Garrett Fitzgerald— Who’s to Blame? —- car scrappage scheme—All for you to get angry about, like the newspapers say you do. Twitter Tag: #rtefl
Shh, whisper it. From the sounds of things this might- might- not be exactly the A-squad of guest on tonight’s Late Late Show. Though that gives our host a chance to shine, doesn’t it? Twitter tag: #latelate
The Emergency’s Joe Taylor roll onto show tonight to review the papers. Warning: There Be NAMA before him. Twitter Tag: #vinb
This week, Mary Hanafin, Minister for Social Welfare comes on to explain why the government needs people with little money to have less. Also, the author of The Lolita Effect in studio. Twitter Tag: #rtefl
After the party, its the after party- albeit a party with Brenda Power, Ray Foley and Brendan O’Connor at it. So, you know, maybe one of those parties where you hide in the kitchen. The Apprentice-You’re Fired Twitter Tag: #apprentice
Ryan’s lovely walnut Bachelor Pod is invaded by the Austin Powers of standup, Russell Brand (along with, you know, other comedians). Hashtag: #latelate
Vincent juggles firebreathing goldfish for an all UN-SecGeneral Panel. Or, as is more likely, some journalists and politicians. The fish thing is totally going to happen, though. Hashtag: #vinb
A game of two halfs tonight: Firstly, Jack O’Connor of SIPTU, Fintan O’Toole, Susan Kelly (Tax consultant) and Moore McDowell (Economist who didn’t spot economy might collapse). Presumably the first two set upon the latter pair, with bets taken by an Indochinese bookie in the front row. Then an Interview with Noam Chomsky (linguistics expert and part time cultural critic). Pat will have been practicing his use of the phrase ‘But the reality is…’ all week. Hashtag: #rtefl
Bang! You’ve been hard-hitted. Hashtag: #rtefl