder Declan Ganley has arrived at the count centre in Castlebar, counting for Europe is well underway. #elections
- 11:41 AM: Stephen Spillane Seats according RTÉ: FG 210, FF 120, Lab 109, OTH 89, SF 34, GP 2 #le09
- 11:41 AM: wendylimerick From Newswire-Castleconnell(1st):Mary Jackman(FG) and Eddie Wade(FF) elected, Jackman surp Distributed
- 11:42 AM: RTE_Elections European election: SF’s Mary Lou McDonald, Socialist Party Joe Higgins & FF’s Eoin Ryan battle for the third seat in Dublin
- 11:42 AM: RTE_Elections European election: An RTE exit poll puts Joe Higgins and Eoin Ryan jointly on 11% and Mary Lou McDonald on 15%
- 11:42 AM: PJ Coogan Final lineup Cork City Council
- 11:43 AM: ianjamesjohnson RT @RTE_Elections Local elections: Dublin – The People Before Profit Alliance have five representatives and the Socialist Party three #LE09
- 11:43 AM: Campaign_Watch Libertas leader Declan Ganley says he is “quietly confident” of taking a
seat in the North West constituency #le09 - 11:44 AM: PJ Coogan Final lineup Cork City Council .. FF6.. FG8.. Lab7.. SF4.. SP1.. WP1.. Ind4… north central count continuing but won’t alter these.. lineup there FF1 FG1 Lab1 SF1 SP1..
- 11:45 AM: dinglenews Indication is that Cosai to be elected after Breandan Fitz elimination.
- 11:47 AM: PJ Coogan heading to Euro count now .. my spies are trying to get me an accurate tally.. health warnings on everything so far , I believe
- 11:48 AM: damienblake @suzybie FG threw everything at it, ran too many candidates. No vote management from us. Our vote is down here but from high base. #le09
- 11:49 AM: Suzy Byrne From 38 Migrant candidates running in local elections it looks like only 3 will win seats.c
- 11:49 AM: brettmirl Anyone have any updates from Dunshaughlin LEA of Meath CoCo? #le09
- 11:49 AM: RTE_Elections -Local elections: FF has lost 2 seats to FG, leaving FF on 8 and FG on 10 on Leitrim County Council #LE09
- 11:52 AM: Laughing_Lion Two post-election (de)motivational posters bit.ly #le09
- 11:52 AM: Tipster Anybody able to computer pictures and colour the map of FF-Free zones so far (mid-day, Sunday)
Electoral areas where the counting has been completed, Fianna Fáil have zero councillors in the following electoral areas in Dublin and the immediately surrounding counties:
Ballbriggan Fingal County Council 0/5 seats
Lucan South Dublin County Council 0/5 seats
Ballyfermot-Drimnagh Dublin City Council 0/4 seats
Crumlin-Kimmage Dublin City Council 0/4 seats
North Inner City Dublin City Council 0/6 seats
South-East Inner City Dublin City Council 0/4 seats
South-West Inner City Dublin City Council 0/4 seats
Ballybrack Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council 0/5 seats
Blackrock Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council 0/4 seats
Baltinglass Wicklow County Council 0/3 seats - 11:52 AM: faduda New blog post: Kildare (Celbridge) sixth count #le09 faduda.ie
- 11:53 AM: themayonews Michael McNamara elected in Belmullet on the third count. The next count will see his surplus of 77 being distributed. #elections
- 11:53 AM: Fergal Crehan
- 11:53 AM: Fergal Crehan The Sunday Times have trouble determining exactly what city yesterdays bye-elections occurred in
- 11:55 AM: themayonews Tim Quinn is now 353 votes behind Rose Conway Walsh for the last seat. He will need a big swing from Ian McAndrew’s elimination. #elections
- 11:56 AM: themayonews Gerry Coyle and Ml Holmes should be 2nd and 3rd home – they will benefit reasonably from McAndrew’s votes. #elections
- 11:56 AM: Suzy Byrne
- 11:56 AM: machinenation Counts for Clare EAs updated as they happen. Kilrush Killaloe Shannon #le09 bit.ly
- 11:57 AM: JL Pagano If I had to choose between my beloved Dubs beating arch-rivals Meath 2day and Declan Ganley NOT getting a seat I’d say GO MEATH!!! #le09
- 11:57 AM: Stephen Spillane HJearing that lots of YFG’ers are getting elected!! Delighted for em all! #le09
- 11:57 AM: dinglenews Indication is joe higgins on 11% in dublin euro election
- 11:57 AM: Suzy Byrne RTE Television coverage of elections will recommence shortly running until 2.45pm
- 11:58 AM: lexia I may have scared Proinsias!
- 11:58 AM: krayZpaving Ireland East turnout reported as 56.8% here, according to briefing sheet given to me by the Returning Officer. Very high. #le09
- 11:59 AM: damienblake On Newstalk now, 18 year old Leaving Cert student who took a seat for FG on Tramore TC. Missed his name. #le09
- 12:00 PM: Suzy Byrne RTE Election music is high on the drama
- 12:00 PM: JL Pagano George Lee on NewsTalk gives “learning curve” speech re his job ahead and asks us to give him some “leeway”. Funny guy. #le09
- 12:01 PM: lexia Off to adjudications !
- 12:02 PM: BrianGreene (genuine*) left unity more crucial now than ever. there was no slate for these elections. 2ndNo2Lisbon organisation will be key. #LE09
- 12:03 PM: lexia Qikking live – #le09
qik.com - 12:03 PM: RTE_Elections Local elections: FF’s Martin Connaughton, Orla Leyden, FG’s Dominick Connolly, IND Paula McNamara elected to Roscommon Co Council
- 12:05 PM: Suzy Byrne
- 12:06 PM: Suzy Byrne Adjudicating of spoilt votes in RDS qik.com
- 12:06 PM: sorcha_ni_dhuin Sylvia Cooney-Sheean(ff), Margret Croke(FG) and Denis Landy(LAB) only 3 seats in Carrick-on-Suir so far, recount continues #le09
- 12:06 PM: igaeilge #le09 #EP09 Toghchán na dTurcaí bit.ly
- 12:06 PM: labour Uploading pics from yesterday’s count in the RDS www.flickr.com #le09
- 12:06 PM: Clarabel This makes me think this country will never change RT @suzybie Mary O’Rourkes son was elected to town council – dynasty continues #le09
- 12:06 PM: sazzybm RTE are turning into sky news with their drama. good graphics though.
- 12:07 PM: Stephen Spillane After lunch heading into city hall to check on north central count. Still 3 seats up for grabs. #le09
- 12:08 PM: igaeilge #le09 #EP09 Léargas i nGaeilge ar na dtorthaí go dtí seo. Buaiteoirí FG, Neamhspleaigh, Lucht Oibre. Cailteoirí; FF, SF, Glasaigh
- 12:11 PM: Suzy Byrne The Supermarket Trolley – An essential tool in the conduct of Ireland’s Participative Democracy! #le09
- 12:12 PM: P O’Neill Meath CC Trim Area. Quota 1960. 2nd count: Butler (ff) 2013, cantwell (ind) 718, carey (fg) 1535, fegan (ff) 1656, golden (ind) 1179, Mcelhinney (lab) 1360, murruy (ff) 1260
- 12:12 PM: fearraigh I can’t even imagine how Bertie would think of running for Dublin mayor next year after FF’s decimation in Dublin #le09
- 12:12 PM: sazzybm Patrick O’Dricoll, former YFG president got elected to Cork County Council last night. Fine Gael look after the young enthusiastic people. thats why I think they are more appealling to younger voters. FF is just full of old foggies!
- 12:14 PM: P O’Neill Meath CC Trim Area — corrected. Quota 1960. 2nd count: Butler (fg) 2013, cantwell (ind) 718, carey (fg) 1535, fegan (ff) 1656, golden (ind) 1179, Mcelhinney (lab) 1360, murray (ff) 1260.
- 12:14 PM: tallaghtecho 12:31 : Basketball Arena: General UpdateLeaving Tallaght South out of the equation…this is the low down on how many seats each party ha..
- 12:14 PM: BrianGreene Mick Barry Socialist Party Cork City North Central Ward on almost 2 quota. Highest vote on Cork Northside again? #LE09
- 12:14 PM: tallaghtecho 1:04 : Basketball Arena: Tallaght Central update For anyone just joining us, two existing councillors Mick Murphy (Soc) and Joe Neville (..
- 12:15 PM: Stephen Spillane @BrianGreene highest vote in Cork. Beat John Buttimer FG South West by 26 votes
- 12:17 PM: BrianGreene RT@spiller2 <Mick Barry SP> highest vote in Cork. Beat John Buttimer FG South West by 26 votes
- 12:18 PM: P O’Neill Meath CC Trim area. Ray Butler (FG) elected after 2nd count. Now has strong base to look for Meath West nomination in GE.
- 12:18 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: The countdown is on in Euro South bit.ly
- 12:21 PM: Suzy Byrne one quarter of all electoral areas in Dublin will not have FF representative. RTE say Maurice Ahern will just make it.
- 12:22 PM: aoifecarroll RTE saying that Maurice Ahern will hold on in Cabra…wonder if its FG or SF who loses out
- 12:23 PM: cianflah SImon harris officially a name to watch says John Bowman on RTE as Donagh Diamond is stunned by his 55% of vote.
- 12:24 PM: sazzybm Harris is very young. Another YFGer!!!! Come on the young ones!!! Well done Harris!!
- 12:25 PM: irlef2009 “We suspected Geogee Leee’s Fine Gael leaning two years ago.” Dermot Ahern on RTE News! What a laugh. He is pathetic. #le09
- 12:26 PM: Suzy Byrne The new way of getting FF candidates elected according to John Bowman is to deselect them and then they will get elected and come back in!
- 12:27 PM: Elrobo Gerry Adams now on Newstalk #le09
- 12:28 PM: Suzy Byrne FF will have 18 out of 130 seats in the 4 Dublin Councils
- 12:28 PM: faduda New blog post: Kildare (Celbridge) 7th (final) count #le09 faduda.ie
- 12:28 PM: Alexia Golez Fact – the RDS is prejudiced against white bread sandwiches! They are all that icky, wholewheat type!
- 12:30 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 So far, 121 Fianna Fáil councillors have been elected, 211 Fine Gael, 109 Labour, 2 Green, 34 Sinn Féin and 89 others
- 12:31 PM: Alexia Golez
- 12:31 PM: Alexia Golez RTE totty shows Ahern the RTE site. He leaves like a lost schoolboy.
- 12:32 PM: RTE_Elections Lab leader Eamon Gilmore has told RTE that the party has done better than initially hoped and this has been their best ever local election
- 12:32 PM: sazzybm fg now on 222, ff 128, l 111, green 2, sf 38, 90 to others. (Local Authority Seat Count)
- 12:33 PM: RTE_Elections The Labour candidate in the European elections in Dublin, Proinsias de Rossa, says he is reasonably confident he will be elected
- 12:33 PM: Mark_Coughlan None of the main parties are tallying in the NW? #le09
- 12:33 PM: BrianGreene Dermot Ahern “politicians of every hue & cry… colour ” [news@1] #le09 Hue&Cry (Latin, hutesium et clamor, “a horn and shouting”) D. Ahorn
- 12:34 PM: Mark_Coughlan None of the main parties are tallying in the NW? #le09
- 12:34 PM: Campaign_Watch FF tallies show Pat The Cope trailing Harkin, Higgins in North West, with Ganley in fourth #ie09 #le09
- 12:34 PM: irlef2009 John Gormley philosophising on RTE News. In cloud-cuckoo land, methinks. #le09
- 12:35 PM: Suzy Byrne Brian Lenihan, Eamon Ryan, Joan Burton and Olivia Mitchell are political guests on RTE TV
- 12:35 PM: sazzybm Lenihan in cloud cuckoo land too!
- 12:36 PM: RTE_Elections Green leader John Gormley says the electorate has given the Green party a kicking as a consequence of unpopular Govt decisions
- 12:36 PM: Alexia Golez Need to find power. Time to decamp!
- 12:37 PM: Suzy Byrne BlogWatch: Irelands Award Winning Politics Blog – Cedar Lounge Revolution on the Green Party in this Election cedarlounge.wordpress.com
- 12:37 PM: Stephen Spillane RT @b2dac: – mantra from govt spokespersons is an insult to the intelligence of the electorate. #le09
- 12:38 PM: chiarraigrrl “Your party organisation is just crumbling beneath you”- Brian Dobson to Eamon Ryan on RTE.
- 12:38 PM: Fergal Updates on Dublin Euro tallies? Last night it looked like Higgins for third seat – this morning everyone is saying McDonald #le09
- 12:38 PM: Elrobo Eamon Ryan is talking about staying strong and coming back on RTE, but will they go down the route of the PDs #le09
- 12:38 PM: SimonHaden Gormley on RTE rightly sayes general election now will solve nothing.
- 12:38 PM: sazzybm Gormley needs to listen to his members. They gave the greens a thumping to tell them they dont want them proping up FF anymore, thats what I gleen from the whole thing!!! youd wonder what goes through these people’s heads!!!
- 12:39 PM: Suzy Byrne Blogwatch:Newstalk’s online feed could not cope with traffic according to Blogger Eteanga ? www.eteanga.ie
- 12:40 PM: cianflah Brian Lenihan on RTE – “this is not a numbers game it is about leadership.” #LE09
- 12:41 PM: BrianGreene @Fergal EUROs theres talk of Exit Pols from Friday on Sunday. Tallies from Saturday spoken of on Saturday, We need Sunday Tally&Counts #LE09
- 12:41 PM: kilian_doyle Green Party’s Eamon Ryan says party retains ‘core vision’ despite election results #le09
- 12:41 PM: Fergal Crehan Brian Lenihan implies we shouldn’t be worried by the recession because life is about more than material things
- 12:41 PM: JennyJeffer Gormley: 50% of jobs created since March are green jobs!?!
- 12:42 PM: martin_mills Great to see Joan Burton smiling on RTE! #le09
- 12:42 PM: Alexia Golez With the SF team.. robbing their electricityz
- 12:46 PM: RTE_Elections FG’s Brian Hayes says the election results show that the Irish people do not have confidence in the FF/Green Govt
- 12:46 PM: P O’Neill Meath CC Navan area. 7 seats. Currently 3FF, 3FG, 1 SF. FF hoping to keep 3 seats with better vote management than last time …
- 12:47 PM: RTE_Elections Labour leader Eamon Gilmore has told RTÉ that the party has done better than initially hoped
- 12:47 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Wallace loses seat bit.ly
- 12:48 PM: RTE_Elections Libertas’ Declan Ganley said he feels quietly confident of taking a European seat
- 12:49 PM: Suzy Byrne Higgins, McDonald and Ryan are within 1 and 1.5 percent of each other according to tally of about 10percent of votes tallied – differing from Exit polls. Katie Hannon on RTE
- 12:49 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Three former FF Lord Mayors have lost their seats on Cork City Council with all 31 councillors now elected
- 12:50 PM: Suzy Byrne 50 to 60 percent of Byrnes tranfers are going to Ryan <- RTE
- 12:50 PM: RTE_Elections Mick Barry of the Socialist Party was re-elected on the first count in Cork North Central
- 12:51 PM: P O’Neill Meath CC Navan area 1st count quota 1958. Deane (ind) 1813, reilly (sf) 1612, holloway (fg) 1351, reilly (ff) 1225, jamal (fg) 1189, cassells (ff) 1059, tobin (sf) 822, mchugh (lab) 822, duffy (fg) 785, oneill (fg) 773
- 12:51 PM: Roscommon LE09 Count in Mid Roscommon Complete, Laurance Fallon FG Elected on final count.
- 12:51 PM: cianflah Byrne is northside of the city so other 40% must be up for grabs by Higgins or even SF? That kills Ryan
- 12:52 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Recount finishes bit.ly
- 12:52 PM: Roscommon LE09 Canditates Elected in Mid Roscommon: Martin Connaughton FF, Paula McNamara IND HAC, Orla Leyden FF, Dominic Connolly FG, Laurance Fallon FG
- 12:53 PM: eolai RTE TV news reporting Ganley to just miss out – that top 3 poll toppers will take those seats #le09
- 12:54 PM: Suzy Byrne RTE’s Cork Correspondent Pashcal Sheehy has gone stripey on the Tie and Shirt front
- 12:54 PM: cianflah RTE says no tally from the South. Suspense remains high all the way to the end so. #LE09
- 12:55 PM: Suzy Byrne Quota in East will be about 110,000 votes
- 12:55 PM: Suzy Byrne McGuinness will not have a big surplus to help John Paul Phelan
- 12:55 PM: Stephen Spillane FG remains largest party on Cork City Council with 8 Seats. Lab have 7. FF and Oth have 6, SF have 4 #
- 12:56 PM: Suzy Byrne Predictions that Liam Aylward will take third seat in East
- 12:56 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Cork North Central – Final Result bit.ly
- 12:56 PM: skearon Wicklow CC, Greystones Result to Date – Harris FG
- 12:56 PM: skearon Wicklow CC, Arklow Result to Date – Blake FG, Kelly Lab
- 12:57 PM: skearon Wicklow CC, East Result: Casey FF, Kavanagh Lab, O’Shaughnessy Lab, Snell SF, Winters FG
- 12:57 PM: skearon Wicklow CC, West Result: Cullen Ind, Ruttle Ind, Timmins FG
- 12:57 PM: faduda New blog post: Kildare (Naas) first count #le09 faduda.ie
- 12:57 PM: JL Pagano RT @eolai: RTE TV news reporting Ganley to just miss out – that top 3 poll toppers will take those seats #le09 FINGERS, TOES & EYES CROSSED
- 12:57 PM: Roscommon LE09 Athlone (Roscommon) Electoral Area: Trevor Finneran son of Minister of State Finneran may find it hard to keep his seat it will be possible that he will be in a fight with fellow party Cllr
- 12:58 PM: cianflah McGuinness second prefs going everywhere says her election manager. not good news for JPP #LE09
- 1:00 PM: themayonews Rose Conway-Walsh’s supporters have the tri-colour ready, they are confident she will get in #elections
- 1:00 PM: RTE_Elections Labour’s Proinsias De Rossa has said that the message from this election is that the Govt should go
- 1:01 PM: Campaign_Watch Brian Lenihan says election ‘not a referendum on Government’ and insists it retains a mandate to continue in office #le09
- 1:01 PM: Campaign_Watch Labour’s De Rossa says election a “message to Government that they should go” #le09
- 1:02 PM: Fergal Is it now possible that Ganley was inflating his chances yesterday by throwing around bogus tally figures? #le09
- 1:02 PM: machinenation Counts for Clare EAs as they happen. Kilrush Killaloe Shannon #le09 bit.ly Nationally FG223 FF128 Lab111 Ind90 SF38 GP2
- 1:02 PM: Elrobo DeRossa telling Lenihan how it is on RTE…Anyone but FF! #le09
- 1:03 PM: Bazalini any idea where Mary Coughlan has been? Has she been seen in the North West?
- 1:03 PM: sazzybm Thats not good for JP Phelan. Pity. I like him!!!! lenihan is a fool. talking through ahe behind
- 1:03 PM: RTE_Elections The Minister for Justice, Dermot Ahern, says there will be no heave against the leadership of the Taoiseach
- 1:03 PM: Suzy Byrne @Bazalini – my last ‘sighting’ was Highland radio yesterday!
- 1:04 PM: Bazalini Cheers Suzy
- 1:04 PM: damienblake News from Donegal: McBrearty from Tribunals to take a seat for Labour; Labour also showing well in Glenties; Battle on in Letterkenny area.
- 1:04 PM: boctweet The Greens looked shocked & dismayed on tv. Did they really think the people were behind their support for FF? #LE09
- 1:05 PM: RTE_Elections An RTE exit poll has shown that 55% of voters said there should be a general election before 2012
- 1:06 PM: RTE_Elections Former Taoiseach Bertie Ahern says Fianna Fáil now has to move on and to work hard in continuing to get the economy right
- 1:06 PM: Stephen Spillane Seats Held: FF 130 – FG 230 – LAB 112 – GP 2 – SF 39 – OTH 91 #le09
- 1:07 PM: boctweet Has Eamonn Ryan been out singing last night? He’s lost his voice. Certainly isn’t from celebrating #LE09
- 1:07 PM: Patrick_DCC Summary of 4 Dublin councils #le09
(3 seats outstanding in DCC)
45 Lab
36 FG
17 FF
12 Ind
9 SF
3 SP
0 GP - 1:08 PM: Mossy Anyone got anything on latest in Castlerea, Co. roscommon??
- 1:09 PM: cianflah Count in Mid Roscommon Complete, Laurance Fallon FG Elected on final count.
Canditates Elected in Mid Roscommon:
Martin Connaughton FF,
Paula McNamara IND HAC,
Orla Leyden FF,
Dominic Connolly FG,
Laurance Fallon FG - 1:09 PM: Fergal Crehan Eoin Ryan is distraught on RTE. Talk about tired and emotional
- 1:09 PM: Suzy Byrne Cabra/Glasnevin count continues – Seaghan has been eliminated (Sinn Fein) Waiting still to see if Maurice Ahern will keep his council seat.
- 1:10 PM: eoinpurcell Joan bruton is actually a very effective attack dog. She sounds very reasonable #le09
- 1:10 PM: clairehearty Laois must be the slowest county in Ireland for counting votes….. #le09
- 1:10 PM: eoinpurcell Eamonn Ryan is losing his cool on RTE, not a good sign #le09
- 1:10 PM: RTE_Elections Minister Eamon Ryan said he was surprised yesterday at the insults and contempt coming from FG towards the Green party
- 1:11 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Only 12 of the 34 local authorities have so far completed their elections. Within those 12 councils, FF has lost 24 seats
- 1:14 PM: lexia All of the SFer here have Macs. They even brought an iMac.
- 1:15 PM: tallaghtecho 2:07 : Basketball Arena: General UpdateThe turn-out for Rathfarnham was actually 54.50% not 53.50% as reported above.Not much happening h..
- 1:18 PM: MickFealty Libertas transfering to Mary Lou strongly, accordingly 2 RTE ticker. Anyone know more? #le09
- 1:18 PM: Suzy Byrne @MickFealty LIbertas vote would be very small in Dublin? It’s McKenna and De Burca’s transfers that would be more important to watch?
- 1:18 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Eamon Ryan says he is very disappointed with the Green’s performance in the local elections but added the party was going to survive
- 1:18 PM: MarkBagnall Very glad to see Ganley & Libertas aren’t going to get in. Impossible to trust a group so big, also hated his attacking negative politics
- 1:18 PM: brettmirl FG’s Betty Manning elected to KK Borough Council after count 11. Five more places to be filled SF will take next seat I think #le09
- 1:18 PM: deebdublin Eamon Ryan fighting back on RTE1. Good to see a bit of passion and fight-back, he can be a bit priestly sometimes. At least it sounds like greens stay in govt bcoz they believe in something #le09
- 1:18 PM: Roscommon LE09 Luke Ming Flanagan & John Kelly Both Independents elected for Castlerea Electoral Area
- 1:19 PM: Roscommon LE09 it just shows that the greens should not be in goverment when they cannot take a few petty insults forn FG
- 1:20 PM: PatrickSaint PJ Kelly, FF Clare co co just re-tainted his seat
- 1:22 PM: krayZpaving Now watching The West Wing to pass time at Ireland East count. (the black Vera Wang) #le09
- 1:23 PM: Roscommon LE09 State of the Parties Nationally:
- 1:23 PM: Roscommon LE09 State of the parties so far nationally: FF(133) FG (235) Labour (112) Greens (2) Sinn Fein (39) Others (92)
- 1:24 PM: PatrickSaint John ‘Masheen’ McInerney, FG Clare lost his set.
- 1:25 PM: Alexia Golez At the Cabra-Glasnevin count area!
- 1:25 PM: Thaedydal Catching up on the aftermath of the elections, finding #le09 to be really helpful.
- 1:25 PM: Alexia Golez Looks like it could be some time
- 1:25 PM: damienblake Cora Harvey, SF, tops poll in Stranorlar LEA of Donegal County Council #le09
- 1:26 PM: Suzy Byrne According to Shane Coleman on RTE – 20 out of 27 LEA’s in Dublin – A left candidate topped the poll
- 1:27 PM: brettmirl KK CoCo – Callan -B. Ireland FG, P. Crowley Ind, M. Doran FF, T. Maher FG elected, all seats filled. #le09
- 1:27 PM: DiarmaidONeill Killorglin LEA:5 seats: 2FG, 2 FF and 1 Healy Rae #le09
- 1:27 PM: Suzy Byrne Noel Whelan points to interview process and the problem that it caused to FF organisation as supporters who did not get selected did not come out to support the party on canvass.
- 1:27 PM: irlef2009 Noel Whelan suggesting on RTE that Eoin Ryan won’t make it back to Europe. #le09
- 1:29 PM: Alexia Golez Gossip around that Mary Lou is doing better than Eoin Ryan on transfers, but is neck and neck with Joe Higgins. SFers don’t see this as good though, as Higgins could very well pip her on transfers later.
- 1:29 PM: brettmirl KK CoCo – Kilkenny – No additional candidates are elected on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th counts. Only FF McGuinnes in so far #le09
- 1:30 PM: brettmirl KK CoCo – Piltown – 1 Lab, 1 FG. 4 more seats to be decided. On 4th count, very slow! #le09
- 1:30 PM: PatrickSaint Labour should hold seat in East Clare, scrum for last seat
- 1:31 PM: irlef2009 I see Election 2009 on RTE will be followed by “Carry On Cabbie”. From the ridiculous to the sublime, perhaps?
- 1:31 PM: RTE_Elections FF’s Jimmy Maloney, and FG’s Eugene Lavin and Joe Mellett have retained their seats on Mayo County Council
- 1:31 PM: Stephen Spillane No tally going on in South so no point in heading to neptune till later. Id say first count result will be in ar about 10pm. #le09
- 1:31 PM: Suzy Byrne Brian Lenihan says party will have to reflect on candidate selection process after election
- 1:32 PM: Suzy Byrne Lenihan accepts that party have not communicated reality of economy effectively
- 1:32 PM: Alexia Golez Artane Whitehall recount announcement. Candidates and agent are being invited to talk about adjudications on changes in the last recount . Candidates invited – Flanagan / Rock / Carmichael / Mahon.
- 1:33 PM: irlef2009 Now Lenihan – and Dempsey earlier – is attributing their problems in part to poor communications. Another one from the spin doctors? #le09
- 1:33 PM: themayonews Jubilant scenes follow Rose Conway-Walsh’s election as she joins McNamara, Coyle and Holmes in the Council for Belmullet #elections
- 1:34 PM: Stephen Spillane a friends fb status reads: “The Greens are the new PDs”. couldnt agree more! #le09
- 1:35 PM: irlef2009 Speaking of cabals on RTE reminds me to ask, “Where is Mary Coughlan?”. Has anyone heard her speak her jewels of down-home wisdom? #le09
- 1:35 PM: Elrobo Lenihan saying on RTE that Cowen wants to be a chairman & not a chief…we need a chief & leader in this country #le09
- 1:36 PM: not_JimmyDevins RT RTE1 (TV) 10 mins ago “Fianna Fail have take a battering in Sligo due to the ‘Save Sligos Cancer Services Campaign” WELL DONE EVERYBODY
- 1:36 PM: Stephen Spillane RT @juanbehrend: 1st prognosis Austria: Soc 24%; Conserv 30,6;%; HPMartin 18,1%; GREENS 9,1%; Freedom Party; 12,7%; BZÖ 4,5% #ep09
- 1:36 PM: krayZpaving Trolley full of Childers votes just overturned. Decided not to demand a full recount yet.
- 1:37 PM: Roscommon LE09 Sen: Terry Leyden on Shannonside FM has said, “Tuesdays FF party meeting will be an inquest on the elections” LE09
- 1:37 PM: PatrickSaint i heard a few chastened FF stalwarts on ClareFM moaning about lack of understanding by electorate and poor communication by HQ…god help us…
- 1:37 PM: Alexia Golez People are gathering around the podium here. An announcement is coming!
- 1:38 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: First candidates arrive at Neptune bit.ly
- 1:38 PM: Alexia Golez There goes the Artane Whitehall posse
- 1:39 PM: dinglenews O Shea (ff), Cosai and Griffin (fg) deemed elected in Dingle area
- 1:39 PM: Alexia Golez Maurice Ahern and team posing for photogs.. The pretend looking at tallies
- 1:42 PM: EmilyAM RTE coverage ending now. John Bowman says this is a tsunami hitting FF and a triumph for FG.
- 1:42 PM: Simon McGarr [object String]
- 1:42 PM: cianflah From Roscommon Local Election blogger on www.irishelection.com “Sen: Terry Leyden on Shannonside FM has said, “Tuesdays FF party meeting will be an inquest on the elections”, he also said that he will stand by Taoiseach Brian Cowan all the way as he is the best man to run the country.”
- 1:42 PM: lennyantonelli Pat Leahy described this as “political revolution”. From what, FF to FG-Lab? Hardly revolution. #le09
- 1:43 PM: cianflah Newstalk and the Live Blog now the only player in town again. RTE TV off air and the kerry game on the radio.
- 1:44 PM: Roscommon LE09 Trevor Finneran son of Minister Michael Finneran has lost his seat in the athlone electoral area.
- 1:45 PM: RTE_Elections FG’s Seamus Cosai and Brendan Griffin, Michael D. O’Shea, FF, and Robert Beasley, SF, have been elected onto Kerry County Council
- 1:45 PM: PatrickSaint RTE are a bit like FF…they don’t get it…out of step with the people a bit with their patchy coverage
- 1:47 PM: Roscommon LE09 Trevor Finneran son of Minister Michael Finneran has lost his seat in the Athlone (Roscommon) Electoral Area, John Keogh & Paddy Kilduff both FF have been elected that concludes the count for south Roscommon. #le09
- 1:47 PM: Elrobo RTE really should have worked out their coverage plan better, none now until later evening – stuck with Newstalk #le09
- 1:48 PM: skearon Bourke FG and Doran (semi-FF) elected in Wicklow CC Arklow area on final count
- 1:48 PM: RTE_Elections FF’s PJ Kelly, FG’s Tony Mulcahy and IND Patricia McCarthy have been elected onto Clare County Council
- 1:49 PM: BrianGreene RT@martin_mills Great to see Joan Burton smiling on RTE! #le09 // is that a 4:3 or 16:9 widescreen smile?
- 1:50 PM: irlef2009 “It’s the margin of error we operate in” – Dan Boyle on Newstlk re GP decimation. Methinks the errors were made in govt, not margins! #le09
- 1:51 PM: P O’Neill Meath CC Dunshaughlin 1st count quota 2112. bobbett (ind) 746, bonner (ind) 1574, brooks (ff) 890, doherty (fg) 1636, fanning (fg) 876, fitzgerald (ind) 2410, killian (ff) 2066, king (lab) 486, leonard (ff) 1070, long (ind) 157, mcgowan (lab) 947, mcloughlin (lab) 532, murphy (fg) 1050, o’connor (fg) 1050, tormey (ff) 938.
- 1:51 PM: Stephen Spillane @cianflah South will have first count around 10pm id say
- 1:51 PM: lexia Qikking live – #le09
qik.com - 1:53 PM: Roscommon LE09 Cllr Paddy Kilduff FF who gain seat at the loss of Trevor Finneran confirms on Shannonside Radio that he was asked by Fianna Fail HQ in Dublin to step aside for this election and not to run.#le09
- 1:53 PM: lexia Qikking live – #le09
qik.com - 1:55 PM: twentymajor Who’s likely to get the 3rd European seat?
- 1:56 PM: lexia Photo op yfrog.com
- 1:56 PM: RTE_Elections Of the 14 Councils which now have all seats filled, FG and Labour have gained 17 seats each
- 1:56 PM: Suzy Byrne @TwentyMajor – In Dublin? Too close to call between McDonald and Higgins – Ryan being discounted by many pundits at moment and from reports from sporadic tally in RDS. Alexia may know more shortly. She’s embedded with SF (Sharing electricity!)
- 1:57 PM: lexia Qikking live – #le09
qik.com - 1:58 PM: lexia Mary Hannifin is here!
- 1:58 PM: twentymajor Thanks, Suzy. Come on, Joe.
- 1:58 PM: P O’Neill While we wait … France euro turnout at 15% at midday. Low turnout would help Libertas allied MPF (de Villiers) tinyurl.com
- 1:58 PM: lexia Qikking live – #le09
qik.com - 1:59 PM: RTE_Elections Chief Whip Pat Carey says the strengths and weaknesses of how Govt policies are being communicated need to be examined
- 2:00 PM: Elrobo Newstalk back at 8pm with Hook, that is the end of their coverage #le09
- 2:00 PM: RTE_Elections 14 of the 34 councils have filled all their seats. On those 14, FF have lost 32 seats, while FG and Labour have both gained 17
- 2:02 PM: PatrickSaint FF Chief Whip Pat Carey communication comment translates to: We ran out of spin
- 2:03 PM: davgreene Fine Gael strategy across Donegal a disaster. Party HQ imposed its will on the local membership, results not great across Donegal. #le09
- 2:03 PM: RTE_Elections FF’s Paddy Bracken and FG’s David Goodwin have retained their seats on Laois County Council after the seventh count in the Mountmellick area
- 2:03 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Final results for Cork County Council in local elections corkpolitics.ie
- 2:04 PM: Roscommon LE09 Trevor Finneran & Michael now been interviewed on shannonside radio listen live www.shannonside.ie#le09
- 2:05 PM: lexia I swear to god, if I get trampled on one more time or get told to get out of the way..
- 2:07 PM: lexia Hannifin in beige yfrog.com
- 2:08 PM: lexia Séan Haughey used an old Sony Wricsson. It all makes sense now.
- 2:08 PM: lexia Uses*
- 2:08 PM: RTE_Elections Govt Chief Whip Pat Carey has said the Green party has affirmed its commitments to Govt with FF
- 2:08 PM: Fergal Crehan “Communication” is always the solution trotted out after a defeat like this. To say anything else would be an admission that the voters just aren’t that into you.
- 2:09 PM: Stephen Spillane RT @RTE_Elections: Govt Chief Whip Pat Carey has said the Green party has affirmed its commitments to Govt with FF – but for how long???
- 2:10 PM: lexia Qikking live – #le09
qik.com - 2:10 PM: Fergal Crehan RTE have perferomed notably badly this election. This afternoon they continued to rely on their exit poll, a full 24 hours after tally information had become available.
- 2:11 PM: davgreene My predictions for Glenties LEA: O’Domhnaill (Ind-FF); Gallagher (SF); Slowey (FG); Doherty (Ind-FG); Alcorn (FF) #LE09
- 2:11 PM: twentymajor Cheerio, Green Party, the Irish language of Irish politics.
- 2:11 PM: Roscommon LE09 Trevor Finneran “Im disappointed but I wish Paddy & John all the best, I dont know whwre
- 2:12 PM: PatrickSaint Chief Whip Pat Carey says they’ll face down the no-confidence motion next week…all guns are loaded, high noon theatre again
- 2:12 PM: Suzy Byrne
- 2:12 PM: BrianGreene @lexia i know the feeling I was taking video of reaction to poll toppers declarations, photo guys wanted be out of the way, share lads #LE09
- 2:13 PM: RTE_Elections The Minister for Finance Brian Lenihan has said the Govt will have to reflect on the candidate selection process after this result
- 2:14 PM: BrianGreene posters posters posters wet warped flapping posters, need to come down and be stored for the General Election in 3 months
- 2:14 PM: tallaghtecho 3:08 : Basketball Arena: Tallaght SouthThe intensity on the floor is unreal! The eagle-eye supporters watching the count should be ammen..
- 2:14 PM: lexia Qikking live – #le09
qik.com - 2:16 PM: lexia Qikking live – #le09
qik.com - 2:17 PM: Stephen Spillane @suzybie i thought only parties could nominate to seats. We had an independent die here and it went to next on the ballot
- 2:18 PM: Suzy Byrne
- 2:19 PM: Stephen Spillane Excellent vote management by FG in Clare. 12 seats on 34.2% of vote while FF have 9 seats on 35.5% of vote. 4 seats left to fill #le09
- 2:20 PM: RTE_Elections -Local elections: FF’s Micheál McNamara, Michael Holmes IND, FG’s Gerry Coyle, and Rose Conway-Walsh for SF elected to Mayo County Council
- 2:21 PM: machinenation Counts for Clare EAs completed. Kilrush Killaloe Shannon #le09 bit.ly Nationally FG247 FF145 Lab114 Ind97 SF38 GP2
- 2:21 PM: Stephen Spillane @suzybie ohh i know no bye-elections but that didnt happen in cork as there is no party.
- 2:21 PM: skearon Fortune Lab elected on 5th County Greystones area WCC, now distributing his surplus of 191
- 2:24 PM: PatrickSaint Cathal Crowe FF, Michael Begley Ind + elected in East Clare. Tony O’Brien FF is out
- 2:24 PM: Suzy Byrne Mary Hanafin, Minister for Social Welfare press gaggle in RDS – thanks to @lexia bit.ly #le09
- 2:25 PM: lexia Pat Carey walks with Hannifin. They see the coffee shop. She says Hallelujah. I shit you not.
- 2:25 PM: lexia I spell Hanafin wrong every fucking time
- 2:26 PM: BrianGreene I suppose if you use public transport, have kids in school or are a public servant the time to kick Green-A-Fáil was Friday. #LE09
- 2:26 PM: lexia Tallies for Euros all over the shop. The tallies are not being done properly
- 2:29 PM: dinglenews Kerry 0-11 Cork 1-09 64 mins It’s back to one point as Sheehan adds another well taken free to his tally, this time from the left.
- 2:30 PM: PatrickSaint Pat Hayes (elected) FF Clare says FFHQ got it wrong…deposed FF Tony O’Brien moaning + chocking up on Clare FM
- 2:30 PM: lexia Qikking live – #le09
qik.com - 2:30 PM: Suzy Byrne
- 2:31 PM: brettmirl FG Pat O’Neill first person elected in Thomastown LEA of KK CoCo #le09 Six candidates left for 3 seats
- 2:31 PM: PatrickSaint Any count from South Galway?
- 2:33 PM: dinglenews Cooper holds off two Cork defenders and point at a critical time and pull Kerry level for the first time since the tenth minute. 0-12 1-09
- 2:35 PM: lexia Qikking live – #le09
qik.com - 2:36 PM: RTE_Elections FG’s Ollie Moore, Ind Jimmy Kenny, and FF’s John Keogh and Paddy Kilduff have been elected to Roscommon County Council
- 2:37 PM: dinglenews 72 mins Declan O’Sullivan put the ball behind for a Cork 45, and Colm O’Neill holds his nerve to point 0-12 1-10 Cork lead
- 2:37 PM: Suzy Byrne
- 2:37 PM: P O’Neill Meath CC Trim Area Quota 1960. 3rd Count Carey (fg) 1799, fegan (ff) 2472, golden (ind) 1494, mcelhinney (lab) 1679. Fegan FF elected
- 2:37 PM: lexia Epic.. Simons wants to shake hands with DeRossa. He refuses. Missed the fight.
- 2:37 PM: PJ Coogan a draw in killarney..
