Vincent Browne, Tues 12th May
- 11:06 PM Suzy Byrne - So is tonight’s programme a candidate free zone? Brian Lucey Free?
- 11:06 PM christinebohan - Tonight’s show: Pat Rabbitte, Sarah Carey, Alison O’Connor and… um, someone else.
- 11:07 PM Suzy Byrne - God bless your eyesight Christine
- 11:07 PM Suzy Byrne - Ivan Yates I’m hearing??
- 11:07 PM Alexia Golez - @suzy Yeah!
- 11:08 PM Suzy Byrne - Where ere there is a mention of Ivan Alexia you appear to celebrate for me – transference?
- 11:10 PM Suzy Byrne - News reporter Brian O’Donovan re Eircom joblosses on TV3 is doing strange things with his arms…A dance of sorts.
- 11:10 PM Simon McGarr - Sarah Carey? I can’t watch that.
- 11:11 PM Suzy Byrne - Simon you can and you must! National Service if you will
- 11:11 PM Simon McGarr - Pfft. I have to think of my health.
- 11:12 PM christinebohan - No way Simon, if we’re watching it then you have to watch it. Look at her, all dressed in black! That’s just fodder for us to make obvious jokes about how evil she is!
- 11:12 PM Suzy Byrne - Is there any point to the elections asks Vincent?
- 11:13 PM Leo Traynor - Gawd. Ivan Yates again. The John McCririck of Irish politics
- 11:13 PM Simon McGarr - I’ve been told to expect an Eircom network renationalisation within 18 months by knowsome folks.
- 11:14 PM Leo Traynor - Jaysus . Yates has started literally shouting the odds
- 11:15 PM Suzy Byrne - 7-1 for Maurice `udder brudder` Ahern to win – 14-1 for Dublin South FF win according to Ivan – bad way to start Ivan as Vincent has a thing about bookies and predominance of gambling in Irish life.
- 11:15 PM Alexia Golez -

