Questions and Answers, 9th March
- 10:32 PM Suzy Byrne - Mary Harney – Minister for Health, James O’Reilly FG, Suzanne Kelly Tax Lawyer, Ronan Fanning Historian, Paul Sweeney ICTU Economist.
- 10:32 PM Alexia Golez - Looking forward to tonight’s Q&A. Mary Harney, Jim Reilly.. etc
- 10:32 PM Suzy Byrne - we’ll stay in your gaff
- 10:33 PM Simon McGarr - I will be in and out. As small child circumstances allow. Or medical advice.
- 10:43 PM Suzy Byrne - James O’Reilly has had a tidy up I see – not much but a tidy all the same!
- 10:43 PM Suzy Byrne - Michael Kinsella – how much pain are people to take re mini-budget.
- 10:43 PM Suzy Byrne - Suzanne Kelly is Captain Kelly’s daughter as i remember from last appearance (not so long ago either…) and of a FF disposition..
- 10:43 PM Alexia Golez - moves to restore economic goodtimes will not be “a popularity” contest.. hmm.. opposite of an election, so.. An election of a small, centre-right party..
- 10:43 PM Alexia Golez - Harney confirms that specifics of the financial disaster were only revealed last week, but that the fact that they were only revealed then, is something common internationally. It will be “at least” three years.
- 10:46 PM Suzy Byrne - Notes cushion behind Minister. I’m not saying anything else on that for fear of apologies needing to be offered!
- 10:46 PM Alexia Golez - James O’Reilly has a magnificent afro. A halo of that could have been independent of noggin, now brought into the fold.
- 10:47 PM midnightcourt - “It’s not as good a pension as the one in the public sector” Blistering insight from John Bowman #qa2
- 10:48 PM midnightcourt - Jesus Christ #qa2
- 10:49 PM midnightcourt - Pain schmain #qa2
- 10:50 PM hughgreen - How much pain? I’m going to read Orna Mulcahy’s lifestyle pieces every week till the recession ends #qa2
- 10:51 PM Simon McGarr - @hughgreen I see your Orna Mulcahy and raise you her brother Michael.
- 10:51 PM midnightcourt - Figures made a bad situation worse. Not actual activities of which they are evidence #qa2
- 10:52 PM lexia - What a fail. Harney speaks of the increase of spending on health by multiples, but the Health Service limps from year to the next. #qa2
- 10:52 PM hughgreen - There’s no such thing as ‘private sector unemployed’. #qa2
- 10:53 PM midnightcourt - Mary reckons we should get real. Fucking hell. 400 quid haircut. First class travel. Total uselessness remunerated at 200k plus #qa2
- 10:54 PM midnightcourt - Mary actively removed decision making and management from Govt generally and her Department in particular. #qa2
- 10:57 PM hughgreen - #qa2 Why tax ‘exiles’ (exile normally a tragic predicament) and not tax fugitives?
- 10:57 PM midnightcourt - HSE replaced executive function of Dept of Health – yet not one civil servant redeployed. V little executive experience at Cabinet. #qa2
- 11:01 PM midnightcourt - Mary grumpily acknowledged Canada as actual source of consultant skills – let’s not forget we live in backwater #qa2
- 11:02 PM midnightcourt - Please, Government, do not fall back on your own unbelievably limited resources for answers to our problems #qa2
- 11:03 PM Suzy Byrne - beards are really in tonight!
- 11:04 PM Alexia Golez - Paul Sweeney, economic advisor to ICTU kicks Politikopolis in the nads – politicians are paid “too much”..
- 11:04 PM Alexia Golez - Anything to do with prickly negotiations?
- 11:04 PM midnightcourt - @hughgreen Why not “Tax Bastards”? #qa2
- 11:05 PM midnightcourt - where is tax bastards tweet? #qa2
- 11:05 PM cianflah - Good god fail all round on #qa2 that patronizing icu analogy my fave so far. Harney a lightenin rod for popular ire
- 11:05 PM fustar - @midnightcourt @hughgreen #qa2 Or “Tax Hidey Bad Men”?
- 11:05 PM Simon McGarr - Harney’s words hitting me like radiation. #qa2
- 11:05 PM Fergal Crehan - Saw Paul Sweeney speak the other week. He likes to swear a lot, presumably to show that he’s not like the other economists
- 11:08 PM Suzy Byrne - Meanwhile up north this evening – PSNI officer shot in Craigavon
- 11:08 PM Suzy Byrne - Question 3 is on murders by RIRA in Antrim
- 11:09 PM Alexia Golez - Suzanne doles out sympathy like it’s an economic resource, sparingly and just because it’s the right thing to do..
- 11:09 PM midnightcourt - Budget up to two opposition politicians rather than vast ranks of Finance, Revenue et al – FF don’t have hang of this Govt thing #qa2
- 11:11 PM midnightcourt - Didn’t catch question there – Harney on about national reputation & need to bring atrocity merchants to justice – will she go quietly #qa2
- 11:12 PM Alexia Golez - Phew.. Part one done. Feels like I’ve taken off my corset..