- 2:37 PM: PJ Coogan kerry have injury time free to draw game …
- 2:37 PM: brettmirl FG Pat O’Neill first person elected in Thomastown LEA of KK CoCo #le09 Six candidates left for 3 seats
- 2:39 PM: RTE_Elections SF has thanked everyone in the South Dublin County Council area who voted and elected three councillors for the party
- 2:39 PM: RTE_Elections Minister for Social and Family Affairs Mary Hanafin says the results of the elections do not show that the people want a change of Govt
- 2:40 PM: dinglenews 74 mins Sheehan keeps his nerve at the other end to point a free and ensure the game ends all square after an absorbing contest. 0-13 1-10
- 2:40 PM: lexia Counters for Artan Whitehall are destroyed. Zzzzz yfrog.com
- 2:40 PM: dinglenews Kerry 0-13, Cork 1-10, draw in Munster SFC at Fitzgerad Stadium Killarney
- 2:41 PM: lexia @BrianGreene Fuck ‘em. I’m only small
- 2:42 PM: Suzy Byrne RT @lexia: Epic.. Simons wants to shake hands with DeRossa. He refuses. Missed the fight. #le09
- 2:42 PM: P O’Neill Meath CC Trim electoral area. Seamus Murray (FF) who had Noel Dempsey’s old council seat eliminated. Seat likely to be picked up by Labour.c
- 2:43 PM: RTE_Elections Minister Hanafin has said the abinet has full confidence in the Taoiseach and she isn’t worried about the vote of no confidence in the Govt
- 2:44 PM: Suzy Byrne Many thanks to P O’Neill for the Meath Count Coverage – Also to our various contributors for coverage of the other sport this weekend – Kerry vs. Cork in Fitzgerald Stadium!
- 2:45 PM: aoifac Any update on Maurice Ahern yet? Has he been eliminated?
- 2:45 PM: RTE_Elections Malcolm Noonan in Kilkenny has become the third Green Party councillor to be elected
- 2:45 PM: PatrickSaint I’m so relieved Mary Hannafin isn’t worried about next week vote of no confidence!
- 2:46 PM: lexia TV3 reporter totty looks all the same. Clones?
- 2:46 PM: Stephen Spillane via @dkellyj “RTE’s ‘celebrity’ candidate former economics correspondent George Lee, takes Belfast South with ease” is.gd #le09
- 2:46 PM: Suzy Byrne @aoifeac – Maurice is still in – and hopeful – Alexia is keeping an eye on the count there.
- 2:46 PM: Christine Bohan Thread entitled ‘How did the Blacks do?’ on politics.ie has been renamed ‘How did the foreign-born candidates do?’. Concerned lulz.
- 2:48 PM: politicalthicko people with hearts and brains round the country rejoice at election results, until they remember FGs belief system #le09
- 2:48 PM: martin_mills They should swap the #gaa panelists and the #le09 analysts….just for the craic.
- 2:48 PM: BrianGreene Joe Higgins gets highest vote in Fingal beating Peter Coyle (Lab) by 6. #LE09
- 2:49 PM: faduda New blog post: Kildare (Naas) second count #le09 faduda.ie
- 2:51 PM: RTE_Elections Jerry Lundy FF and Michael Fleming FG have been elected to Sligo County Council
- 2:51 PM: brettmirl KK CoCo – Kilkenny – FG Martin Brett and Green Malcom Noonan elected on 6th count. O’Hargin Lab and Kavanagh Ind eliminated #le09
- 2:51 PM: RTE_Elections Pat O’Neill and Martin Brett for Fine Gael have both been elected to Kilkenny County Council
- 2:52 PM: lexia Adjudications have ended for Artane Whitehall
- 2:53 PM: SimonHaden there is no difference between FG & FF so I dont know what everyone is getting so excited about. If the Greens are to be in Govt. it has to be one of these so there is no point pulling out now.
- 2:55 PM: faduda New blog post: Kildare (Naas) third count – two FG candidates elected #le09 faduda.ie
- 2:56 PM: P O’Neill Meath CC Trim Area sees great showing by Tracey McElhinney (Lab), seems to have rebuilt old Labour support. FG and Lab both benefit from FF weakness and independent vote not buoyant outside Trim town.
- 2:56 PM: RTE_Elections The division of seats across the country stands at: FF 149, FG 252, Lab 115, Greens 3, SF 42, and Others 99
- 2:57 PM: Suzy Byrne
- 2:58 PM: faduda New blog post: Ireland East turnout – sorry, no tallies #le09 faduda.ie
- 2:58 PM: brettmirl KK CoCo – Kilkenny – FG Martin Brett and Green Malcom Noonan elected on 6th count. O’Hargin Lab and Kavanagh Ind eliminated #le09
- 2:58 PM: Suzy Byrne Many thanks to D4 Hotels for the great Blogger HQ yesterday – image below is of Cian and Myself and jellies, coffee and laptops which kept us going.
- 2:59 PM: sazzybm I dont think FF and FG are the same. maybe if you go back 50 years. FG want to put the country right, FF are hell bent on running it into the ground. FF are old fashioned and backwards. FG have young bright candidates,with great new ideas and people who actually know what they are talking about!!!
- 2:59 PM: aoifac @SimonHaden ….. there are of course differences between FF & FG but not for arguing it out here main thing to point out is thatt the Greens do not need to be, and shouldn’t be, in Govt. They are as bad as the PDs in accepting they are just numbers to FF and do not have any say.
- 2:59 PM: Stephen Spillane 1st count will be announced at about 9pm. Count will be finished by 7. #le09
- 2:59 PM: faduda New blog post: Ireland East turnout – sorry, no tallies #le09 faduda.ie
- 2:59 PM: aoifac @Stephen Spillane that would be great news. Colm Burke?
- 3:00 PM: Mark_Coughlan Just posted on @Irishelection off to get food. Haven’t eaten properly since Friday. 1.50 for a pack of crisps in the RDS! #le09
- 3:00 PM: sazzybm Does that mean there might be a 1st count in the South soon
- 3:00 PM: Suzy Byrne :sassybm – count not permitted to be announced until 9pm
- 3:01 PM: lexia The great thing about being at a count is its immersive nature. It’s also the biggest drawback. I have no clue what’s happening outside.
- 3:01 PM: RTE_Elections Green leader John Gormley says his party plans to stay in coalition with Fianna Fáil, despite their wipeout in the local elections
- 3:02 PM: Fergal Crehan No counts are to be announced until 9, and I understand there is no tally in South, so I would be very surprised to hear concessions from any candidates this early
- 3:04 PM: irishelection Mark posts on the long running Ahern council seat count url.ie and Lexia is Qikking like mad qik.com #LE09
- 3:04 PM: lexia Oh sweet Jesus. Adjudication for Artane Whitehall is recommencing. Candidates and their agents have been called again.
- 3:05 PM: PatrickSaint Live Donegal coverage as Gaeilge on RnaG…hopefully they’ll bring in other centers
- 3:05 PM: aoifac @lexia The world is still turning
- 3:05 PM: sazzybm is that the rules? I think thats silly. Denmark already have their results out.
- 3:05 PM: sazzybm Well At least you have access to a computer/internet. Yesterday I was at the count in Mallow and had no contact with the outside world for the whole night. We were relying on the newcomers for info!!! Ha ha!
- 3:05 PM: alaninbelfast Wonder if the impressive www.irishelection.com will be next year’s Best Political Blog in Irish Blog Awards #euni #LE09
- 3:06 PM: lexia Qikking live – #le09
qik.com - 3:07 PM: Fergal Crehan @sazzybm Denmark is still voting as far as I know. The 9pm embargo is because that is when the last votes are being cast. It doesn’t do to announce results while the election is still happening.
- 3:08 PM: Elrobo Is Maurice hanging around for the count or heading to Croker, cos the Dublin match is starting? #LE09
- 3:08 PM: cianflah polls close in France and Germany at 22.00 CET no announcement of results until all polls shut.
- 3:09 PM: lexia Qikking live – #le09
qik.com - 3:10 PM: RTE_Elections Caroline Lynch SF, Eoghan Farrell IND, Ray Butler FG, and Jimmy Fegan FF have taken the four Trim seats on Meath County Council
- 3:10 PM: aoifac It was the Netherlands who released their results and the election/count has been suspended there while under review by the EU for breaking the clearly set out rules.
- 3:10 PM: RTE_Elections Paddy Belton FG, Mick Cahill FF, Mark Casey IND, Sean Farrell FG, and Barney Steele FF elected to Longford County Council
- 3:11 PM: Alexia Golez Cabra Glasnevin recount starts!
- 3:11 PM: sazzybm O I thought I read in the news that they had results. My mistake. But we’re all voting for different candidates so how would the Irish results affect the other countries.
- 3:11 PM: Sinead O’Kelly greens or no greens the way forward is renewable energy and green technology, we all need to get behind campaigns such as the Spirit of Ireland
- 3:13 PM: Fergal Crehan Well, it is a European election, after all. The vast majority of candidates are alligned to Europe-wide groupings
- 3:13 PM: dfg Is there any place on the web to look up detailed count information for the locals yet. RTÉ doesn’t have it and electionsireland.org hasn’t been updated
- 3:13 PM: Stephen Spillane RT @juanbehrend: Germany first trends: CDU 36-39, SPD 24-26 Greens 11-12, FDP 10- 11, Left 7-8. Greens 3rd’s! #ep09
- 3:14 PM: P O’Neill The RTE twitter item for Trim is confusing the Trim town and county council results.
- 3:14 PM: aoifac @sazzybm So that other countries to do vote based on other countries results as far as I know. Just the way it applies in local and general elections, just wider as it is European. Fairness for all etc.
- 3:14 PM: tallaghtecho 3:56 : Basketball Arena: Tallaght SouthCounting officials are currently going through Brian Lawlor’s votes. Had a word with John Hannon (..
- 3:14 PM: aoifac sorry that should be DO NOT VOTE…
- 3:15 PM: sazzybm you mean like Libertas. I suppose if people saw they getting a hammering in other countries they might not vote for em.
- 3:15 PM: BrianGreene i met my old school teacher Roddy Doyle at the count y’day. He is writing a serial about an African FF candidate url.ie #LE09
- 3:15 PM: Stephen Spillane @RedDave14 its all about geography. Sinnott & ned could transfer well to Burke keeping him ahead of ferris #le09
- 3:15 PM: brettmirl KK CoCo so far…6 FG, 2 FF, 2 Lab, 1 Grn, 1 Ind. 14 left to fill #le09
- 3:15 PM: lexia Qikking live – #le09
qik.com - 3:15 PM: Fergal Crehan @sazzybm Not just libertas. All major parties are members of pan-European groups
- 3:16 PM: sazzybm Its a long auld wait. Im tired. should be nearing the end of the locals counts surely!!!
- 3:16 PM: browne_jp Limerick County Council Party Trends 99 to 09 with 4 of 5 areas with 1st counts declared available bit.ly #le09
- 3:16 PM: sazzybm My brain is mush. sorry.
- 3:16 PM: Alexia Golez old lady needs a sit down.. Ahern is more concerned with watching the GAA than the recount!
- 3:17 PM: browne_jp Limerick County Council Party Trends 99 to 09 with 4 of 5 areas with 1st counts declared available bit.ly #le09
- 3:17 PM: BrianGreene i met my old school teacher Roddy Doyle at the count y’day. He is writing a serial about an African FF candidate url.ie #LE09
- 3:17 PM: cianflah @sazzybm Local counts could drag on until tomrrow if recounts take ages. Midnight before final MEP makeup is known
- 3:17 PM: Suzy Byrne Dublin 0-3 Meath 0-3 after 15 minutes…
- 3:18 PM: Campaign_Watch Greens take only third seat as Malcolm Noonan elected in Kilkenny #le09
- 3:18 PM: Stephen Spillane @cianflah we arent expecting a more then one MEP elected tonight in south. Counting expected to go on till tomorrow. #le09
- 3:18 PM: RTE_Elections Exit polls suggest a poor turnout across the EU which could favour extremist parties, though it would not upset the balance in the assembly
- 3:20 PM: cianflah @Spiller2 dont tel me things like that! ITs tiring work this waiting!
- 3:20 PM: Colm O’Rourke well said sinead wind, wave , solar and geothermal power are the future and Ireland can be one on the lending nations in these new industries but it takes all parties making this a priority
- 3:21 PM: Suzy Byrne Blogwatch: Kilcullen Diary keeps an eye to local counts in Kildare kilcullenbridge.blogspot.com
- 3:21 PM: cianflah Hearing from RDS authorities want to count and eliminate and get to result without telling candidates. Objections being lodged. #LE09
- 3:21 PM: PatrickSaint The term ‘Green Shoots’ is taking on a whole new meaning…
- 3:21 PM: sazzybm I’ll tell you one thing I didnt think waiting around could be so tiring!!!!
- 3:22 PM: Campaign_Watch Candidates clash over accuracy of ‘sketchy’ tallies in North West short.ie #le09
- 3:24 PM: Stephen Spillane @cianflah sorry! but its what im hearing!
- 3:25 PM: Fergal If ganley loses, will he dispute the result and just turn up in Brussels every day? Or will he set up his own Parliament instead?#le09
- 3:25 PM: krayZpaving @Fergal Probably both, judging by what I’m hearing from Castlebar! #le09
- 3:25 PM: kenmcguire Borough Council in Kilkenny looks like 3 FF, 2 FG, 1 Lab and 1 Green at the moment #le09
- 3:26 PM: TheEmergency Greens doomed if pull plug, FF doomed if enter GE with Cowen. FF usually need longer between heaves. (Very Stale)mate? #le09
- 3:26 PM: BrianGreene <JUST IN> Drogheda Borough Council >Frank Gallagher< Socialist Party ELECTED
- 3:27 PM: sazzybm I think Sketchy is the operative word there
- 3:27 PM: Stephen Spillane @cianflah yea, but a long fecking night and another day for me!
- 3:30 PM: PatrickSaint Pat the Cope sounding a bit shakey on Radio na G…he’ll need Paschal Mooney’s transfers…he hopes to scrape in with Harkins and Higgins
- 3:30 PM: aoifac @Fergal He’ll split his time between stalking the EU even though he didn’t get a mandate and he’ll go back to making money through dodgy work process/war/guns and god knows what else.
- 3:30 PM: RTE_Elections In Wexford and Waterford, Fianna Fáil has been reduced to 5 seats on each county council, with gains for FG and SF
- 3:31 PM: faduda New blog post: Kildare (Naas) fourth count MacNamara (Lab) elected #le09 faduda.ie
- 3:32 PM: RTE_Elections In south Tipp, Fianna Fáil has dropped from 10 seats on the council to six
- 3:34 PM: macsithigh @cianflah s 125 Electoral Act 92 allows certain recount requests at end of any single count.Surely impossible to proceed w/o notice #le09
- 3:35 PM: AllanCavanagh @Fergal he’ll set up his own continent using Kryptonite, flood Europe and make a killing on property values.
- 3:35 PM: PatrickSaint bookmaker Paddy Power slashed the odds on a FG/Labour coalition forming the next Government from 4/7 to 1/2. Spokeperson said: “We’ve cut the odds on a FG/Lab coalition and Enda Kenny being the next Taoiseach who clearly think there’ll be big changes – and soon.”
- 3:35 PM: sazzybm Any news from tipp north yet? wasnt there counting starting there at 2?
- 3:37 PM: Suzy Byrne Sinn Fein camp in RDS deny hearing anything about counts in Euro Constituency proceeding without Candidates being told results – ‘Democracy Rocks Man’ was the response given.
- 3:38 PM: sazzybm Dublin 0-10 Meath 0-5 for those of you who care
- 3:39 PM: keithbelfast looking at a pic of mo ahern clutching his unused GAA tickets in his football top, as he watches the recount. #le09
- 3:39 PM: cianflah @macsithigh well at the moment its only what I am hearing hoping to confim soon and Ill bow to your legal knowledge! #LE09
- 3:39 PM: macsithigh @cianflah s 125 Electoral Act 92 allows certain recount requests at end of any single count.Surely impossible to proceed w/o notice #le09
- 3:39 PM: sazzybm correction 11 points to 5 at half time
- 3:41 PM: Suzy Byrne SF camp in RDS deny hearing anything about counts in Euros proceeding without Candidates being told results #le09
- 3:42 PM: skearon WCC Greystones Count 6, Roche FF eliminated, her 803 now being distributed
- 3:42 PM: skearon WCC Greystones Count 7, Roche FF transfers 44% to Kelleher FF, Maloney Ind eliminated and 895 being distributed
- 3:42 PM: Stephen Spillane Ganley not to get elected, via @TheEmergency: Gallagher, Higgins and Harkin to get elected is.gd
- 3:44 PM: BrianGreene @cianflah in Fingal y’day there were full checks before 1st pref announcements not called re-counts, there were issues re Euro split #LE09
- 3:45 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Labour’s Tracy McElhinney has been elected to Meath County Council in the Trim election area on the fifth count
- 3:46 PM: sazzybm is there any word on the No of spoiled votes yet. RTE reported that there were loads in the South. What about the other constituencies?
- 3:47 PM: Stephen Spillane Seat numbers: FG 264, FF 157, Lab 118, OTH 102, SF 44, GP 3 #le09
- 3:48 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Austin Francis O’Malley (FG) has taken the last seat for the Westport area of Mayo County Council
- 3:49 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 for more detailed local elections results take a look at www.RTÉ.ie/elections
- 3:49 PM: PatrickSaint -Minister Brian Lenihan has told RTÉ it would be catastrophic for Ireland to bring forward the general election from 2012 because it would disrupt the country’s economic recovery programme. It would be catastrophic alright — for FF anyway.
- 3:51 PM: Suzy Byrne I see @RTE_Elections are finally tagging tweets with #le09 – welcome to the party!
- 3:52 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Aidan Murray (FG) and PJ O’Hanlon (FF) have both been elected to Monaghan County Coucil in the Carrickmacross electoral area
- 3:53 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Brigid Teefy (Ind) has been elected to Limerick County Council on the sixth count
- 3:57 PM: themayonews It looks like a long night ahead for the recounts in Ballina and Castlebar. We’ll keep you posted regardless. #elections
- 3:57 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Molly Buckley (FG) has been elected to Offaly County Council in the Tullamore electoral area
- 3:59 PM: skearon WCC Bray Count 6, Meaney FF eliminated and his 544 being distributed
- 3:59 PM: faduda New blog post: Kildare (Athy town council) summary to date #le09 faduda.ie
- 3:59 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Hughie McGrath (Ind), Séamus Mosrris (SF) and Virginia O’Dowd (Lab) all elected in Tipp North on the ninth count
- 4:02 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Stephen Keary (FG), David Naughton, and Kevin Sheahan all elected to Limerick County Council on the fourth count – Rathkeale completed
- 4:04 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Left out that David Naughton is FG and Kevin Sheahan is FF in that last tweet!
- 4:05 PM: Stephen Spillane CSU are on 6.5% in Germany from prelimary polling according to @teamdeutschland
- 4:06 PM: Stephen Spillane RT @stefanhapper: Erste Prognose aus Deutschland: CDU 31,0%, CSU 7,5%, SPD 21,0%, Grüne 11,5%, FDP 11,0%, Linke 7,5% #eu09
- 4:06 PM: BrianGreene Greens can’t pull out they need to inflict water/property/carbon taxes & 4bn more cuts in the budget before they go the way of the PDs #LE09
- 4:07 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Seosamh Ó Cuaig (Ind), Tomás Ó Curraoin (Ind) and Séamus Walsh (FF) all elected to Galway County Council
- 4:07 PM: sazzybm so there is no more election coverage on telly til 9:30, right? is there any good coverage on the radio?
- 4:09 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: The Euro South count continues bit.ly
- 4:09 PM: Alexia Golez Sociopathic FFer keeps talking to me. PFO
- 4:10 PM: Stephen Spillane @Tupp_Ed im told Crowley, S.Kelly, through on 2nd and 3rd counts roughly. Burke and Ferris fighting out for last seat. No tally. #le09
- 4:10 PM: Alexia Golez he introduced himself yesterday and it was okay, and now today he did the very same!
- 4:11 PM: Stephen Spillane RT @Campaign_Watch: Fine Gael take 12 seats in Clare to be largest party for first time in council’s 81 year history #le09 – wooooooooo!
- 4:11 PM: Suzy Byrne Radio coverage on newstalk at 8pm and RTE Radio 1 at 9pm. TV3 news is at 5.30pm and of course RTE have Six-One news.
- 4:11 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Local election update just before 5pm FF (157), FG (264), Lab (118), GP (3), SF (44) and OTH (102) – more at www.RTE.ie/elections
- 4:12 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: European election coverage corkpolitics.ie
- 4:14 PM: sazzybm What is CSU again? so many abreviations!!! I cant remember them all!
- 4:14 PM: sazzybm Thanks. Do ye think Burke could get the last seat?
- 4:15 PM: tallaghtecho 5:07 : Basketball Arena: Tallaght South update No news yet on recount, still a fair few people watching the count with bated breathe.
Ev.. - 4:15 PM: lexia Kinda hungry. But I shall not waste any more money here!
- 4:15 PM: Tim Buktu CSU = Christian Democrats in Bavaria
- 4:16 PM: RTE_Elections North-West candidate Marian Harkin (Ind) has said she is very hopeful that she will keep her seat
- 4:16 PM: faduda New blog post: Kildare (Naas) fifth count #le09 faduda.ie
- 4:17 PM: Suzy Byrne Blogwatch: Twenty Major twentymajor.net
- 4:17 PM: sazzybm thanks. what irish party would they be the equivalent of?
- 4:17 PM: Suzy Byrne @sazzybm Fine Gael
- 4:17 PM: JL Pagano Anyone heard Ganley cheekily suggest a re-run of the election yet? #le09
- 4:18 PM: samuelbowman @spiller2 Wow, that would be one for the books. I’m shocked that A Kelly isn’t in with a better chance, he was a good candidate. #le09
- 4:19 PM: psneeze twitpic.com – #le09 1 of only 2 election posters remaining in the village is Green party. What irony.
- 4:19 PM: Campaign_Watch Tallies show Harkin, Higgins and Gallagher winning seats in North West #le09
- 4:21 PM: Mark_Coughlan The biggest name Fianna Fáiler to lose a seat? #le09
- 4:21 PM: BrianGreene Very positive vibe – got a call from the RDS the tx’s are good, and the FPVs for Joe Higgins are great. can’t say more #LE09
- 4:22 PM: Stephen Spillane @Mark_Coughlan It will be M. Ahern if he loses his
- 4:23 PM: Campaign_Watch Lowry Team candidates take four seats, doubling representation on North Tipperary County Council #le09
- 4:24 PM: lexia @BrianGreene You coming down to the RDS?
- 4:25 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Kenny to call for Dáil vote of “no confidence” in government corkpolitics.ie
- 4:25 PM: Alexia Golez The more exciting thing happening in the RDS at the minute is the GAA. Bringing people from all sides together.
Forget about democracy. Football cures all ills! And it’s on a tiny telly!
- 4:25 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Ray Cribbin (FF), James Deegan (FG), Paul Mitchell (IND), and Tom Mulhall (FG) have been elected to Laois County Council
- 4:28 PM: Stephen Spillane The place to watch results come in across europe www.elections2009-results.eu (via @zenlaura)
- 4:30 PM: twentymajor This is exciting now. If Ganley and Mary Lou get shafted this will make my weekend #le09
- 4:31 PM: RTE_Elections Outgoing FF East MEP Liam Aylward has said he will hold onto his seat when the votes of FF’s Thomas Byrne are transferred later this evening
- 4:31 PM: Alexia Golez Chatting to a very, very old voter and political hawk. After niceties, I ask him who he voted for. “Libertas”, he replied. “Why?” “I know Simons’ mother”. How very honest. He, of course, wants Ganley to do well. He’ll get things done. Apparently.
- 4:31 PM: Suzy Byrne Flares on the Hill – Dublin beat Meath by 2 points.
- 4:34 PM: Suzy Byrne TV3 news ‘election special’ is only all of 30 minutes and no Vincent Browne… (yet) #le09
- 4:34 PM: Suzy Byrne Sean Kelly FG was at Cork vs Kerry Match – will now proceed to count #le09
- 4:36 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Hughie McGrath (Ind), Séamus Mosrris (SF) and Virginia O’Dowd (Lab) all elected in Tipp North on the ninth count
- 4:36 PM: TheEmergency On now: RTE 1- Hyacinth f*cking Bucket Tv3 -election special. Public service broadcasting my arse. Well done 3 #le09
- 4:37 PM: Suzy Byrne Jim Higgins saying that Ganley getting very few transfers
- 4:38 PM: BrianGreene @lexia i’ve been asked to go so I might poster 7-9 and pop over. 9pm 1st Count or the winners? anyone?
- 4:38 PM: Suzy Byrne Declan Ganley says his tallymen know more than anyone elses
- 4:41 PM: Alexia Golez I’m off for a walk and some food. Back in a bit.
- 4:42 PM: Alexia Golez @Suzy Ganley has a bank of psychic tallymen! Excellent. Do they specialise in cruel and unusual terror?
- 4:42 PM: Suzy Byrne News coming from RDS related to conduct of count. Confirming sources at moment.
- 4:42 PM: RTE_Elections FG’s Jim Higgins said he is confident of retaining his seat and predicts seats for Pat the Cope Gallagher (FF) and Marian Harkin (IND)
- 4:44 PM: Suzy Byrne First count Results have been given to candidates in Dublin
- 4:45 PM: Maldini TV3 saying Eoin on 55k 1st pref votes, Mary-Lou on 50k and Higgins on 48k on first count #le09
- 4:46 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Ben Brennan (IND) and Padraig Fleming (FF) have been elected to Laois County Council after the first Luggacurren count
- 4:46 PM: sazzybm are they not allowed to tell anyone what the 1st count is?
- 4:52 PM: BrianGreene on behalf of @votejoehiggins thanks to Don Baker & Dermot Byrne 4music a cast of 100′s non party that helped in the Joe Higgins campaign.
- 4:53 PM: Stephen Spillane RT @TheEmergency: De rossa & Mitchell on 90k Ryan on 55k, mary lou 50k higgins 48k #le09
- 4:53 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Paddy MacNamara (Lab) and Seamie Moore (IND) have been elected to Kildare County Council in the Naas electoral area
- 4:57 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 FG candidates George Jones and Derek Mitchell have been elected to Wicklow County Council
- 4:57 PM: Suzy Byrne Eibhlin Byrne polled well at 19,000 votes – she may be saving Private Ryan – still looking for info on McKenna and De Burca’s FPV #le09
- 4:58 PM: Suzy Byrne No figures on First preferences for De Burca or McKenna
- 4:59 PM: TheEmergency Signficant correction from tv3 to figs for Dublin – joe higgins on 50k *leads* Mary lou mcd on 48k #le09
- 4:59 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Fine Gael’s John Egan, Mary Harty and Michael Sheahan all elected to Limerick County Council
- 4:59 PM: lexia @suzybie boom boom!
- 4:59 PM: Suzy Byrne Eibhlin Byrne polled well at 19,000 votes – she may be saving Private Ryan – still looking for info on McKenna and De Burca’s FPV #le09
- 5:01 PM: cianflah elimination of simons should bump MCDonald over higgins but elim of McKenna and De Burca are vital to keep higgins or mcdonald ahead of each other
- 5:01 PM: sazzybm no news on South yet???
- 5:03 PM: cianflah Ryan will get 10-12k from Byrne TAlly has: Higgins getting 11.8 from McKenna and 8.9 from De Burca M Lou getting 9.8 from McKenna and 5.7% from De Burca. RYan gets 8% from De Burca and 4% from McKenna. Aim of game for Higgns / M Lou is stay in ahead of the other and overtake Ryan on the eliminees transfers.
- 5:03 PM: Suzy Byrne @Cian Concerns from some that the manner in which count is proceeding without transparency of eliminations is as bad as e-voting debacle.
- 5:05 PM: cianflah McKenna now eliminatede
- 5:05 PM: Suzy Byrne Dublin European Count First Count approx figures from TV3 – Quota is 101,000 – De Rossa on 95, 000, Mitchell on 95,000, Ryan on 55,000 MaryLou McDonald on 48,000 joe higgins on 50,000, byrne on 19,000
- 5:05 PM: Suzy Byrne Dublin Euro Count – Liveblog sources confirm that Sweeney and Simons have been eliminated – count ifAs proceeding but not being officially announced. Some candidates are very unhappy about this.
- 5:07 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Niall O’Brolcháin (Greens) has said he thinks it’s clear that Green voters have great difficulty with the party being in Govt with FF
- 5:07 PM: aoifac Didn’t see it mentioned already, Ahern got in on the last count.
- 5:07 PM: Suzy Byrne Thanks @AoifaC
- 5:08 PM: Suzy Byrne Maurice Ahern holds council seat – Elected on last count Cabra/Glasnevin #le09
- 5:08 PM: Campaign_Watch SF wins 7 of 20 seats on Monaghan County Council. FG takes 6, FF wins 5 and Independents take 2 #le09
- 5:09 PM: lexia @suzybie Damn. Missed it!
- 5:10 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Pat Millea (FF) has been elected to Kilkenny County Council in the Ballyragget electoral area
- 5:10 PM: Stephen Spillane waiting for cab to count centre! Will be txting results so cant @ or dm me sorry. #le09
- 5:10 PM: krayZpaving Potential spoils being adjudicated on at the Ireland East count. First count to be announced in 3 hours. #le09
- 5:12 PM: Stephen Spillane Looks like we will have 3 results at 9pm. Dub, East and South all going well. #le09
- 5:13 PM: Stephen Spillane right gone! laters
- 5:13 PM: demosuzki think Dublin 3rd seat will be an interesting excercise in transferable vote PR. It will all be about whose 2nd Prefs transfer first #le09
- 5:13 PM: sazzybm how did ahern manage to hold on??? Unreal!!! I think there are still 168 seats left to fill
- 5:13 PM: cianflah Totals and tally estimates from Dublin on www.irishelection.com numerate watchers might help to crunch the elimination of De Burca and McKenna (mckenna elimination processing now)
- 5:15 PM: tallaghtecho 5:39 : Basketball Arena: Tallaght South update Still here….told first preferences for Tallaght South recount will be announced before s..
- 5:15 PM: aoifac Obviously a few Cantona fans voted for him!! Not mentioned anywhere else yet but was mentioned for one second on RTE news.
- 5:16 PM: brettmirl All 12 candidates have now been elected to the Kilkenny 2009 Borough Council. They are represented by 4 FF, 4 FG, 1 SF. 1 Green #le09
- 5:16 PM: irishelection Early dublin numbers are in with tally estimates of transfer at url.ie #LE09
- 5:17 PM: Suzy Byrne 8,000 spoilt votes in East
- 5:17 PM: Fergal Crehan Am interesting possibility re Dublin. Joe Higgins will do better on transfers from McKenna and De Burca and will likely be ahead of McDonald when it comes time to eliminate Byrne. But where do Byrne’s transfers go? 10-12k are expected to go to Ryan. But will the remainder make the difference into whether Higgins or McDonald is in fourth place? It’s hard to know where Fianna Fail transfers would travel, except to other FF candidates.
- 5:17 PM: RTE_Elections Prime Time’s Mark Little has a blog with really good analysis of the RTÉ exit poll and the election results tinyurl.com
- 5:17 PM: Roscommon LE09 Adrian Farrell FG from Lanesboro Co Longford has lost his seat in the Ballymahon electoral area
- 5:18 PM: aoifecarroll @suzybie who lost out in Cabra?
- 5:18 PM: Roscommon LE09 Re-count underway in the Castlerea electoral area Roscommon.#le09
- 5:19 PM: RTE_Elections Outgoing FF MEP Eoin Ryan has said he is still in with a chance for a seat and is likely to get a significant transfer from Eibhlin Byrne
- 5:19 PM: Mark_Coughlan @aoifecarroll Ahern was elected over the Sinn Féin candidate and the other FFer
- 5:21 PM: faduda New blog post: Kildare (Naas) 7th count Callaghan (FF) elected #le09 faduda.ie
- 5:21 PM: athtrasna local results very slow out of Roscommon? #le09
- 5:22 PM: sazzybm Gay Mitchell looks like topping the poll in Dublin according to rte
- 5:23 PM: philomenaf does it look likely that mary lou is out of the running? #le09
- 5:23 PM: Suzy Byrne @philomenaf it’s all too close to call at moment – we’ll bring news as we get it.
- 5:24 PM: faduda New blog post: Kildare (Naas) final results: 2 FG, 1 Lab, 1 Ind, 1 FF #le09 faduda.ie
- 5:24 PM: philomenaf thanks… very frustrating up here awaiting news. glad something like this is available to keep up to date
- 5:25 PM: lexia Heartattack time yfr, not the other way aroundog.com
- 5:25 PM: Fergal Crehan Just realised that I misread the FPV figures (or were they edited?) and that Higgins is on 50k to McDonald’s 48k. He’ll stretch that lead over the next two counts and should be safely ahead of McDonald after Byrne is eliminated. He will take McDonalds transfers and jump ahead of Ryan to take the third seat.
- 5:33 PM: Fergal Crehan A sub-plot to the count is that, arguably, we shouldn’t really be counting at all. EU law forbids announcements until after 9pm, but our own electoral law and tradition requires us to tell candidates of their figures, in order for them to seek recounts, etc. I have my doubts as to whether the fudge of “unofficially” announcing figures gets us off the hook under EU rules. The sensible thing to do would have been not to even start counting until 9pm. But then everyone just wants to get this over with.
- 5:34 PM: twentymajor What happened with Tubridy Jr? #le09
- 5:36 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Sligo cllr Joe Queenan (FF) has been critical of the party leadership in Dublin, saying the elections were a referendum on the Govt
- 5:40 PM: Maldini @twentymajor last I heard he was on about 5% #le09
- 5:40 PM: Campaign_Watch FG takes three of four Wicklow County Council seats in Greystones ward #le09
- 5:40 PM: proinnsias @twentymajor He got only 4.4% of the vote in Pemb/Rath #le09
- 5:40 PM: philomenaf thanks fergal…. some news i didnt really want to hear ..haha
- 5:43 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Adjudication of spoiled votes commences bit.ly
- 5:44 PM: Stephen Spillane Ajdudication underway in south, result by 9pm looking doubtful #le09
- 5:47 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Frank McBrearty Jr has been elected for the Labour party to Donegal County Council
- 5:48 PM: samuelbowman @spiller2 Adjudication eh? #LE09
- 5:48 PM: dickobrien Wicklow 200 done in 8 hours 5 minutes. Off to shower the dried salt off me.
- 5:52 PM: philomenaf are many of you at the count centres?#le09
- 5:53 PM: cianflah Philomena most are at count centres twittering and posting – suzy and I (mostly suzy) are moderating while some are just at their laptops
- 5:53 PM: ElectionsIRL Clare County Council first preference votes online: bit.ly
- 5:55 PM: sazzybm Do ye think Mary Lou will get alot of simons transfers? the whole anti lisbon thing?
- 5:55 PM: philomenaf grma cian. any of you for any particular party? #le09
- 5:56 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Catherine Connery and John Brennan, both Fine Gael, have been elected to Kilkenny County Council
- 5:56 PM: Suzy Byrne Philomena – most of us are non- party aligned political nutters…
- 5:56 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Jim Cuddy (IND), Jarlath McDonagh (FG), Malachy Noone (FF), and Liam Carroll (FG) all elected to Galway County Council
- 5:57 PM: Suzy Byrne Ok I’m back from putting the curry on and going to stop the chatter and get more links and data up on the liveblog – we’re answering questions but not going to do the chat much here – you can check www.irishelection.com to comment on posts and argue the toss there!
- 5:58 PM: philomenaf sorry suzy, just wanting kept up to date.. new on this…apologies.#le09
- 5:59 PM: Suzy Byrne No problem at all Philomena – More than welcome here and glad you found us – we’ll keep you uptodate as we can on Mary Lou et al – Ferris is holding up well in South so I heard.
- 6:00 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Fianna Fáil’s Willie Callaghan elected to Kildare County Council
- 6:00 PM: ALDEgroup ALDE MEP Marian Harkin set to upset Declan Ganley in the Ireland North-West constituency tinyurl.com
- 6:01 PM: philomenaf grma. so we could have 3 sf women in europe!!!!! miracles do happen then…..once again thanks#le09
- 6:02 PM: jonworth @irishelection I’m not short of results to follow! Hard to make a positive story out of it. Good work releasing results in Ireland. #LE09
- 6:02 PM: brettmirl KK CoCo – Ballyragget – 3 FG, 1 FF, 1 Lab. All seats filled #le09
- 6:02 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Eamonn McGinty (IND), Patricia McCafferty (IND), and Seamus Carbin (Lab) all elected to Donegal County Council
- 6:02 PM: cianflah Eoin Ryan is the most depressing and uninspiring thing to happen this election. Just on Newstalks news now. Awful
- 6:03 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Jim Ryan (IND), Micheál Lowry (IND), John Kennedy (Lab), and Billy Clancy (IND) all elected to Tipp North Riding County Council
- 6:05 PM: cianflah Newstalk using our tally transfer figures or else we are bang on the money – neither are impossible
- 6:05 PM: lexia On my way back to RDS. Four Seasons is no fun yfrog.com
- 6:06 PM: brettmirl KK CoCo so far…9 FG, 3 FF, 2 Lab, 1 Grn, 1 Ind. 10 left to fill #le09
- 6:07 PM: faduda New blog post: Kildare (Kildare) first count #le09 faduda.ie
- 6:08 PM: faduda Cowen on his way to the Ireland East count, so leaving the local election count for a while to take a break and have a gander #le09
- 6:09 PM: Suzy Byrne Cowen emerges to East count – Aylward must be safe so
- 6:10 PM: Waterfire Thnks again guys. This is like totally riveting. In belfast but i feel like i’m in de rds. Go Joe! He’s gotta win on basis on McD’s transfers. Anyone with news of Lab’s john feely in Leitrim?
- 6:11 PM: Suzy Byrne @waterfire – thanks! and I can confirm John was the first councillor elected to Leitrim Co. Council for the Labour Party – he was elected last night
- 6:12 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Peggy Nolan (FG) and Padraig Loughrey (FF) elected to Longford County Council
- 6:12 PM: krayZpaving Wow. @labour now has two seats on Donegal County Council! Well done Cllr McBrearty & Cllr Carbin. #le09
- 6:13 PM: lostexpectation btw its annoying how irishelections title banner doesn’t click to the home page
- 6:13 PM: scow Following this in New York. Thanks everyone for great updates. Am I right in thinking there is a left(ish) majority on Dublin City Council now? Lab + SF + PBP + SP?
- 6:14 PM: themayonews Slow moving in the Ballina count. One Loftus vote ruled as spoiled then likewise for one of Ginty’s. #elections
- 6:14 PM: krayZpaving Ireland East update: 1st count complete, but no announcement until 9. 2nd count not started. Cowen & Gilmore both due soon. #le09
- 6:15 PM: tallaghtecho 7:09 : Basketball Arena: General update Nothing more to report as of yet….if Warren not happy can ask for re-check but not another re-c..
- 6:16 PM: Suzy Byrne @scow you are right – don’t have figures to hand at moment but will find you a link. www.rte.ie
- 6:17 PM: sazzybm Only 149 seats left, were getting there slowly but surely!!!!
- 6:19 PM: RTE_Elections Socialist Party candidate for Europe Joe Higgins has expressed reservations over the way the count is being handled at the RDS
- 6:21 PM: squidlimerick #le09 Newcastlewest (Count 1) Scanlon (FG) O’Donnell (FG) Elected
- 6:21 PM: RTE_Elections For in-depth analysis and features check out RTÉ’s full election coverage on www.rte.ie/news/elections/
- 6:22 PM: Suzy Byrne Hello to everyone in count centres reading the liveblog – we hear you’ve been keeping in touch with goings on around the country!
- 6:22 PM: damienblake @krayZpaving I’ve not been tuned to the radio – but Seamus Carbin sounds like a bit of a stretch. You sure? bit.ly #le09
- 6:24 PM: krayZpaving @damienblake RTE are reporting it. #le09
- 6:24 PM: krayZpaving Full recount called in Wexford for the Borough Council. #le09
- 6:26 PM: philomenaf would i be right in thinking that tv3 is better for election news than rte? just wondering where i can watch and keep up to date #le09
- 6:26 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 John Bonham (FG), John King (FG), Brendan Phelan (FF), and Marty Phelan (FG) all elected to Laois County Council
- 6:27 PM: lexia There’s no huddle like a Socialist huddle
- 6:27 PM: Suzy Byrne RTE Radio will be broadcasting at 9pm – Newstalk.ie begin at 8pm. RTE television have news at 9 and then election programme for 2 hours at 9.30 pm.