- 11:15 PM Alexia Golez - A picture for your archives, Simon!
- 11:15 PM Simon McGarr - All right, I’ll look. But I’ll be fleeing, I warn you.
- 11:15 PM Alexia Golez - Last night’s but shoot me!
- 11:16 PM Alexia Golez - @Suzy Always!
- 11:17 PM astarmain - Swingers?!
- 11:17 PM Leo Traynor - Good point about the Greens. By all accounts an exit strategy has been planned
- 11:18 PM Leo Traynor - Word has it that either Cuffe or DeBurca will be the Greens mayoral candidate. From a good source
- 11:19 PM NeoLiberalScum - That woman hasn’t a clue, has she?
- 11:19 PM Alexia Golez - * turns on the sound *
- 11:20 PM Suzy Byrne - New political movement being predicted or something…
- 11:20 PM christinebohan - I get worried at all this talk about FF being annihilated. They had their worst ever local election result in 2004. With that as the yardstick, if they fail to gain any new seats it’ll still be a disaster but the media may not judge it as such.
- 11:20 PM Suzy Byrne - Would Ivan Yates help you sleep?
- 11:20 PM Leo Traynor - Does Sarah Carey have a single coherent thought in her head?
- 11:21 PM Alexia Golez - @Suzy Only if one smokes before hand…
- 11:21 PM christinebohan - Why do people even suggest bringing back McCreevy? Both Matt Cooper and Richard Alduous did it a few months ago, now Carey is at it. *makes cuckoo signs*
- 11:22 PM Suzy Byrne - Sarah Carey predicts a Caroline Simons win and Declan Ganley too
- 11:22 PM christinebohan - Ah here Carey, suggesting that Caroline Simons is going to get a Dublin seat is hugely ignorant of basic politics.
- 11:22 PM Alexia Golez - Christ. Libertas seat in Dublin?
- 11:23 PM cianflah - Carey thinks libertas will get second dublin seat?
- 11:23 PM astarmain - Ivan and Sarah Carey would drive you to drink. Does passing out count as sleep?
- 11:23 PM Leo Traynor - Economic tsunami…the latest cliche, going forward
- 11:25 PM christinebohan - No Sarah. Because as much as we like to blame Bertie, he wasn’t a one-man government.
- 11:26 PM christinebohan - Nationalisation versus Namafication – I love it.
- 11:29 PM christinebohan - Ivan Yates should have let Evil Carey talk about whether there’s going to be a shift away from y’old civil war politics now. It would have been a lot more interesting than this incredibly dull monologue.
- 11:29 PM Leo Traynor - Poor Clare Byrne facing the prospect of working with Ivan Yates every morning
- 11:29 PM astarmain - Surely she can’t believe El Berto will become Mayor
- 11:29 PM cianflah - all our free marketers giving out about untrameled securitization. Thanks for the heads up.
- 11:29 PM Leo Traynor - The look on Brownes face just now was priceless
- 11:29 PM Leo Traynor - Is Pat Rabitte getting back to Workers Party basics?
- 11:31 PM Leo Traynor - She must have seen Village’s ledgers
- 11:31 PM astarmain - Vincent really wanted the banks to fail. Schadenfreude??
- 11:32 PM christinebohan - This is a really good debate
- 11:33 PM christinebohan - I mean, not to point out the obvious or anything. But it is.
- 11:33 PM astarmain - True Christine … much better than the candidate screaming matches
- 11:37 PM Leo Traynor - I agree. best current affairs programme on Irish TV at moment
- 11:37 PM Simon McGarr - Anglo should have been let fall. But then, it was the home of the favoured few’s debts.
- 11:38 PM JimDHunt - It’s the panel that makes it good, but Vincent spends too much time talking over people.
- 11:38 PM Simon McGarr - All the panel would speak until stopped or they died.
- 11:39 PM Leo Traynor - Oh aye, and certain parties thereAnglo) may know where the bodies are buried…..
- 11:39 PM Alexia Golez - I love that Vinny spends time on the Jordan-Andre split
- 11:40 PM Alexia Golez - .. in the headlines sprint..
- 11:40 PM christinebohan - Usually he does something like mispronounces Peter Andre’s name or acts like he’s never heard of Jordan before, just to show the disdain he has for having to even talk about stories like that.
- 11:40 PM Leo Traynor - There’s a distinct possibility that some night Vincent may burst a blood vessel live on air
- 11:41 PM christinebohan - I don’t like Sarah Carey (who knew, right?) but she’s right about that Indo headline
- 11:41 PM Leo Traynor - Sarah making a point? That’s novel. She seems to have forgotton that she’s a Murdoch lackey
- 11:42 PM Suzy Byrne - Loud screams at telly at Ivan’s sensitive analysis…
- 11:43 PM Leo Traynor - The Indo is rapidly declining though. Slow and inexorable descent into Mail territory
- 11:44 PM astarmain - Vincent right again about the overly strict whip system in the Dail.
- 11:45 PM astarmain - And the toothless committee system
- 11:45 PM Leo Traynor - We’re actually lost for a good quality, investigative daily paper with a nose for political debate. An Irish equivalent of the Guardian
- 11:47 PM Leo Traynor - I’m digressing, apologies. Browne is quite correct about the ineffectness and ineptitude of the Dail
- 11:47 PM Leo Traynor - Ivan would know all about committees
- 11:47 PM christinebohan - Yeah, good point. These elections are a good chance to get a whole lot of new faces into politics in this country.
- 11:48 PM christinebohan - OK, even better point from Rabbitte. It doesn’t matter how good the people are when the system is so bad.
- 11:48 PM Leo Traynor - Yea. We need a new breed of politicians
- 11:49 PM Leo Traynor - After George Lee’s announcement last week I heard a few surprising names bandied about
- 11:49 PM Simon McGarr -

- 11:50 PM Leo Traynor - Nice pic. Captures the charming essence of her being
- 11:50 PM Simon McGarr - Bah! SC misunderstands how FF has intertwined with the Civil Service. Suggesting CS are capable of controlling FF is topsy turvy.
- 11:52 PM Simon McGarr - Of course, FG incapable of resisting giving public servants a kicking even when it isn’t appropriate. The Civil Service of this state is exactly the creature the government has always wanted.
- 11:52 PM Leo Traynor - Labour should be exploring possibilities of a coalition of the left. We need to see a left/right divide emerge
- 11:52 PM Leo Traynor - Recession has a polarising effect on society and we should treat it as an opportunity to explore new avenues
- 11:52 PM Simon McGarr - Wait! I’m being offered another chance to see an 11ft Richard Burton Hologram. Everything is secondary.
- 11:53 PM Simon McGarr - There is no other left. That’s it.
- 11:54 PM christinebohan - Ahhhhh, Richard BURTON. I thought all those tweets from @Alexia during the past week were about Richard BRUTON. I was thinking it was very odd.
- 11:54 PM Alexia Golez - @Simon Every time you say that, I read 11ft Richard Bruton!
- 11:55 PM christinebohan - @Alexia I thought that’s what you were saying on Twitter! Duh me.
- 11:55 PM Alexia Golez - @Christine That was all Simon.. I was waiting for massive hologram
- 11:55 PM Suzy Byrne - Tosser…
- 11:55 PM christinebohan - Ah. Light is gradually dawning.
- 11:56 PM Leo Traynor - Ivan’s obviously an afficionado of reality TV
- 11:56 PM astarmain - Dublin South fight tomorrow.
- 11:56 PM Alexia Golez - Bah, last night’s was much better
- 11:56 PM Simon McGarr - Weather!

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