The Week in Politics
- 10:02 PM lexia - @suzybie the plastic surgery is working #wip
- 10:03 PM Suzy Byrne - Ok here we go the Brian Hayes excuse for the Lee Photos…and Lee fibs
- 10:04 PM eoinlarkin - Sean having a go at George Lee and his pictures again…! #wip
- 10:05 PM christinebohan - Am I the only one who didn’t think it was that big a deal that Lee got the photographs taken before his decision was made public? Anyone?
- 10:08 PM Simon McGarr - Who’s on this week, other than Hayes? And the people have spoken and #wip it is for the tag.
- 10:08 PM Suzy Byrne - Mary Upton and Martin Cullen in studio
- 10:08 PM Suzy Byrne - Now a profile of Local Elections – Fingal and Leitrim.
- 10:09 PM Suzy Byrne - More councillors in Leitrim per head in Fingal…
- 10:10 PM Suzy Byrne - Will the first ever Labour councillor be elected in Leitrim? Candidate Feely thinks so. Gareth McDaid for the Greens is trying to be first Green councillor in Leitrim.
- 10:10 PM christinebohan - John Feely is talking now, running for Labour. Pretty sure he was Mary Robinson’s election agent back in 1990.
- 10:12 PM Simon McGarr - Photo? Just one little snap of the telly? #wip
- 10:12 PM Simon McGarr - Otherwise I’m going to have to chop up Green Ink’s Roflcopter pic of cullen #wip
- 10:12 PM Suzy Byrne - I’m looking for my camera
- 10:15 PM christinebohan - That’s possibly the singularly most unconvincing Green party member I’ve ever heard trying to defend the party.
- 10:15 PM Mark_Coughlan - A community centre? Ongar doesn’t even have a fucking school. Priorities! #wip
- 10:17 PM greenparty_ie - Eamon Ryan will be on Morning Ireland to discuss, amongst other things, the Bill Cullen tweet. It’s gone now, as the tone was inappropriate.
- 10:18 PM lexia - Mr Cullen #twip
- 10:18 PM christinebohan - @greenparty Um, what? What Bill Cullen tweet?
- 10:18 PM Suzy Byrne - I put that green party tweet in just for our info – Christine look here –
- 10:19 PM Suzy Byrne -
- 10:19 PM Suzy Byrne - FG are contemplating vote of no confidence in Brian Cowen after June 6th- Hayes
- 10:20 PM Suzy Byrne - A piece on the political poster…
- 10:22 PM Mark Coughlan - What’s with the music?
- 10:22 PM Suzy Byrne - Someone in RTE news and current affairs believes we need music tonight seemingly – STOP IT…
- 10:24 PM Simon McGarr -

- 10:24 PM Suzy Byrne - Paschal Donohue, Ivana Bacik, Maurice Ahern and Maureen O’Sullivan and Christy Burke and David Geary all in one show but not one room!
- 10:24 PM brettmirl - More stupid background music on the reports. Grrrrr #twip
- 10:25 PM Simon McGarr - Alexia wins the race to get her photo on the front of Liveblog. But how have we missed it before. Martin Cullen *is* Bernard from Yes, Minister.
- 10:25 PM christinebohan - I appreciate that RTE studios aren’t always that big, but it looks a bit odd to have Christy Burke and David Geary in a separate studio and just talking through a big screen.
- 10:25 PM Alexia Golez - @Suzy Oh wow. Missed that tweet!
- 10:26 PM Mark Coughlan - “You blew the boom” is a FG term now, according to a rambling Maurice Ahern.
- 10:27 PM daithimckay - Watching ‘The Week in Politics’, the SF candidate in Leitrim is the first woman to stand for the county council there – wow!
- 10:28 PM christinebohan - Ok, it was a total soundbite but I like Bacik’s line about how the only people needing parachutes/live-saving devices will be FF
- 10:29 PM Suzy Byrne - Paschal reminds viewers that he lives in Dublin Central..again..|
- 10:29 PM Alexia Golez - Again, we’re searching for Ivana’s connection to the community
- 10:30 PM christinebohan - Paschal continues to remind viewers that he lives in Dublin Central….
- 10:30 PM leotraynor - Ivana Getelected on Week in Politics parroting almost precisely what she said on Vincent Brownes show during week. Yawn
- 10:31 PM Suzy Byrne - The reason the greens have no representation in Dublin City Council is cos Browyn Maher left – but David does not want to mention this!
- 10:32 PM Mark Coughlan - The O2 Studio?
- 10:32 PM Alexia Golez - Geary really doesn’t have a grasp on any sound economic theory. In the same way that Bacik is recanting her mantra, he’s reciting his.
- 10:33 PM Suzy Byrne - Pascal says he is only candidate not going to vote for a FF govt…
- 10:34 PM Suzy Byrne - Ivana looks for Maureen’s transfers..
- 10:34 PM Mark Coughlan - HAH. Ahern is a gas man.
- 10:34 PM Alexia Golez - Were The Week in Politics was Police Academy, Maurice Ahern would be our Commandant Lassard
- 10:35 PM Suzy Byrne - Malachy Steenson from Workers Party and Patrick Talbot from Immigration Control Platform are also running in Dublin Central
- 10:35 PM christinebohan - None of the candidates came out well there when asked who voters should give a number 2 preference to.
- 10:36 PM Alexia Golez - oh dear, strike out my extra “was”
- 10:36 PM Suzy Byrne - See you all tomorrow night for Questions and Answers – link etc will be tweeted no doubt…
- 10:36 PM christinebohan - @Alexia: Lol! I don’t want to know who’d be under his table.
- 10:37 PM Simon McGarr - Has anyone else seen the amazing Young Callely running in Fairview? His elbow actually sticks out of his posters. And he has a big Facebook logo, but no way to find him.
- 10:37 PM Alexia Golez - @Christine So many potentials!
- 10:38 PM Simon McGarr - Subscribe to liveblog_ie on twitter. He’ll tell you all the hashtag and link goodness in advance of the shows. Send any extra suggestions you’d like livebloged to me.
- 10:38 PM christinebohan - Cool Suzy, presumably see y’all here then. Kathy Sheridan (Irish Times), Dick Spicer (Humanist Society) and Padraic White (ex-IDA) will all be on Q&A. Don’t know what politicos are going to be on yet.
- 10:38 PM faduda - @christinebohan The Bill Cullen tweet:
- 10:48 PM christinebohan - Thanks faduda and Suzy for the link to the Bill Cullen tweet. That’s some fairly idiotic shit from the Greens.

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