- 6:27 PM: krayZpaving The current Taoiseach, Mr Biffo, just walked past me in the Ireland East count. Say “hi” twitterland. #le09
- 6:27 PM: krayZpaving Full recount called in Wexford for the Borough Council. #le09
- 6:28 PM: krayZpaving @damienblake bit.ly
#le09 - 6:28 PM: Fergal @krayZpaving I’d prefer to say “bye”
- 6:29 PM: lexia Qikking live – #le09
qik.com - 6:29 PM: Suzy Byrne
- 6:30 PM: krayZpaving @damienblake bit.ly
#le09 - 6:30 PM: dfg any updates from South???
- 6:31 PM: lexia Pic yfrog.com
- 6:31 PM: BrianGreene 0n DART to RDS #le09
- 6:32 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Brian Collins (Lab) has been elected to Meath County Council
- 6:32 PM: lexia Full recount coming for Artane Whitehall
- 6:33 PM: nmcgivney So we’re down to irishelection.ie agus TG4. Scrub that. TG4 imithe anois. #le09
- 6:34 PM: brettmirl KK CoCo – Thomastown – Labour’s Ann Phelan just been elected on 6th count. #le09
- 6:35 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Jim Finucane (FG) has been elected to Kerry County Council
- 6:35 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Francis Deane (Ind) has been elected to Meath County Council
- 6:37 PM: sazzybm Last I checked on RTE website still 140 council seats to be filled in the following:
- 6:39 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Clarification: Eamonn McGinty (IND), Patricia McCafferty (IND), and Seamus Carbin (Lab) all excluded in the Donegal LEA
- 6:40 PM: Robbiecousins Cowen isnt making waves on Newstalk saying ‘the tide is out’. Cliched already #LE09
- 6:42 PM: philomenaf 134 yet to be filled#le09
- 6:42 PM: krayZpaving RT @RTE_Elections: #LE09 Clarification: Eamonn McGinty (IND), Patricia McCafferty (IND), and Seamus Carbin (Lab) all excluded in Donegal LEA
- 6:43 PM: lexia That last Qik was an accident. Ooops
- 6:43 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Padraig MacLochlainn (SF) has been elected to Donegal County Council in the Inishowen electoral area
- 6:43 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Padraig MacLochlainn (SF) has been elected to Donegal County Council in the Inishowen electoral area
- 6:45 PM: Stephen Spillane Rough tally south: crowley 117k, s. Kelly 91k, ferris 64k, a. Kelly 63k, sinnott 57k, burke 54k #le09
- 6:48 PM: lexia Awaiting announcement of Cabra Glasnevin. C’mon!
- 6:50 PM: lexia Qikking live – #le09
qik.com - 6:53 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Eddie Fitzpatrick (IND) elected to Offaly County Council
- 6:53 PM: lexia And there we go – Séan Paul Mahon eliminated in Artane Whitehall after 7th vote. Recount likely
- 6:53 PM: eoinmadden I heard his victory speech on Galway Bay FM a few minutes ago. Sickening. And the presenter on GBFM was as sweet as pie to him. #le09
- 6:53 PM: PJ Coogan sorry correct quota ireland south 124K
- 6:53 PM: sazzybm on irishelection.com it says “Maurce Ahern Far from Safe in Cabra Glasnevin”. I thought he was already elected?
- 6:53 PM: Roscommon LE09 Tom Crosby IND Elected on the first count in the Strokestown (Roscommon) Electoral Area Tom’s Daughter Vicky Crosby ran for FF in Dublin South Inner City but she was unsuccessfull.#le09
- 6:53 PM: Roscommon LE09 Tom Crosby IND elceted
- 6:53 PM: sazzybm I wouldnt go but the tallys to be honest. they wont be accurate enough
- 6:54 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 FF’s Jerry Lodge and FG’s Mary Sweeney have been elected to Laois County Council
- 6:55 PM: Stephen Spillane Looks like we will have a declaration @ 9pm in south #le09
- 6:56 PM: lexia So no recount announced for Artane Whitehall, but it is likely
- 6:56 PM: Stephen Spillane Been told that quota is about 125k, no one will be elected on 1st quota #le09
- 6:57 PM: aoifac 6 O’Clock News on RTE 1 said that Ahern “had had to hang on to get the last seat” it which is what I posted here. I have been keeping an eye on the sites and none show him as elected so RTE obviously were incorrect or phrased it badly.
- 6:57 PM: sazzybm where do you think sextons transfers will go??? Hopefully to Burke
- 6:57 PM: sazzybm why a recaount in Artane Whitehall?
- 6:57 PM: PJ Coogan yeah stephen .. 125 it is.. just got that clarified
- 6:57 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 FG’s Patrick O’Donovan and Jerome Scanlan elected to Limerick County Council in the Newcastle electoral area
- 6:59 PM: lexia Mary Lou on da house with McGrattan. And she is smiling
- 7:00 PM: lexia And Gerry too… Looksbad for Ahern
- 7:01 PM: lexia Qikking live – #le09
qik.com - 7:03 PM: Roscommon LE09 Looks like there will be another By Election in the North West, Pat the Cope almost certain to get an MEP seat.
- 7:03 PM: P O’Neill France euro exit poll shows Libertas (MPF) at 5% tinyurl.com
- 7:04 PM: lexia Qikking live – #le09
qik.com - 7:05 PM: PJ Coogan anyone care to make an educated call on the third based on those figures ????
- 7:05 PM: aoifac Hopefully it she is smiling to mask the tears
- 7:05 PM: kingkane A 2 vote margin between the FFers in Artane-whitehall, what is it with DNC local seats and 2 vote margins? Clontarf last time #le09
- 7:06 PM: lexia Qikking live – #le09
qik.com - 7:06 PM: lexia That was Mahon who was eliminated in Artane
- 7:08 PM: sazzybm I think the 3rd is still too close to call because of the uncertainty about transfers.
- 7:08 PM: sazzybm Whats the min margin of diference to be able to call a recount?
- 7:09 PM: Suzy Byrne George Hook picks up the Mainstream Media coverage on Newstalk – there’s a webcam pointed at him on newstalk.ie
- 7:10 PM: TheEmergency If ure some sick pinko right wing activist, go off with you to @ghook on Newstalk live from count centre. WTF is he thinking of? #le09
- 7:11 PM: TheEmergency Stop watching the count now! National public service broadcaster has fair city omnibus on. #le09
- 7:11 PM: lexia oh look – @ghook, Leo V, Hanafin And Pat Rabbitte in the front yfrog.com
- 7:11 PM: kingkane A pity to see Sean Paul Mahon go as he was a nicer, more level headed rep than Carmichael. God I’m saying good things about a FFer! #le09
- 7:11 PM: kingkane It’s at the discretion of the returning officer, not a set margin per se #le09
- 7:14 PM: tallaghtecho 8:12 : Basketball Arena: Tallaght SouthThe counters have been sent home. At the moment the Fianna Fail and Fine Gael camps are going thro..
- 7:16 PM: themayonews Sinn Féin’s Thérése Ruane looks like she could take the final seat in Castlebar, signalling a remarkable SF total of 3 seats.#elections
- 7:17 PM: themayonews After the recount it looks like Harry Barrett will be eliminated and his votes will hugely help Ruane with B Gavin losing out.#elections
- 7:18 PM: TheEmergency Only rugby union beats politics as a spectator sport, opines. @ghook on newstalk #le09
- 7:18 PM: brettmirl KK CoCo – Kilkenny – all seats filled: 3 FG, 2 FF, 1 Grn, 1 Lab #le09
- 7:18 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Val Smith (FG) takes a seat on Cavan County Council after the seventh count in the Cavan electoral area
- 7:20 PM: PJ Coogan ireland south .. good source on count floor .. quota 125,000
Crowley .. 117,000 sean kelly.. 92,500
ferris.. 64,000
alan kelly.. 63,000 sinnott.. 57,800
burke.. 53,000 o’keeffe.. 16,000
boyle.. 15,000
stafford.. 11,000
sexton.. 4,000 - 7:20 PM: sazzybm Hanifin just said people dont vote for a woman because she is a woman! What kind of a statment is that for a female politian to make???? btw Eu records record low turn out for EU elections
- 7:22 PM: RTE_Elections Brian Cowen has said he is not aware of any criticism of him personally by cllrs and he would face down any vote of no confidence by FG
- 7:22 PM: Suzy Byrne harry magee calling it for joe higgins? www.irishtimes.com
- 7:23 PM: ElectionsIRL Cork City Council first preference votes online: bit.ly
- 7:23 PM: kingkane @sazzybm actually research shows women don’t vote for women. especially older voters for younger candidates. UCC L.Weeks from 2004 #le09
- 7:23 PM: kingkane So 46K available transfers, & a heavy Cork bias to influence the 3rd seat. S. Kelly soaks up loads, but Stafford 2 trend 2 A. Kelly #le09
- 7:24 PM: sazzybm only estimated 43% turn out!!! thats bad isnt it!
- 7:24 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Tom Crosby (IND) and John Cummins (FF) have been elected to Roscommon County Council
- 7:25 PM: cianflah Hanafin on Newstalk being emollient about Crowley and how he sings to old people. A rare good moment for FF and the elderly
- 7:25 PM: RTE_Elections Brian Cowen has said he was not aware of any criticism of him personally by cllrs and he would face down any vote of no confidence by FG
- 7:27 PM: Suzy Byrne @Cian Brian Crolwy while singing to old folks told them that they might get free chips from Dino instead of the xmas bonus.
- 7:27 PM: squidlimerick #le09 Newcastlewest (Count 2) No one elected.
- 7:27 PM: cianflah @Suzy compensation for loss of medical card = heart attack food.
- 7:29 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Joe Reilly (SF) has been elected to Meath County Council
- 7:29 PM: Suzy Byrne Very tight for last seat on Wicklow Co Council between Greens O’Brien and Labour’s Nevin.
- 7:29 PM: sazzybm Crowley is probably one of the youngest FF candidates! Unintentionally I associate FF with old people, no offense to anyone. FG and Labour have young candidates. Thats just my opinion, though.
- 7:30 PM: JimserM Recount must still be going on in Greystones …. #le09
- 7:31 PM: lexia Byrne Simins Sweeney – all eliminated
- 7:31 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Michael Fahy (IND) has been elected to Galway County Council in the Loughrea count
- 7:33 PM: TheEmergency Mary Hasafin just said “not in the interests of winning this general election” #freudianslip #le09
- 7:34 PM: 26twit Wst Lmk – 4 seats. 3FG + 1FF.#le09
- 7:34 PM: RTE_Elections Green Euro candidate Déirdre De Búrca has called for a recount in the Dublin constituency
- 7:34 PM: Fergal Crehan Recount in Dublin – this will cause a 4 to 5 hour delay.
- 7:35 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 IND candidate Dervill Dolan has been elected to Offaly County Council
- 7:35 PM: cianflah Deirdre wont be going out before PAtricia if she can help it?
- 7:35 PM: Fergal Crehan Deirdre De Burca has demanded a recount. No idea why – possibly to do with reaching the threshold to retain her deposit. Or maybe she just doesn’t want to be beaten by McKenna. Either way, the whole thing starts again. It will now probably be tomorrow before we know the destination of the final seat
- 7:36 PM: sazzybm FF keep it in the Family dont they! martin had two brothers running, one got re-elected and one didnt.
- 7:36 PM: Suzy Byrne RTE report de Burca calling for recount…she’s behind McKenna by 400 votes
- 7:36 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Paddy Kennedy (IND) elected to Kildare County Council in the Kildare electoral area
- 7:36 PM: Suzy Byrne Michael Martin (FF) not sounding confident about Ryan on Newstalk
- 7:36 PM: paul_cawley Newstalk and TV3 have really shown RTE how to do things this weekend… #le09… public service broadcasting how are ya!
- 7:37 PM: brettmirl RT @RTE_Elections Green Euro candidate Déirdre De Búrca has called for a recount in the Dublin constituency #le09
- 7:37 PM: Fergal Crehan Important to bear in mind that McKenna is a figurehead for those Greens who never wanted to get in government with FF in the first place. Bragging rights might have some significance in the Green debates to come
- 7:37 PM: Suzy Byrne Has de Burca called recount because of personal pride or to try to save Ryan?
- 7:38 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Tension mounting in Euro South count centre bit.ly
- 7:38 PM: kingkane Based on those more recent tallies, if De Rossa is still looking for transfers when MLM goes then Ryan could, just could hold on. #le09
- 7:38 PM: cianflah Very understated analysis there Fergal – it is all about ego here. McKenna win would cement a party in total mltdown and push the whole green in government question front and centre
- 7:38 PM: Anonymous No she wants a recount to recycle the paper!
- 7:39 PM: RTE_Elections An early tally suggests that Mairead McGuinness (FG) will retain her MEP seat
- 7:39 PM: sazzybm Martin just said it was very difficult running 2 candidates, sure crowley had a clean sweep and O’Keeffe didnt get a look in, whats he on about. They’re trying to make out that they ran a fantastic campaign. I didnt hear a thing from either candidate.
- 7:39 PM: SimonHaden Pat Rabittee talking rubbish on Newstalk. Sorry Pat but the Irish electorate have the worst memories in the world and will vote in droves for FF at next election.
- 7:40 PM: Suzy Byrne RTE Election’s Tweeter is understated and late in the extreme – early days for them and social media still!
- 7:40 PM: kingkane 40K from McK and DdB to transfer if DeR 20K shy of quota doesn’t see him reach it. Is he 87K or 97K post byrne? #le09
- 7:40 PM: ManAboutCouch DeBurca calls for recount? Must want to ensure that the entire process is conducted in full view, not behind doors as at present. #le09
- 7:40 PM: Elrobo It will be interesting to see what the “new” difference will be between DeBurca & McKenna after the new count #le09
- 7:40 PM: Fergal Crehan @ Cian Does a recount not sharpen the focus on that issue? Even if De Burca squeaks a win, she might end up wishing she’d gone quietly.
- 7:41 PM: TheEmergency M Martin loosing rag with Pat Rabitte on newstalk. First time u heard Martin crack today #le09
- 7:42 PM: cianflah Fergal you might be right but I dont think that level of nous now operates in a party who are absolutely shell shocked.
- 7:42 PM: Fergal Crehan RTE Radio still intent on telling me things I knew hours ago – in some cases, over 24 hours ago.
- 7:42 PM: sazzybm Your right about the electorate having a short memory, sure look at the last GE. Hook can barely get a word in on his own show coz Rabbitte and Martin are having a go at eachother.
- 7:44 PM: viddythis whopping load of something that can only be described “glee” coming across in pat rabbitte voice #le09
- 7:45 PM: TheEmergency Micky Martin has a big rearguard action smell off him on newstalk. #le09
- 7:45 PM: sazzybm Hook is putting martin in his place
- 7:45 PM: lexia Qikking live – #le09
qik.com - 7:46 PM: Suzy Byrne Newstalk reports recount – 390 votes between De Burca and McKenna
- 7:46 PM: lexia Qikking live – #le09
qik.com - 7:47 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Update just before 9pm FF (180), FG (293), Lab (123), GP (3), SF (48) and OTH (118)
- 7:48 PM: Elrobo 390 votes between McKenna & DeBurca according to Newtalk. She is on her way with the Green heavies – Gormley & Ryan #le09
- 7:48 PM: lexia Flanaghan and Carmichael elected in 8th and final count of Artane Whitehall
- 7:48 PM: ann_donnelly DeBurca asking for a recount – typical. #Le09
- 7:49 PM: Suzy Byrne Pundit on Newstalk calling it for Higgins
- 7:49 PM: faduda New blog post: Kildare (Kildare) 2nd count #le09 faduda.ie
- 7:49 PM: Stephen Spillane Centre filling up for declaration. Not long to wait. #Le09
- 7:50 PM: faduda New blog post: Kennedy (Ind) elected in Kildare (Kildare) 4th count #le09 faduda.ie
- 7:50 PM: cianflah @ Suzy that pundit is Eoin O Malley of DCU of the Limerick O’Malleys and lecturer at DCU.
- 7:50 PM: Anonymous Does the recount make much of a difference? If they are that close one is going to be eliminated after the other. Sake of pride between green and ex-green??
- 7:50 PM: sazzybm Whats the atmosphere like in cork?
- 7:50 PM: Fergal Crehan Pat Rabitte says he prefers to hear an election called rather than “On the one hand this and on the other hand that”. He must have been listening to RTE then
- 7:50 PM: Suzy Byrne Deburca would get money back if she reached a quarter of quota but there is also face to save in greens #le09
- 7:51 PM: paul_cawley #le09 de burca calling for a recount w/mckenna? wanting her deposit back… green/ex-green pride on display
- 7:51 PM: faduda New blog post: Kennedy (Ind) elected in Kildare (Kildare) 4th count #le09 faduda.ie
- 7:52 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Julia Carmichael (FF) and Declan Flanagan (FG) both elected to Dublin City Council
- 7:52 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Sherlock delighted with Labour’s election success to date bit.ly
- 7:52 PM: Suzy Byrne Rabbitte says that Alan Kelly has done better than exit poll and is still in with a chance in South.
- 7:53 PM: cianflah RTE have had a FAILection except for their twitter
- 7:53 PM: lexia Me legs are about to fall off. Better not stop walking.
- 7:53 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 A complete recount has been called for the Tralee electoral area of Kerry County Council
- 7:54 PM: Simon McGarr Getting ready to see/hear my first non-liveblog election news of the day on RTE. Imagining that it will be full of novel and exclusive news. Or that it will be pretending that nothing has happened.
- 7:54 PM: Fergal Crehan RTE’s Exit poll has been entirely inaccurate. Tallies were available yesterday morning but they persisted in using the poll figures right up until this evening, presumably on the ground that they’d spent good money on them
- 7:56 PM: lexia Joe is in a good mood. Poses for a pic yfrog.com
- 7:57 PM: paul_cawley DCU politics lecturer Eoin O’Malley just suggested Higgins gets the 3rd EUP seat #le09 #eu09
- 7:58 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Bryan Reilly (FF) and Catherine Yore (FG) elected to Meath County Council in the Kells area count
- 7:58 PM: sazzybm RTE completely dismissed the tallies, even though some tallies are very accurate!!! Their poll should have had more of a health warning. Id trust the pundits before RTE. Well Done News Talk. great coverage.
- 7:58 PM: CarlowWeather Rabbitte says that Kelly is in 3rd #le09
- 7:59 PM: Simon McGarr That exit poll was mad. By the time it was published we already knew better real figures.
- 8:00 PM: Suzy Byrne Website would add 5 hours to the counting process – if allowed in Dublin
- 8:00 PM: AllanCavanagh @twentymajor @suzybie the only face that can be saved by the Greens is about a quarter of a badly singed eyebrow. #le09
- 8:01 PM: lexia Few mins for numbers. will post a pic as soon as I can.
- 8:02 PM: CarlowWeather #le09 Crowley hasn’t exceeded quota 6000 off
- 8:03 PM: cianflah 509963 total poll – South
- 8:03 PM: cianflah 498127 valid poll
- 8:04 PM: RTE_Elections European Election results are imminant – declarations are expected shortly, watch now on RTÉ One or www.RTÉ.ie/live
- 8:04 PM: cianflah Boyle 15499 Burk 53721 Crowley 118 258 Ferris 64671 Kelly Alan 64152 Kelly Sean 92 579 O Keefe 16 596 Sexton 2 474 Sinnot 58 485 Stafford 11 692
- 8:04 PM: CarlowWeather McGuinnes and Childers will get in but JP Phelan won’t get in #le09
- 8:05 PM: lexia Irl South Numbers!!!!! yfrog.com
- 8:05 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 John Hannon (FF) and Brian Lawlor (FG) elected to South Dublin County Council
- 8:06 PM: RTE_Elections Another new blog post from Prime Time’s Mark Little on the RTÉ exit polls – lots of new information to mull over tinyurl.com
- 8:06 PM: wendylimerick So de Burca looking for a recount
- 8:06 PM: Fergal Crehan RTE not telling us the whole story re De Burca recount. The 300 votes won’t bring her to a quarter quota – actually, they will bring her ahead of McKenna and keep alive her chances of reaching the quarter
- 8:06 PM: Bazalini Who is getting the 3rd Dublin seat folks – Just in – have not seen anything in last 6 hours
- 8:07 PM: cianflah 3rd South called for Kelly (Alan) on Newstalk
- 8:07 PM: Suzy Byrne Bazalini it’s Joe Higgins seat so everyone is now saying… de Burca is looking for a recount as coming in behind McKenna in 7th place by 390 votes.
- 8:08 PM: Suzy Byrne Newstalk call South seat for Kelly? And this is not just Pat Rabbitte calling it
- 8:08 PM: Suzy Byrne McGuinness Elected in East
- 8:08 PM: lexia Those tallies are after Byrne’s ballots were dispersed
- 8:08 PM: RTE_Elections South MEP candidates Maurice Sexton (IND) and Alexander Stafford (IND) eliminated after the first count as no candidates reach quota
- 8:09 PM: Fergal Crehan On those figures Alan Kelly looks stronger than expected for seat three in South. Sinnott is transfer-friendly, but has quite a bit of ground to make up.
- 8:10 PM: Stephen Spillane Quota 124,532. Sexton & stafford excluded. People calling 3rd seat for alan kelly
- 8:10 PM: Bazalini As always you have been a star Suzy.
- 8:10 PM: brettmirl Is this the first time Bran Crowley has not reached the quota on first count? #le09
- 8:11 PM: RTE_Elections Across Europe, no sign of Libertas candidates being elected yet in other member states, apart from France
- 8:11 PM: TheEmergency MvGuinness elected in east – 3k surplus to be distrbuted in2nd count #le09
- 8:11 PM: wendylimerick how many first preferences did Stafford get?
- 8:11 PM: cianflah Fergal he is in pole position as long as Toireasa doesnt shock on transfer front, thing is she is set to surprise on transfer front according to some counts – i have nothing to back this up bar anecdotal evidence so it is wait and see. Limerick vote of STafford will be v interesting in terms of Ferris – Kelly
- 8:12 PM: cianflah Maurice ahern – yes still a local election going on – very likely to lose seat in Cabra Glasnevin now.
- 8:13 PM: sazzybm Stafford got 11692
- 8:13 PM: aoifecarroll May have changes in Cabra/Glasnevin race for last seat…#Le09
- 8:13 PM: RTE_Elections FF’s Brian Crowley has topped the poll in the South Euro constituency but failed to reach the quota on the first count
- 8:13 PM: ElectionsIRL Euro EAST 1st count in: bit.ly
Mairead McGuinness elected - 8:13 PM: aoifecarroll May have changes in Cabra/Glasnevin race for last seat…#Le09
- 8:14 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: First count results bit.ly
- 8:15 PM: tallaghtecho 8:59 : Basketball Arena: TALLAGHT SOUTH FINAL RESULT Following the recount for Tallaght South the returning officer declared that while t..
- 8:15 PM: lexia Ireland East numbers !! Still waiting on some numbers yfrog.com
- 8:16 PM: RTE_Elections Fine Gael’s Mairead McGuinness has been re-elected to her MEP seat in the East constituency
- 8:16 PM: sazzybm according to RTE FG got 34% of EU vote
- 8:16 PM: wendylimerick Thanks sazzybm thats a good showing for him
- 8:16 PM: aoifac De Burca on RTE Radio
- 8:16 PM: Suzy Byrne De Burca not getting recount – a check of mckenna’s votes and where they transfer to is what she got.
- 8:17 PM: lexia @cianflah oh epic ?!!
- 8:17 PM: TheEmergency Deirdre de Burca will add 5hours to Dublin count with her recount demand. I ‘d like to see that costed. #le09
- 8:17 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Rotimi Adebari (IND), Catherine Fitzgerald (FF) and Kathleen O’Brien (FG) all elected to Laois County Council
- 8:18 PM: dickobrien Looking for a hotel in London. One place advertises itself with the fact that Pete Doherty was arrested there.
- 8:18 PM: Suzy Byrne First Count in Dublin being announced on Radio 1.
- 8:18 PM: lexia Qikking live – #le09
qik.com - 8:18 PM: Suzy Byrne voted 412664 – 6054 spoilt tvp 406630 – quota 101.658
- 8:20 PM: Suzy Byrne Dublin First Count – Byrne 18956 DeBurca 19086 De Rossa 83471 higgins 505010 Mary Lou 47928 mckenna 17521 mitchell 96715 ryan 55346 Simons 13514 Sweeney 3583
- 8:20 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 John S. Ryan (FG) and Pat Vance (FF) elected to Wicklow County Council
- 8:21 PM: aoifecarroll Mary Lou looks sad but dignified. All over for her #Le09
- 8:22 PM: wendylimerick How did she manage to get that amount?-De Burca 19086
- 8:22 PM: eoinpurcell Folks, the exits were not as bad as is being said. Just looking @ exit results for South, they were nearly spot on all well within Margin for error. FG EX: 33%, 1st: 29.4%, FF EX: 27% 1st: 27.1, Lab EX: 10%, 1st 12.9%, SF EX: 14%, 1st 13%, GP EX: 4%, 1st: 3.1%, Ind EX: 13%, 1st: 14.6%. Seems pretty good prediction of first preferences to me!
- 8:22 PM: aoifecarroll Mary Lou looks sad but dignified. All over for her #Le09
- 8:22 PM: 26twit McGuinness – FG – Euro elected 110’000 #le09
- 8:23 PM: lexia @BobTheCorkDwarf count centre screen
- 8:23 PM: ElectionsIRL Euro SOUTH 1st count in: bit.ly
- 8:23 PM: sazzybm They’re on 3rd count so in Dublin.
- 8:24 PM: lexia @dermotcasey
- 8:25 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Fine Gael’s Liam Galvin has been elected to Limerick County Council in the Newcastle electoral area
- 8:25 PM: sazzybm Exit poll got it wrong with DeRossa. Interesting to see where byrnes transfers are going to go.
- 8:25 PM: lexia Dublin numbers !!! yfrog.com
- 8:25 PM: Stephen Spillane South, crowley 118k, s.kelly, 92k, ferris 64671, a.kelly 64152, sinnott, 58k, burke 53k, o’keeffe 16k #le09
- 8:26 PM: lexia Dublin tallies. Mitchell 100k, DeRossa 87k, Ryan 66,205, Higgins 53,036, Mary Lou 50,980, McKenna 22,380, de Burca 21,991
- 8:27 PM: aoifecarroll @suzybie its very very tight but i’m told SF think they’ll win. Could be this year’s Clontarf
- 8:27 PM: Fergal Crehan I wouldn’t call the exit poll “well within” the margin of error so much as right at it’s limits, or over it. Look at the figures for McDonald and Higgins yesterday. Gave a completely incorrect picture of the dynamic of the race. Likewise Alan Kelly and Kathy Sinott.
- 8:27 PM: ElectionsIRL Euro DUBLIN 1st count in: bit.ly
- 8:27 PM: PMCC kudos to newstalk on the great election coverage! #le09
- 8:28 PM: cianflah Leo says Garrett Fitz stopped Mitchell from going over Quota on first count speaking on RTE
- 8:28 PM: lexia Dear God yfrog.com
- 8:29 PM: cianflah On RTE FF refuse to concede Ryan is out of the race and Shane Coleman backs them up. Insert easy joke.
- 8:30 PM: ElectionsIRL Euro Dublin 2nd count in: bit.ly
- 8:30 PM: themayonews Gerry Ginty has been elected in Ballina – Michael Loftus conceded after a recount. A big blow for FF and Dara Calleary. #elections
- 8:31 PM: Fergal Crehan Can’t believe the pussyfooting by the papers and RTE around the third Dublin seat. It has been obvious that Ryan was a loser for over a day, and obvious that McDonald was a loser for almost as long.
- 8:32 PM: sazzybm I couldnt catch all the Dublin No’s but for 2nd count I think Higgins got 52457, McDonald 50,097, McKenna 21,523, Mitchell 99,098, Ryan 56,317. correct me if im wrong
- 8:32 PM: eoinpurcell Exits have a plus or minus margin of 3.4% at the constituency level. As for Alan Kelly and Sinnot’s poll they were spot on Labour South Ex: 10% 1st Count 12.9% within margin and independent South Ex: 13% 1st Count: 14.6%, also within margin! I’ll check the Dublin numbers but I think dissing the exit is a tap unfair. They were only ever going to be rough estimates for the Euro level given the complexity of the constituencies.
- 8:32 PM: Bazalini Whose that Lexia????
- 8:32 PM: RTE_Elections There are extra live feeds from Europe available on the RTÉ website, watch them and RTÉ One’s election coverage at www.rte.ie/live
- 8:32 PM: wendylimerick Lexia who is the dude in the flag supporting?
- 8:33 PM: samuelbowman Is Joe Higgins now looking certain in Dublin? #LE09
- 8:33 PM: brettmirl Mary Hanafin will not concede defeat of Eoin Ryans seat yet! #le09
- 8:33 PM: aoifecarroll Ahern to lose by 15 votes #Le09
- 8:33 PM: Stephen Spillane In pub while they distribute the 14k votes. #Le09
- 8:34 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Michael Mulligan (SF) and Paschal Fitzmaurice (FF) elected to Roscommon County Council
- 8:34 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 FG candidates Liam Callaghan, Michael Creaton, Michael McGreal, and Ernie Keenan all elected to Roscommon County Council
- 8:34 PM: eoinpurcell RTE has full 1st count figures up www.rte.ie
- 8:35 PM: Suzy Byrne Maurice ahern – to lose seat by 15 votes in recount.
- 8:35 PM: aoifac “aoifecarroll wow that is close
- 8:35 PM: aoifac Byrne18956
De Burca 19086
DeRossa 83471
Higgins 50510
McDonald 47928
McKenna 17521
Mitchell 96715
Ryan 55346
Simons 13514
Sweeney 3583
Quota – 101,658 - 8:36 PM: sdccelections Tallaght South – Count 8 now available on www.southdublin.ie and is complete after a recount
- 8:36 PM: eoinpurcell Dublin Exit Versus 1st count. Clearly they did less well here:
- 8:36 PM: Bazalini Wow 15 votes…………….
- 8:37 PM: cianflah RTE TV = Weather. My licence fee at work today. Radio has childers and gilmore on. Why did Eamon spend money on indo ads for Nessa and none of the others? ‘we did’ Gilmore also says Govt should go. Hanafin says nothing really all mushy ‘we are staying’
- 8:38 PM: P O’Neill One theme on France 24 TV election coverage is prospect for Lisbon ratification; their correspondent in Castlebar noted that Libertas can’t be taken as sole indicator of anti-Lisbon given strength of Joe Higgins.
- 8:38 PM: cianflah Oh now wait, we have the silly people line. They didnt understand why so much had to be done. Quite the opposite minister – they understood you took shag all hard decisions in advance to get the place in order. You got the result of that.
- 8:39 PM: Suzy Byrne First Count in North West delayed by phone calls to returning officer – bet he is being told to wait for the telly to start…
- 8:39 PM: RTE_Elections FF’s Pat The Cope Gallagher has said bad election results highlight the need for the party to better understand the electorate’s concerns
- 8:41 PM: BrianGreene outside closed cafe RDS as recount continues #le09
- 8:41 PM: Suzy Byrne 70,638 for ganley – 84813 harkins 80093 higgins,
- 8:41 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Eamon Aylward (FF), Fidelis Doherty (FG) and Cora Long (FF) all elected to Kilkenny County Council
- 8:42 PM: Suzy Byrne Mooney 42985 Okeefe 28658 OLuain 3510 Oreilly 37564
- 8:44 PM: nmcgivney You never see Mark Little and Alan Partridge in a tv studio at the same time. Allamsayn. #le09
- 8:44 PM: Suzy Byrne 123815 is quota in North West – Pat Cope on 82k
- 8:45 PM: eoinpurcell Dublin Exits versus first count not too bad, but less accurate than south:
FG EX: 21%, 1st: 23.8%, Diff: +2.8% (Within Margin)
FF EX: 16%, 1st: 18.3%, Diff: +2.3% (Within Margin)
Labour EX: 25, 1st: 20.5%, Diff: -4.5% (Outside Margin)
SF EX: 15%, 1st: 15%, Diff: -3.2% (Within Margin)
GP EX: 4%, 1st: 4.7%, Diff: +.7% (Within Margin)
Libertas EX: 3%, 1st: 3.3%, Diff +.3% (Within Margin)
Ind EX: 16%, 1st: 17.6%, Diff +1.6% (Within Margin)
Ind included:
Ind Ex: 5% 1st: 5.2%, Diff +.2% (Within Margin)
Higgins: 11% 1st: 12.4%, Diff +1.4% (Within Margin) - 8:45 PM: ElectionsIRL Euro NORTH WEST 1st count in: bit.ly
- 8:45 PM: sazzybm 5 eliminated in North West 1st count. JF Higgins, King, McCullagh, McNamara,O’Luian.
- 8:47 PM: sazzybm Didnt hear a quota for North West
- 8:47 PM: PatrickSaint McNamara’s transfers will be interesting in NW….they may go nowhere he got a big Clare protest vote…
- 8:47 PM: scow lexia – was that guy in the Euro flag… Steve Staunton?!?
- 8:47 PM: sazzybm McKenna having a go at Greens on News Talk
- 8:48 PM: krayZpaving Ireland East first count shows Nessa Childers will be elected MEP for @labour #le09
- 8:48 PM: lexia Trevor! yfrog.com
- 8:48 PM: Suzy Byrne McKenna says de Burca recount call is about more than money
- 8:49 PM: RTE_Elections Marian Harkin has topped the Euro poll after the first count in the NW but has failed to reach the quota
- 8:49 PM: Suzy Byrne Green Party have lost their seat on Wicklow Co. Council – Previous held by Senator Deirdre de Burca
- 8:49 PM: ElectionsIRL Euro NORTHERN IRELAND count starts on Monday morning
- 8:49 PM: CarlowWeather NW Quota 103k #le09
- 8:50 PM: krayZpaving Ireland East first count shows Nessa Childers will be elected MEP for @labour #le09
- 8:50 PM: lexia Qikking live – #le09
qik.com - 8:50 PM: cianflah Looking at North and West Ganley only hope is to target Harkin and hope that he pulls in a lot of transfers from one of McLoughlin or O Keeffe. Looking tenuous though.
- 8:51 PM: Suzy Byrne
- 8:51 PM: cianflah Maurice Ahern now behind by 12 votes candidates being consulted on the next stes
- 8:51 PM: aoifac De Burca stated on RTE Radio that it was about the money and about 1,000 votes would make the difference.
- 8:52 PM: IRLConor I can’t believe 70 thousand people were dumb enough to put Declan Ganley down as a first preference. #eu09
- 8:52 PM: Suzy Byrne almost 600 seats filled in local elections.
- 8:52 PM: Suzy Byrne Ganley is asking for recount?? – statement in next 10-15mins
- 8:53 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Barry O’Neill for Fine Gael elected to Donegal County Council
- 8:53 PM: Suzy Byrne Alexia is qiking the Ahern ‘huddle’ on the Cabra/Glasnevin recount qik.com
- 8:54 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Gerry Finnerty (FF), and FG’s Peter Feeney, Michael ‘Moegie’ Maher, Jimmy McClearn and Bridie Willers all elected to Galway Co Council
- 8:54 PM: Suzy Byrne Simmons said she feels ‘stellar’ about her performance.
- 8:54 PM: aoifac Ganley got 6% more than the polls were predicting. I too can’t believe he got so many first preferences.
- 8:54 PM: brettmirl KK CoCo so far…12 FG, 6 FF, 4 Lab, 1 Grn and 1 Ind. 2 seats still to be filled #le09
- 8:54 PM: Fergal Crehan There is such a thing as using too much of your margin of error in too many cases. Only a tiny number of exit poll figures were within 1%, and far too many of them were out by 3% or more. More importantly, RTE persisted in using the figures for almost a day and a half after they had actual tallies available.
- 8:55 PM: eoinpurcell Northwest Exits versus first count. Bad result for the pollsters here! I think the worst prediction across Euro constituencies. Heavily underestimated both Ganley & Harkin vote and overestimated Higgins!
FG EX: 29%, 1st: 23.8%, Diff: -5.2% (Outside Margin)
FF EX: 26%, 1st: 25.4%, Diff: -0.6% (Within Margin)
Labour EX: 8%, 1st: 5.8%, Diff: -2.2% (Within Margin)
SF EX: 9%, 1st: 9.2%, Diff: +.2% (Within Margin)
Libertas EX: 10%, 1st: 14%, Diff +4.0% (Outside Margin)
Ind EX: 18%, 1st: 21.6%, Diff +3.6% (Outside Margin) - 8:55 PM: lexia Mary Lou is putting her lipstick on
- 8:56 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Eugene Cassidy (FG), John V Farrelly (FG), and Oliver Fox (FF) have been elected to Meath County Council
- 8:56 PM: Elrobo @lexia Is Gerry around to help her? #le09
- 8:57 PM: eoinpurcell Fergal, the listed margin for error was 3.4% its written in the introduction to the poll. The poll had good and bad parts, North West seems very weak (see figures below) I suspect because the constituency itself makes little sense and must be tough to poll accurately.
- 8:57 PM: clicky_here Oh, Miriam O’Callaghan, you are in your element aren’t you? Just look at her there – enthusiastic, smiling, happy. Positively glowing. #le09
- 8:58 PM: sazzybm what is the whole Clare protest thing about?
- 8:58 PM: philomenaf is ryan kelly doing that also lexia? haha#le09
- 8:58 PM: sazzybm How did Ganely get that many votes and now he wants a recount? What?
- 8:58 PM: PatrickSaint The Stroke Fahy (xFF) tops poll in South Galway/Loughrea EDc
- 8:58 PM: eoinpurcell The tallies don’t seem to have been any more accurate either, several commentators both on air and on location were skeptical of tallies. Even the parties urged caution. I think the caution was smart. It didn’t stop speculation though!
- 8:58 PM: Suzy Byrne Sazzy – Clare voters not amused at being included in North West constituency…
- 9:00 PM: philomenaf ahh theres nothing as bad as an amused clare man …..#le09
- 9:00 PM: Bazalini jasmina wins the Apprentice
- 9:00 PM: Samuel Farewell Declan Ganley – and good riddance
- 9:00 PM: Suzy Byrne Bazalini – thank you for that
- 9:01 PM: PatrickSaint Clare voters laughing in the pubs, playing music and dancing at McNamara’s 12k. They’re amused now…
- 9:01 PM: Fergal Crehan The tallies were in fact extremenly accurate. Where available (Dublin and East – there were no tallies to speak of in South and NW) they have been accurate predictions in every single case.
- 9:02 PM: RTE_Elections Update on first prefs of the Euro national vote – Libertas (5.6%), FF (24%), FG (29%), Lab (14%), Greens (2%), SF (11%), OTH (14.2%)
- 9:02 PM: Anita McGarr Ah here!! I have the Apprentice recorded so that I can follow the election results. Thanks a bleeding lot.
- 9:02 PM: Suzy Byrne Ok Fergal and Eoin take the analysis to a post somewhere near you – or a pint!
- 9:02 PM: cianflah Why would anyone bother with a Europe wide exit poll (according to RTE a greek group did) to determine party makeup in EP? ITs all local!
- 9:03 PM: lexia Maurice Ahern has asked for a recount of the non-transferables. SF ahead by 13.
- 9:03 PM: Suzy Byrne @Anita I’m really sorry – we’ve been including other affecting events during last two days to show world stills turns…hides under sofa
- 9:03 PM: Bazalini I might be lying…….