- 11:13 PM Fergal Crehan - Why won’t RTE show the ad breaks on the web stream so people in the UK can see them? Why?!?!
- 11:13 PM midnightcourt - Yes, audience cabbage guy, were it not for Financial Crisis our Govt would Pwn RIRA. n0000b! #qa2
- 11:14 PM Simon McGarr - Fergal tackles the big questions, so we don’t have to.
- 11:15 PM midnightcourt - Ad for Hibernian features origin story involving Mustachioed carpet bagger type with bag of money #qa2
- 11:16 PM Fergal Crehan - That Hibernian ad is loathesome. Uses hideous economic hardship as just another sentimental detail of times changing, like flares or shoulder-pads
- 11:17 PM Simon McGarr - I saw Quinn Group running their ’14 reasons why we’re not going to sink beneath the waves’ ad in the papers today.
- 11:17 PM Suzy Byrne - Is taxx on texting a tax on young people? Next question on q&A
- 11:17 PM Alexia Golez - “a tax on SMS is a tax on free speech” Paul Sweeney
- 11:18 PM Simon McGarr - Is this question taxing my patience?
- 11:18 PM Alexia Golez - Oh and the question is – “Would a tax on text messages, be a Youth Tax?”
- 11:19 PM Alexia Golez - Interesting, but how much of txtspk is free speech?
- 11:19 PM Simon McGarr - Are Stamps a vast censorship conspiracy on letters?
- 11:19 PM Fergal Crehan - I noted that Mary White TD has spoken positively of a text tax. She has also expressed concerns that computer games lead to violence. From the puritan, modernity-sceptic, eat-your-greens wing of the Green Party, clearly
- 11:20 PM Simon McGarr - Are they a tax on Grannies who love sending cards?
- 11:20 PM midnightcourt - Charlie McCreevy implemented tens of taxes with conivance of Mary Harney. #qa2
- 11:20 PM redmum - Ha Young Wan disgusted at any suggestion of texting levy, says yeah tax emails! #qa2
- 11:20 PM midnightcourt - “I favour non-progressive taxes which allow the people who will look after me when I leave Govt to fuck the little guy” Mary Harney #qa2
- 11:20 PM Suzy Byrne - text tax does not ad to cost of doing business in Ireland according to Kelly – she’s not really into the text advertising business?
- 11:21 PM justinf - on about taxes now and the proposed taxes on txting #qa2 but txts are already taxed – with VAT!!
- 11:21 PM hughgreen - @midnightcourt @fustar did I say tax fugitive? I meant tax superhero. #qa2
- 11:22 PM Suzy Byrne - would ireland beneift if ministers leaving ireland for St. Patricks Day do not return – pithy last question FAIL.
- 11:22 PM Simon McGarr - @Suzy anything that might kill off text advertising is a must have.
- 11:23 PM finkeegan - If teacher in #qa2 audience (thinks rev shortfall can come from pun’g banksters) is indicative we are fubared: pubsector needs 2 WAKE UP!
- 11:23 PM fustar - #qa2 Question I’ve always wanted to ask on Q&A – “Can you pinpoint the exact moment when this government jumped the shark?”
- 11:23 PM lexia - I like this guy’s thinking
- 11:23 PM Simon McGarr - *FacePalm*
- 11:24 PM Alexia Golez - James Reilly doesn’t want to lose his Paddy’s Day junket should he EVER get into cabinet…
- 11:24 PM Suzy Byrne - Organisational and Time Management advice for Minister Cullen from Ronan Fanning.
- 11:25 PM midnightcourt - Sadly, our Ministers are not equipped to redress our national image deficit #qa2
- 11:25 PM midnightcourt - Cullen’s appointments a symptom of Ministerial divorce from executive functions. Out and about all day, never at desk #qa2
- 11:26 PM hughgreen - But helicopters aren’t flash ENOUGH. Blue lambos for all. #qa2
- 11:26 PM midnightcourt - Someone should take opp to kick Harney who uses helicopters to open fucking off-licences #qa2
- 11:27 PM Alexia Golez - Oh noes.. Harney has milk and crusts to sustain herself while her ministeral colleagues hobnob
- 11:28 PM midnightcourt - Bowman needs to be shown the door #qa2
- 11:28 PM Simon McGarr - I refuse to applaud.
- 11:28 PM midnightcourt - Budget cuts perfect excuse to kick his tired ass to the kerb #qa2
- 11:29 PM Simon McGarr - @Alexia Cruelty- eating hobnobs before someone on basic rations.
- 11:30 PM hughgreen - @midnightcourt #qa2 he needs to be shown an iron for those trousers
- 11:30 PM Suzy Byrne - Jammie Dodgers breakout now…I fasted during that…
- 11:31 PM Simon McGarr - Everyone back to digging the holes in the middle of fields to flee to.

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