- 9:03 PM: wendylimerick Id say Mairead McGuinness will run in the next general election
- 9:03 PM: philomenaf glad you said that suzy….#le09
- 9:04 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Final results for Cork City Council in local elections corkpolitics.ie
- 9:04 PM: Samuel Some of the Libertas votes from around Europe are just breath-taking in how low they are – see search.twitter.com – they’re the new Monster Raving Loony Party
- 9:04 PM: philomenaf wendy thinking of running myself….haha#le09
- 9:05 PM: Anita McGarr @Suzy – Apology accepted. I shall just pretend you are lying, Bazalini! It’s still good for a laugh. Mind you, not as much of a laugh as seeing Ryan & McDonald knocked out…fingers crossed!
- 9:05 PM: lexia Sorry to my non-political friends. It’ll be over soon!
- 9:05 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 IND candidate Valerie Byrne has been elected to Roscommon County Council
- 9:07 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Ann Dillon-Gallagher (FG), Wayne Harding (FF), and Seamus O’Neill (IND) all elected to Meath County Council
- 9:08 PM: astarmain This weekend just gets better. Joe probably in Dublin, Childers in East and no Ganley. Wonder if Kelly can hold out against Ferris. #le09
- 9:08 PM: cianflah Lowry refuses to be drawn on motion of no confidence. Speaking on radio 1
- 9:08 PM: cianflah says public voted against gov but dont seem to want a general election and the uncertainty going to take soundings on confidence motion
- 9:09 PM: Suzy Byrne Lowery not certain if country could survive more uncertainty of an election
- 9:09 PM: aoifac I think it is more than refusing, he seems to be giving a no.
- 9:10 PM: PatrickSaint musical FF chairs in South Galway…Regan (auctioneer) lost to Finnerty (cattle mart announcer and local publican)
- 9:10 PM: eoinpurcell I’ll take the exit conversation elsewhere but for info East Exits versus first count. Good result for the pollsters here!
FG EX: 38%, 1st: 40.1%, Diff: +2.1% (Within Margin)
FF EX: 23%, 1st: 24.6%, Diff: +1.6% (Within Margin)
Labour EX: 20%, 1st: 18.3%, Diff: -1.7% (Within Margin)
SF EX: 12%, 1st: 11.1%, Diff: -0.9% (Within Margin)
Libertas EX: 3%, 1st: 4.3%, Diff +1.3% (Within Margin)
Ind EX: 4%, 1st: 1.6%, Diff -2.4% (Within Margin) - 9:10 PM: Alexia Golez Sorry for not replying to comments made in the liveblog – I’m tweeting and can’t seem them at all..
- 9:10 PM: cianflah Lowry ‘delivers 4 Co Co and 3 Urban Cllrs’
- 9:10 PM: RTE_Elections Niall Ó Brolcháin (Greens) has told RTÉ that voters said they but could no longer support him due to connections with FF in Govt
- 9:11 PM: CarlowWeather ex Green Councillor o brolchain on RTE says Greens can’t continie as they have been and talking about crossing floor #le09
- 9:11 PM: aoifac Delivered iIn a Dunnes Stores Fridge
- 9:11 PM: wendylimerick Did Ó Brolcháin lose his seat in Galway?
- 9:11 PM: wendylimerick Oh he did wow
- 9:12 PM: Fergal Crehan If the Greens really do leave it up to their party membership rather than leadership, then we could be in election territory sooner rather than later
- 9:12 PM: Alexia Golez On the liveblog now – grabbing power and juicing up.. Some sources think it’ll be 30 mins before Cabra Glasnevin is called. Others think a couple of hours. The non-transferable votes are being recounted. Maurice & Co. are going to great pains to examine each and every ballot!
- 9:12 PM: Roscommon LE09 Wouldnt rule out Declan Ganley as of yet Sinn Fein will have a number of transfers that may just go his way.
- 9:12 PM: PatrickSaint O’Brolochain’s support base evaporated completely….volunteers deserted over the past months…
- 9:12 PM: Bazalini When are youse expecting to finish up here tonight btw?
- 9:12 PM: Suzy Byrne @Baz – I’ll stay up till 1am probably.
- 9:14 PM: sazzybm At least Ó Brolcháin is being honest. Burton wants Ryan Report discussed befor e motion of no confidence
- 9:14 PM: sazzybm Just wanted to say well done to all the bloggers and tweeters etc. for all the info on counts around the country today. This site is the best!!!! Great work!
- 9:14 PM: stretchneil Ganley straight into a meeting with Returning Officer #le09
- 9:14 PM: clicky_here Has some one spritzed some hair dye onto Brian Lenihan’s bonce? It looks strikingly monotone. Perhaps @beautie could shed some light.. #le09
- 9:15 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Bernard McGuinness (FG) has been elected to Donegal County Council
- 9:15 PM: wendylimerick glad Ó Brolcháin is standing up and being honest unlike the party line the rest of them are giving
- 9:15 PM: PatrickSaint Joe Higgins on Newstalk
- 9:15 PM: Bazalini well done to all concerned. A great effort.
- 9:15 PM: cianflah Hanafin ingratiaing herself with Lowry on air. Awful audio. Lots of fun had at the point of Hanafin cousin topping poll in Thurles for FF. Gak.
- 9:16 PM: PatrickSaint got a text re an FF victory party in Clare…the music will be great…if they’d wi-fi I’d go + blog it
- 9:17 PM: Suzy Byrne Joe Higgins says he will stand for Dáil – campaign has begun after his election to fingal and before his election to European Parliament.
- 9:17 PM: sazzybm Final counts expected to elect Higgins from transfers from Mary Lou
- 9:18 PM: eoinlarkin Niall O’Brolochain sounds like a man ready to jump ship…#le09
- 9:18 PM: Elrobo Another 80 seats to fill in LE according to RTE bit.ly #le09
- 9:18 PM: Johnp63 Niall O Brolleachain (sorry for spelling) on Rte “suggesting” FG and Labour make proposal and “maybe” the Greens might cross the floor #le09
- 9:18 PM: eoinlarkin Stroke tops poll in Loughrea – not my proudest moment as a Galway man…. #le09
- 9:18 PM: RTE_Elections Nessa Childers tells Miriam O’Callaghan that the thousands and thousands of people she talked to connected with her and the Labour Party
- 9:19 PM: cianflah Lowry interrogated by Leo and says that FG dont offer solutions. People want answers – Leo says the party have proposals.
- 9:19 PM: PatrickSaint Eoin, I met Stroke at poll station on Friday— priceless…will be blogging it 2moro
- 9:19 PM: wendylimerick Gilmore trying to recruit Ó Brolcháin
- 9:19 PM: Roscommon LE09 23 seats have now been filled on Roscommon County Council.
- 9:20 PM: RTE_Elections Labour leader Eamon Gilmore tells RTÉ the election was a referendum on the Government and the people gave their verdict
- 9:20 PM: igaeilge O Brollchain challenges fg/lab to put a deal to the Greens to cross the floor of the house. Appetite 4 change if not for election. #le09
- 9:20 PM: cianflah Hanafin brags about getting rid of CPA and Equality Authority.
- 9:22 PM: PatrickSaint O’Brollochain in panic mode…his political career is in flames if Greens dont pull outof gov
- 9:22 PM: philomenaf what is happening at the minute with ferris? anyone#le09
- 9:22 PM: wendylimerick Oh Cian did she say that was gd govt policy? Stupid Woman
- 9:22 PM: Roscommon LE09 Awaiting two seats to be filled in Strokestown and one on Boyle Town Council.
- 9:22 PM: gaelick Hey Cian, can you confirm where that Hanfin quote comes from? Appalling to hear.
- 9:23 PM: cianflah she sure did Wendy she said it as the main rebuttal point to Leo on control of costs.
- 9:23 PM: Suzy Byrne Hanifin is on Radio 1 making those comment sand Costello is attacking her.
- 9:23 PM: Roscommon LE09 Fine Gael 12,692 36.6% 8 Other 10,400 30.0% 7 Fianna Fáil 10,118 29.2% 7
Sinn Féin 1,467 4.2% 1 Labour 0 0.0% 0 Green Party 0 0.0% 0 - 9:23 PM: sazzybm The Cope on News Talk says Ganely is looking for recount. Something about the way the boxes were opened. He is 1000 behind the next guy! what on earth does be wrong with them, What other way is there of opening a box like!
- 9:24 PM: gaelick F’ing appalling from Hanafin, must catch that again on replay if possible. Shocking.
- 9:26 PM: PatrickSaint just noticed there 239 0n line now..last nite there was 100 less…! Brilliant!
- 9:26 PM: CarlowWeather Boxes weren’t emptied on table for Tallies to have a go, thats what Ganley is complaining about
- 9:26 PM: wendylimerick Save the Hanafin audio to play during the week what an idiot how out of the loop she is
- 9:27 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Barry Nevin (Lab) and Mick Glynn (FG) have been elected to Wicklow County Council in the Bray electoral area
- 9:28 PM: RTE_Elections RTÉ’s Damien Tiernan tells Mark Little that one seat came down to a single vote this afternoon in Waterford
- 9:31 PM: cheebah Ganley asks for a recount, can we ask for a recap on your private polls, Mr. Ganley and what they were supposed to be showing #le09
- 9:31 PM: RTE_Elections The European People’s Party has secured 263-276 seats in the election, making it the biggest group in the assembly, according to AFP
- 9:32 PM: Suzy Byrne 3rd count in Dublin – distribution of Byrnes votes
- 9:32 PM: CarlowWeather FF lost 4 seats in Carlow but at least one of those was an IND that lost FF Interview process #le09
- 9:32 PM: aoifac O’Brolachain now on rte radio, at least it stops Hanafin’s rant
- 9:32 PM: Roscommon LE09 (sazzybm) Apparantly Ganley is looking for a recount because the boxes were opened to early this morning in the count centre.
- 9:33 PM: aoifac De Burca 21991
De Rossa 87274
Higgins 53038
McDonald 50980
McKenna 22380
Mitchell 100810
Ryan 66205
De Burca distribution now - 9:33 PM: lexia Qikking live – #le09
qik.com - 9:33 PM: aoifecarroll RT MickFealty RT @
NathanWurtzel: In Sweden, the Pirate Party may have won a seat. Sadly, their name relates to copyright laws, not wh … - 9:33 PM: Suzy Byrne 9088 tranferred to Ryan from Byrne – De Burca excluded and recount called for.
- 9:34 PM: Mark_Coughlan Ahern gone #le09
- 9:34 PM: Suzy Byrne
- 9:34 PM: Suzy Byrne Maurice Ahern loses council seat after recount
- 9:34 PM: aoifecarroll Full recount in Dublin demanded by the Greens. Legal action threatened #Le09
- 9:34 PM: wendylimerick Does De Burca get her expenses?
- 9:35 PM: RTE_Elections The third count has ended in the Dublin Euro constituency, Deirdre De Burca has been excluded and her votes will be redistributed
- 9:35 PM: Suzy Byrne Count stalled in North West as Canley queries the way in which boxes were opened
- 9:35 PM: aoifac No indication of how long yet the recount will take, could be hours or put off till tomorrow. If she gets 6% Wendy
- 9:36 PM: Suzy Byrne Watch Maurice’s concession press gaggle via Alexia qik.com
- 9:36 PM: CarlowWeather Pat Cox Concedes Ryan has seat
- 9:36 PM: aoifac How many did he lose by Suzy?
- 9:37 PM: Suzy Byrne 12 I think Aoifac
- 9:37 PM: philomenaf rte ruling out mary lou saying that even after patricia is eliminated that it still wont lift her up past higgins…..sad to see
- 9:37 PM: Mark_Coughlan Quote @MiriamLord “Saint Lukes shall slide into the Tolka”..
- 9:37 PM: clicky_here According to RTE1: NW count stalled as Ganley queries how ballot boxes opened. Please, it makes no actual difference to the count #le09
- 9:37 PM: offportal #le09 #rte s inability to update web with data from counts is inexcusable
- 9:37 PM: Elrobo Would it be cheaper to give DeBurca her expenses and not have a recount? #le09
- 9:37 PM: PMCC And the recount begins! #le09
- 9:38 PM: RTE_Elections 2nd count in the North-West has been halted for nearly an hour as discussions take place between Declan Ganley and the returning officer
- 9:38 PM: Roscommon LE09 Share of the Vote so far (Euro): FF: 24.1 FG: 29.1 Lab: 13.9 GP: 1.9 SF: 11.2 OTH: 11.1
- 9:38 PM: Fergal Crehan RTE TV still appear unaware of any recount
- 9:38 PM: brettmirl Kilkenny County Council – completed votes – 12 FG, 7 FF, 5 Lab, 1 Grn and 1 Ind. #le09
- 9:39 PM: aoifac RTE TV only worth watching for the graphs, better listening to the radio.
- 9:39 PM: lexia Qikking live – #le09
qik.com - 9:39 PM: RTE_Elections The discussions with Declan Ganley and the returning officer are over the way ballot boxes were opened at the count centre this morning
- 9:40 PM: sazzybm RTE think DeBurca’s votes are being distributed.
- 9:40 PM: faduda Pat the Cope on Newstalk says Ganley wants a recount “because of how the boxes were opened” #le09 Hook: “How many ways can you open a box?”
- 9:41 PM: wendylimerick Ah my main man Jackie is on Radio 1
- 9:41 PM: sazzybm Boyle excluded in South. No figures given
- 9:41 PM: sazzybm DeBurca got her full recount. If she gets her 300 votes she’ll get back €38000, so 2-5 hours. Do they do a total recount?
- 9:41 PM: cianflah The man the myth the legend, Jackie Healy Rae on RTE. Line from mars is not great. He is rock solid behind the government.
- 9:41 PM: Bazalini will the count run all night or close until tomorrow?
- 9:41 PM: wendylimerick Come on now Jackie ‘Rock Solid Behind the Government’
- 9:42 PM: Fergal Crehan Euro Counts will probably close for the night fairly soon.
- 9:42 PM: wendylimerick ‘George Lee tricked his way to Dail Eireann’ Jackie Healy Rae the Man who represents me
- 9:42 PM: Roscommon LE09 count will be closing in the south very soon.
- 9:42 PM: scow JHR is tearing a strip off George Lee, ranting down the line on RTE!
- 9:43 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Johnny Butterfield (IND) and Danny Owens (FF) elected to Offaly County Council
- 9:43 PM: lexia De Udder Brudder concedes
- 9:44 PM: ElectionsIRL Partial recount requested in DUBLIN by Deirdre de Burca (Green)
- 9:45 PM: Mark_Coughlan Total recount called for DeBurca in Dublin Euro – be here until the wee hours #le09
- 9:45 PM: Roscommon LE09 Just a bit of Information re EU count in the UK so far: (LAB: 1 CON: 1 LIB DEM: 1) early days yet.
- 9:46 PM: sazzybm JHR rants about everyone!!! Neptune have stopped counting. Hook hopes everyone else follows suite coz he wants to watch the Lions replay
- 9:46 PM: eoinbannon What good can recount do Ganley?His complaint is that they couldnt tell where votes came from geographically.Recount wont change that #le09
- 9:46 PM: Fergal Ganley has been acting the drama queen all day. He was threatening High Court injunctions this morning. #le09
- 9:46 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Seán Beirne (FG) and Eugene Murphy (FF) both elected to Roscommon County Council
- 9:46 PM: Mark_Coughlan Total recount called for DeBurca in Dublin Euro – be here until the wee hours #le09
- 9:46 PM: sazzybm Adrian Kavanagh is suspecting by the way transfers are going, it will depend who gets eliminated between Burke and Sinnott.
- 9:46 PM: philomenaf counting is suspended untill morning in cork
- 9:46 PM: wendylimerick Ah get Jackie Back
- 9:46 PM: aoifac I think a lot of people must vote for JHR just to shut him up and get him off their door steps. As they said on RTE over 27,000 people can’t be tricked – I wasn’t anyway and gladly gave him my no 1.
Counting suspended in Cork for the night. - 9:46 PM: clicky_here I hope the NW has a senior counsel on hand to tell Ganley where he can shove his pissing and moaning. #le09
- 9:47 PM: philomenaf kelly is now just in front of ferris
- 9:47 PM: lexia Qikking live – #le09
qik.com - 9:47 PM: cianflah Sinnot gets 3k in transfers on first set of eliminations now only 3k behind Kelly/Ferris.
- 9:48 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Counting adjourned at Neptune bit.ly
- 9:48 PM: cianflah Figures for South 2nd count: Boyle now on 16 250 Burke 54 617 Crowley 119 25 Ferris 65 861 Kelly (alan) 66 121 Kelly (sean) 94 430 O KEeffe 16 896 Sinnot 62 057 Performance by Sinnot kicks her into pole position once counting resumes tomorrow for that final seat
- 9:49 PM: ElectionsIRL Declan Ganley appears to be raising concerns with Retuning Officer in North West count
- 9:50 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Thomas Pringle (IND) elected to Donegal County Council
- 9:50 PM: mannixflynn My posters will be coming down on tuesday evening so i’ll twitter the time etc if anybody wants one..don’t go climbing ladders alone!!
- 9:50 PM: ElectionsIRL Euro South 2nd count in: bit.ly
- 9:50 PM: ElectionsIRL Dan Boyle (Green) eliminated in South – counting to resume in the morning
- 9:51 PM: Roscommon LE09 Pat Rabbitte Say ” Ganley Wanting Recount is Pure Theatre”#le09
- 9:51 PM: philomenaf oiche maith mo chairde….thanks for everything today, honestly the best site i,ve been to for election news ….. see you all again tomorrow
- 9:52 PM: faduda New blog post: Kildare (Kildare) 6th count #le09 faduda.ie
- 9:53 PM: krayZpaving Ganley claiming that 20,000 votes less than rté reported yesterday were actually counted today. Demanding recount. #le09
- 9:53 PM: ElectionsIRL Euro Dublin 3rd count in: bit.ly – elimination of Deirdre de Burca
- 9:54 PM: RTE_Elections Labour’s Pat Rabbitte has told RTÉ that this election was about the economy, mortgages, jobs, and the performance of the Govt
- 9:54 PM: Roscommon LE09 There is one more seat to be filled in Roscommon in the Boyle Electoral Area. #le09
- 9:56 PM: wendylimerick Does anyone know where Cowen and Gormley are 2nite?
- 9:57 PM: RTE_Elections Minister Brian Lenihan has said that Fine Gael’s alternative policies don’t add up in economic terms
- 9:58 PM: faduda New blog post: Kildare (Clane) Weld elected on 1st (yes, 1st!) count #le09 faduda.ie
- 9:58 PM: lexia Candidates and agents meet about full recount yfrog.com
- 9:58 PM: faduda New blog post: Kildare (Clane) 2nd Count #le09 faduda.ie
- 9:58 PM: eoinbannon When Rabbitte, Hogan say election was about economy, performance of nat gov etc, place like Longford contradict that: FF up 1 at least #le09
- 10:00 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Maurice Ahern (FF) has lost his seat in the Cabra-Glasnevin area of Dublin City Council to Sinn Féin’s Séamus McGrattan
- 10:00 PM: lexia Off home. G’night RDS!
- 10:00 PM: Suzy Byrne img198.imageshack.us
- 10:01 PM: Roscommon LE09 Roscommon Seats Won: (Awaiting one seat)
Fine Gael: 9 Seats Other: 7 Seats Fianna Fail: 8 Seats Sinn Fein: 1 Labour: 0 Green Party: 0 - 10:01 PM: aoifac Lexia; are the shutting up shop or are you just tired and work done?
- 10:02 PM: Suzy Byrne Alexia has been in RDS since 9 this morning and has done an absolutely outstanding job covering the local counts, recounts, European counts and candidates arrivals there. Brilliant job!!!!
- 10:03 PM: RTE_Elections A spokesman for Mr Ganley said he had asked the returning officer to ensure a Ganley bundle had not been misplaced
- 10:03 PM: RTE_Elections Mr Ganley’s spokesman said that he was not demanding a recount and the returning officer was considering his request to check the bundles
- 10:03 PM: eoinbannon When Rabbitte, Hogan say election was about economy, performance of nat gov etc, place like Longford contradict that: FF up 1 at least #le09
- 10:04 PM: wendylimerick Thanks Alexia your a star
- 10:04 PM: gaelick Hardcore work with marathon roving reporting session, Alexia, thanks and g’night!
- 10:04 PM: PatrickSaint Thanks Alexia for ur great work
- 10:04 PM: Roscommon LE09 In Boyle Town Council Roscommon Last Seat been fought out between two FG sitting Cllrs Gerry Garvey & Charlie Hopkins.le09
- 10:04 PM: aoifac 2nd that Suzy. Hoping they shut up shop for the night so I can turn the PC off and go to bed but don’t want to go sleep and miss something
- 10:04 PM: lexia Best of luck to the candidates, their teams, the media, the poor fuckers that are counting and all the political nerds. Long night ahead!
- 10:05 PM: Anita McGarr Misplacing a bundle of 10,000 votes would be some feat.
- 10:05 PM: wendylimerick Taoireasa Ferris -Calm and considerate on radio 1
- 10:06 PM: Samuel Ah Dec, give it a rest and go back to playing soldiers with the FCA
- 10:09 PM: cianflah ferris outlines believable path to victory on Radio 1 – Boyle transfers go al over but O Keeffe falls for her and Crowley. Crowley elected and burke eliminated. Burke shoves Kelly over the line with large surplus that is good news for Ferris on the tally she has seen. Then all bets are off.
- 10:10 PM: RTE_Elections Counting in the South constituency has been adjourned until 9am tomorrow, when eliminated Green candidate Dan Boyle’s votes are distributed
- 10:12 PM: Suzy Byrne George Hook has gone home and Newstalk are on a reloop of this mornThe Mouvement Pings programming. Switching back to Radio 1
- 10:12 PM: Roscommon LE09 Im finished for the night thanks for a wonderfull election site it was brilliant I really enjoyed it fair play to all. See you all for the General Election which may not be that far away at all. #le09
- 10:12 PM: Suzy Byrne Roscomon LE09 many thanks for your updates too!! and yes this was a rehearsal!
- 10:13 PM: ElectionsIRL Galway City Council first preference votes online: bit.ly
- 10:13 PM: bbcpremiership Lexia / Suzy … you have the stars of the weekend, better than any single radio or tv station, well done #le09
- 10:13 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Fianna Fáil candidates Francis Foley and Michael Collins have retained their seats on Limerick County Council
- 10:13 PM: Stephen Spillane South finished for night. Ferris still third. Count recommencing in morning @ 8:30am #le09
- 10:13 PM: Elrobo There is a need to debate what was the best source of updates and analysis, cos I believe the tweets & blogs won hands down #le09
- 10:13 PM: Elrobo @lexia @suzybie Thanks for all your work…you out did any of the broadcasters with your tweets, pics, videos and analysis
- 10:14 PM: manicmammy @lexia well done on all your reporting. Haven’t been vocal but have enjoyed and appreciated your work. Cheers lady.
- 10:14 PM: eolai @lexia stupendous performance, you. Thanks!
- 10:14 PM: krayZpaving Ireland East count suspended for the night as McGuinness’ surplus transferred. Back at 9am. #le09
- 10:15 PM: Foxy any numbers on second and subsequent counts in European Elections?
- 10:15 PM: RTE_Elections Early results show that Sweden’s Pirate Party has won a seat on the European Parliament
- 10:15 PM: Simon McGarr I’m going to embarrass them by stickying that.
- 10:15 PM: Fergal Crehan The Mouvement Pour France have lost 2 of their three seats since signing up with Libertas. Poor Declan. He started out with nothing and still has most of it left.
- 10:16 PM: ElectionsIRL NORTH WEST: Libertas has asked for a search for missing bundles of ballot papers that may have been allocated to wrong candidate
- 10:17 PM: Suzy Byrne Dublin is staying up tonight to recount – over past 25 minutes the agents and candidate s- bundles are going to be recounted.
- 10:17 PM: Suzy Byrne There is not going to be a recount overnight
- 10:18 PM: Simon McGarr Pat Cox auditioning to be the FF Commissioner nomination on @RTE_PrimeTime
- 10:18 PM: Suzy Byrne Dublin count of bundles – does not mean full recount. will take 45 minutes
- 10:18 PM: PatrickSaint Yes, no doubt about it— bloggers and tweeters way ahead of the hacks and talking heads…great sign of the times
- 10:19 PM: Suzy Byrne Pat Cox has been doing a long audition for days hasn’t he
- 10:19 PM: Suzy Byrne Dick Roche on Radio 1 sort of paying a compliment to Ganley – it’s a Roche special!
- 10:19 PM: TheRealAmz Euronews suggesting that the Pirate Party in Sweden may have won a seat. #eu09 #le09
- 10:20 PM: Simon McGarr We’re looking at a live feed of the Ganley Huddle on RTE1. They have an uncertain look about them.
- 10:20 PM: PatrickSaint yes ol Cock Roche is a gem!
- 10:21 PM: aoifecarroll Partial re-check of DeBurca & McKenna votes agreed to in Dublin…going to count for 3 more hours #Le09
- 10:21 PM: astarmain Having heard Noel Whelan explain the box mystery, I now think Ganley should STFU. Lib should have done tallys yesterday if worried. #le09
- 10:22 PM: RTE_Elections IND MEP candidates Jim Tallon, Micheál Grealy, and Paddy Garvey have been eliminated in the East constituency after the second count
- 10:23 PM: Suzy Byrne Blogwatch: Cllr Mary Roche Independent Waterford cllrmaryroche.blogspot.com
- 10:24 PM: Suzy Byrne Blogwatch: Senator Paschal Donohue www.paschaldonohoe.ie
- 10:24 PM: Fergal Crehan The panel on RTE TV are missing the point re De Burca and her deposit. She won’t reach the 1/4 of the quota on this count, but is hoping to do so if she stays in for another count.
- 10:25 PM: cianflah @ Fergal shock as panel on tv underperforms live blog and radio.
- 10:27 PM: Fergal Crehan @Cian The “cat-fight” angle was always going to crowd all other explanations. Not that it isn’t a factor…
- 10:27 PM: Suzy Byrne Mary Lou McDonald does not concede and calls for general election
- 10:28 PM: CarlowWeather Gay Mitchell says they will count for another 3 hours
- 10:28 PM: BrianGreene dublin euro bundle only recount de B & mcK difference #le09
- 10:28 PM: OisinCoghlan I doubt John Gormley is planning a membership conference as Niall O Brolchain suggested on RTE. “wide consultation” not the same #le09
- 10:28 PM: RTE_Elections Gay Mitchell (FG) has told RTÉ that bundles are being re-checked in the count centre in case one has been misplaced
- 10:28 PM: lennyantonelli So Ganley thinks a bundle went missing. Yesterday a Libertas tallyman told me FF had cut the phone lines in their office. #le09
- 10:30 PM: RTE_Elections Following discussions with the returning officer, the Green party had reduced their call for a full recount to a re-check of the bundles
- 10:31 PM: WallDorf “Following discussions with the returning officer, the Green party had reduced their call for a full recount to a re-check of the bundles”
- 10:32 PM: Fergal Crehan There is a tradition that on count day, you stop spinning. Candidates successful and unsuccessful come into broadcast studios and give reasonably honest assessments of individual constituencies for the first time since the campaign started. The votes have been cast. There’s nothing more to be done. So what on earth is Ganley at? He’s still spining as if there are still votes up for grabs.
- 10:32 PM: ElectionsIRL SOUTH: 2nd count now online – bit.ly
- 10:32 PM: Mark_Coughlan Ganley has arrived in NW with a rake of legal people according to a PA journo. Possibly full recount. RO also called in legals. #le09
- 10:32 PM: RTE_Elections Counting continues in Dublin, while the counts in the South and East have adjourned until the morning, and counting in the NW remains halted
- 10:33 PM: WallDorf “Following discussions with the returning officer, the Green party had reduced their call for a full recount to a re-check of the bundles” — hmm I would have thought a check of de Rossa’s votes for a stray 400 would be more fruitful for them — the most likely errors would be the mixing of the two names with similar starting letters and general visual structure.
- 10:33 PM: ElectionsIRL SOUTH: Count suspended until the morning
- 10:35 PM: WallDorf Anybody know how voting is going in Beirut? Ooops sorry, wromg scribble live
- 10:35 PM: gaelick Right, off to catch so much needed sleep – Goodnight and thanks to all!
- 10:35 PM: Samuel “the most likely errors would be the mixing of the two names with similar starting letters and general visual structure” – you saying that Deirdre looks like Frank Ross?
- 10:35 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Maurice Ahern (FF) said losing his seat was disappointing, and he doubted he would run again but would go back to being a supporter
- 10:37 PM: clicky_here P.P.S. RT @Mark_Coughlan Ganley arrived in NW w/ rake of legal people accord to PA journo. Poss full recount. RO also called in legals #le09
- 10:37 PM: ElaineEdwards Could Ganley afford the Supreme Ct to challenge the way ballot boxes are opened? Surely they just use a pliers on the little padlock? #le09
- 10:37 PM: cianflah From over in Leeds – BNP take first euro seat.
- 10:37 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Alan Mitchell (FG) elected to Longford County Council
- 10:38 PM: Elrobo Night all – thanks again for all the info. Looking forward to a GE soon! #le09
- 10:39 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Fine Gael’s Gerry Garvey elected to Roscommon County Council
- 10:41 PM: lexia Craving popcorn on the way home
- 10:42 PM: Caz Any word about navan co. council
- 10:43 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 James Carroll (FF) and Gerald Nash (Lab) elected to Louth County Council
- 10:44 PM: cianflah RTE playing maurice ahern audio that lexia had ages ago.
- 10:44 PM: Suzy Byrne Declan Ganley on Radio 1
- 10:44 PM: Suzy Byrne Votes are in wheelie bins in North West
- 10:46 PM: Suzy Byrne Ganley spinning his excuse and recheck will be done in morning – not a recount! Ganley making very clear not a recount. 4 eyewitnesses saw different queues – 4 libertas supporters saw queues of the bins and think that they got mixed up.
- 10:46 PM: CarlowWeather Ganley says 4 eye witnesses say that wheelie bins were messed up, but the 4 were members of his team
- 10:48 PM: philomenaf gonna check my wheelie bin before the council come in the morning!!!! hee hee ya never know what ya night find in them bins
- 10:48 PM: cianflah wheelie bin theory of vote mismanagement – thanks to Declan Ganley
- 10:48 PM: greenwithenvy Congrats to to all the livebloggers – it was a great communal effort to bring us the best up to date coverage from round the country. Well done and I look forward to seeing you in action again – maybe covering a General Election soon !
- 10:49 PM: brettmirl I’m going outside to check my wheelie bin for votes. Will check the recycling bin too just in case some green votes are in there #le09
- 10:49 PM: Suzy Byrne ‘Dick I’ve missed you man’ Ganley to Roche
- 10:49 PM: philomenaf this has wheelie bin a mad election
- 10:50 PM: Suzy Byrne ‘How’s your party Dick’ from Ganley to Roche
- 10:50 PM: cianflah Roche suggest libertas spend is 30 million
- 10:51 PM: lennyantonelli Ganley laughing like a lunatic at RTE Radio #le09
- 10:51 PM: themayonews Frank Durcan elected in Castlebar, Eugene McCormack looks safe too. Therese Ruane poised to take the last seat from Gavin #elections
- 10:52 PM: lexia Home. NN all
- 10:52 PM: philomenaf aww now that poor fella ganleys bin done over
- 10:52 PM: RTE_Elections Declan Ganley (Libertas) has said it may take a few hours for the recheck but he is very satisfied with the situation
- 10:52 PM: themayonews All of it depends on where Mickey Feeney’s votes go – it looks like his votes will not benefit FF colleague Blackie Gavin enough.#elections
- 10:53 PM: Suzy Byrne Ok it’s not news – but Ganley is from a different planet…
- 10:53 PM: ElectionsIRL NORTH WEST: Count suspended & will resume in morning with search for 2 wheelie bins allegedly containing up to 10,000 Libertas votes!
- 10:53 PM: themayonews A full recheck – not a recount – of the Euro election NW to start tomorrow. Will not take as long as a recount. #elections
- 10:54 PM: philomenaf wheelie?@ suzie
- 10:54 PM: eamonn cork Congratulations to Suzy, Alexia and Cian, that really was a fantastic job.
- 10:55 PM: CarlowWeather LOL Ganley got Dick Roche nicely,responding to how poorly Libertas was doing he asked Dick how his party was doing, touche as Rabbitte said
- 10:57 PM: philomenaf with wheels on them bins they could be over the border ny now!!!!!!
- 10:58 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 John Boyle (FG), Brendan Byrne (FF) and Sean McEniff (FF) all elected to Donegal County Council
- 11:07 PM: PJ Coogan over and out from Cork .. will be back at Neptune in the AM .. third South seat now being called for Sinnott with Boyles transfers crucial.. well done to everyone here.. this blog was a hell of an idea.. can’t wait for it at the GE !!
- 11:08 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Update at midnight: FF (200), FG (318), Labour (126), the Greens (3), SF (50) and Others (126)
- 11:09 PM: Suzy Byrne Good night PJ and thanks so much for all the reporting from Cork today!
- 11:12 PM: Suzy Byrne Joe Higgins makes Sean O’Rourke eat humble pie!!
- 11:12 PM: philomenaf is count still goin on in dublin
- 11:12 PM: cianflah Joe Higgins on RAdio 1 – Sean has bucket of Ashe read to go
- 11:12 PM: Suzy Byrne Philomena – yes it is – recheck of bundles for de Burca
- 11:13 PM: philomenaf @suzy thanks… btw def going to bed now….goodnight from belfast….
- 11:14 PM: irishelection T’land ur election late night thread for a chat url.ie Live blog will be at it again tomorrow – thnks all for contributing #LE09
- 11:16 PM: Suzy Byrne Leo Varadkar gave Joe Higgins his number 2…
- 11:17 PM: cianflah and higgins says your getting me in trouble with the left!!!
- 11:17 PM: Simon McGarr Joe Higgins could give a number 2!
- 11:17 PM: MichaelJ Ganley was just on the BBC. Figures he’s still in with a chance in North-West
- 11:18 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Counting has been adjourned for the night in Louth and Offaly
- 11:18 PM: stepherunie Joe Higgins having a good laugh on Radio 1 now #le09
- 11:18 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Paul Connell (IND), Denis Glennon (FF) and Victor Kiernan (FG) elected to Longford County Council
- 11:21 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Mickey Doherty (FG) and Charlie McConalogue (FF) elected to Donegal County Council
- 11:23 PM: Suzy Byrne It’s everyone be nice to Joe Higgins tonight on Radio 1!
- 11:25 PM: laraaine Pat Rabbitte damning Higgins with feint praise on RTE radio #le09
- 11:25 PM: faduda New blog post: Kildare (Kildare) 9th count #le09 faduda.ie
- 11:25 PM: Padraic Ryan This site has been brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. Many thanks to all concerned.
- 11:26 PM: Locals09 By @enahs @brettmirl no question, he’d be elected in a heartbeat. They love him down here. #le09
- 11:26 PM: cianflah Harkin suggests that Ganley’s wheelie bins are an exercise in self indulgence. I cannot believe the temerity.
- 11:26 PM: Suzy Byrne Harkins – if it’s not about Ganley it’s not happening – she also points to her tallies and shows that they were very accurate.
- 11:31 PM: cianflah Paschal Mooney on radio1 (after a whole weekend of pap they finally get me hooked whn i want to turn on dimbleby) paying tribute to politial wife but accepts that The Cope won as soon as he entered and admits to being annoyed over lack of geographic balance.
- 11:32 PM: BrianGreene i had me chips. Back at RDS so slow the count #le09
- 11:32 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Micheál ‘Spike’ Nolan (FG), Tony O’Donnell (FG), Fiona O’Loughlin (FF) and Suzanne Doyle (FF) all elected to Kildare County Council
- 11:32 PM: cianflah news from dublin expected at 2 o clock.
- 11:32 PM: laraaine Marian Harkin describes Ganley as ‘attention grabbing’, ‘no evidence’ of missing votes #le09
- 11:32 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Francis Browne (Lab) elected to Kildare County Council after the tenth count
- 11:37 PM: Suzy Byrne Dick Roche asks Paschal Mooney did he see any wheelie bins
- 11:38 PM: faduda New blog post: Kildare Co Council (Kildare district) final report FF(2) FG(2) Lab(2) Ind (1) #le09 faduda.ie
- 11:40 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Boyle disappointed but, admits party was not in favour bit.ly
- 11:41 PM: cianflah Harkin is extremely confident that tallies show the gap between her and Harkin widening. She is extremely confident it is over.
- 11:43 PM: cianflah On R1 Harkin reckons govt is more stable since Greens have nowhere to go. They are sad to lose O Brolchain and cant move anywhere – govt will not fall soon.
- 11:45 PM: BrianGreene @cianflah saving batts 4 video!
- 11:45 PM: Suzy Byrne Marian Harkins hits nail on head regarding Ganley’s coverage and treatment by the media.
- 11:45 PM: laraaine Marian Harkin describes Ganley as ‘attention grabbing’, ‘no evidence’ of missing votes #le09
- 11:52 PM: cianflah Fair play to Sean donnelly calling biggest story as Maureen’s win at by election.
- 11:53 PM: Simon McGarr The liveblog stays open for another day. If, overnight, anyone finds a wheely-bin full of votes marked in green pen, throw us a tweet.
- 11:54 PM: MabroIRL Lost votes in Wheelie bins my arse. It’s attention grabbing clinging to fringe support. #le09 #eu09
- 11:54 PM: Waterfire I have put a pdf of entire live blog up on www.scribeeeed.com douglas
- 11:58 PM: BrianGreene @suzybie any chance you could retweet the mad deburca video i tweeted
- 11:58 PM: cianflah Dublin count will not go home for the night -we will get result (3.30 mentioned but really could be much longer)
- 12:00 AM: Waterfire thats www.scribd.com/stephen douglas or tinyurl.com
- 12:00 AM: BrianGreene @suzybie will tweet the RDS news #le09
- 12:01 AM: Padraic Ryan The count is going to go on until 3am?
- 12:02 AM: Suzy Byrne Padraic even longer than that I’d say
- 12:02 AM: Christine Bohan Sean O’Rourke just made a good point – if one of the opposition parties tabled a motion in the Dáil next week to bring back the Christmas bonus then it’s very likely that it would pass.c
- 12:04 AM: BrianGreene @suzybie tnxxx
- 12:07 AM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Counting has been adjourned in the Dunshaughlin and Clane electoral areas until 10am
- 12:07 AM: Padraic Ryan I like the idea of a Diehard Returning Officer.
- 12:08 AM: cianflah #Padraic me too as long as we hear what is going on! RTE off air with a live count ongoing. Not good enough.
- 12:11 AM: cianflah for election junkies refusing sleep news.bbc.co.uk dimbleby et. al.
- 12:12 AM: Suzy Byrne Turns on BBC News – time for Dimbleby moments #le09
- 12:13 AM: BrianGreene deburca conceeds bundle recount. On with elims #le09
- 12:14 AM: TheRealAmz Had a chuckle at Michael Collins being elected as an FF councillor in Limerick. I really need to go to sleep. #le09
- 12:15 AM: Simon McGarr Have FF given up on Eoin ‘Smells of Death’ Ryan now? Dermot Ahern was telling us only Sat morn that he was the real bellweather for FF #le09
- 12:15 AM: Simon McGarr Bed.
- 12:18 AM: greenparty_ie Bucking trend in Ireland, Euro Greens set for apr 49 seats, up from 34 seats held in 04. G-EFA group will grow to apr 53 seats. #le09 #egp
- 12:18 AM: Padraic Ryan Seriously. Although, poor Sean and Rachel sounded a bit jaded by the end. And the bowsies they had in studio with them sounded like they might have been about to get out of hand. Wonderful moment, when Rachel English had to tell them to quiet down…
- 12:19 AM: cianflah Quality timing there Green party twitter
- 12:22 AM: Alexia Golez Amazing – RTE.ie’s Election Tracker has no mention of de Burca conceding!
- 12:23 AM: lostexpectation declan ganley sowing tactical doubt, he decided to query the count months ago im sure
- 12:27 AM: greenparty_ie @cianflah Ta, but not intentional. Just did top up. Despite surge in UK’s green vote, they won’t increase on 2 MEPs. Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Netherlands and Sweden all increase representation. France more than doubles no of MEPs and becomes joint second largest party there. DC
- 12:29 AM: P O’Neill The Britain vote counts are very interesting. Note 1st BNP MEP. tinyurl.com
- 12:31 AM: RTE_Elections There is still a recount under way in the Dublin Euro constituency for more go to www.RTÉ.ie/elections
- 12:31 AM: BrianGreene the cure, thompson twins, CdeB all seen here in the RDS
- 12:31 AM: P O’Neill @greenparty_ie French greens did well by avoiding national political positions and focusing on ecology as the core issue
- 12:35 AM: cianflah UK Lab beaten all over the place by, well, everyone.
- 12:37 AM: Padraic Ryan So, De Burca’s votes are currently being reallocated, yeah? And, is the plan to break for the night, once that is done? Or is the Returning Officer – Fitzpatrick? – planning to finish the whole thing tonight?
- 12:38 AM: cianflah whole dublin count done tonight is the returning offcers plan that means another few counts to come. and no result for at least two hours.
- 12:46 AM: RTE_Elections Deirdre De Burca has withdrawn her request for a re-check of ballot bundles in the Dublin constituency
- 12:47 AM: scow Labour in the UK are doing extraordinarily badly: in both the SE and SW regions, they came in fifth, with 8 [EIGHT]%…
- 12:48 AM: RTE_Elections De Burca says half way through it was evident that she would not gain enough additional votes to allow her claim a portion of her expenses
- 12:55 AM: adam_douglas3 That thug Griffin’s just Got himself Elected – 2 BNP now #le09
- 12:55 AM: PatrickSaint Is Dublin going ahead?
- 12:55 AM: P O’Neill BNP leader cites inability of Irish immigrants in Britain to get paid repatriation as example of racism tinyurl.com
- 12:56 AM: Suzy Byrne Dublin Count is continuing and will conclude tonight.
- 1:03 AM: dlooney Thanks to the dozens of you who’ve sent messages of congrats. Deeply honoured to be elected. Looking forward to getting to work! #le09
- 1:03 AM: RTE_Elections Fine Gael’s Gay Mitchell has been elected in the Dublin constituency on the second count
- 1:06 AM: RTE_Elections Mitchell was elected in Dublin after exceeding the quota by 2,755
- 1:12 AM: BrianGreene dub euro FG elected Lab 94306 FF 68517 SP 55116 SF 52447 PMCK 25213 dist FG surplus now
- 1:15 AM: BrianGreene fg mitchell 104413 Q=101658
- 1:16 AM: adam_douglas3 not surprised by withdrawal of recount request by DeBurca – but the officiality of our defeat being complete is Always hard to take #le09
- 1:16 AM: ElectionsIRL South Dublin County Council full counts online: bit.ly
- 1:17 AM: RTE_Elections #LE09 In the local elections, 838 of the 883 seats have now been filled, counting is continuing in the 11 local constituencies
- 1:27 AM: BrianGreene i’m beating @rte_elections in RDS. Thumbs v PCs.
- 1:30 AM: faduda Photos from Ireland East (EU) and Kildare local counts #le09 @MickFealty #EU09 bit.ly
- 1:33 AM: RTE_Elections Fine Gael MEP Gay Mitchell has said he is delighted to be re-elected for Dublin, he said he never had a doubt the party would get a seat
- 1:34 AM: RTE_Elections Gay Mitchell said the fact more people voted for him that could fit into Croke Park was really pleasing
- 1:38 AM: Christine Bohan Good article by Mark Hennessy in tomorrow’s Irish Times about the anger among FF councillors who feel they were thrown to the wolves and are furious with Cowen: www.irishtimes.com
- 1:41 AM: RTE_Elections Gay Mitchell has said comments from Dr Garrett FitzGerald that people should give transfers to pro-Lisbon parties made him nervous
- 1:41 AM: Suzy Byrne “Coughlan is clueless and inept. You just don’t let her out. You don’t want her on the door for fear of what she might say. When did you see her out during the campaign?” one Dublin councillor fumed yesterday. From Hennessy’s article in the Irish Times www.irishtimes.com
- 2:09 AM: RTE_Elections New interviews with Gay Mitchell about his election and Deirdre De Burca about the re-check tinyurl.com
- 2:13 AM: BrianGreene eoin ryan is now in RDS #LE09
- 2:16 AM: BrianGreene i interviewed patrica mckenna. Seems she will get expenses
- 2:24 AM: Iceman So whats happening?
- 2:29 AM: BrianGreene they are sorting mcdonnald votes now. McKenna dist not called yet. Odd #le09
- 2:32 AM: lostexpectation yeah we’re still waiting, 70 watchers @briangreene
- 2:32 AM: Padraic Ryan Brian, do you mean sorting as in Macdonald is definitely out of it?
- 2:32 AM: Iceman What is the state of play now?
- 2:34 AM: RTE_Elections For the latest results overnight go to the results’ pages on www.rte.ie/elections
- 3:18 AM: BrianGreene derossa elected
- 3:22 AM: BrianGreene edglng closer to 3rd seat dublin euro SP need to close 113
- 3:22 AM: BrianGreene 11300
- 3:51 AM: Peter Kelly SF transfer to SP in Dublin West in 2007 General Election was 34.7% – a similar transfer rate this time would leave Higgins approx 3,000 votes clear of Ryan #le09
- 3:51 AM: patm Brian, can you give us a rough guide as to the ratio of transfer between Joe and Eoin?
- 3:51 AM: scow For the Dublin count, if De Rossa is elected and MLM is eliminated on the same count, whose transfers get counted first?
- 3:51 AM: lostexpectation www.rte.ie
- 3:51 AM: lostexpectation mlmcd is counted out at www.rte.ie
- 4:07 AM: Peter Kelly @scow MLMCD transfers should be counted next as the De Rossa surplus is too small at this stage to change the candidate ranking
- 4:29 AM: BrianGreene joe higgins elected
- 5:04 AM: RTE_Elections All 3 seats in Dublin filled with FG’s Gay Mitchell, LAB’s Proinsias De Rossa and the Socialist Party’s Joe Higgins being elected
- 5:14 AM: RTE_Elections 848 of the 883 seats have now been filled in the local elections #LE09
- 5:41 AM: Paschald Dog tired all of yesterday. SF knock out FF in my local election ward.
- 6:15 AM: BrianGreene I left the RDS with 40+ comrades singing the Internationale to the echo of an empty steel portal warehouse. spine tingling [-_-]
- 6:40 AM: RTE_Elections European election: The count to decide NI’s three representatives in the European Parliament will get under way in Belfast at 9am
- 7:01 AM: paul_cawley Morning, delighted Higgins got the 3rd seat in Dublin but what’s Ganley playing at in NW? #le09 #eu09
- 7:01 AM: davidcochrane Joe Higgins MEP! Wow! #le09
- 7:02 AM: fearraigh Joe Higgins MEP! #le09
- 7:03 AM: BrianGreene 98FM said something about me around 7am. perhaps something not so nice, anyone hear it???
- 7:12 AM: BrianGreene @votejoehiggins congrats. well done team.
- 7:12 AM: RTE_Elections European election: Joe Higgins, Socialist Party, says that the establishment has a lot to fear from him going to Europe
- 7:12 AM: BrianGreene RT: @davidcochrane Joe Higgins MEP! Wow! #le09
- 7:44 AM: PJ Coogan Morning all from Neptune .. will keep you posted during the morning…
- 7:57 AM: RTE_Elections Coverage of the election counts will resume on RTE 1 television at noon with a special programme www.rte.ie/live
- 8:08 AM: krayZpaving Back in Punchestown waiting for Ireland East count to resume. Childers & Aylward to be elected around 3pm, if eliminations smooth. #le09
- 8:08 AM: philomenaf @briangreene yes brian heard it, they said you have been picked to go jump into the wheelie beins with declan hanley!!! haha
- 8:09 AM: philomenaf just spotted two wheelie bins being loaded into council dump this morning 7.45am belfast!!!!
- 8:09 AM: markcahill The reason the @greenparty_ie done so badly in the election -> “If you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas” #le09
- 8:09 AM: Suzy Byrne in bed still. Any sign of the wheelie bins? #le09
- 8:09 AM: rdelevan @suzybie @lexia are the heroes of #LE09 coverage. Congrats ladies.
- 8:09 AM: dlooney @suzybie I’m tempted to make a bin tax joke…
- 8:10 AM: krayZpaving Eoin Ryan seemed to hint strongly on RTE Morning Ireland that he’d run in DSE in the next General Election. Bye, bye Chris Andrews #le09
- 8:14 AM: BrianGreene scrap the 98FM challenge I got it. Fr. Brian Stuff! LOL
- 8:22 AM: juliedeb Glad to see FF wipeout in local elections, mwwaahaha. #le09
- 8:24 AM: philomenaf wake up little suzy wake up!!!! maidin maith from belfast…all go here this morning with sinn fein topping poll
- 8:25 AM: UnaRocks Interesting aspect of the Fianna FAIL is damage 2 dynasties; Martin, Ahern, Ryan. Ppl seem to be voting4intelligence rather then connections
- 8:36 AM: themayonews We were offline when it happened but the final seat in Mayo County Council was a shock – Blackie Gavin achieving a rare FF gain #elections
- 8:37 AM: AMcDermott @ubfid Ah, go for it. I’ve been keeping away from #le09 news til now (I sometimes like fait accompli rather than piecemeal election news)
- 8:37 AM: themayonews It came at Therese Ruane’s expense. The Sinn Fein lady looked a safe bet all day until Mickey Feeney’s votes helped Gavin over. #elections
- 8:37 AM: faduda RT @sendboyle: @ubfid That may be the case, but it’s unlikely that Colm Burke can make up the difference on Kathy Sinnott. #le09
- 8:41 AM: cianflah what are the chances that Pat ‘the cope’ might stay in the Dail out of a duty to FF and his substitute heads to Brussles? Small possibilty but the rumour is gaining traction it seems.
- 8:41 AM: zoodigital Really enjoyed following the election coverage on twitter over the weekend. Nice one to all who contributed. #LE09 #EU09.
- 8:41 AM: RTE_Elections Declan Ganley (Libertas) has begun a further set of discussions with the returning officer on how the spot checks will be carried out
- 8:41 AM: Johnp63 Feck. Gone to work but forgot to check the wheelie bin #le09
- 8:44 AM: RTE_Elections Counting has resumed in the European constituency of Ireland East as the votes of three eliminated independents are being distributed
- 8:48 AM: stretchneil Morning from Castlebar. Rechecking of ballots about to begin. Expected to take 4 hours. #le09
- 8:49 AM: BrianGreene twitpic.com – Joe Higgins MEP
- 8:51 AM: lexia @BrianGreene great work through the night
- 8:52 AM: irishelection Morning update is.gd Seats: FG 325, FF 209, Lab 129, Other 131, SF 52, GP 3 Liveblog at it again today is.gd #LE09
- 8:52 AM: twentymajor “Suzy, Alexia and Cian have run this liveblog. It has outperformed any other source of information and original reporting in the entire country. Huge thanks and congratulations.”
- 8:56 AM: humphreys On Saturday Cllr Flynn (SEIC) declared for Mayor of Dublin. He must be the first candidate in the field, officially? #le09
- 9:01 AM: Simon McGarr
- 9:01 AM: philomenaf morning lexia, c,mon girl some humour needed this morning after all the serious stuff is outta the way, some funny pics perhaps? and congrats to joe higgins!!!
- 9:01 AM: philomenaf any news on the ferris etc progress in the south?
- 9:02 AM: giolchairithe #gaeilge #gael #le09 #ep09 maith sibh na Gaeil a chuaigh sa bhearna baoil – sibhse nár eirigh libh ach go h-áiri.. short.ie
- 9:04 AM: RTE_Elections Counting has resumed in the South constituency for the European Parliament, with the distribution of votes for Dan Boyle (Greens)
- 9:04 AM: cianflah www.irishtimes.com the Dail arithmetic is gonna be well tight when we talk about budget cuts next december
- 9:05 AM: Campaign_Watch Confirmed local election results at 10am: FG 325, FF 209, Lab 129, SF 52, GP 3, Oth 131 #le09
- 9:07 AM: keatingciara #le09 thanks to all involved in the tweets its been a great weekend, don’t know what im going to read about now!
- 9:07 AM: monaghanpenguin Still can’t get over Jim’s election. Campaign 2014 starts today. For the FF party, a long day of reflection most certainly needed. #LE09
- 9:07 AM: philomenaf will prob have to wait untill the fourth count before the first mep elected here in north
- 9:08 AM: lexia @suzybie oooooo!!
- 9:10 AM: Suzy Byrne Ganley on Radio 1 – Wheelie bin expert Election 2009 #le09
- 9:11 AM: AMcDermott @ubfid The byelection results don’t seem to be headlining – I thought gov majority dropping to only 3 is a bigger deal than coverage #le09
- 9:12 AM: RTE_Elections Declan Ganley has told RTÉ that it’s a re-check and not a re-count, and he will accept the final results when every vote has been counted
- 9:12 AM: philomenaf WHEELIE BIN ALERT! wheelie bins have now been emptied in north, all that remains is two empty crisp packets and a yoghurt wrapper…sorry declan
- 9:13 AM: themayonews The final breakdown of county council seats is FG 17; FF 7, Independents 5; SF 2. A Fine Gael overall majority secured. #elections
- 9:14 AM: brettmirl Pat The Cope Gallagher – is that his actual name? Does it say “The Cope” on his passport? #le09
- 9:16 AM: PJ Coogan figures expected shortly in South..
- 9:16 AM: philomenaf rte saying still another 34 seats yet to be filled????
- 9:16 AM: krayZpaving @cianflah No – my understanding is he loses his Dail seat at the moment he’s elected to the EP. By election in October w/Lisbon? #le09
- 9:19 AM: brettmirl Why is the count so slow in Meath? Still only 2 out of 7 seats filled! #le09
- 9:19 AM: cianflah @krayZpaving or with GE next Spring? #LE09
- 9:22 AM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Update at 10:20 – FF (209), FG (325), Lab (129), Green (3), SF (52), Others (131)
- 9:24 AM: philomenaf @pjcoogan hows ferris holding up?
- 9:27 AM: brettmirl Sorry, meant to say 2 out of 7 filled in Dunshaughlin lea of Meath CoCo #le09
- 9:28 AM: irishelection RT @lexia: Liveblog has the Ireland South Count 3 numbers #le09 bit.ly
- 9:28 AM: krayZpaving @cianflah Of course, The Cope could always run for the by election, in which case Paschal Mooney would become the MEP. #le09
- 9:28 AM: corkpolitics New blog post: O’ Keeffe eliminated bit.ly
- 9:32 AM: dinglenews Seats filled to date in local elections:fg-325, ff-209,lab-125,other-131,sf-52,greens-3
- 9:34 AM: sazzybm Morning all. Well done to everyone who kept updating through the night. I Agree with UnaRocks. Its about time people voted for politians with Brains rather than someones father or brother!!!! And news from The South yet. Nothing on RTE? will they have any coverage?
- 9:38 AM: RTE_Elections Ned O’Keeffe (FF) has been eliminated from the count for the South constituency
- 9:39 AM: Paschald Task of the week:poster removal. All must be down by Friday.
- 9:44 AM: sazzybm is it me or are RTE way behind? Have all the Local council seats been filled? Listening to Ned O’Keeffe on RTE Radio. refusing to admit defeat and fully supports the Taoiseach. Again I ask, what planet?
- 9:44 AM: irishelection Audio of Declan ‘wheelie bins’ ganley from last night via RTE site. is.gd #LE09
- 9:44 AM: Limerick_Leader Election 09: Alan Kelly still in contention to take third European seat tinyurl.com
- 9:44 AM: philomenaf has patricia byrne been eliminated yet?
- 9:45 AM: irishelection Audio of Declan ‘wheelie bins’ ganley from last night via RTE site. is.gd #LE09
- 9:45 AM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Eddie Staunton (FG), Jarlath Munnelly (FG), Annie May Reape (FF), Seamus Weir (FG) and Gerry Ginty (IND) elected to Mayo Co Council
- 9:47 AM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Al McDonnell (FF), Cyril Burke (FG), Frank Durcan (IND), Blackie K Gavin (FF), Eugene McCormack (FG) all elected to Mayo Co Council
- 9:47 AM: RTE_Elections Ned O’Keeffe (FF) has told RTE he believes his transferred votes will boost FF European running mate Brian Crowley over the quota
- 9:49 AM: Bazalini @Paschald – You must be tired. Keep active and get in at the GE. A Good showing.
- 9:50 AM: RTE_Elections Over 15,500 votes were spoiled in the NW, more than the total votes received by the four lowest-polling European candidates
- 9:51 AM: marloft ‘The only thing that will be found at the bottom of a wheelie bin in Castlebar today will be Ganley’s Euro ambitions’ hrd on Radio 1 #LE09
- 9:52 AM: samuelbowman FG’s vote management has been appalling for the Euros. Burke & Phelan could easily have been elected if they’d thought more tactically #le09
- 9:52 AM: dariuswirl Councillor convicted of fraud tops poll – bit.ly #le09
- 9:54 AM: faduda New blog post: Kildare (Clane) 4th Count #le09 faduda.ie
- 9:55 AM: kingkane @samuelbowman, it was the lack of a Green vote in East that meant the Labour vote was higher. 2 seats from 40% is veryvery hard to do #le09
- 9:55 AM: labour Dust still settling following weekend’s count, some still ongoing, we’ve more pics from last night in the RDS Euro count url.ie
- 9:56 AM: BrianGreene @dlooney we held a bin truck in Santry. depending on wind they could smell it in county Hall. that was the longest held truck of them all
- 9:57 AM: BrianGreene RT@fionalooney Joe Higgins! Yay!
- 10:01 AM: RTE_Elections Around 5,500 votes separate Alan Kelly (Lab), Toireasa Ferris (SF) and Kathy Sinnott (IND), but the third seat remains too close to call
- 10:05 AM: krayZpaving Fourth Count underway in Ireland East as Raymond O’Malley (Libertas) is eliminated. Expecting this count to take two hours or so. #le09
- 10:07 AM: krayZpaving Mairead McGuinness has said on RTE that she will not run in a Dail election. #le09
- 10:08 AM: sazzybm Which European Parliment party is FF afiliated with?
- 10:09 AM: cianflah ALDE – liberal grouping
- 10:10 AM: BrianGreene @jemimakiss born not conceived, they aren’t giving them away so!
- 10:10 AM: stretchneil @susanokeeffe‘s checked now. Doing McNamara, then Gallagher I think #le09
- 10:11 AM: samuelbowman @kingkane Fair point but Phelan is a strong 4th & McG is transfer friendly. If more of the FG core had gone to him he could have won. #le09
- 10:12 AM: BrianGreene @lexia some sleep would be nice. sister in law will take 3 kids off me at 12, 4 hrs kip
- 10:13 AM: samuelbowman @athtrasna I dunno: Kelly camp’nd in Cork even while Burke was pushing the “real MEP” crap. There was a lot of Kelly camp’g in Ccity #le09
- 10:13 AM: sazzybm I think Ferris is just after doing Mary Lou more damage on RTE Radio by dragging up the attendace and maternity leave issue. Mairead sounds great on the Radio. And fair play to her for declaring that she wont run for GE while she is in Europe.
- 10:13 AM: Bazalini Fair play to Mairead McGuinness for putting Doyle in her place.
- 10:17 AM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Labour’s Paul Bell has been elected to Louth County Council
- 10:17 AM: sazzybm Across Europe ALDE only of 11% of the Vote, EPP-ED are on 36.3%, Greens on 6.9%.
- 10:18 AM: Alexia Golez Myles Dungan calls Joe Higgins a “political Sylvester Stallone”.. Waiting on Photoshops!
- 10:19 AM: faduda @mediabite I thought an MEP’s job was to work hard for her constituents, not her party #le09
- 10:19 AM: irlef2009 Joe Higggins on RTE with Myles. Good man Joe! #le09
- 10:19 AM: samuelbowman QFT: RT @faduda: I thought an MEP’s job was to work hard for her constituents, not her party #le09
- 10:19 AM: mediabite @faduda And FF MEPs don’t work for their party?!? This is pro Lisbon withchunt of an effective No campaigner – fed to gullible media.#le09
- 10:19 AM: kingkane @samuelbowman say if he had gotten 18 and she 22, Alyward still has transfers to come from Byrne and Childers is vote friendly too. #le09
- 10:20 AM: sazzybm What was the no of votes for burke after the 3rd count?
- 10:21 AM: mediabite First time ever heard of an MEP being pilloried for working hard for her party! Media band wagon against MLM for sure. #le09
- 10:21 AM: faduda @mediabite Get over yourself. Are you seriously saying Ryan got an easy ride? #le09
- 10:22 AM: RTE_Elections FG’s Enda Kenny has said that the Green Party had no courage and was just remaining in Govt out of a sense of self preservation
- 10:22 AM: irlef2009 @kingkane And if me auntie had balls she’d be me uncle
- 10:24 AM: philomenaf marylou is a tireless worker and i also congratulate joe, just wondering how many transfers of marylou, s did joe get?
- 10:24 AM: sazzybm According to the EU Results website FF are with UEN. They no of seat for each party doesnt seem to be updated.According to it the Greens still have 1 seat and FG have 4 etc. So I dont think we should go by it. Unless they are assuming whos going to get in.
- 10:24 AM: mediabite @faduda The tone of the coverage of Ryan was completely different. Huge hypocrisy by Harney attacking MLM was given prominence eg #le09
- 10:26 AM: athtrasna still looking for Burke’s figures from the 3rd count in South? #le09
- 10:26 AM: RTE_Elections Libertas candidate Raymond O’Malley’s votes are being distributed in the Ireland East constituency
- 10:26 AM: kingkane @irlef2009 I’m showing that with a more effective vote split it still wouldn’t happen. I’m arguing against the auntie balls position #le09
- 10:28 AM: Simon McGarr Right now, ScribbleLive is showing 116 watchers of this liveblog. In comparison, the Guardian’s Election Liveblog, promoted on its site and with all of the UK as its audience has 25 watchers right now.
- 10:28 AM: athtrasna According to breakingnews.ie Burke on 57,190 after 3rd count #le09
- 10:29 AM: ElectionsIRL DUBLIN: Final Euro result – Mitchell, de Rossa, Higgins elected – bit.ly
- 10:30 AM: cianflah Govt will be delighted to hear that S&P have downgraded Ireland sovereign debt rating again according to AFP now at AA from AA+
- 10:30 AM: freenews IT: S&P downgrades Ireland’s debt rating: Ireland’s credit rating was lowered by Standard & Poor’s for the se.. tinyurl.com
- 10:30 AM: susanokeeffe Wheels have fallen off the libertas bus. Perhaps we should be asked to vote again when recheck done! #le09
- 10:32 AM: sazzybm will burke be gone next?
- 10:33 AM: sazzybm The EU results website is making out that FG have4 seats?????? Im so confused
- 10:35 AM: Alexia Golez Can we keep numbers, reports, pictures and live updates coming in and less of a chatroom please? Thanks to everyone sending us reports from around the country. You’re making sure we’re beating mainstream media in turnaround time!
- 10:36 AM: cianflah Feel free to pop over to the morning thread for a chat www.irishelection.com
- 10:37 AM: Suzy Byrne Brian Crowley elected in South
- 10:38 AM: RTE_Elections Brian Crowley (FF) has passed the quota and has been re-elected to his MEP seat
- 10:38 AM: PJ Coogan Crowley elected in South .. 132,410 after Ned O’Keeffe’s papers distributed.. he got 10,006
- 10:39 AM: RTE_Elections The ten remaining MEP seats have yet to be filled
- 10:40 AM: PJ Coogan Next count in South is Crowleys surplus
- 10:45 AM: Mark_Coughlan My obsession with politics and it’s related fields over the last two weeks has been to the detriment of my obsession with online media.
- 10:48 AM: sazzybm only 7 seats left to be filled. RTE tweets are behind the RTE website.
- 10:48 AM: corkpolitics New blog post: Crowley elected corkpolitics.ie
- 10:50 AM: krayZpaving @mediabite Recheck: Counting bundles of votes rather than the votes themselves & checking they are labelled correctly. Much faster. #le09
- 10:50 AM: faduda @mediabite Recheck: Verify the number of votes in each bundle. Recount: Verify that each vote is in the right bundle #le09
- 10:51 AM: PJ Coogan South .. 3rd count .. Ferris +1443 .. 67,304 Alan Kelly +2562.. 69,683 Sinnott +2238.. 64,295.. Sinnot didn’t get as big a transfer as might have been expected .. theoretically these figures favour Alan Kelly at the moment. Ned O’Keeffe has now been eliminated. He has 17,124 papers.. he will almost unquestionably elect Crowley who currently has 122,404.. but where his vote goes after that will be interesting.. smart money beginning to shift towards Alan Kelly now in the longer term..
- 10:55 AM: RTE_Elections The re-check of bundles of votes in the NW began shortly after 10.30am and is expected to conclude around 2pm this afternoon
- 10:57 AM: RTE_Elections #LE09 28 seats still to be filled on local authorities as 9 counts remain open
- 11:03 AM: krayZpaving @stretchneil Ganley’s not used to not being in control of what’s happening. A new experience for him. #le09
- 11:09 AM: BrianGreene interview with Patricia McKenna at 3am. bit.ly
[MP3] - 11:12 AM: BrianGreene uploading 13mins of ~HQ video of Joe Higgins declaration & press talk. about 2hrs. see fazebuck.com
- 11:13 AM: BrianGreene meanwhile hear us sing (shout) the internationale as we leave an empty RDS bit.ly
- 11:16 AM: RTE_Elections FF’s Eoin Ryan has said he is immensely proud of his time representing his constituency in Europe and was disappointed to lose his seat
- 11:18 AM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Michael O’Dowd (FG) re-elected to Louth County Council
- 11:19 AM: Suzy Byrne Willie O’Dea on Newstalk #le09 Politcians hate being unpopular seemingly
- 11:19 AM: faduda New blog post: Kildare (Clane) 7th Count #le09 faduda.ie
- 11:19 AM: PJ Coogan My long-time Numbercruncher in Chief, Finbarr Kiely advises me on the latest figures in South that Sinnot may well come back. Crowleys surplus may close the gap significantly between her and Ferris (it’s currently under 3,000).. Then Burke will go out and it’s all to play for again.. watch this space !!
- 11:20 AM: sazzybm NI still doesnt even have a 1st count. SF DeBruin is looking good. They reckon 26-28% of vote, but thats only going by tallies, according to BBC
- 11:20 AM: sazzybm Ditribution of Crowley’s surplus, they dont think sinnott and burke will transfer to Ferris. It looks like A Kelly might take the 3rd seat, but really could depend on transfers. Only 5000 in it!!!
- 11:24 AM: Mark_Coughlan New media junkies answer me this: Which three blog posts/articles on the topic from the last two weeks I should read IYO?
- 11:25 AM: mediabite O’ Dea: ‘everyone in favour of hard decisions until affected themselves. ‘ More true of FF politicians than anyone else. #le09
- 11:25 AM: judehamilton On Newstalk O’Dea is blaming the media for FF failing in the election.Laughable.#le09
- 11:25 AM: RTE_Elections Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny has said that the dominance of Fianna Fáil has been smashed
- 11:28 AM: sazzybm SF’s Adams and DeBruin arriving at count centre. They have security there!!! Even BBC are saying FF are in Downfall!!! still north south divid, southern voters wary of voting for SF.
- 11:28 AM: krayZpaving 4th count going very slowly in Ireland East. Looking like 17:00 for result if lucky, 19:00 or 20:00 if not. #le09
- 11:32 AM: RTE_Elections Ruairí Quinn (Lab) had said the Govt is unpopular because it’s unpopular and is being seen as corrupt, due to the Tribunals
- 11:34 AM: sazzybm Dick Roche saying that Govs across europe are taking a hammering in EU elections. to try and take the spot light off how badly FF have done. Ruiri Quinn is saying that FF never put the country first.
- 11:34 AM: sazzybm one voter in NI spoiled their vote by writing a 2 page essay on why they are not giving anyone a 1st preference! Brilliant. NI count seems better organised that ours.
- 11:34 AM: delexical Brian Crowley on the telly with a repeat of the ard fheis backdrop of staring weirdos… No one fell over though
- 11:34 AM: Stephen Spillane Morning all. not at count centre, not sure if i will be today. not feeling the best.
- 11:35 AM: Stephen Spillane apologies for not responding to people yesterday but was tweeting by txt. #le09
- 11:38 AM: RTE_Elections The first N Ire count is expected to be completed around 2pm with SF’s Bairbre de Brun on course to top the poll and exceed the quota
- 11:38 AM: giolchairithe #gaeilge #gael #le09 #ep09 maith sibh na Gaeil a chuaigh sa bhearna baoil – sibhse nár eirigh libh ach go h-áiri.. tinyurl.com
- 11:38 AM: giolchairithe #le09 #ep09 #gaeilge #gael don olltoghchán atá ag teacht – luath nó mall? Mar chúiteamh ar an easpa ar TG4. http.. tinyurl.com
- 11:40 AM: RTE_Elections Pat the Cope Gallagher (FF) says that he would be surprised now if he does not take a European seat in the North West
- 11:42 AM: Suzy Byrne Pat The Cope will stop being a TD the minute he is declared elected to European Parliament.
- 11:43 AM: RTE_Elections If Pat the Cope Gallagher (FF) is elected to the European Parliament, the Govt’s majority in the Dáil will be reduced it to 2
- 11:45 AM: Stephen Spillane RT @RTE_Elections: If Pat the Cope Gallagher is elected to the European Parliament, the Govt’s majority in the Dáil will be reduced it to 2
- 11:46 AM: RTE_Elections No candidate has reached the quota after the fourth count in the East, so Tomás Sharkey’s (SF) votes will be distributed in the next count
- 11:48 AM: Mark_Coughlan Joe behan and Michael Lowry… kingmakers?
- 11:49 AM: krayZpaving RT @brianpcleary: Just found around 10,000 Declan Ganley votes in my wheelie bin. Should I tell him? Nah, I won’t bother #le09
- 11:50 AM: Suzy Byrne Joe Higgins MEP on RTE1 now #le09
- 11:50 AM: krayZpaving Ireland East: Sharkey (SF) eliminated. 5th count on. Can Funchion & Byrne can be eliminated together on 6th count? #le09
- 11:51 AM: RTE_Elections Joe Higgins (SP) has said the years he spent taking on the Govt made an impression on voters who see him as a voice for their frustrations
- 11:52 AM: RTE_Elections Minister Dick Roche (FF) has said that Joe Higgins (SP) has nothing to offer the people
- 11:52 AM: Stephen Spillane On next count in South Kelly will be elected on Burkes elimination.
- 11:53 AM: Stephen Spillane @endac that should be burke not O’Keefe. O’keefe has been eliminated
- 11:55 AM: sazzybm RTE are finished!!!! Oh for crying out loud!!!!
- 11:56 AM: corkpolitics New blog post: Burke eliminated bit.ly
- 11:58 AM: RTE_Elections Colm Burke’s (FG) votes will be distributed in the next count of the South constituency
- 12:00 PM: Stephen Spillane Anyone know how many seats Libertas has won across Europe?
- 12:01 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Update at 13:00 FF (210), FG (328), LAB (130) Green (3) SF (52) OTH (133). 27 seats have yet to be filled
- 12:02 PM: Stephen Spillane @suzybie Wooooooooooooooo!! Thanks for that!!!
- 12:03 PM: PJ Coogan South 4th count (Distribution of Ned O’Keeffe’s vote).. Crowley +10,006.. 132,410 elected.. Burke +694.. 57,884 Ferris +992.. 68,296 Kelly (A) +626.. 70,309 Kelly (S) +1,329 .. 97,482 Sinnott +1,223.. 65,518 .. Next operation to distribute Crowleys surplus of 7,878. Alan Kelly increasingly favourite for third seat
- 12:03 PM: faduda New blog post: Doyle (FF) elected in Kildare (Clane) 8th Count #le09 faduda.ie
- 12:05 PM: RTE_Elections Green leader John Gormley has said that the party would review the programme for Govt but is committed to being in Govt
- 12:12 PM: RTE_Elections The Gap is narrowing in the race for the third seat in the South, but Colm Burke’s votes will not decide it
- 12:13 PM: PJ Coogan Garrett Fitzgerald on Newstalk.. “on this performance, FF would only get 52 seats in a GE”..
- 12:14 PM: RTE_Elections The Returning Officer for the North-West has said he is hoping to conclude the count in Castlebar today
- 12:15 PM: RTE_Elections RTÉ’s Tommie Gorman says the second and third seats in Northern Ireland are likely to be decided by three unionist candidates
- 12:18 PM: RTE_Elections Gay Mitchell (FG) has told RTÉ Fine Gael and Labour should make an effort to present a plan for an alternative government
- 12:18 PM: BrianGreene Anie Lawlor Morning Ireland must have said Joe higgins “independent socialist” 4 times if not more this AM. He’s SP. not Kemmy or a Gregory
- 12:19 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Counts are going in nine local electoral areas
- 12:19 PM: philomenaf History made! Bairbre de Brún topped the poll in the North’s EU election making Sinn Féin the largest party in the North for the 1st time.
1 minute ago from web - 12:19 PM: mor_rigan My election post url.ie #le09
- 12:20 PM: Stephen Spillane RT @gamgob: RTE 1, News at 1, ‘the green party has effectively been wiped-out’ #le09
- 12:20 PM: Suzy Byrne Crowley tries to avoid question on presidency campaign – RTE Radio 1
- 12:22 PM: RTE_Elections Election coverage now on the News at One with Sean O’Rourke listen to it live online www.rte.ie/radio
- 12:23 PM: Alexia Golez Eamon Ryan on Newstalk now!
- 12:23 PM: PJ Coogan Suzy, take it as given .. Crowley will go for the Park.. dogs in the street believe it here on Leeside..
- 12:23 PM: Suzy Byrne Blogwatch: Cllr . Joe Ryan cllrjoeryan.blogspot.com
- 12:24 PM: Suzy Byrne @PJ I know – the way he feigns it off it getting more irritating than he is – which is difficult to achieve.
- 12:24 PM: sazzybm RTE radio are gunning to find out who will be the next presidential candidate, they asked Mairead McGuinness the same thing. Id vote for Mairead! Id leave the country if Bertie ran. BBC had a good poke at FF and the Greens
- 12:24 PM: Alexia Golez Garrett FitzGerald suggests that Labour support is 16% higher than the Locals are showing. Due to a lack of Labour candidates to mop up votes and conversely, FF are showing too show high!
- 12:24 PM: browne_jp #le09 Graph of distribution of transfers in Euro Election Munster up to count 5
www.johnbrowne.ie - 12:25 PM: Mark_Coughlan Gov haeve 3-vote majority inc Behan, Lowry and Healy-Rae. Lowry=Poss switch, H-R=Never, Behan=Maybe. IF Behan and Lowry switch then…?
- 12:25 PM: TheEmergency Yay. The MIA Ep 13 (#le09 special) of @TheEmergency is at last on itunes etc. Or just listen here twurl.nl retweets welcome
- 12:28 PM: RTE_Elections Arthur McDonald, FF National Councillors’ Organisation, says he does not trust the Opposition with a five-year term and an overall majority
- 12:28 PM: wendylimerick And Crowley would probably win Aras vote as well
- 12:28 PM: PJ Coogan @Suzy .. what’s more, it would be only a fool who would try to compete with him.. the guys personal vote is beyond scary
- 12:28 PM: wendylimerick Who is the man on radio 1 giving out about the evil Greens?
- 12:28 PM: enahs On rte news at 1 now – apparently FF have done badly in election because of Greens. (according to some FF councillor) #le09 hilarious
- 12:28 PM: RTE_Elections Arthur McDonald also says it was a mistake that Fianna Fáil went into power with the Green Party
- 12:31 PM: irishelection Behan could bring down the government tomorrow if he was so minded says @markcoughlan #LE09 is.gd
- 12:31 PM: RTE_Elections Independent TD Noel Grealish tells Sean O’Rourke that all the former PD councilors were elected in Galway
- 12:34 PM: RTE_Elections David Davin Power says you can’t say with certainty there won’t be a general but in the short term there’s no mechanism to bring it forward
- 12:34 PM: Mark_Coughlan @handelaar The Copes vote is gone once he’s in Europe. So FG dont need Healy to vote for them, just Behan.
- 12:35 PM: Mark_Coughlan @gavreilly O Sullivan said yesterday that Tony’s mindset was always anti-gov and she’d follow that…
- 12:36 PM: RTE_Elections Dermot Ahern has insisted that the Government has not lost the confidence of the people
- 12:37 PM: BrianGreene bed now! I hope liveline is on so I can turn it off and sleep. please no junkie politico radio extended lunch. please I need to crash
- 12:38 PM: PJ Coogan Garret giving Eamonn Ryan a major lecture on NT !!! Man against Boy
- 12:38 PM: greenparty_ie John Gormley will be on Newstalk later at apr 5, on Today FM at apr 5.30, and on Q&A tonight at 10.30pm to discuss impact of #le09.
- 12:39 PM: BrianGreene @lexia thanks, the singing or the interview? BTW IrishElection Live bloggers you all rocked the online vote. btw where was rockDAvote?baby!
- 12:42 PM: tomponsonby Anyone know where I find town council election results? #LE09
- 12:43 PM: PJ Coogan Rumour .. and I stress RUMOUR that Ferris has done very well from Burke .. Health Warning !!
- 12:43 PM: BrianGreene Joe Higgins declaration press talk uncut bit.ly
[audio] - 12:49 PM: RTE_Elections Sinn Fein’s Bairbre De Brun has topped the poll and been elected on the first count in Northern’s Ireland’s European Election
- 12:51 PM: aoifecarroll RT @
Mark_Coughlan Gov have 3-vote majority inc Behan, Lowry and Healy-Rae. Lowry=Poss switch, H-R=Never, Behan=Maybe. IF Behan and Low … - 12:53 PM: Mark_Coughlan Surely someone else must have noticed this idea that the motion of no confidence MIGHT POSSIBLY pass? I must have something wrong… surely.
- 12:54 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Fianna Fáil’s Liam Doyle has been elected to Kildare County Council
- 12:56 PM: lexia @BrianGreene oh both – esp the singing though, how come RTE didn’t get video?
- 12:56 PM: krayZpaving Wexford Borough Council likely to be full recount. 3 candidates 4 votes apart for last seat (Green, @labour & Ind). #le09
- 12:57 PM: krayZpaving @Mark_Coughlan Behan won’t pull the Gov’t down. May not be as hardcore as Healy-Rae, but he’s still FF. #le09
- 12:59 PM: Mark_Coughlan @krayZpaving I know he won’t but he has the power to – if he wanted to… the gov isn’t popular, won’t look good on him if FG use it against
- 12:59 PM: philomenaf bairbre de brun elected on first count with 126,1841… uota was 121,144, dup 88,000 nicholson on 82…..
- 1:01 PM: philomenaf right whats the latest on the south??? whose next for elimination? anyone?
- 1:02 PM: sazzybm what planet are FF people living on. Its the first time in decades that FG has out polled them and Labour arent far behind!!!! I think the have lost the confidence of the people, especially at a local level.
- 1:02 PM: sazzybm In the UK excluding NI, labour are sitting in 3rd place with the loss of 5 seats. Conservative have25 Ukip and Labour have 13. NI count should be in soon.
- 1:02 PM: philomenaf PJ love them health warnings!!!!!!haha
- 1:02 PM: wendylimerick Turns on Liveline to hear the rants
- 1:02 PM: sazzybm what are the chances that some back bench greens might vote against the gov?
- 1:02 PM: aoifecarroll @Mark_Coughlan if it passes I’ll be just as pissed at FG, don’t think I could take another election!
- 1:03 PM: Mark_Coughlan @handelaar Cope’s vote in the Dáil goes the second he becomes an MEP as far as I know… I know it’s off the table for six month if it falls
- 1:03 PM: Stephen Spillane @aoifecarroll ahh you could GE is amazing!!! The adrelaine really comes out!!
- 1:04 PM: Mark_Coughlan @aoifecarroll I dont think it will pass – but it has more of a possibility than people think IMO
- 1:06 PM: EamonnCork Just in awe of the sheer amount of energy and intelligence on the site, I’ll never follow an election anywhere else from now on. Not even the forthcoming general election. If Burke can push Sean Kelly a long way over the quota, Ferris would benefit from transfers, Kerry and GAA factor.
- 1:07 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Seamus Langan (FG) and Pádraig McEvoy (IND) both elected to Kildare County Council
- 1:08 PM: Stephen Spillane RT @kosmopolit: We are looking for the best blog posts about the European elections! Add posts here: www.bloggingportal.eu
- 1:11 PM: brettmirl Dunsghaghlin LEA of Meath CoCo is gone for a recount after 4th count. Only 2 out of 7 elected. Count faster dammmit! #le09
- 1:14 PM: krayZpaving @Mark_Coughlan Even if that happens, Cowen will put Behan in the Ceann Comhairle seat & get The Bull back on Gov’t benches. #le09
- 1:14 PM: Stephen Spillane FG on course for 330 seats as predicted by Francis Fitzgerald last night, we could surpass that #le09
- 1:16 PM: Stephen Spillane If Ireland was one constituency with D’hondt Method. This would be the result is.gd #le09 #ep09
- 1:16 PM: brettmirl Meath CoCo update: FG 7, FF 5, Lab 2, SF 1 & Ind 4. 19 seats filled, 10 to go! #le09
- 1:17 PM: RTE_Elections Counting continues in Ireland East as Fine Gael’s Mairead McGuinness remains the only elected MEP from the constituency
- 1:17 PM: RTE_Elections Nessa Childers (Lab) and John Paul Phelan (FG), both pro-EU, were the main benificiaries of Raymond O’Malley’s (Libertas) distributed votes
- 1:18 PM: Mark_Coughlan @krayZpaving I’m not saying it will pass, I’m saying it is way more of a threat to the Gov’t than is being reported…
- 1:19 PM: RTE_Elections Fianna Fáil’s Liam Aylward still looks likely to take the third seat in the East
- 1:19 PM: Stephen Spillane RT @RTE_Elections: Childers (Lab) and Phelan (FG), both pro-EU, were the main benificiaries of O’Malley’s (Lib) distributed votes – what???
- 1:21 PM: alanhealy Kathy Sinnott in trouble. Could be eliminated next. Struggling to get ahead of Ferris #le09
- 1:22 PM: krayZpaving Ireland East: Sharkey’s transfers mean Byrne is eliminated. Won’t elect Aylward, so two more counts to go. #le09
- 1:23 PM: PJ Coogan Mark.. they have the numbers , no matter how tight.. even if it were tied Bull MUST use casting vote for the Govt.
- 1:25 PM: krayZpaving FF “inherited” 10% growth, 2% inflation & 1000 jobs/week being created from Rainbow Gov’t in 1997, for the record. #le09
- 1:26 PM: Paschald Attending community event in Parish Centre, Aughrim St, with President McAleese.
- 1:32 PM: sazzybm its hard tpo say where burkes transfers will go. Do cork FG ppl vote sinn fein?
- 1:32 PM: philomenaf @pj need an update on the health warning!!!!!!hos it going in cork?
- 1:32 PM: PJ Coogan Alan, if Sinnott goes out before Ferris.. that could give SF the seat !
- 1:33 PM: PJ Coogan still no figures… I’ll put them up as soon as I have them..
- 1:34 PM: RTE_Elections Re-elected FG MEP Gay Mitchell has said he believes that FG and Lab should work together to present a plan for an alternative govt
- 1:37 PM: KH Any news of the recheck in North west? Have any misplaced ballots been found?
- 1:38 PM: Stephen Spillane RT @EuropeanVoiceEV: Full Ep results by country: bit.ly
- 1:39 PM: wendylimerick Anyone know whats happening with Wheelie Bin gate?
- 1:41 PM: RTE_Elections Fianna Fáil’s second candidate in the European Parliament Ireland East, Thomas Byrne, constituency has been excluded on the fifth count
- 1:45 PM: RTE_Elections Initial tallies showed a high rate of transfers from Byrne to Aylward, so Liam Aylward could move into second place by the next count.
- 1:51 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Nichola Hogan (FG), Ger Plunkett (FF), and Liam Quinn (FG) all elected to Offaly County Council
- 1:52 PM: Stephen Spillane Woooo! Liam Quinn former VP of YFG elected in Offaly! #le09
- 1:57 PM: sazzybm South Count anyone?
- 2:01 PM: sazzybm Hows it going in Cork and the East. Could be days before we get a count from NW if Ganley continues to stall. Just checked my wheely bin. Nothing there.
- 2:01 PM: philomenaf 80 VOTES MISSING IN NORTH!!!!!!!
- 2:01 PM: sazzybm Loads of people are ringing in Joe Duffy, saying they switched their vote from green to either labour or FG because they dont want the greens proping up FF. Another caller accusing FF of scare mongering. looks like dissolusioned voters swung to labour and socialist.
- 2:01 PM: philomenaf think we r on the lookout for wheelies here too!!! haha,
- 2:01 PM: sazzybm thats 3 former YFGers that have been elected to the local councils so far. Well Done!!!
- 2:01 PM: sazzybm Joe Duffys show is all about people who are now ex FF voters. Very interesting who people are switching alliegences to. You would think Joe would extend the show because of the elections. but no.
- 2:01 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Kenny arrives at count centre bit.ly
- 2:02 PM: RTE_Elections Former Green MEP turned IND Patricia McKenna had said that her election results were extremely encouraging for a first-time IND candidate
- 2:03 PM: RTE_Elections Re-checking of votes in the North West constituency is continuing at the count centre in Castlebar, Co Mayo
- 2:05 PM: Stephen Spillane @damienblake how did you get on in the election?
- 2:09 PM: PJ Coogan south figures expected within 20 mins.. Ferris has done well from Burke.. Sinnot has fallen behind.. whispers of Ferris coming through to snatch the seat.. interestingly this was predicted last night on 96FM by Micheal Martin.. also whispers of a fu*kin’ recount !!!
- 2:11 PM: sazzybm any idea when we’ll have a result from NW?
- 2:11 PM: lexia Wasn’t me yfrog.com
- 2:11 PM: g3sicht Delighted that Mary Lou lost her seat! #le09
- 2:13 PM: Stephen Spillane @damienblake ahh right! enjoy the retirement!
- 2:15 PM: RTE_Elections The Tánaiste has said that FF will listen to what the people have to say, and the party doesn’t anticipate a general election before 2012
- 2:18 PM: irlef2009 That’s the beauty of politics – we are free to disagree. #le09
- 2:18 PM: brettmirl @pjcoogan “a fu*kin’ recount” Get out of it Peeeeej. You love it! #le09
- 2:23 PM: RTE_Elections Mary Coughlan (FF) said FG’s call for an election was a populist move and that the Govt had to focus on sustaining and creating employment
- 2:29 PM: cianflah Anyone know an easy route to totting up total party votes from the elections? I.e a website that has it done or almost done rather than making me add for myself.
- 2:30 PM: aoifecarroll Can’t get the liveblog on my blackberry…what’s happening in South? #Le09
- 2:31 PM: krayZpaving @aoifecarroll Expecting distribution of Burke result in a few minutes. #le09
- 2:33 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Kelly elected corkpolitics.ie
- 2:34 PM: sazzybm Distribution of kellys surplus is being distributed. approx 10,000 votes. Still not clear whats going to happen with the 3rd seat. Ferris got 4494 transfers from Burke. not bad.
- 2:34 PM: PJ Coogan South 5th Count.. (Crowleys surplus) Burke.. +694 .. 58,654 Ferris +999.. 69,295 Kelly (A) +682 .. 70,991 Kelly (S) +912.. 98,394 Sinnott +1,402.. 66,920 Colm Burke eliminated and his vote now being distributed. If Sinnott overtakes Ferris here, then it’s going to be very, very interesting !!
- 2:35 PM: KH Anyone know what’s happinin’ with Ganley? They were supposed to finish the re-check around 2pm but it’s still going on. Does that mean they found something?
- 2:35 PM: Stephen Spillane Kelly 5000 ahead of Ferris, can she catch him? !0k surplus being distributed then its dwon to Sinnotts transfers #le09
- 2:38 PM: wendylimerick Id expect Ferris to get a good bit of transfers from Sean Kelly
- 2:38 PM: Stephen Spillane @gavreilly thats not GE. Thats Euro’s
- 2:38 PM: sazzybm Trying to explain what blogging is to my mam. very funny. South count?
- 2:38 PM: sazzybm no coverage anywhere at the mo. RTE Radio are talking about Birds. RTE tv you have super nanny US. News Talk may be my only source of info. sigh.
- 2:38 PM: sazzybm Sean Kelly Elected!
- 2:39 PM: krayZpaving Ireland East: last count started. Funchion eliminated. Childers & Aylward will be elected in about 90 minutes. #le09
- 2:41 PM: sazzybm Every one still thinks its still too close to call the 3rd seat in the South. Depending on S.Kellys transfers, could sinnott pull ahead of Ferris. Still nothing from NW?!?!?
- 2:42 PM: RTE_Elections Séan Kelly has taken the second seat in the South Euro constituency – there is a three-way race for the third seat
- 2:43 PM: Stephen Spillane @RTE_Elections ahh come on, Sinnott isnt going to Catch up. Its between Kelly and Ferris
- 2:44 PM: Samuel Anyone know what’s the best local radio station covering the NW count? This lack of news is making me wonder if they miracously found some bin
- 2:44 PM: Stephen Spillane @gavreilly ohh you went fiddling!
- 2:44 PM: irlef2009 Terrible it comes down to a fight between Ferris and Sinnott. Hate to think of either of them going to Europe. #le09
- 2:47 PM: JL Pagano This random “distribution of surplus” carry on is the one serious problem i have with the PR-STV method of deciding elections. #le09
- 2:49 PM: sazzybm I think its more of a fight between ferris and sinnott as to who get knocked out first.
- 2:49 PM: Stephen Spillane Mixed Results for FG in Cork City – Blog post is.gd
- 2:49 PM: athtrasna @JL_Pagano “random” selection p*sses me off too. I vote in order of preference and want my vote to work that way! #le09
- 2:49 PM: sazzybm I googled radio stations in the NW. Listening to Highland Radio now, but they are playing MGMT. Does anyon know what on earth is going on up there!?
- 2:50 PM: Mark_Coughlan Mad how clueless some ppl are “Gay Mitchell got in’ ‘yeh 20k votes, he mite go into gov’t with the Greens”.
- 2:50 PM: RTE_Elections Kathleen Funchion’s (SF) votes are now being distributed between Liam Aylward (FF) Nessa Childers (Lab) and John Paul Phelan (FG)
- 2:50 PM: KH How much suplus did Kelly have in the south to be distibuted?
- 2:51 PM: sazzybm Labour only got 16% of the vote in the EU elections. not good for Browne
- 2:53 PM: RTE_Elections The final result in the East constituency is expected in around two hours, for more on the elections www.rte.ie/elections
- 2:54 PM: sazzybm kelly had a surplus of 10,180.
- 2:57 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Seven counts are still open in the local elections – Carlow, Cavan, Donegal, Laois, Longford, Louth and Meath
- 2:59 PM: greenparty_ie Extremely bad election for Ireland’s Greens – but across Europe many more Green seats won. tr.im #le09 @greencampaign09
- 2:59 PM: Gramsci Kelly has a surplus of 10,000 votes. I don’t expect much of it to go to Ferris as the votes will come from those he got from Burke in the last count and no “Kerry factor” will be in play. Unless there’s a big Cork/Conservative element in the transfer I expect Sinnott will be eliminated next. This raises the question of whether her vote is sufficiently euro-sceptic to transfer heavily to Ferris. I think she’ll have a high level of non-transferrable and the remainder will break at least evenly or favour Kelly and so he gets the last seat by my reckoning.
- 2:59 PM: sazzybm nothing on highland radio. please some one! Anyone! Info……what is going on in CastleBar
- 3:04 PM: sazzybm I think when people look back on these elections they will think 3 things. 1. FF got their come-uppins. 2. recounts. 3. Wheely bins.
- 3:04 PM: KH Still nothing from NW, considering phoning local radio stations at this stage.
- 3:04 PM: sazzybm Im also in 2 minds about whether to listen to George Hook or Matt Cooper.
- 3:05 PM: brettmirl RT @MeathEcho the Dunshaughin election count must be the slowest count in Ireland. They have ‘STILL’ only elected 2 people to council. #le09
- 3:14 PM: ghook I am absolutely shattered after the weekend’s election coverage but I must confess, pretty happy
- 3:15 PM: ghook urprisingly the national broadcaster did only studio broadcasts from Montrose with intercut interviews from the RDS
- 3:15 PM: ghook The competitive battle is really just in our the minds of media people but nevertheless we enjoy tweaking the nose o0f the “big boys”
- 3:16 PM: ghook Thanks to everybody that contacted me about the coverage
- 3:18 PM: PJ Coogan latest in South.. Sean Kelly elected .. 134,712 .. Ferris now at 73,389 Sinnott at 71,249 and Alan Kelly 78,651.. SK’s surplus being distributed now..
- 3:22 PM: Stephen Spillane hearing from count centre that no one knows were the 3rd seat in south is going #le09
- 3:25 PM: wendylimerick Zazzy Im considering driving up to castlebar see what is going on
- 3:25 PM: brettmirl Libertas got 73,544 1st pref votes in the UK which = 0.5% #le09
- 3:26 PM: aoifecarroll Recheck still going on in North West. Ganley is now trying to stop the recheck. 2nd count to start soon #Le09
- 3:27 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Counting has resumed in Meath County Council
- 3:30 PM: PJ Coogan @stephen .. that’s true – nobody is calling it at this stage – it’s just far too tight
- 3:31 PM: lexia @aoifecarroll Talk about karma biting him on the arse and then some more.
They find a wheelie bin he didn’t like?
- 3:33 PM: sazzybm I think every one was pretty disappointed with the RTE coverage.
- 3:33 PM: PJ Coogan @ghook – from one Corkman to another – bloody marvellous work this weekend .. and young Healy had a good one as well here in the Real Capital
- 3:33 PM: sazzybm any idea what time the next count will be in down in Cork?
- 3:33 PM: sazzybm The Unionist are not one bit happy that SF topped the poll in the EP elections. Professor from Queens University said the sad thing about this EU election was that it had nothing to do with european politics. pity
- 3:33 PM: philomenaf ok back again from parents meeting….so whats the craic? ferris in or out?
- 3:33 PM: KH Reading this mornings Irish times article by Kathy Sheridan it seems the boxes were opened inside the hall before the parties were allowed inside – not normal par for the course. That added to the Wheelie Bin re-check and I’d assume that Ganley might be getting a little paronoid. And who knows, it all sounds very unusual. Added to the fact that it’s near impossible to get any news on what’s happening. Surely the media should be all over this.
- 3:33 PM: sazzybm Wendey, Im in Cork and Im considering going up! ha ha! Seriously! This day and age you would think there would be some one there with access to twitter at least. I think for the GE (when ever that would be) they should have someone in ever count centre around the country to tweet or blog results as they come and keep people up to date.
- 3:33 PM: philomenaf lexia is there wheelie bins at the gresham?? hee hee just a thought…
- 3:33 PM: wendylimerick Is ganley trying to stop the recheck so he can land a high court challenge?
- 3:34 PM: aoifecarroll @lexia All the wheelie bins are full of votes for the other candidates so he really doesn’t like those!
- 3:36 PM: lexia @aoifecarroll you’ve been a mad woman for updates over the weekend.. obsessed which is great
- 3:36 PM: RTE_Elections Counting continues in the East and South constituencies, while votes are still being checked in the North West constituency
- 3:37 PM: ElectionsIRL Monaghan County Council full results: bit.ly
- 3:37 PM: aoifecarroll Main reason for lack of news from NW is nothing is happening! Recheck of Ganley’s votes just started. His are last to be checked #le09
- 3:38 PM: aoifecarroll Just spoke with @stretchneil who is there….hoping for official 1st count in 1 hour & then we move on to eliminations #le09
- 3:40 PM: aoifecarroll @lexia You’re very welcome…been getting most of my reliable news from Twitter/Liveblog so have to repay the favour to others!
- 3:40 PM: Stephen Spillane FF loses in Cork City is.gd
- 3:40 PM: sazzybm Jim Nichollson has been elected in Northern Ireland. but result was announced before count was completed. is that unusual?
- 3:40 PM: philomenaf ferghal kean saying 7th count now, 10,000 votes being transferred, which really wont make much difference to figures and sinnot to be eliminated, ? sinn fein hoping most of sinnots votes to go to ferris, although margin is quite a lot to make up?? who knows…
- 3:40 PM: philomenaf still hunting from 10.30am this morning for black wheelie bins, last ones now being checked..
- 3:40 PM: lostexpectation the boxes had already been opened!
- 3:41 PM: EamonnCork He’s bin cheated, bin mistreated, when will he be loved?
- 3:41 PM: sazzybm Janny mack Im really starting to love Joe Higgins. Speaking on Matt Cooper. Says the reason FF got back in last time round was becasuse the opposition didnt convince, and FF scared the working people into keeping them in!
- 3:42 PM: RTE_Elections Former MEP Jim Allister’s votes are being distributed in the NI European elections and the result is expected to be announced by 5.30pm
- 3:43 PM: ElectionsIRL EAST: Funchion eliminated, 7th count underway – bit.ly
- 3:47 PM: Stephen Spillane RT @FineGaelNews: Burke: I never felt party were on my side tinyurl.com – couldnt agree with him more. #le09
- 3:47 PM: KH In NW, either they found something or didn’t. BTW here’s a like to that Kathy Sheridan article. www.irishtimes.com
- 3:47 PM: philomenaf you mean…..when wheel hee bin loved
- 3:47 PM: stretchneil Just found 1500 O’Luain votes in the Ganley bundles, so they’ve lost votes out of this farce! #le09
- 3:49 PM: krayZpaving Nearing the end of the count in Ireland East. #le09 mypict.me
- 3:49 PM: wendylimerick Great to hear Joe Higgins on Mat Cooper congrats to my fellow West Kerry Native
- 3:50 PM: Stephen Spillane Eamonn Gilmore is holed up in a City Hotel waiting on results in South. #le09
- 3:50 PM: ElectionsIRL SOUTH: 7th count underway distributing Seán Kelly’s surplus – electionsireland.org
- 3:50 PM: philomenaf pissin myself here libertas saying “if they can trace BEEF back then why not votes!!!! crazzzzzzzy
- 3:51 PM: sazzybm Burke lost out because FG HQ put loads of emphasis on getting kelly elected rather that on keeping the seat they already had. better vote management might have won FG the 2 seats.
- 3:52 PM: RTE_Elections The Tánaiste has said that tough decisions made by the Govt had contributed to the poor showing of the coalition parties in the elections
- 3:52 PM: cianflah Colm Burke is not happy at teh way the party treated him during the election www.breakingnews.ie“I am extremely disappointed by the decision of party headquarters and I will be openly expressing that to the party leader.
“I certainly didn’t get any indication that they were on my side,” a clearly annoyed Mr Burke said
www.breakingnews.ie - 3:53 PM: Stephen Spillane @gavreilly but UK has more seats then Sweden. Pirates got more votes then BNP.
- 3:54 PM: Stephen Spillane The Gov’t keeping alluding to tough decisions taken, what tough decisions? I thought they only took the easy options #le09
- 3:54 PM: sazzybm Ok now RTE are repeating themselves!
- 3:54 PM: lostexpectation once sean kelly was picked burke was a goner
- 3:54 PM: sazzybm Ireland Beat Bangladesh in the cricket. OMG.
- 3:59 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 A total of 862 seats have now been filled and there are 21 seats remaining, including 15 in Meath and 6 in Louth
- 3:59 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Recounts continue in Carlow, Cavan, Donegal, Laois and Longford
- 4:01 PM: sazzybm A lot of people were giving out about people lack of knowledge when filling in the ballot papers. are they not taught how to do it in school? CSPE?? or just perhaps read the instructions on the paper.
- 4:02 PM: ghook The election is still on – Europe has not decided – we are doing politics on the show between 5pm and 6 pm
- 4:03 PM: lexia Enjoyed @patrickc‘s piece in IT today. Tired of reading the same tired rhetoric from voices that haven’t done a thing.
- 4:03 PM: PJ Coogan South update .. news of Kelly surplus distribution imminent .. and we appear to be staring down the barrel of a recount.. Help!
- 4:07 PM: RTE_Elections Half of the Irish seats on the European Parliament have been filled
- 4:07 PM: sazzybm recount?!?!?!? why? is it that close?
- 4:10 PM: PJ Coogan sazzy.. I understand the gap between Ferris & Sinnott has narrowed even more.. it was just 2,140 before Sean Kellys surplus was counted.. I’ll put the latest up here as soon as I get it
- 4:10 PM: philomenaf hope that christy moores listening in to this blog, bet he could make a classic song with wheelie bins, recounts , beef etcetc haha
- 4:10 PM: philomenaf @sazzy aye its about 2 bins short of a council tip apart!!!heehee
- 4:10 PM: CarlowWeather Sinnot may look for re-count as she is only 2,140 behind Ferris
- 4:11 PM: Christine Bohan Fergus Finlay says that he doesn’t see how Alan Kelly could lose the seat in Ireland South (speaking on George Hook show).
- 4:11 PM: sazzybm Cheers PJ, I swear if I didnt have access to the net I dont know what Id do!
- 4:11 PM: Samuel Mary Coughlan on RTE Radio 1: people not happy with the hard decisions. No shit, Sherlock
- 4:12 PM: philomenaf final count in ni, diane dodds 24262=115722, sdlp 2614= 97,000 because of that diane dodds now deemed elected election rule 62, 3 candidates now elected….. bairbre de brun……jim nicholson and diane dodds…….
- 4:13 PM: aoifecarroll RT @stretchneil Just found 1500 O’Luain votes in the Ganley bundles, so they’ve lost votes out of this farce! #le09
- 4:13 PM: PJ Coogan I heard Fergus Finlay.. and he may well be right .. but the two women must battle it out first …
- 4:15 PM: ghook The Evening Herald has a story that RTE was in an inferior position at the RDS -
- 4:16 PM: ghook I am now shuttling between count cntres, the studio and twitter – great fun!
- 4:17 PM: CarlowWeather Alyward and Childers elected without reaching Quota
- 4:18 PM: Christine Bohan Nessa Childers and Liam Aylward elected in Ireland east
- 4:19 PM: philomenaf bairbre de brun speaking at count after being officially elected and being booed by unionists when addressing in gaelige……….
- 4:19 PM: sazzybm I cant wait to hear Finnely have a go at gormely!!! Go on Fergus! Rip him a new one! Thats unreal. Word on the street is recount in South. Total recount! OMG
- 4:19 PM: philomenaf @ghook.. i dont think we need the evening herald to tell us that, rte,s coverage was pathetic to say the least,,, must say once again thanks to the team here, for ppl like myself here in the 6 counties wouldve been lost as to what has been happening, so once again thanks
- 4:19 PM: sazzybm Ayleworth 103605, Childers 102220, Phelan 76916. Phelan excluded so Childers and Ayleworth elected.
- 4:19 PM: RTE_Elections All 3 seats in the East have been filled with Labour’s Nessa Childers & Fianna Fail’s Liam Aylward being elected without reaching the quota
- 4:19 PM: aoifecarroll Nessa Childers MEP!! #Le09
- 4:20 PM: RTE_Elections Jim Nicholson of the Ulster Unionist party and Diane Dodds (DUP) have taken the final two seats in the NI European elections
- 4:21 PM: irishelection @krayZpaving congrats keith
- 4:21 PM: Stephen Spillane RT @RTE_Elections: Nicholson of the Ulster Unionist party and Diane Dodds (DUP) have taken the final two seats in the NI European elections
- 4:22 PM: lexia @ghook Inferior? They had a massive platform (higher than yours) and an area in the middle. Yours was more accessible. Great job yesterday
- 4:23 PM: RTE_Elections The debate on the no confidence motion in the Govt to be tabled by FG will take place tomorrow and Wed, with a vote at 5.30pm on Wed
- 4:24 PM: PJ Coogan South update … no new figures here yet .. but Returning Officer in huddles with various groups .. we now will be surprised if there ISN’T a full recount..
- 4:25 PM: dl37 Whats going on in NW / S?? Are we gonna get landed with recounts??
- 4:25 PM: sazzybm what way will the back benchers vote in this motion of no confidence??? will rte even cover it i wonder?
- 4:26 PM: PJ Coogan sinnott moves ahead of ferris .. ferris eliminated .. sinnott v kelly for the seat .. 728 votes between the two women .. stand by
- 4:26 PM: PJ Coogan returning officer still in a huddle
- 4:27 PM: RTE_Elections Sinn Féin’s Toiréasa Ferris has been eliminated after the seventh count in the South constituency
- 4:29 PM: wendylimerick Gormley on Hook ‘We will Survive’
- 4:30 PM: aoifecarroll Apparently Ferris eliminated in South #Le09
- 4:30 PM: sazzybm Has Ganely given up yet?
- 4:30 PM: dl37 Ah – Would they stop huddling! Have to go for a bus and want to know whether Kelly will get in!
- 4:30 PM: wendylimerick Suprised Sinnott pulled ahead of Ferris on Sean Kelly transfers -Congrats to Toireasa she did really well hope Kelly wins the final seat
- 4:32 PM: PJ Coogan figures in full from South .. sorry for the delay … I’m shattered !! Ferris +4,094.. 73,389 Sean Kelly +36,318.. 134,712.. elected.. surplus 10,180 ..Alan Kelly +7,660.. 78,651 Sinnott +4,429.. 71,249. …… 7,402 votes separate the last three.. 2,140 between Ferris and Sinnott.. distribution of Kelly surplus to take around 90 mins.. we are dangerously close to a recount, I understand..
- 4:33 PM: Stephen Spillane Ferris Eliminated!!! #le09
- 4:34 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Ferris out of the running bit.ly
- 4:34 PM: philomenaf sad again to see troisa ferris out, well done troisa you put up a good fight…….
- 4:34 PM: sazzybm Its going to be very close. It will be very interesting to see where ferris’s transfers go.
- 4:36 PM: Stephen Spillane SF walked out of count centre in Cork after Ferris eliminated #le09
- 4:36 PM: Stephen Spillane Now between Sinnott and Kelly for last seat. Exciting stuff in Cork #le09
- 4:38 PM: krayZpaving @spiller2 in protest or because they were out?
- 4:38 PM: sazzybm TV3 just mixed up the no of seats that FF andFG had won in the Locals. in fairness!!!!!!!!!!!!
- 4:38 PM: Stephen Spillane @krayZpaving cause they were out. Very bad losers it would seem.
- 4:41 PM: stretchneil Ferris out, and has conceded apparently. Kelly 8800 ahead of Sinnott with Ferris to distribute #le09
- 4:41 PM: samuelbowman Ferris’s transfers will have to go 60-40 to Sinnott. Seems v doable. Very pleased that Sinn Fein won’t win a seat anywhere in Ireland #le09
- 4:41 PM: rsynnott @samuelbowman Certainly hope not; surely SF people don’t share that much ground with vaccine nutters? #le09
- 4:42 PM: Fergal Worth bearing in mind that at this late stage in the race, a higher proportion of Ferris’s votes won’t be transferring to anyone #le09
- 4:44 PM: sazzybm anyone know who is going to be on the panel for Q&A tonight? I heard Gormley but who else?
- 4:44 PM: Suzy Byrne george lee, joe higgins and maureen o’sullivan on vincent browne tonight #vinb
- 4:45 PM: browne_jp Latest Graph of distribution of transfers in Euro Election Munster up to count 7 www.johnbrowne.ie #le09 #ep09 #eu09
- 4:47 PM: philomenaf @samulebowman ya know i dont know who is worse… unionists or ppl like yourself, or maybe you werent listening earlier when we all heard that bairbre was elected as mep?
- 4:50 PM: CarlowWeather @Kelly no Ganley has lost 3,000 votes thanks to re-check!
- 4:52 PM: Suzy Byrne Ganley loses 3k votes in recheck #le09
- 4:52 PM: RTE_Elections A re-check of over half a million ballot papers in the North West constituency has concluded
- 4:53 PM: sazzybm So will there have to be a recount now in NW? How long for the distribution in South do ye think?
- 4:53 PM: RTE_Elections No votes for Mr Ganley were found among the bundles of ballot papers for other candidates.
- 5:02 PM: jack_in_dublin Matt Cooper going for the jugular with John Gormley. I think JG’s been doing interview prep since Morning Ireland earlier… #le09
- 5:02 PM: Elrobo Does anyone have pictures of Ganley after the loss?? #le09
- 5:02 PM: RTE_Elections The recheck found that Declan Ganley was awarded 3000 extra votes in error
- 5:04 PM: Fergal Anything doing in South? Have they commenced distributing Ferris’ votes yet? #le09
- 5:04 PM: sazzybm I would have thought RTE would be all over the ganely story. but no!!!!
- 5:05 PM: Suzy Byrne Successful Candidate hoisting on shoulders – An Irish speciality? Peculiarity?
- 5:08 PM: RTE_Elections Eight of the twelve Irish seats in the European Parliament have now been filled
- 5:08 PM: CarlowWeather Kelly Surplus, Sinnot by 688 votes ahead of Ferris, Ferris will NOT seek a re-count75k of votes from| Ferris to transfer, that could easily swing it for Sinnot, only 8.8k behind Kelly, A
- 5:08 PM: PJ Coogan Labour people sweating buckets.. but I’m told that Gilmore is on his way to Cork..
- 5:11 PM: Stephen Spillane dinner time, laters all
- 5:13 PM: Elrobo Is there anyway that Ganley can be held accountable for time wasting for the recount esp since he lost votes? Can he get away with it? #le09
- 5:13 PM: irlef2009 @Elrobo Apparently, a mistake was discovered, so, theoretically, it was not a waste. #le09
- 5:18 PM: RTE_Elections Watch the Questions and Answers’ election special tonight from 10.30pm on RTÉ One or on the web www.rte.ie/live
- 5:18 PM: sazzybm Well technically speaking it was the Returning Officer that called the re-check, not ganely so he really hasnt done anything wrong. and it was justice for O’Luain really. he is 3000 votes better off.
- 5:20 PM: lexia Eoghan Murphy says thank you yfrog.com
- 5:28 PM: RTE_Elections Labour Party leader Eamon Gilmore tells Bryan Dobson the Government no longer enjoys public support
- 5:29 PM: sazzybm Gilmore is at RTE Studios so I dont think he’ll be heading to Cork
- 5:30 PM: RTE_Elections Enda Kenny says in countries in Europe where Governments are dealing with the crisis they have not suffered the same loses
- 5:31 PM: sazzybm have eliminations and distributions taken place in the MW. Gilmore says Government have no mandate to govern, which is true.
- 5:31 PM: sazzybm Gilmore and Kenny on RTE news.
- 5:31 PM: CarlowWeather Alyward 4369 103605, Childers 12,865 102220, Phelan 6114 76,960,
- 5:31 PM: PJ Coogan 688 between them .. not 728 .. but TF says no recount.. Kelly V Sinnott for seat
- 5:32 PM: Stephen Spillane i is back!
- 5:32 PM: greenparty_ie @sazzybm On Q&A panel w John Gormley: Joan Burton, Pearse Doherty, Richard Bruton & Michael Martin with others joining by satellite. #le09
- 5:32 PM: Fergal Crehan Joseph Bonner (IND) elected in Meath Dunshaughlin. Recount concluded and we’re now up to the Seventh count. Anyone got any further info on it?
- 5:34 PM: sazzybm I have a stupid question, what does MLA stand for?
- 5:34 PM: Fergal Crehan @sazzy In a Northern Ireland context, it stands for Member of Legislative Assembly
- 5:36 PM: sazzybm @Fergal, thanks. I swear Ive never seen so many abreviations. Any news on NW or South?
- 5:37 PM: Stephen Spillane RT @micknugent Silent march by Survivors of Institutional Abuse Ireland, Noon this Wed, Parnell Sq to Dail. Bring white ribbon. Please RT
- 5:37 PM: betty I think MLA is member of the local assembly
- 5:40 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Joseph Bonner (Ind) has been elected to Meath County Council in the Dunshaughlin electoral area
- 5:40 PM: ElectionsIRL EAST: final result McGuinness (FG), Aylward (FF), Childers (LB) – bit.ly
- 5:42 PM: greenparty_ie #le09 In count for 12 seat Wexford borough council, gap between Danny Forde (green) and competitor closes from 2 to 1! Second recount called
- 5:42 PM: Elrobo Great to see high level on the Liveblog all day 2day. Do you mods have stats on the weekend visitors? #le09
- 5:45 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Oliver Tully (FG) has been elected to Louth County Council on count six in the Drogheda East electoral area
- 5:46 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Imelda Munster (SF) has been elected to Louth County Council in the Drogheda East electoral area
- 5:48 PM: Suzy Byrne George Lee arrives on his segway to visit school today #le09
- 5:50 PM: bert mccann My first experience of a live political blog. Tremendous. How did we ever get by without it.
- 5:52 PM: lexia Right. Time to grab that final tea and then the 4 mins walk home to write some mails.
- 5:52 PM: Paschald Getting ready for 2nd stage debate on Aviation Bill 2009
- 5:53 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 So far 868 of 883 local elections seats have been filled for the latest go to www.rte.ie/elections
- 5:55 PM: Stew57 Thanks for all the updates over the weekend folks, great blog…. I would happily redirect my TV license your direction!
- 6:01 PM: sazzybm I wish I had had a live blog to follow for the GE a couple of years ago. This site rocks! WEll done every one
- 6:03 PM: sazzybm Have all the council seats been filled yet? and is it just South and NW were waiting for?
- 6:03 PM: CarlowWeather New NW counts (original in brackets):
Gallagher: 82643 (82643)
Ganley: 67,638 (70,638)
Harkin: 84,813 (84,813)
Higgins: 80,093 (80,093) - 6:04 PM: Simon McGarr Suzy, Alexia and Cian have run this liveblog heroically. It has outperformed any other source of information and original reporting in the entire country. Huge thanks and congratulations to them.
- 6:04 PM: Fergal Crehan Still a dozen or so seats to be filled on Local Authorities…a lot of them in Meath for some reason. The candidate I canvassed for may take the distinction being the very last person elected this year
- 6:05 PM: Suzy Byrne @sazzybm there are still 15 council seats to be decided on.
- 6:05 PM: PJ Coogan chips have arrived at Neptune .. we love you, Sarah
- 6:06 PM: Suzy Byrne PJ Coogan your 3 days of reporting tallies and counts from Cork have been outstanding – enjoy the chips and many many thanks! Is there a ETA for next count?
- 6:08 PM: ElectionsIRL NORTHERN IRELAND: final result de Brun (SF), Nicholson (C), Dodds (DUP) – bit.ly
- 6:08 PM: breakingnewsire NEWS: Coughlan insists General Election is three years away: Tánaiste Mary Coughlan says the Government doe.. tinyurl.com
- 6:09 PM: liamthornton any idea how transfers between kelly and sinnot are going?
- 6:10 PM: Suzy Byrne Liam keep an eye here as we get regular reports from Cork.
- 6:10 PM: cianflah For the G Lee fans “Newly elected Fine Gael TD for Dublin South, George Lee, will tomorrow enter the Dáil to take up his position as a Dáil Deputy tomorrow, Tuesday June 9th, at 12.45 pm.”
- 6:12 PM: pratie 9 Any news from Wexford, anyone
- 6:12 PM: sazzybm Janny mack. What is taking them so long???? Were the Electoral areas particualrly big, loads of recounts or are they just taking their time?
- 6:12 PM: sazzybm any news from south and NW would be greatly appreciated!!!
- 6:14 PM: sazzybm you sure?
- 6:15 PM: Fergal Crehan Comment re Sinnott is not hashtagged and hasn’t been confirmed by any of our regular sources at the count. I’m guessing its just someone causing mischief!
- 6:16 PM: Suzy Byrne We are contacting sources to get latest on South Count
- 6:18 PM: Stephen Spillane Free in Dublin @1pm on Friday? Check this event out is.gd
- 6:22 PM: sazzybm Janny mack!!! This is the best count ever!!! Labour must be brickin it!!!!
- 6:23 PM: Fergal Crehan Regina Doherty (FG) Elected Meath Dunshauglin on 8th count. Four of seven seats now filled
- 6:25 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 Fine Gael’s Regina Doherty has been elected to Meath County Council
- 6:26 PM: stretchneil @susanokeeffe passed 0.25 of a quota on second count. First time Labour receive expenses in North West. Ever! #le09
- 6:34 PM: Stephen Spillane Interesting IT poll, can the greens recover? 61% think not is.gd
- 6:36 PM: dl37 PJ Coogan – You have been amazing! Any News out of the South?? How’s Alan Kelly doing??
- 6:39 PM: Stephen Spillane @stephencrowley I never said I agree with poll. Im just linking to what i found.
- 6:41 PM: Fergal Crehan
- 6:41 PM: Fergal Crehan Count not even finished yet and the IT are running polls. I’ve often thought that newspapers are much more comfortable with opinion polls than actual elections
- 6:43 PM: PJ Coogan Alan Kellys people say nearly half of Ferris papers untransferrable.. Sinnot is getting a lot of transfers, but they feel their man can shade it.. estimate another 45 mins to wait.. Gilmore on his way
- 6:44 PM: dl37 I absolutely adore the fact that Ganley dropped votes! Karma’s a terrible thing – must be kicking himself and whichever Team member told him about the wheelies!
- 6:44 PM: CarlowWeather Well I think a review of the exit polls are needed after the Euro one we saw from Indo and RTE
- 6:45 PM: Stephen Spillane @stephencrowley i dont blame ya! You have seen alot of hard work wiped out. I felt the same in ’02 though i wasnt in FG.
- 6:45 PM: sazzybm All this waiting around is killing me!
- 6:46 PM: RTE_Elections Libertas leader Declan Ganley has conceded that he will not take a seat in the European elections
- 6:46 PM: sazzybm Just goes to show you can’t trust rte to count now that George Lee has left! ha ha! and Karma for ganley!!! ah!
- 6:47 PM: Stephen Spillane RT @RTE_Elections: Libertas leader Declan Ganley has conceded that he will not take a seat in the European elections –
- 6:48 PM: stepherunie Those at the count inform me no more info for about an hour or so. Also looks like Kelly by about 3,000 or so based on the bundles #le09
- 6:48 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Lynch welcomes moves to allow tenants purchase homes corkpolitics.ie
- 6:49 PM: krayZpaving RT @RTE_Elections: Libertas leader Declan Ganley has conceded that he will not take a seat in the European elections #le09
- 6:49 PM: Fergal Crehan The fewer of Ferris’ votes are transferrable, the higher proprtion of them Sinnott needs. If they were all transferring, she would have needed to get them at a 60:40 rate. If only half are transferrable, that means..aagh, maths!
- 6:49 PM: cianflah Ganely Downfall was only a matter of time i suppose www.irishel”ection.com
- 6:52 PM: PJ Coogan In answer to maths query … she would need a 75:25 split as opposed to 60:40 .. I think it’s Kellys..
- 6:54 PM: dl37 PJ Coogan I could kiss you for that prediction!
- 6:54 PM: dl37 Haven’t been as nervous for the last 2 days! Hoping Kelly can hold out in the South!
- 6:56 PM: aoifecarroll In other news Ryan Report Dail debate now on Thurs/Fri because of no confidence motion
- 6:57 PM: Stephen Spillane @aoifecarroll this why i hate politics at times, that should have precedence over no conf motion.
- 6:58 PM: Christine Bohan @Aoife Hmm, that kind of throws a spanner into the works for the march for abuse victims. The whole point was that it coincided with the debate on the Ryan report. Doesn’t make FG look good.
- 6:59 PM: PJ Coogan dl37.. in that case i hope you are female and good looking !!!!
- 7:01 PM: Suzy Byrne Ganley says he thinks he is bowing out of politics – on newstalk now
- 7:01 PM: Suzy Byrne Delia (his wife) will decided what ‘we’ do next
- 7:02 PM: Suzy Byrne Newstalk report that Ganley will not lead the No to Lisbon 2 campaign and no longer lead Libertas
- 7:03 PM: BrianGreene video of Joe Higgins declaration / press talk now online bit.ly
- 7:04 PM: squidlimerick #le09 Just uploaded video for Limerick City Council count to www.limerickblogger.ie
- 7:05 PM: BrianGreene good morning twitter, did anything happen while i was asleep, where is my sleep digest.
- 7:05 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Count continues at Neptune bit.ly
- 7:05 PM: aoifecarroll @spiller2 I totally agree, especially as the survivors had organised the solidarity march to be on Wed
- 7:07 PM: BrianGreene @stephencrowley yes he told everyone & media HE WILL RUN IN DUBLIN WEST this is not an issue in our movement and voters knew this.
- 7:07 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Count continues at Neptune bit.ly
- 7:08 PM: RTE_Elections Labour’s Susan O’Keeffe has been eliminated on the second count in the North West
- 7:09 PM: Stephen Spillane told kelly has last seat in ireland south, announced soon #le09
- 7:10 PM: funferal Overly optimistic math doing the rounds re. A Kelly. If 50% transfer he needs 38.25%, if 75% transfer he needs 42.15%. Still likely! #le09
- 7:13 PM: Stephen Spillane @suzybie Its Alan Kelly. ~le09
- 7:15 PM: Stephen Spillane Love it when people ring me over my tweets!
- 7:15 PM: Suzy Byrne I’m getting word that Neptune Count Centre and Alan Kelly are waiting on Eamon Gilmore to arrive before making announcement. PJ Coogan can you double confirm?
- 7:15 PM: CarlowWeather I’m hearing Kelly has the seat
- 7:15 PM: squidlimerick Correction : Susan O’Keeffe ( Labour ) eliminated in Count 2 North East #le09 #ep09
- 7:16 PM: Suzy Byrne The South Result is keeping me from making dinner… 186 others are camped out on liveblog waiting too #le09
- 7:16 PM: Stephen Spillane They are waiting for Gilmore to arrive in Neptune to make the official Announcement of Alan Kelly to get the 3rd seat in Ireland South #le09
- 7:17 PM: Suzy Byrne Gilmore was in Dublin at 5.30 and live on TV news at 6 – how long till he gets to Cork?
- 7:18 PM: sazzybm at least 2 half hours
- 7:19 PM: wendylimerick Oh i will be very very happy if its Kelly seat farewell Kathy
- 7:19 PM: sazzybm if he left dublin at half 6 it will at least be 9
- 7:19 PM: dl37 So its definitely Kelly’s?
[Don't use Smiley's but that deserves one]
- 7:19 PM: Stephen Spillane RT @abigailrieley: RT @dermotcasey RT @conor_pope: Declan Ganley to bow out of political life after conceding defeat in European elections.
- 7:20 PM: krayZpaving Gilmore going to Cork by helicopter, I understand.
- 7:20 PM: Stephen Spillane because of this election thing, i’ve just realised im off on holidays on Sunday. I need to prepare….
- 7:20 PM: CarlowWeather Gilmore had better not try and expense that Chopper!
- 7:21 PM: aoifecarroll Kelly wins by 10000 votes #Le09
- 7:21 PM: Christine Bohan @Keith …Seriously?! Gilmore Force One?:)
- 7:22 PM: dl37 Cost of Car to Helipad €50, Helicopter to Cork €200 – Kelly taking the seat PRICELESS
- 7:22 PM: Suzy Byrne
- 7:22 PM: PJ Coogan sinnott has given a press doorstep accepting that she’s not going to win
- 7:23 PM: Suzy Byrne I’ve been waiting for chance to play that rap all day….
- 7:23 PM: PJ Coogan Gilmore has texted Senator Michael McCarthy … he’ll be here shortly
- 7:24 PM: krayZpaving It’s set to be a massive day for @labour with THREE seats in the European Parliament won. #le09
- 7:24 PM: CarlowWeather Labour will get a huge lift from this, great result from small %
- 7:25 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 The recount in Dundalk South has been completed with Independent Alan Grehan elected
- 7:25 PM: Stephen Spillane and if anyone doubted my sources for Ireland South Result….
- 7:26 PM: sazzybm Well done Labour
- 7:26 PM: Christine Bohan Huge result for Labour.
- 7:27 PM: CarlowWeather Sinnot calling a recount??
- 7:27 PM: Stephen Spillane So state of Euro Parties in IRL EPP 3 (-1), PES 3 (+2), UEN 2 (-1), Ind/Dem 0 (-1) NI (or GUE) 1. 3 seats left to declare #ep09 #eu09
- 7:27 PM: Stephen Spillane RT @conoro: Ding Dong! The Witch is dead. Which old Witch? The Wicked Witch! Ding Dong! The Wicked Witch is dead.
- 7:27 PM: wendylimerick Massive Result in Ireland South congrats to Labour
- 7:27 PM: Christine Bohan @CarlowWeather Where did you hear that?
- 7:27 PM: dl37 Noooooo No Recount! Come on Labour – Absolutely amazing weekend for Labour!
- 7:28 PM: simonjohndraper if this is true….it will be the ice on our cake…….come on alan
- 7:28 PM: sazzybm sinnott recount?!?!? are you for real? I cant take much more of this?
- 7:28 PM: CarlowWeather p.ie and call from centre that shes looking into it, not confirmed by any means
- 7:29 PM: krayZpaving Anyone who’s actually in Cork confirm if there’s a recount?
- 7:30 PM: Alexia Golez @Christine Gilforce One and Two are strictly MPVs
- 7:32 PM: Erica Mulvihill well done to alan and all labour party candidates who were successful great election all round!
- 7:32 PM: dl37 Please Please Please No – Don’t think my stress levels could handle it!
- 7:33 PM: Simon John Draper look folks….if we are going to get last seat……she can recount all she wants….ganly lost 3000 votes doing same……..
- 7:34 PM: CarlowWeather cant get through to contact in centre now, anyone in Cork give an update?
- 7:34 PM: sazzybm What way were o’keeffe’s transfers going in the NW does anyone know?
- 7:35 PM: lexia Holy shit. Nearly 250 people are watching the Election liveblog www.scribblelive.com
- 7:35 PM: krayZpaving 248 watchers on the liveblog at the moment…
- 7:35 PM: dl37 Where’s PJ when you need him??
- 7:35 PM: sazzybm all on tender hooks!!!!
- 7:36 PM: Stephen PJ’s live on 96FM now, with a clip of Kathy conceding.
- 7:36 PM: Christine Bohan @Alexia Heh:)
- 7:38 PM: sazzybm so no recount then?
- 7:39 PM: cmccann2 This live blog was by a country mile the best source of info for elections in the country. Thanks guys. Great day for Labour!
- 7:39 PM: dl37 Someone hijack Gilmore’s chopper and go check!
- 7:39 PM: CarlowWeather yep 96fm have Sinnot Conceeding, thank god for that, Gilmore flying high
- 7:40 PM: sazzybm Ganely…. ya right.He’ll be back
- 7:41 PM: Dave The live blog was absolutely fantastic! thanks for everyone for the info, so much better than the mainstream media!
- 7:41 PM: sazzybm Oh thank god for that. This has been the most exciting election ever! I need a drink!!!
- 7:42 PM: Erica Mulvihill in fairness to alan kelly what a campaign , no stone unturned or pole unpostered!
- 7:43 PM: PMCC Thanks to everyone for the liveblog – best source of news, bar none!
- 7:44 PM: CarlowWeather any news on 3rd count in NW?
- 7:44 PM: sazzybm definatly the best blog!!!!! hats off!
- 7:45 PM: dl37 Agree – It’s been fantastic! Can’t wait for a GE just for the Blog coverage
- 7:45 PM: Andrew Lally Ganley said he will now ‘bow out of political life’.
- 7:46 PM: Andrew Lally Sinnott GONE, Ganley GONE, Ahern GONE
- 7:47 PM: sazzybm North west count? I know we know its going to be Higgins Gallagher and Harkin but still by how much?
- 7:48 PM: Mark_Coughlan The site looks way clearer with this style of liveblog. All fancy and stuff – Irishelection.com just got posh. wha?
- 7:49 PM: sazzybm I found the irish election site way too hard to navigate. I prefer this one definatly
- 7:49 PM: guinness69 did Noel Leonard get in in Meath
- 7:49 PM: Simon John Draper labour polled 28000 in nth west…….thats great first time out
- 7:49 PM: CarlowWeather 14 seats remain to be filled
Fine Gael 334
Fianna Fáil 213
Other 135
Labour 130
Sinn Féin 54
Green Party 3 - 7:50 PM: Stephen Spillane RT @ni22: alan kelly about to come into neptune to claim victory… #le09
- 7:50 PM: Mark_Coughlan Joe Higgins elected to council and EP. So his council seat goes to the last eliminated candidate? #le09 Anyone know the rule here?
- 7:51 PM: CarlowWeather @Guinness69 no Leonard lost his seat
- 7:51 PM: Stephen Spillane @Mark_Coughlan thats normal for Inds, but hes in a party so its a selection convention.
- 7:52 PM: Fergal @Mark_Coughlan Yesterday I was hearing that another SP member could be co-opted in place of Higgins
- 7:52 PM: sazzybm Ya you know the way maurice ahern was running in the by election and for county council, what if (god forbid) he won both. what would happen?
- 7:52 PM: Simon John Draper no……..candidate to be co opted
- 7:52 PM: guinness69 he was good in our area
- 7:52 PM: guinness69 feck it
- 7:53 PM: Christine Bohan @Mark Yeah, someone else will just be co-opted (and for Maureen O’Sullivan’s seat as well). Think Joe Higgins is co-opting Denis Keane (sp?) who was running in Mulhuddart.
- 7:53 PM: Simon John Draper if ind….with agreement of council
- 7:54 PM: CarlowWeather How long before The Copes By-Election is ran?
- 7:54 PM: sazzybm October I think
- 7:56 PM: Simon John Draper hanafin said on newstalk..next spring…….but it will be moved sooner…possibly by fg/lab
- 7:56 PM: wendylimerick Is there a time limit to when they have to have the Copes by-election -Doubt they will be in a rush to fill it?
- 7:57 PM: RTE_Elections Independent MEP Kathy Sinnott has conceded to Labour’s Alan Kelly in the battle for the final seat in the South
- 7:58 PM: Fergal Crehan FG moved the writ for Dublin south. Wasn’t there a tradition that the party holding the old seat had the right to move the writ for a by-election?
- 7:58 PM: Mark_Coughlan @Fergal Aye, that seems to be the case – so the SP will be cultivating a new face for the CC around here while Joe will go for the GE. Cool.
- 7:59 PM: aoifecarroll Gathering in Toners for a mini celebration…wishing we were in Cork! What a day for @labour #Le09
- 8:01 PM: Cripipper In Ireland the govt can take as long as it wants to hold a by-election; I don’t think we will ever see it as there will be a GE 1st #le09
- 8:01 PM: Simon John Draper seat in senate for someone…..hey……..three labour meps………..oh what a campaign
- 8:01 PM: CarlowWeather Thats Tradition for seats that are lost due to a death Fergal, no rule on it
- 8:02 PM: sazzybm They will because with the cope gone the gov only have a majority of 2 I think. correnct me if Im wrong
- 8:02 PM: cmccann2 best time for Donegal SW byelection wud be at same time as Lisbon, come on Frank McBrearty Jr (if he runs…)
- 8:02 PM: Simon John Draper govt wont want an election they will lose to shinners/fg
- 8:02 PM: Simon McGarr www.irishelection.com
- 8:03 PM: Fergal Crehan @Carlowweather Dub Sth was lost to Seamus Brennan’s death. FG’s moving of that writ might have been the end of that particular gentleman’s agreement.
- 8:03 PM: Simon John Draper there is..but……..if they wont…..we will
- 8:03 PM: wendylimerick John Bowman has had that tie on for the last 3 days
- 8:03 PM: Simon John Draper the govt will fall on the budget over welfare cuts and not before……get real
- 8:03 PM: CarlowWeather Martin, Gormley, R Bruton, Burton and MLM confirmed on Q&A
- 8:04 PM: RTE_Elections Fianna Fáil’s Brian Crowley, Fine Gael’s Seán Kelly and Labour’s Alan Kelly have been elected in the South
- 8:07 PM: Suzy Byrne John Bowman needs to press the suit….or maybe not because he never looks neat
- 8:07 PM: sazzybm I cant wait for Q&A. its gona be a blood bath!!!!
- 8:07 PM: Cripipper FF will not call a by-election in 2009 #le09
- 8:07 PM: Johnp63 @spiller2 tell him hurry. Kathy sinnott was seen out the back looking in a wheely bin. #le09
- 8:10 PM: Suzy Byrne Fiachra O’Luain (Independent Candidate North-West) asks Gardai to investigate how his 3,000 votes went missing
- 8:10 PM: Squid Limerick Anyone want to add me to the whos bloggingh list so I can grab and upload the papers later
- 8:10 PM: CarlowWeather It will be in interesting to see if Gormley and Martin are singing from same hymn sheet, first time both government parties on Q&A together
- 8:11 PM: wendylimerick Joe Higgins mammy with him a lovely woman
- 8:12 PM: aoifecarroll So only 1 anti-lisbon MEP elected in Ireland #Le09
- 8:12 PM: wendylimerick Oh Is that a tear in Mary Hanafin eye
- 8:12 PM: Fergal Crehan Still 14 seats remaining to be filled in local authorities.
- 8:13 PM: Stephen Spillane @aoifecarroll thats a nice fact!
- 8:13 PM: BrianGreene herlad.ie on Joe Higgins url.ie they wont eat their words of Herald AM last Thursday
- 8:13 PM: Suzy Byrne And when we get results for the remaining 14 council seats we’ll try to bring them to readers (not a mention of electronic voting please – what liveblogging could we do if there were not 3 days of counting?)
- 8:14 PM: Stephen Spillane RT @aoifecarroll: So only 1 anti-lisbon MEP elected in Ireland – a good sign for the coming referendum #ep09 #eu09
- 8:16 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Kelly elected bit.ly
- 8:16 PM: sazzybm Ya but this time around they should try explaining to the people what its all about instead of ramming it down our throats the week before!!!
- 8:16 PM: CarlowWeather ReCount in Tullow Co. Carlow returned same result with Hunter loosing another 2 votes #Le09
- 8:16 PM: browne_jp #le09 final transfer graphs done for Ireland South www.johnbrowne.ie
- 8:18 PM: guinness69 Sorry anyone got a link to the Meath : Local Electoral Dunshaughlin result
- 8:19 PM: Fergal Crehan Dunshauglin not finished yet. This is where things stand now: www.rte.ie
- 8:20 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Gilmore in Neptune bit.ly
- 8:20 PM: brettmirl Still no news from Dunshaughlin lea of Meath CoCo, 4 out of 7 elected. 2 Ind, 1 FG, 1FF. Slowest! Count! Ever! #le09
- 8:21 PM: brettmirl Meath CoCo – Dunshaughlin – BONNER, Joseph Ind, DOHERTY, Regina FG,
FITZGERALD, Brian Ind, KILLIAN, Nick FF elected #le09 - 8:22 PM: squidlimerick City Council video seems to be working again. Vimeo has had some sort of technical issue today #le09
- 8:22 PM: Simon McGarr @Fergal Has RTE stalled, or has only one count be run?
- 8:23 PM: Fergal Crehan @Simon Counting is incredibly slow there – it’s the slowest in the country. There was a recount after four counts. My candidate may have the distinction of filling the last seat in the election
- 8:24 PM: guinness69 jesus they are slow in Dunshaughlin
- 8:24 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: New MEPs and Euro candidates deliver speeches in Neptune bit.ly
- 8:25 PM: Simon McGarr Brilliant graphic from John Brown of www.johnbrowne.ie . Reminds me of Napoleon’s attack on Moscow.
- 8:26 PM: Simon McGarr
- 8:27 PM: Stephen Spillane With 9 seats left to fill. FG on 336 seats, FF 215, Lab 131, SF 54, GP 3, OTH 135
- 8:28 PM: Fergal Crehan RTE TV saying its only seven seats left.
- 8:29 PM: CarlowWeather RTE say 7 seat left with Fg 339 and FF 217
- 8:30 PM: Fergal Crehan FF’s seat loss is well above the 50 that was posited by themselves and their allies in the media as an acceptable level of loss. Add to that the loss of a Euro seat in Dublin, and this is a terrible result even by the very low standards they set for themselves.
- 8:30 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 FG’s Jim Holloway and Suzanne Jamal and FF’s Jenny McHugh, Tommy Reilly and Shane Cassells have been elected to Meath County Council
- 8:30 PM: Stephen Spillane @BrianGreene do you know how many Council seats the socilalist party won?
- 8:31 PM: CarlowWeather 4 seats remain to be filled
Fine Gael 339
Fianna Fáil 217
Other 135
Labour 131
Sinn Féin 54
Green Party 3 - 8:31 PM: pratie 9 There’s still a count going on in Wexford
- 8:32 PM: brettmirl 4 Local election seats left to be filled and they are in my Constituency. Dunshaughlin LEA of Meath. Anyone got an abacus handy? #le09
- 8:34 PM: Stephen Spillane Since my last tweet FG gained 3 seats now on 339!
- 8:36 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 FG’s Jim Holloway and Suzanne Jamal and FF’s Jenny McHugh, Tommy Reilly and Shane Cassells have been elected to Meath County Council
- 8:36 PM: CarlowWeather 302 Fine Gael
293 Fine Fail
101 Labour - 8:36 PM: guinness69 brettmirl I’m in Dun(
boyne - 8:37 PM: CarlowWeather They were 2004 figures
- 8:37 PM: Paschald Good article on Twitter in this week’s Time, available @ tinyurl.com
- 8:37 PM: Stephen Spillane Ind/Dem Co-Leader loses seat.gd #ep09 #eu09 @bloggingportal
- 8:38 PM: Andrew Lally Labour the dominant local gov party in Dublin and Labour sharing the MEP seats equally with FF and FG in Munster
- 8:38 PM: Fergal Crehan A week ago, what was considered a “good” result in the circumstances for FF was to hold Eoin Ryan’s seat and lose no more than 50 local authority seats. They will finish up with a loss of over 80 seats
- 8:39 PM: Mark_Coughlan Watching Prime Time Investigates, taking a break from #le09 before dipping my toe in again for Q&A.
- 8:39 PM: Stephen Spillane FT’s Brussel’s blog on winners and losers in the #ep09 elections #eu09 is.gd
- 8:40 PM: VoteJoeHiggins Video of Joe Higgins’ Victory Speech after winning the MEP seat last night. www.joehiggins.eu thanks to @briangreene
- 8:43 PM: Mark_Coughlan @harrymcgee Do you think that is on the cards?
- 8:46 PM: Paschald Irish Times pictures say it all, including the one of Enda and I waltzing,tinyurl.com
- 8:47 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 FG’s Eugene Cassidy, John V Farrelly and Catherine Yore and FF’s Oliver Fox and Bryan Reilly elected to Meath County Council
- 8:55 PM: Mark_Coughlan @harrymcgee For sure, maybe McDaid to talk? ‘think any of the currently gov-voting inds may vote in favour of the motion tomorrow?… Lowry?
- 8:55 PM: CarlowWeather Libertas have a lot of zero’s en.wikipedia.org
- 8:55 PM: CarlowWeather 4 seats remain to be filled changes to 2004 so far
Fine Gael 339 +37
Fianna Fáil 217 -76
Labour 131 +30
Sinn Féin 54 0
Green Party 3 -15 - 8:55 PM: PJ Coogan Signing off from Neptune.. I need a pint and I need to sleep .. take care, all …
- 8:55 PM: Suzy Byrne PJ – Enjoy your pint – you deserve it – See you at the General Election??
- 8:56 PM: PJ Coogan I’ll be here Suzy.. unless someone asks me to do a George Lee !!! only kidding !!!
- 8:57 PM: Suzy Byrne I see it now PJ – You could liveblog on a Segway
Now go get your pint!
- 8:58 PM: sazzybm Ye definatly deserve a pint!!!! Well Done!!!! Night
- 9:00 PM: Elrobo looking forward to tweeting & watching Q&A. Bring on the next election for the sake of us all on liveblog #le09
- 9:00 PM: sazzybm blow drying my hair and watching the live blog. hope I dont get electricuted!
- 9:00 PM: sazzybm Was Ganely serious when he said he was leaving politics? Because if he is then he must not really believe in the cause, giving up so easily!!! Dont get me wrong I dont like Libertas, but its a bit of a kick in the teeth for all the people who supported him and voted for him. am I right?
- 9:00 PM: CarlowWeather Vincent Browne will have George Lee, Joe Higgins, Maureen O’Sullivan and Martin Mansergh on the programme
- 9:01 PM: samuelbowman I am genuinely bewildered that people think Ganley losing 3k votes in the recheck is some kind of humiliation for him. #le09
- 9:01 PM: samuelbowman @spiller2 But surely the fact that 3k votes were misallocated at all shows that there were serious errors in the process? #le09
- 9:01 PM: Fergal Crehan Ganley wasn’t really cut out for politics. Beside him Michael McDowell looks like a calculating master of self-control
- 9:05 PM: Mark_Coughlan @ SazzyBN I’d be very surprised if we’ve seen the last of Ganley… remember, he’ll get headlines for “Ganley Quits”
- 9:05 PM: BrianGreene RB@dojodub: “Speaking of Trotsky and Lenin, we have just elected a Marxist as an MEP in Dublin, Joe Higgins – t… ♫ blip.fm
- 9:09 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Ferris says recount was unnecessary corkpolitics.ie
- 9:12 PM: corkpolitics New blog post: Ferris thanks voters corkpolitics.ie
- 9:19 PM: susanokeeffe Delighted to have done so well today. Sitting with a big smile on my face, reminiscing on the campaign! Thanks to everyone. #le09
- 9:19 PM: squidlimerick #le09 #ep09 Ireland North East (Count 3) No one elected, O’Reilly (Fine Gael) Eliminated.
- 9:19 PM: browne_jp #le09 allocation of Seats in Euro Election for Ireland 1979 to 2009 www.johnbrowne.ie
- 9:20 PM: BrianGreene RT@dojodub “it feels like I just bought a SP hamper ticket but won the Euro Millions, Joe Higgins MEP 4 the Euro Millions not Millionaires”
- 9:23 PM: BrianGreene @spiller2 Six. 4 Council 3 topping the poll the 4th was first elected. a Town council seat in Balbriggan & Borough Council seat in Drogheda
- 9:26 PM: Elrobo So the posters are coming down quick enough, was shocked to see a lot down already in Dublin 7 & 8. Is it Friday they must be down by? #le09
- 9:26 PM: Stephen Spillane @BrianGreene cool, wanted to see were ye bigger then the greens, and ye are!
- 9:27 PM: squidlimerick #le09 #ep09 Ireland North East (Count 3) No one elected, O’Reilly (Fine Gael) Eliminated.
- 9:28 PM: clicky_here @enahs Apols! I’ve been in land of no internets till now. No idea no. of votes per bundle, but the good news was Ganley’s loss of 3k! #le09
- 9:30 PM: RTE_Elections Fine Gael’s Joe O’Reilly has been eliminated on the third count in the North West
- 9:31 PM: clicky_here @bear32ie lol, aye George has his moments of genius..! Love how Ganley’s foot-stomping has turned out..! #le09 (Apols for late reply btw!)
- 9:35 PM: CarlowWeather Q&A on after Ad Break
- 9:35 PM: sazzybm Must go.Thanks for keeping me up to date everyone. and well done to all the bloggers .night!
- 9:35 PM: CarlowWeather Any word on those last 4 seats
- 9:36 PM: guinness69 not yet
- 9:36 PM: Fergal Crehan Still nothing on the last four seats. Three are in Dunshaughlin for Meath CoCo. Any idea where the fourth is anyone?
- 9:37 PM: Simon McGarr Holy Moly. Q&A liveblog being specially rolled up into the Countday extravaganza. Panel: Micheal Martin (FF), Richard Bruton (FG), Joan Burton (Lab), Mary-Lou McDonald (SF), John Gormley (Green)
- 9:37 PM: guinness69 I think someone said wex or waterford
- 9:38 PM: pratie 9 It’s probably wexford
- 9:38 PM: Peter Kelly Has anybody analysed the number of Ex-PD’s elected – those that ran as independents seemed to be largely immune to the backlash against the government
- 9:39 PM: Simon McGarr It seems nothing brings out the heavy hitters like actual votes being dropped on their heads.
- 9:39 PM: Fergal Crehan According to RTE’s site both Wexford and Waterford have filled all their CoCo seats. A town council maybe?
- 9:39 PM: Simon McGarr Will John Gormley decide to start a fight back? I predict he turns on Joan Burton.
- 9:39 PM: Elrobo Wonder will blogging and Liveblog get a mention on Q&A – best source all weekend #le09 #qa12
- 9:40 PM: guinness69 q&a on now
- 9:40 PM: pratie 9 It’s Wexford Town Council
- 9:40 PM: Suzy Byrne I spot Simon Harris in audience! Greystones Poll Topper!
- 9:40 PM: Niall Wonder what the ratio of voters to activists is?
- 9:40 PM: Simon McGarr Mary Lou, Deputy leader without portfolio.
- 9:40 PM: Elrobo Wonder will blogging and Liveblog get a mention on Q&A – best source all weekend #le09 #qa12
- 9:41 PM: Fergal Crehan Thanks pratie. We know what to keep our eye on now!
- 9:42 PM: Simon McGarr Bowman starting off with his Graphology.
- 9:42 PM: dermotcasey Joan Burton looks like cat that got the cream and everything else on Primtime
- 9:43 PM: lostexpectation 70 watchers last night at what was it 5am when joe higgines was elected
- 9:43 PM: Simon McGarr While we all stare at the colouredy bars, anyone want to predict the topics?
- 9:44 PM: Fergal Crehan Almost certainly a GE question
- 9:44 PM: Fergal Crehan Yes! Knew it!
- 9:45 PM: aoifecarroll Oh I love that graph of the Euro seats on Q&A! #Le09 #qa12
- 9:45 PM: Anamates Animation of the Dublin Euro count url.ie #le09
- 9:45 PM: Simon McGarr Micheal Martin is worried about the Burkean consequences of calling a General Election on foot of Local Elections.
- 9:46 PM: Suzy Byrne Panelists are all tanned from canvass
- 9:46 PM: lostexpectation www.rte.ie
- 9:47 PM: RTE_Elections Fine Gael’s Richard Bruton says the Government has lost the plot and should call a General Election
- 9:47 PM: CarlowWeather Q1 Should the Governmnet call a general election now
- 9:47 PM: lostexpectation is Q&a on tonight, urgh, enough, i couddln’t bare to watch primetime, more abuse stories where the authorities do nothing
- 9:47 PM: Niall Michael Martin looks tanned? Tax money at work?
- 9:47 PM: Elrobo Martin to Bowman “I was on the door more than you”…state the obvious, but maybe Bowman knows more what the Irish want than FF #le09 #qa12
- 9:47 PM: Mark_Coughlan @pratie 9 – should be able to watch it on either WMP or RealPlayer…
- 9:47 PM: pratie 9 Tried to get live Q&A on broadband. System asked me to download liveplayer. I’ve wound up with Al Jazeera.
- 9:47 PM: guinness69 Al Jazeerais in way better shape than rte lol
- 9:47 PM: guinness69 www.rte.ie
- 9:47 PM: CarlowWeather Bruton says Government have lost the Plot!
- 9:48 PM: guinness69 Suzy Byrne the sun may have saved rte a bomb on make up
- 9:48 PM: Niall @Suzy Well, at least FFers got some good out of their efforts!
- 9:48 PM: Marie or rte makeup dept pulling out all the stops to save their jobs
- 9:48 PM: lostexpectation bowmen, is now a commentator not a moderator, good riddance
- 9:48 PM: astarmain Bruton admits FG health policy is same as Lab from 10 years ago
- 9:48 PM: Simon McGarr They haven’t done it before now. If they do something novel, will they break with the invisible wisdom of the ages? Micheal Martin doesn’t want to take that risk. One day its General Elections. The next day Napoleon is marching around Europe menacing the Hapsburgs. It’s too risky.
- 9:49 PM: Elrobo @ Suzybie is that why Bowman is not tanned, he wasn’t at the doors #qa12 #Le09
- 9:49 PM: Mark_Coughlan 135 watchers? Welcome all 120 of the new people to the Monday night liveblog!
- 9:49 PM: cianflah martin is governments best spinner bar none, doesnt bully like ahern or hanafin and uses english unlike the rest of the cabinet. i still dont believe him but i can see how some might
- 9:49 PM: CarlowWeather Bruton rules out SF and FF but not Greens in future Government
- 9:49 PM: Elrobo @ Suzybie is that why Bowman is not tanned, he wasn’t at the doors #qa12 #Le09
- 9:49 PM: guinness69 can’t wait for mary loo to open her mouth
- 9:49 PM: Simon McGarr Thank goodness we have reports in the offing.
- 9:50 PM: Mark_Coughlan @Cian I expect them to roll Martin out everyday of the week bar none for Lisbon II. Wont see anyone else from FF.
- 9:50 PM: Niall Joan Bruton is what happens to Bosco presenters when they grow up. Still talks more sense than most FF and FGers.
- 9:50 PM: Simon McGarr Mary-L is tiny beside Joan Burton.
- 9:51 PM: Simon McGarr Sloganising. Everyone hates that.
- 9:51 PM: astarmain Standard FF tactic starts up again of talking over the other panelists.
- 9:51 PM: guinness69 jb should have had a red dress
- 9:51 PM: Fergal Crehan The punditocracy are very fond of pointing out that Lab and FG differ substantially. They tend to say it as if they uncovered something previously unknown. Actually Labour are never done telling us how different they are.
- 9:51 PM: Mark_Coughlan Burton can hold her own on when it comes to phrasing a statement.
- 9:51 PM: guinness69 all the other party’s will push lisbon bar SF
- 9:52 PM: Simon McGarr Micheal Martin has misjudged his mood. Attacking Joan Burton like this will do him no good whatsoever.
- 9:52 PM: Niall Is this going to be a Greatest Hits collection of all the issues of the last few months? Bets on when shifting SF is going to come up?
- 9:52 PM: dermotcasey Real fury in Joan Bruton. Waiting for her and Micheal Martin to start hitting each other
- 9:52 PM: lostexpectation burton looking for the applause
- 9:52 PM: guinness69 shes great
- 9:52 PM: Simon McGarr Martin has a giant, elephant sized hole in his logic.
- 9:52 PM: Simon McGarr Ack!
- 9:52 PM: ann_donnelly Hmm, is listening to Joan Burton argue with Micheal Martin better than watching crappy US drama?
- 9:53 PM: Simon McGarr Stop playing politics = Stop disagreeing with FF.
- 9:53 PM: Mark_Coughlan … wants to sign out and sign in again via Twitter…
- 9:53 PM: cianflah bowman style is awful. his jobs is to arbitrate over shouting matches ffs
- 9:53 PM: teaandcakes Watching questions and answers Go Joan Burton! You tell him.
- 9:53 PM: greenwithenvy I would not normally be a labourite but Joan B has always been credible and even consistent when talking about the banking crisis
- 9:53 PM: Fergal Crehan Martin can’t conceive of politics as anything but a game. It simply doesn’t occur to him that it isn’t all about scoring points for some people. After all, that’s what its all about to him.
- 9:54 PM: Simon McGarr John Bowman has Ireland’s last ‘cellphone’.
- 9:54 PM: janeruffino Micheal Martin’s face is blending with the purple in the background. Joan Burton is eating him for her elevenses.
- 9:54 PM: Niall Gormley really doesn’t want to be there.
- 9:54 PM: Mark_Coughlan “cellphone”
- 9:54 PM: CarlowWeather Gormley says members can call conference, in other words come and get us out of here
- 9:54 PM: dl37 Go Joan – Determined to get her spoke in! Gormley’s such a tool! The members can choose – Yeah Right?! He’s bricking losing his seat
- 9:55 PM: Simon McGarr ‘Its very different to judge the electorate from an election’.
- 9:55 PM: Mark_Coughlan Gormley looks like he’s about to slip down under the table…
- 9:55 PM: astarmain Gormley issues a cry for help to the grassroots … “Come save us from FF”
- 9:55 PM: Elrobo Leader of Greens here – where is Cowen, leader of FF and oh yeh “leader” of our country! #le09 #qa12
- 9:55 PM: lostexpectation its left wing versus right wing greens, the voters chose redgreen this time
- 9:55 PM: Fergal Crehan Yes John, very hard to judge from mere election figures. We need a focus group.
- 9:55 PM: finkeegan Fianna Fail hack ‘fed up’?! Join the club, Minister!
- 9:55 PM: dermotcasey Gormley says signal on doorstep was mixed. Signal in Ballot box wasn’t mixed.
- 9:56 PM: Mark_Coughlan “You’re doing good work but we can’t vote for you”… Are you serious John Gormley?
- 9:56 PM: Simon McGarr I knew he was going to go for Joan Burton. He couldn’t stop himself.
- 9:56 PM: Niall Richard isn’t having an impact.
- 9:56 PM: shanemkelly Gormley, deer & headlights… QED
- 9:56 PM: mediabite #le09 Q&A – OUTRAGEOUS RTE pro FF bias – M Martin allowed to interrupt and shout down Joan Bruton to point where she cannot even be heard.
- 9:56 PM: dermotcasey @mediabite Burton is holding her own
- 9:57 PM: Marie Oops- the valium is wearing off and tyou’re a sore loser!
- 9:57 PM: guinness69 did mary loo turn up lol
- 9:57 PM: Simon McGarr Sound off!
- 9:57 PM: Suzy Byrne ‘John you are a sore loser’ says Joan- that’s the end of that one!
- 9:57 PM: CarlowWeather Applause for Burton calling Gormley sore loser
- 9:57 PM: Mark_Coughlan @Niall, Burton doesnt need to have an impact, Gormley is shooting himself in the foot…
- 9:57 PM: RTE_Elections John Gormley says the country will have first class regulation of the banks because the Greens are in Government
- 9:57 PM: lostexpectation mlm wants a GE hmmm i wonder why
- 9:58 PM: lostexpectation now bowmen is spinning the boom will never end line, doing ff job for them
- 9:59 PM: RTE_Elections Labour’s Joan Burton called John Gormley a ‘sore loser’ following the Greens’ performance in the local and European elections
- 9:59 PM: delexical @lostexpectation So she can loose three on the trot.
- 9:59 PM: guinness69 I think ff could surprise in a ge the opposition would want to watch out
- 9:59 PM: Mark_Coughlan It seems the whole liveblog tunes out when Mary Lou comes on…
- 9:59 PM: Niall @Mark It’s open season on the government. FG and Labour are both hoping to get the same ex-FF supporters. He can’t let Joan get all the glory.
- 9:59 PM: Simon McGarr I see the government parties have both adopted the Looking Glass idea that actual elections with actual votes are an unclear way to gauge public support. Dermot Ahern and now John Gormley both suggesting same.
- 9:59 PM: Simon McGarr @Mark us and the voters.
- 10:00 PM: Suzy Byrne Cllr Patrick Nulty
- 10:00 PM: Simon McGarr Names! I want names being taken!
- 10:00 PM: Elrobo We need an election, cos poor MLM is out of work, I am sorry how can we take you seriously!!! #le09
- 10:00 PM: Mark_Coughlan Patrick Nulty – Labour Cllr
- 10:00 PM: finkeegan Is there anyone in this audience who isn’t party political activist?
- 10:00 PM: cianflah simon elections tell us nothing, just a snapshot in time. erm….
- 10:01 PM: Niall If only all of society’s vulnerable groups voted as much as pensioners…
- 10:01 PM: Simon McGarr Ah-ha! A man who isn’t going to give us political spin. He’s one of the straight talking FFers.
- 10:01 PM: dl37 This Dudes NOT HAPPY!
- 10:01 PM: Mark_Coughlan LOL – Not political spin! Though I’m a party member!
- 10:01 PM: Simon McGarr His pearl of wisdom: Voters want to give this government a chance and have rejected FG and Labour.
- 10:02 PM: dl37 Shut Up! Stupid FF Idiot – Ridiculous!
- 10:02 PM: Simon McGarr LOSER!
- 10:02 PM: guinness69 that guy is on the ball
- 10:02 PM: Niall Not elected? Who would have guessed?
- 10:02 PM: Suzy Byrne Can we name him?
- 10:02 PM: Mark_Coughlan Not only a member – a candidate.
- 10:02 PM: Fergal Crehan What exactly is this guys problem? He’s furiousabout something. Can’t imagine what.
- 10:03 PM: dl37 I can think of a few names for him
- 10:03 PM: guinness69 after the fact rubbish from the opposition
- 10:03 PM: Simon McGarr We must find the human side of the Green party. That was priceless.
- 10:03 PM: guinness69 not an ffr myself
- 10:03 PM: lostexpectation thats a long time to say nothing
- 10:03 PM: Alexia Golez UGH!
- 10:03 PM: Mark_Coughlan It wasn the worst economic situation!
- 10:03 PM: astarmain Eoghan Murphy now on
- 10:03 PM: Fergal Crehan The voters! He hates them! They voted the wrong way!
- 10:03 PM: Mark_Coughlan Eoghan Hughes?
- 10:03 PM: Suzy Byrne Eoghan Murphy – teeth not as white as poster
- 10:03 PM: lostexpectation *clapclap*
- 10:04 PM: Simon McGarr Curse you voters! The public supports me, but you, the voters are my enemy forever.
- 10:04 PM: Mark_Coughlan Murphy. Can some non-partisan faces on pleeeeease…
- 10:04 PM: dl37 Aww Poor little green boy wants to stay
- 10:04 PM: Simon McGarr This is like some kind of post election therapy for candidates.
- 10:05 PM: pratie 9 The human side of the Green Party has been trying to get the leaderships attention for the last two years
- 10:05 PM: Simon McGarr I’m waiting for someone to stand up and point their fingers, their voice shaking and yell ‘You’ve killed my dreams!’
- 10:05 PM: Suzy Byrne Mid term protest vote or more fundamental realignment?
- 10:05 PM: BrianGreene Terry Kelleher SP is front row Q&A elected town councillor Balbriggan
- 10:05 PM: dl37 Hopefully a Realignment!
- 10:05 PM: Niall Is that a ring or plaster on the Lovely Girl’s finger?
- 10:05 PM: dl37 Ring! At least she looks pretty!
- 10:06 PM: Mark_Coughlan @Niall Ring… a bloody massive one too!
- 10:06 PM: wendylimerick Have to swith over to Vincent now
- 10:06 PM: CarlowWeather Q2 Was this Just a midterm protest vote or a fundamental re-allignment
- 10:06 PM: Simon McGarr God! Why do we still have to listen to Mary-Lou McDonand (or not, as the case may be for those of us with mute buttons). She didn’t get elected.
- 10:06 PM: leotraynor Poor John Gormley seems tired and emotional. He looks unwell. Doesn’t seem able to cope with pressure. Time to go.
- 10:06 PM: dl37 Ruined it by saying the Greens were left wing – Yucky!
- 10:06 PM: guinness69 she will settle for a rainbow lol
- 10:06 PM: wendylimerick Mary-Lou rings is massive
- 10:06 PM: BrianGreene rest of Q&A via RTE player on #vinb live now
- 10:07 PM: RTE_Elections Sinn Féin’s Mary Lou McDonald says the election results open the way for a realignment of Irish politics
- 10:07 PM: pratie 9 Wendy will you post on vincent?
- 10:07 PM: delexical Joe Higgins getting a bit of a flirt from Vinnie B
- 10:07 PM: Simon McGarr Oh Janey Mack. The Great SF Dream. ‘Why won’t Labour and the Greens go into partnership with us? What could the problem possibly be? Was it something we did?’
- 10:07 PM: BrianGreene I like MLM’s ring.
- 10:07 PM: cianflah the correct term is dealignment for what happened academic nitpicking
- 10:07 PM: Fergal Crehan What a pointless program Q & A has become. The votes aren’t yet counted and they pack the audience full of candidates and activists. That you, voters of Ireland, we’ve heard quite enough from you already.
- 10:07 PM: Mark_Coughlan Look at Ireland over a decade or two and you get FF, FF, FF, FF, FG, FF FF.
- 10:08 PM: lostexpectation we need to get somebody to rebroadcast tv3 via justin tv
- 10:08 PM: Suzy Byrne Martin Mansergh congrats Maureen George and ‘indeed’ Joe – Martin would like George and Maureen to enjoy time in Dail before they join campaign again.
- 10:08 PM: astarmain If Mansergh wasn’t on I’d switch over to Vinb
- 10:08 PM: pratie 9 Who said the Green’s were left wing? We wish.
- 10:08 PM: Simon McGarr OK, jumping to VinB. Prepare for confusion to reign as we run both liveblogs right here.
- 10:08 PM: wendylimerick Simon Mary Lou is the Sinn Fein Deputy Leader
- 10:08 PM: dl37 @pratie 9 MLM said it!
- 10:09 PM: Simon McGarr Arrived in to find Manseragh chewing the scenery as usual.
- 10:09 PM: Niall Who does Vinnie have on the show?
- 10:09 PM: pratie 9 MLM is a committed Marxist in comparison
- 10:09 PM: delexical Manseragh’s is a seat that will vaporise if there’s a GE in the morn
- 10:09 PM: CarlowWeather No Martin the Jury is in and you are found guilty on all charges of ruining this State
- 10:09 PM: Mark_Coughlan Got RTE Player with Q&A in one Firefox window, Liveblog in another and VinB on the telly.
- 10:10 PM: cianflah Martin spinning me into a tizzy, tough decisions only made bcause decades of easy decisions under El Berto’s anything goes demanded it. Tough can also be wrong.
- 10:10 PM: Mark_Coughlan One earphone given to RTE, the tv sound to TV3 and a brain overloaded.
- 10:10 PM: Simon McGarr I’m leader of the International League of People Named Simon, but seeing as nobody elects me to that position, I don’t see why I’d expect voters to listen to what I was saying.
- 10:10 PM: RTE_Elections Minister for Foreign Affairs Micheál Martin says Fianna Fáil will recover from these elections
- 10:10 PM: Mark_Coughlan MLMCD is giving Martin a verbal slap
- 10:10 PM: leotraynor Wonder when Micheal Martin will launch his leadership bid? #le09
- 10:10 PM: Elrobo “…I didn’t get elected”…surprise surprise #le09 #qa12
- 10:11 PM: Clarabel I cannot follow liveblog, watch #Vinb, worry about my friends and knit complicated lace at the same time. #le09
- 10:11 PM: Mark_Coughlan Is Richard Bruton there still? Gone to the jacks?
- 10:11 PM: pratie 9 My laptop has kept crashing at theRTE site all weekend. Al Jazeera will have to do.
- 10:11 PM: finkeegan ‘Crude simplifications’ don’t help!? That’s been FF’s MO for decasdes!
- 10:11 PM: CarlowWeather Joan is going to burst if she smiles any more
- 10:11 PM: BrianGreene url.ie my interview with Patricia McKenna at 3am today. Listen later.
- 10:12 PM: Simon McGarr Manseragh “We thought, and we were wrong, we were doing ok”
- 10:12 PM: Niall Did Manseragh actually say “That is to suppose we are an island…”
- 10:12 PM: guinness69 Mark_Coughlan have you a link for VinB and Liveblog
- 10:12 PM: dl37 Joan being nice about the Shinners!
- 10:12 PM: wendylimerick Peadar Kirby (UL) has been talking/writing about this left realignment -He argues the the Greens need to be in it to be successful-Greens, Labour, Sinn Fein, PBP, etc
- 10:12 PM: Simon McGarr I think that is the first moment of admitting mistakes, albeit unspecified, from an FFers.
- 10:13 PM: delexical Sick of the idea that we are in the same predicament as the US. We are quite a bit worse than the US! FF need new talking points
- 10:13 PM: BrianGreene RTE lost a viewer coz of the player. TV3 gained a viewer coz they have none.
- 10:13 PM: Mark_Coughlan @Guiness09 How do you mean? The VinB and Q&A liveblog are both running here. VinB isnt livestreamed online…
- 10:13 PM: Fergal Crehan This left alliance is a Shinner pipe dream. As long as there are old stickies in Labour, it’ll never happen.
- 10:13 PM: astarmain Joan describes FG relationship with SF as in flux
- 10:13 PM: Mark_Coughlan Burton wont rule it out. WTF.
- 10:13 PM: IreneFisher Feckin’ Mary Lou MacDonald!! She has been voted out! Can she not just go away
- 10:13 PM: pratie 9 Peader Kirby is dead on.
- 10:13 PM: guinness69 I think they are lining up for a possible rainbow that could run for years and years
- 10:13 PM: dojodub mary lou wants left unity?
- 10:13 PM: Simon McGarr @wendylimerick sure everyone’s going to get along with SF fine there. Nothing usual about them as a party.
- 10:14 PM: cianflah Wendy for it to be realignment it needs a core vote for all three of those parties commensurate with core of FG and FF – realignment needs to be frozen/solid as i understand it while dealignment is the opening volatile market of voters happy to vote for most parties but not aligned over time. (I think?)
- 10:14 PM: Mergito hubris is a dangerous thing Joan Burton #le09
- 10:14 PM: Elrobo No Labour & SF coalition according to Joan #le09
- 10:14 PM: Clarabel I cannot follow liveblog, watch #Vinb, worry about my friends and knit complicated lace at the same time. #le09
- 10:14 PM: Simon McGarr Maureen O’Sullivan considerably more animated than her last VinB outing.
- 10:14 PM: leotraynor Wonder when Micheal Martin will launch his leadership bid? #le09
- 10:14 PM: delexical @BrianGreene You can watch Vinnie B no prob on the web
- 10:14 PM: pratie 9 John Gormley should leave the set and phone Gerry Adams forthwith
- 10:15 PM: Marie @delexical Ay and the Labour Party werent too worried about asking what the old Sticks had got up to in the past.
- 10:15 PM: Mark_Coughlan Seriously… where is Richard Bruton tonight?
- 10:15 PM: BrianGreene @delexical i live and learn, whats the uri? tv3.ie
- 10:16 PM: Mark_Coughlan “Tough decisions, unpopular decision [no mention of wrong decisions]” – John Gormley
- 10:16 PM: delexical @BrianGreene not live though, apologies, delayed
- 10:16 PM: Suzy Byrne Sits waiting for Joe Higgins Bingo full house
- 10:16 PM: Fergal Crehan Sigh. This notion that “if you’re unpopular you must be doing something right” is insane. Its just as likely that you’re unpopular because you’re a prick.
- 10:16 PM: astarmain And that’s all of Q&A I can take. TV3 here I come
- 10:16 PM: Simon McGarr Joe Higgins going old school. Complaining about TEAM Air Lingus. It’s retro-SRTechnics!
- 10:16 PM: wendylimerick Is that the economic perspective Cian cause you lost me on volatile and market!
- 10:17 PM: pratie 9 What the link for Vinnie. Now switched from Al J to France 24. Need more stimulus.
- 10:17 PM: Suzy Byrne George Lee is interested in the future and not the past – ie FG in government in the 70′s
- 10:17 PM: Alexia Golez The Lee downcast glance is his counter to Vinnie B’s sigh
- 10:17 PM: Elrobo MLM is starting her job interview process again…GE, Presidential Elec, pity the LLS is already gone! #le09
- 10:17 PM: BrianGreene @delexical Live not live as in living. Live and learn
- 10:18 PM: Alexia Golez Lee is petulant.. Jesus
- 10:18 PM: Simon McGarr George Lee is ‘talking ’bout my generation’.
- 10:18 PM: delexical George Lee is interested in the future, he’s in trouble with Vinnie and Joe over Kenny report 1974. Not very amicable!
- 10:18 PM: Mark_Coughlan Suzy, what have we had so far – “neo-liberals”, “working people”, “SR Technics”, “ordinary working people”, “taxpayers”, “… should have taken the banks into our control”
- 10:18 PM: finkeegan Intriguing skirmish b/w vinb and glee
- 10:18 PM: Mark_Coughlan OH! FIGHT!
- 10:18 PM: Mark_Coughlan Martin v Bruton!
- 10:18 PM: Niall George Lee looked angry
- 10:18 PM: Suzy Byrne George talks about privatising ESB and Bord Gais
- 10:19 PM: BrianGreene Lee is OTT FG git now. he is clueless of history, and cares less about history and failure of FG in the past.
- 10:19 PM: Niall If he didn’t want to be judged for FG’s actions, why didn’t he run as an independent?
- 10:19 PM: lostexpectation martin try to attach lehman brothers onto fg???
- 10:19 PM: wendylimerick Bout time richard is showing a bit of passion
- 10:19 PM: Mark_Coughlan Bruton is actually shouting now…
- 10:19 PM: Simon McGarr GeorgeL wants us to have things done ‘for tomorrow, for today, not for 1974.’ Sounds like a great slogan for something. Micheal Martin would be annoyed. As we know, he hates slogans.
- 10:20 PM: BrianGreene TV3 graphic title for Joe Higgins MEP. still sinking in.
- 10:20 PM: lostexpectation give me an R!
- 10:20 PM: Mark_Coughlan Martin now shouting… Q&A + passion = WTF!
- 10:20 PM: Alexia Golez Q&A is a complete shouting match. John has lost control. The bus is driving off a cliff
- 10:21 PM: Niall Switch to see Richard and Martin shouting. Bowman, would you ever do something?
- 10:21 PM: Simon McGarr I’m back with Q&A and find our shouty friends R. Bruton and M. Martin making J. Bowman look uncomfortable in the middle.
- 10:21 PM: Johnp63 Any truth in the rumour that michael mc dowell is on the way back via FG? #le09
- 10:21 PM: Alexia Golez @Brian Interesting to note that Q&A are still giving MLM the MEP title
- 10:21 PM: lostexpectation has michael martin done anything in his ministry of foreign affairs?
- 10:21 PM: Mark_Coughlan Gormley says FF and FG should consider coalition… the man is off his head
- 10:21 PM: BrianGreene George is Wrong.
- 10:21 PM: BrianGreene @lostexpectation here is an oRe. row.
- 10:21 PM: astarmain Gormley asks what the difference between FF and FG actually is!
- 10:22 PM: Marie Ah go on bitch slap someone Richard!
- 10:22 PM: cianflah wendy i think it is – about sticking t new party or creating a pool of floating voters. anyhow its more fun to go find it than listen to bowman sit back as if shouting = good debate. CAnt wait till this awful moderating style is done away with.
- 10:22 PM: finkeegan “A better class of person” Nailed it!
- 10:22 PM: Fergal Crehan Locals Update: Meath County Council began counting on Saturday morning. It is now approaching midnight on Monday and they are still not finished. At this rate they will be finished later than the NW Euro count, having had a 24 hour head start.
- 10:22 PM: wendylimerick Because of the Emergency everytime i see Martin M i just think of Harry Potter
- 10:23 PM: BrianGreene @lexia they dont do they? LOL – MLM not MEP not MLA not TD but I like her.
- 10:23 PM: Mark_Coughlan name the audience member please Brian…
- 10:23 PM: Niall I think a fairy dies everytime someone asks what the difference between FF and FG is. There has to be some reason why we don’t ask that question more often
- 10:23 PM: Simon McGarr FF head on the screen. He’s mad angry.
- 10:23 PM: RTE_Elections After a political row on Q&A, host John Bowman says it is clear Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael will not be coalescing after the next election
- 10:23 PM: cianflah Mansergh delivery a slap with a wet fish to lee about economic history and then smugly jumps in seat. almost makes me go back to bowman
- 10:23 PM: Suzy Byrne 2 postgraduate degrees in what i wonder?
- 10:24 PM: Mark_Coughlan LOL… FFer activists gets in the fact he’s just completing his second post-grad with a big smug smile on his face…
- 10:24 PM: cianflah WTF since when is what bowman says news?
- 10:24 PM: Simon McGarr He’s on his second post-graduate and he’s not sure whether he’s going to have a job. Dude, nobody on their second post-graduate ever gets a job.
- 10:24 PM: wendylimerick Wonder what is the 2nd postgrad he is doing?
- 10:24 PM: delexical #vinb George Lee is on route to an early first ulcer with this dismeanour. FG may have their Mr Angry?
- 10:24 PM: Niall Switch: O’Sullivan to support vote of no confidence
- 10:24 PM: BrianGreene George Lee thinks the Kenny report was 2003???? is he thinking Bacon? Lee looking fresh & learning on the job. Smokey Bacon.
- 10:26 PM: lostexpectation the rte live online breaks are very silent and black
- 10:26 PM: Mark_Coughlan O’Sullivan says the no confidence motion is a political stunt
- 10:26 PM: Suzy Byrne Suddenly Govt reps want to talk about the Ryan Report
- 10:26 PM: finkeegan All of a sudden FF feel the need to discuss the Ryan report into child persecution?
- 10:26 PM: Alexia Golez To be honest, how long can O’Sullivan play the novice game… ?
- 10:26 PM: Niall Manseragh sounds like a Bond villain that never made the cut
- 10:26 PM: Suzy Byrne George – ‘I got the job I was looking for from the people of South Dublin’
- 10:27 PM: brettmirl Sleep time in the only electoral area in the country not to have declared its councillors yet. Nite #le09
- 10:27 PM: Simon McGarr While the RSA threatens me with a lifetime of very bad acting, I nip aside to TV3. George is happy with the job he’s got.
- 10:27 PM: Niall @Alexia, for about another week. In fairness, she is a novice.
- 10:27 PM: guinness69 mary loo www.muzu.tv for the adverts
- 10:27 PM: finkeegan Something muppet-like about glee tonight. Bleeker?
- 10:28 PM: Mark_Coughlan Love when Mansergh gets nailed by Vinne… he gets all hot-headed.
- 10:28 PM: brettmirl Sleep time in the only electoral area in the country not to have declared its councillors yet. Nite #le09
- 10:28 PM: Mark_Coughlan Blah #vinb moving away from politics… back to Q&A
- 10:28 PM: Simon McGarr Manseragh promising that ‘even as a government TD you can put down questions’. VinB falls around at this admission of impotence. Manseragh doesn’t even understand what he’s getting at.
- 10:28 PM: wendylimerick Martin giving advise to George on how to ask questions in the Dail
- 10:28 PM: Mark_Coughlan @barratree head of Young Greens
- 10:29 PM: Suzy Byrne Green Party member asks question on Q&A on Ganley
- 10:29 PM: Mark_Coughlan @barratree = Questioner
- 10:29 PM: Niall Declan Ganley – a man who unites all our parties in hate
- 10:29 PM: lostexpectation george lee upload.wikimedia.org
- 10:29 PM: Simon McGarr Jumped to RTE, but not before Ray Foley has made me his enemy for life with his ad.
- 10:30 PM: BrianGreene SF folk I met and like – Killian Forde (old school classmate) Larry O’Toole & Tomás Sharkey East Candidate. MLM also.
- 10:30 PM: Fergal Crehan Dunshaughlin has gone to bed. Three full days after beginning the count, they have only filled four of seven seats. It will be tomorrow before we get final figures for the local elections then.
- 10:30 PM: Niall @lostexpectation Pricesless!
- 10:30 PM: Simon McGarr Look, I like shouting and the like as much as the next person. Perhaps a little more. But really, that whole first half was a sterile and meaningless exchange.
- 10:30 PM: enahs “I think that the people have voted in the European Elections” Michael Martin on Q&A. Really? you’re not sure? #le09
- 10:31 PM: Genzer Where are john Gormley’s snazzy new glasses gone tonight? #qa12
- 10:31 PM: Mark_Coughlan They’re all talking like Ganley is politically dead. He’ll be back – claiming the people want him back – that he got calls from every house in the North West or something.
- 10:31 PM: wendylimerick Loving Mary Lou’s Ring very funky
- 10:31 PM: enahs “I think that the people have voted in the European Elections” Michael Martin on Q&A. Really? you’re not sure? #le09
- 10:32 PM: Mark_Coughlan RTÉ online never set Q&A to get another half hour – show cut off online just there…
- 10:32 PM: Suzy Byrne Bowman says Ganley played a blinder by delaying count so he did not have to face Europe’s television crews based in Castlebar
- 10:32 PM: browne_jp Poor Greens Out polled by Libertas Nationally in the Euros 1.89% to 5.61%. Joe Higgins and Marian Harkin each outpolled the Greens. #le09
- 10:32 PM: Alexia Golez MLM is wearing a massive green ring on her wedding finger. Where’s her wedding band?
- 10:32 PM: OliveOConnor #q+a Mary-Lou looks wrecked tired.
- 10:32 PM: Niall Yeah, Ganley will be back. His kind always are.
Unless you put a stake through their hearts. - 10:32 PM: dermotcasey Mary Lou desperate to be anti Lisbon and distant from Ganley at the same time #le09
- 10:33 PM: lostexpectation i still have rte q&a online
- 10:33 PM: faduda Ganley will probably be back claiming he has proof from supersecret confidential sources that wheeliebins of votes were stolen by Pat the Cope
- 10:33 PM: BrianGreene MLM ring has an LCD screen with tweets from Gerry!
- 10:33 PM: BrianGreene #vinb back
- 10:33 PM: pratie 9 Can anyone suggest similar political blogs to this one? For the quiet times.
- 10:33 PM: mediabite Vincet Browne TV3: George Lee and Mansergh in cosy agreement about worth of back bench politicians. Lee a smug & arrogant already. #le09
- 10:34 PM: guinness69 i’ve lost RTE on line
- 10:34 PM: Fergal Crehan This is the only show in town, liveblog-wise.
- 10:34 PM: lostexpectation why can’t they discuss lisbon?
- 10:34 PM: Mark_Coughlan @pratie – Which blog are you on? You looking for blogs or liveblogs (real time chats)?
- 10:34 PM: Alexia Golez @pratie mamanpoulet.com – it’s not a liveblog though
- 10:34 PM: Suzy Byrne John Gormley talks about Libertas and distasteful policies – especially equality for gay people – that’ll be a perfect civil partnership bill next month John so?
- 10:34 PM: mediabite Vincet Browne TV3: George Lee and Mansergh in cosy agreement about worth of back bench politicians. Lee a smug & arrogant already. #le09
- 10:34 PM: CarlowWeather what time is Q&A on till?
- 10:35 PM: pratie 9 Both really. This is a wonderful new world for me.
- 10:35 PM: Mark_Coughlan @CW 1140
- 10:35 PM: cianflah prepare for en masse switch to vincent in 2 mins
- 10:35 PM: wendylimerick Suzy got there before me…..at least Libertas were upfront on where they stood not dance around the issues
- 10:35 PM: Niall Hasn’t Gormley promised a CP bill already?
- 10:35 PM: lostexpectation barra missed telling rte and media to get over ganley
- 10:35 PM: finkeegan An “ego trip for Mr Ganley”: his political epitaph may have just been written
- 10:35 PM: BrianGreene Ganley, Grover lives in wheelie bins and eats 3000 votes ever night
- 10:35 PM: Suzy Byrne Pratie – irishelection.com is where you’ll find politics pondered and irishblogs.ie is a good place to search for different blogs talking about ‘current’ issues etc.
- 10:36 PM: Fergal Crehan Prediction: CP will not come in under this government
- 10:36 PM: Mark_Coughlan @pratie Irishelection.com, mamanpoulet.com search for “Semper iDem”, or “the Cedar Lounge Revolution” (left wing specifically)…
- 10:36 PM: squidlimerick Mansergh is extremely grating
- 10:36 PM: Simon McGarr Just handed an ice cream cone. Liveblogging impaired.
- 10:36 PM: Mark_Coughlan annnnnd… to Vincent Browne
- 10:37 PM: guinness69 can you watch tv3 online any links
- 10:37 PM: wendylimerick Vincent loves rising Martin
- 10:37 PM: Mark_Coughlan @Guinness No, they’re a few years behind the times… headwrecking…
- 10:37 PM: Niall Lee’s answer is cute
- 10:37 PM: pratie 9 Great informaation. You may well have saved my sanity.
- 10:37 PM: BrianGreene @lexia re MLM “Where’s her wedding band?” I had a DJ at my wedding.
- 10:38 PM: Alexia Golez @Brian
Love the Sesame St reference
- 10:38 PM: Simon McGarr George Lee is being bombastic. Joe Higgins is advocating his Thomas Paine inspired outlook.
- 10:38 PM: faduda Cuffe tweeted CP bill due in July last week
- 10:38 PM: Suzy Byrne And Pratie if you want to start blogging yourself – we need more politics and current affairs bloggers!!
- 10:38 PM: Mark_Coughlan Any got access to The Irish Times online archives?
- 10:38 PM: CarlowWeather I think FG and Labour don’t want a GE until next year, 1 less tough budget to make
- 10:38 PM: delexical #vinb I wonder what will happen when George does get his GE and meets the Dept of Finance folks. That’s a meeting I’d like to be a fly on the wall at.
- 10:38 PM: lostexpectation lsiten we need somebody with tv card and cable to their computer to rebroadcast tv3 over www.justin.tv check it out
- 10:39 PM: Suzy Byrne Martin Mansergh is dancing in his chair again!
- 10:39 PM: Niall Poor Coughlan!
- 10:39 PM: Mark_Coughlan @Carlow a Labour-head said such to me in the RDS yesterday… they want the Greens to finish themselves with the bloodbath budget in December…
- 10:39 PM: CarlowWeather Indo leads with Coughlan demotion ahead
- 10:39 PM: Anonymous Coughlan set for demotion…..idle speculation on a tuesday?
- 10:39 PM: lostexpectation www.tv3.ie
- 10:39 PM: lostexpectation watch the whole lection day tv3 coverage all over again
- 10:40 PM: Suzy Byrne Examiner says FF Backbenchers are planning a revolt
- 10:40 PM: conall Back from a very nice weekend exploring Antrim. Skimmed through #le09 results & things turned out v well
- 10:40 PM: squidlimerick Joe Higgins MEP … has a nice ring to it. Joe Higgins TD would have been better #le09
- 10:40 PM: Mark_Coughlan Wonder who wrote the lead for the Examiner – they had nothing yesterday seemingly…
- 10:40 PM: Suzy Byrne Green Minister need to be given time says Mansergh – eh? They’re actually better than Most of Manserghs party by a mile!
- 10:40 PM: wendylimerick If the remove Coughlan they would have to have a general election Cowen leadership would be in Major Trouble
- 10:41 PM: cianflah dont think the voters in donegal south west (byelection pending) wud be pleased with a tanaiste demotion.
- 10:41 PM: delexical #vinb Coughlan, the Farmer’s friend is going to have her face all over their tables on the Indo in the morn. Is she going to be dislodged as a sop to the backbenchers?
- 10:41 PM: Mark_Coughlan FFS… Ryan report isn’t interesting now – Kenny “superceded” it with his motion… he said o himself…
- 10:41 PM: CarlowWeather @wendylimerick and if they don’t remove Couglan the Back Benchers will revolt
- 10:41 PM: pratie 9 Suzy. Been wondering how to start blogging.
- 10:41 PM: squidlimerick
- 10:42 PM: squidlimerick
- 10:42 PM: Niall If they remove Coughlan, then Cowen will find himself without a layer of protection. All the blame will go to him.
- 10:42 PM: squidlimerick
- 10:43 PM: Mark_Coughlan Who is that in the lead image of the Irish Times? Cant make it out…
- 10:43 PM: wendylimerick I dont see Cowen doing it-Who would be Taniaste?
- 10:43 PM: dermotcasey Sweary mary to go. Not before time. Can she take the whole government with her (known by the civil service as the Blue Minister for her language)
- 10:43 PM: faduda If Coughlan goes, then doesn’t Cowen have to dump his other pal Lenihan too?
- 10:43 PM: squidlimerick He went through the examiner so fast I count grab it
- 10:43 PM: Simon McGarr Marueen O’Sullivan, pushed hard by VinB, says that it isn’t appropriate for the Sisters of Mercy to run the Mater Hospital.
- 10:43 PM: astarmain Alan Kelly winning the seat on the front of the Times
- 10:43 PM: Suzy Byrne Pratie – have a look around other blogs and then go to a site like wordpress.com and start one – it’s free
- 10:44 PM: CarlowWeather Martin as Tainaiste would delay leadership challenge and bring Cork vote up?
- 10:44 PM: Mark_Coughlan @gerard Lenihan is a bit more independent of the trio though?
- 10:44 PM: astarmain Cowen needs to appoint a Dublin based Tanaiste to try to shore up support
- 10:44 PM: Simon McGarr Joe didn’t have to be pushed on his opinion on this. He too does not think religious orders should be running any part of the state services.
- 10:44 PM: Suzy Byrne George Lee does not believe that it’s appropriate that church run schools/hospitals?
- 10:44 PM: pratie 9 Sorry on the front of the IT
- 10:44 PM: Mark_Coughlan Dublin doesnt like FF, wouldnt matter who he appointed IMO
- 10:44 PM: wendylimerick Who Mary Hanafin No feckin Way
- 10:44 PM: lostexpectation gormely for tanaiste
- 10:44 PM: faduda @Mark if he is, he’s shown scant evidence of it
- 10:45 PM: faduda @lostexpectation that wouldn’t be a bad move on Cowen’s part
- 10:45 PM: Niall Everyone agrees with each other.
Except maybe Vincent? - 10:46 PM: wendylimerick no its not especially when they have Catholic ethos Martin
- 10:46 PM: astarmain Move lenihan back to justice and make him number 2.
- 10:46 PM: lostexpectation how the hell is one women wonder harney still in her job, shes not that good, the reshuffle should have been subject on q+a
- 10:46 PM: astarmain Put greens in Finance and put it up to them
- 10:46 PM: Fergal Crehan If Cowen was in this for the long haul, he could do worse than swallow a bit of pride and make Gormley Tanaiste. Lash them both together so that they sink or swim together
- 10:46 PM: Simon McGarr Manseragh giving me faceache on this within micro-seconds. Has decided that the abuse wasn’t just a catastrophe for the victims, but for ‘the whole of society’.
- 10:46 PM: BrianGreene Alan Kelly FCC? no. its Childers Ireland East, no?
- 10:47 PM: CarlowWeather @lostexpectation who in FF would want Health?
- 10:47 PM: Simon McGarr Manseragh has no opinion on the question of church control of schools/hospitals. But then grows one.
- 10:47 PM: delexical #vinb Manseragh, re: Ryan report, the world has turned and left you, nobody wants “reflection” or talk of ethos, they want secure child protection and some semblance of justice.
- 10:47 PM: wendylimerick Oh Manseragh is pissing me off
- 10:47 PM: lostexpectation that no reason not to get rid of her @cw
- 10:47 PM: Mark_Coughlan @Carlow Harney is anchored with health in the long run
- 10:47 PM: delexical #vinb the face on george there on that shot!
- 10:48 PM: finkeegan FF failing to understand that the Orders TODAY are morally tainted: by their cover-ups, evasions, and needless persecution of victims giving testimony
- 10:48 PM: Simon McGarr Hee Hee. George has to respond to VinB and say that he isn’t opposed to the past in this regard. Not a universal Year Zero the day he was elected!
- 10:49 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 The line-up for Louth County Council has been completed following Independent Frank Godfrey’s election in Drogheda East
- 10:49 PM: Niall vincent is confusing two issues, no? The state of modern mental hospitals have little to do with the role of SOM in running a kids hospital.
- 10:49 PM: BrianGreene oops Alan Kelly Labour Cork. it might be
- 10:49 PM: Mark_Coughlan *fingers crossed for no Harvey Norman ads*
- 10:49 PM: CarlowWeather I agree lostexpectation but its an easy way for FF to distance themselves from Health. Cowen re-shuffle would still see her remain imo
- 10:49 PM: wendylimerick Leaving before i start screaming -nn all Thanks again for the Liveblogging ya’all-
- 10:49 PM: Simon McGarr @Niall, the connection is the state’s treatment of children.
- 10:50 PM: Mark_Coughlan Sound, there’s a shopping website that’s going to save the economy. Cowen, are you involved here? Shopin.ie
- 10:50 PM: Mark_Coughlan www.shopin.ie Looks amazing they have coloured-y floating counties… wow… welcome to the internet in 2001 guys
- 10:51 PM: CarlowWeather Only 6 counties in that shopin.ie ad that most people want to shop in and they don’t put any money in Lenihan’s books
- 10:51 PM: lostexpectation shopin non stop twittering about herself
- 10:51 PM: lostexpectation are you argeuing in favour of the easy way for ff @CW
- 10:51 PM: Mark_Coughlan Tagline “Help us put the economy back together faster than the governments can!”
- 10:52 PM: Niall @Simon, yes, but that doesn’t really support his point that the SOM shouldn’t run the kids’ hospital. Are the mental hospitals poor because they’re run by religious orders or because of underfunding in several areas by the state?
- 10:53 PM: CarlowWeather god no lostexpectation I’d be delighted to see Harney out but I have no Faith in Cowen doing that
- 10:53 PM: Fergal Crehan OK, Dunshauglin Meath elected one more before bed-time: Niamh McGowan LAB takes fifth seat of seven. Only two seats remain to be filled now.
- 10:53 PM: squidlimerick Are they still counting in Castlebar?
- 10:53 PM: lostexpectation state need to take direct responsibility therefore funding
- 10:54 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 The line-up for Louth County Council has been completed following the election of Independents Frank Godfrey and Alan Grehan
- 10:54 PM: Simon McGarr Having got Maureen to betray the nuns in relation to the Mater, Vinb decides to go at her again on schools.
- 10:55 PM: Mark_Coughlan Talk yous all for Prime Time tomorrow night?
- 10:55 PM: Fergal Crehan @squid Don’t think they’re counting in Castlebar. I think the last 2 in Dunshaughlin are all that remains.
- 10:55 PM: guinness69 lab got a seat in meath
- 10:55 PM: faduda GLee stumbles over FG soundbite “orderly wind-down”
- 10:55 PM: faduda And we’re out
- 10:55 PM: Niall Ouch. Damn you tv3 for breaking then giving two seconds of debate before ending! sat through the ads for nothing
- 10:55 PM: CarlowWeather Only 2 seats remaining are in Meath Dunshaughlin
- 10:55 PM: guinness69 www.rte.ie
- 10:55 PM: offportal Animation of the Dublin Euro count url.ie #le09 (via @Anamates) cool visualisation of Proportional representation in action
- 10:55 PM: faduda @Elrobo I caught a snipped of Coughlan on one of the radio shows today, defending Cowen staying in Offaly all weekend #le09
- 10:55 PM: enahs @Elrobo they wheeled her out for a while on Saturday…then wheeled her back in just as quick. Papers tomorrow say she’ll be demoted #le09
- 10:56 PM: finkeegan Night all. Remember to put your pitchforks back in the barn.
- 10:56 PM: lostexpectation watching tv3 yesterday, vb says the a senior ff minister told him that bertie started canvassing for maureen o sullivan when the wind changed
- 10:56 PM: squidlimerick @Fergal, was referring to the European count. have they suspended the European count till tomorrow?
- 10:57 PM: squidlimerick
- 10:57 PM: Suzy Byrne Questions and Answers on RTE 1and Tonight with Vincent Browne will be live blogged here at the Count Day Liveblog to round off the three day countfest. Any or all of #le09 , #qa12 , #vinb will get your tweet picked up from Twitter.
- 10:57 PM: Fergal Crehan @squid. Silly me. Should’ve known. Have heard no announcements that they’ve stopped.
- 10:57 PM: lostexpectation aertel is still retro cool
- 10:58 PM: Simon McGarr The liveblog stays open overnight. Until the seats of Dunshaughlin are filled, we will not rest.
- 11:00 PM: pratie 9 Seems like Wexford is still counting
- 11:00 PM: faduda Thanks to all who retweeted, visited and commented on 200 Words to Gormley today
- 11:01 PM: Mark_Coughlan Anyone got open access to Irish Times Online archives? Looking to do some trawling…
- 11:02 PM: KOLKOLKOLKOL Anyone intersted in politics In Ireland, @vincentbrowne his programme is amazing. Great panels, No questions left unasked! Genius host.
- 11:02 PM: davidpkelly Good panel on @vincentbrowne too, had to Sky+ it because of Q&A
- 11:02 PM: mcj66 Christ! Could George be any more smug over on @vincentbrowne? Or should that be George! Could Christ be etc….
- 11:02 PM: handelaar Oh my. @vincentbrowne screwing Mansergh into the wall here
- 11:06 PM: lostexpectation be careful with those mental images @handelaar
- 11:06 PM: lostexpectation can’t click on names on scribble? to see their profile follow them etc
- 11:08 PM: sazzybm come on!!! Seriously becoming a joke now!!! Why is it taking so long?
- 11:11 PM: squidlimerick BNP filth on Sky news
- 11:18 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 The two local seats yet to be decided are in Dunshaughlin in Meath, while there are recounts in Belturbet and Portlaoise
- 11:19 PM: guinness69 Meath Result
- 11:19 PM: guinness69 meath filled
- 11:19 PM: guinness69 meath is done
- 11:20 PM: guinness69 nite all thanks
- 11:26 PM: RTE_Elections Fianna Fail’s Paschal Mooney was eliminated after the fourth count in the North West
- 11:33 PM: ElectionsIRL SOUTH: final result Crowley (FF), Sean Kelly (FG), Alan Kelly (LB) – bit.ly
- 11:37 PM: RTE_Elections #LE09 All 883 seats in the local elections have now been filled
- 11:40 PM: pratie 9 I think it’s one of the Irish Tenors on the front of the Irish Times.
- 11:40 PM: RTE_Elections The counting of votes in the North West is expected to go through the night
- 11:41 PM: RTE_Elections The counting of votes in the North West is expected to go through the night. bit.ly
- 12:07 AM: ElectionsIRL NORTH WEST: Mooney (FF) eliminated after 4th count – bit.ly
- 12:14 AM: mor_rigan Some pix from South count centre url.ie #le09
- 12:57 AM: AdamMaguire The final Council seat break down is: FG 340 (+47), FF 218 (-84), Lab 132 (+31), SF 54 (NC), GP 3 (-15), SP 4 (NC) Other 132 (+40) #le09
- 12:57 AM: TheEmergency So farewell, Declan Ganley.
You burned ballistcally across the Eurosky.
Ironically, you lacked a guidance system.
#le09 - 6:16 AM: Simon McGarr No! Sleep! Till Castlebar!
- 7:43 AM: RTE_Elections The three seats in the North West European constituency were filled in the early hours of this morning
- 8:12 AM: BrianGreene PR STV is a wonderful voting system. Higgins needed ~11300 to pass out Ryan. ~55% of MLM were Non trans. 4:1 SP:FF off SF it was very close!
- 8:23 AM: BrianGreene poster take down time.
now I don’t mind. zero down on Sunday due to the RDS count
- 8:37 AM: Simon McGarr Highly recommend the Irish Times election supplement. A Nealon’s Guide style celebration of figures and stories. #le09
- 8:38 AM: CllrJoeRyan twitpic.com – This happened after midnight on Tuesday June 9th 2009. Labour’s latest councillor is elected in Wexford
- 8:48 AM: paul_cawley Will Eoin Ryan get the nod as our next EU commissioner later this year? Cowen can’t afford to lose a cabinet member now #le09
- 9:01 AM: Suzy Byrne Resignation from party of senior Sinn Fein figure to be announced shortly
- 9:05 AM: CiaranCuffe Looking forward to Deputy Maureen O’Sullivan moving into an office that’s been far too quiet across the corridor from mine in Leinster House
- 9:07 AM: mediabite Examiner poll showing 69% favour general election before end of year #le09 tinyurl.com
- 9:10 AM: krayZpaving Wow. So that’s what nine hours sleep feels like. Must do that again. Give us a few days before calling a General Election! #le09
- 9:12 AM: Suzy Byrne Martin Mansergh is shouting on Radio 1 #le09
- 9:17 AM: BrianGreene #Libertas Gone! url.ie “Its your Europe” Ganley’s EU:rope
- 9:19 AM: deebdublin sound tech on rte radio 1 getn their ears blown off them by the man who needs no megaphone – martin mansergh
- 9:33 AM: Simon McGarr Tempted to let the liveblog stay open for Suzy’s little piece of SF fallout.
- 9:35 AM: Anonymous Who’s resigning from SF Suzy? As for Ganley, did he really believe that irish political classes – all Pro-Lisbon – were going to “suffer” Declan et al?
- 9:55 AM: ElectionsIRL NORTH WEST: final result Harkin (NP), Gallagher (FF), Higgins (FG) – bit.ly
- 9:56 AM: Elrobo @suzybie @Simon Please leave this open to discuss the news on SF? Still 39 following & if I know this site, it will have the news 1st! #le09
- 10:01 AM: Suzy Byrne Sinn Fein Press Office say they cannot confirm until the afternoon if an unsuccessful candidate is quitting the party. Weird.
- 10:06 AM: Suzy Byrne Ok neck sticking out time – I’m hearing that Christy Burke has quit the party. It’ll be in the Herald shortly.
- 10:11 AM: pratie 9 The Wexford Town Council seat was taken by Danny Forde, Green Party. It was decared about 3am. The system wouldn’t let mt post it for some reason.
- 10:11 AM: Suzy Byrne Thanks Pratie – we finally got some sleep last night so couldn’t moderate comments.
- 10:14 AM: pratie 9 Ah Ok. Didn’t think of that being a novice and all. Opened a twitter account for the first time and sent it to you on that system. If you didn’t get I must have messed up.
- 10:24 AM: Suzy Byrne More on the news coming out of Dublin Central – Following her unsuccessful campaign Mary Lou needs a new job and it is to be found in Dublin Central. Christy feels that he has been badly treated. Expect him to run as an independent in General Election.
- 11:00 AM: Mark_Coughlan Ind TD Michael Lowry is to meet Taoiseach to discuss a number of matters of concern in advance of vote of confidence in the Government #le09
- 11:02 AM: Suzy Byrne We’re shutting up shop here now as all the counts are complete. Keep an eye to www.Irishelection.com for further coverage of the fall-out in the days to come. Many many thanks to all the contributors from around the country for making this a highly successful record of the Local, European and By-Elections 2009. See you at the General Election!
- 11:02 AM: Fergal Crehan Almost done. All the local authority seats are now filled. NW Euro count is expected to go on through the night, though the result is no longer really in doubt
- 11:07 AM: Suzy Byrne To join in go to www.scribblelive.com or put #le09 at the end of your Twitter tweets. Priority on the liveblog is given to reporting results, trends, happenings in counts and links to other information online of interest to readers rather than comments and chat.
Any news on Rathfarnham
Did i get elected?
Is Mary lou out of running yet?