Vincent Browne, 2nd June
- 10:40 PM Simon McGarr - Stumbled in a little early. Encountered The Tudors for the first time. Astonished at the quality of acting.
- 10:42 PM Simon McGarr - Rather in the way I was astonished at the potato salad served in Spar Rolls on Thomas Street.
- 10:44 PM Simon McGarr - I’m only amongst the Tudors a few minutes and we’ve seen two people be threatened with burning. It must have been a cheery script meeting.
- 10:46 PM Mark_Coughlan - No TV
- 10:46 PM Mark_Coughlan - No TV3 Stream
- 10:46 PM Mark_Coughlan - No VB
- 10:49 PM Simon McGarr - Vincent Browne teases us with talk of a Leader’s Debate!
- 10:49 PM Simon McGarr - Vapourware?
- 10:50 PM Fergal Crehan - Gormly has said he is up for a debate. And Gilmore is only dying for one. The others are, understandably, less keen
- 10:51 PM Simon McGarr - Still exposing myself to the Tudors. Just saw the King of Germany say “Whadda you think my country is? A meat market?”
- 10:52 PM Fergal Crehan - I am not sure Germany had a king, or was even a country, back in Tudor days.
- 10:53 PM Simon McGarr - He is the brother of Anne of Cleeves. Perhaps he was just king of Cleeves.
- 10:54 PM Simon McGarr - Well, after all those threats, we have our first burning.
- 10:54 PM Simon McGarr - They’re not all anachronistic talk in The Tudors.
- 10:55 PM Fergal Crehan -
- 10:56 PM Fergal Crehan - Not exactly a vast kingdom. And as we know, one didn’t marry Anne of Cleeves for her looks
- 11:03 PM Simon McGarr - The Tudors cast a hottie as Anne of Cleeves. Makes Henry VII look even more a nutcase than was the case. Was this a subtle attempt by an Irish production to undermine the monarchy? Answer: No.
- 11:06 PM Simon McGarr - Tonight we have all the Euro candidates who haven’t appeared before now. In no way is this a programme featuring no-hopers.
- 11:09 PM Fergal Crehan - I am more interested in Anne of Cleeves
- 11:11 PM Simon McGarr - Leader Debate update. Enda agreed.
- 11:11 PM Fergal Crehan - When will this meeting of minds occur?
- 11:12 PM Simon McGarr - Sean Dorgan of FF said that a leader’s debate would involve, you know, just the leaders. And therefore they didn’t much like it. Having a man who is radioactive to voters as leader, I can only presume.
- 11:13 PM Simon McGarr - Nobody else would go on without Cowen. Boo.
- 11:13 PM Fergal Crehan - Foolish. Always better to turn up and badmouth the no-show for cowardice
- 11:14 PM Suzy Byrne - So Thomas Sharkey and who else tonight?
- 11:14 PM Simon McGarr - Does anyone have any background on these guys. One is a SF guy, whose name Vincent just got wrong.
- 11:14 PM Simon McGarr - Sorry, I should say he is the 2nd candidate for SF in Ireland East.
- 11:14 PM Suzy Byrne - is the singing farmer there?
- 11:16 PM Simon McGarr - Either my ears are misbehaving worse than usual, or he is speaking in gibberish fragments about cattle barons ripping the backside out of small farmers and undermining Ireland’s nuclear position.
- 11:16 PM Suzy Byrne - That’s a big Fainne..
- 11:17 PM Simon McGarr - How can Vincent gather the energy for these questions. This guy just claimed Homer Simpson’s cousin was in charge of Sellafield.
- 11:18 PM Simon McGarr - Next up, John F. Higgins, Independent.
- 11:18 PM Suzy Byrne - John F Higgins wins tie competition
- 11:18 PM Simon McGarr - Warns us that Ireland has become dangerously circular.
- 11:18 PM Suzy Byrne - Down with Circularity…
- 11:19 PM Simon McGarr - He is standing on a ticket of protecting young people by being old and therefore knowing better than them.
- 11:19 PM faduda - Damn those aggressive circulars
- 11:21 PM Simon McGarr - Burst of lucidity- MEPs voted to allow lower/higher Loan to Value financing for mortgages.
- 11:21 PM Simon McGarr - No, he’s gone again. Negative Equity is contrary to Christ’s will.
- 11:22 PM Suzy Byrne - He has a website but nobody’s home
- 11:22 PM Simon McGarr - And next, Alexander Stafford. He has lots and lots of posters across Munster, as I can attest.
- 11:23 PM Simon McGarr - He is a consultant radiologist and he is a friend to all parties. But he is from Limerick, unlike all other Ireland South candidates.
- 11:23 PM Suzy Byrne - Limerick’s only candidate – Alexander Stafford…
- 11:23 PM Fergal Crehan - How does Christ feel about Credit Default Swaps?
- 11:23 PM Simon McGarr - Unemployment and jobs not his area of expertise, he assures us. But he’ll take it on if elected.
- 11:23 PM Suzy Byrne -
- 11:24 PM Simon McGarr - Credit Default Swaps make baby Jesus cry.
- 11:25 PM Suzy Byrne - Dr. Stafford tries to teach STV PR to Vincent Browne
- 11:27 PM Fergal Crehan - Someone recently tried making the case against STV to me. To make such arguments to an Irish person is folly. We take it as an affront to our nationhood, like being sold on the merits of UHT milk.
- 11:29 PM Suzy Byrne - Ok call the number of votes for John F Higgins…
- 11:29 PM faduda - Suzy: One for every day of the year…
- 11:29 PM faduda - So its all the fault of the Evil Foreign Banks?
- 11:30 PM Simon McGarr - He’s spotted the problem with polls. The same party keep winning. I feel the same way about them.
- 11:30 PM Simon McGarr - Does VinB get some sort of medal for that epic trawl?
- 11:31 PM faduda - Wonder how thje Shinner feels being lumped in with the christian fundie and the political scientist from Limerick
- 11:31 PM Suzy Byrne - John Lee from Irish Daily Mail and Deaglan from Irish Times will do papers – notes that candidates are not asked to stay in studio to join review.
- 11:31 PM Simon McGarr - Perhaps one made of some sort of endurance boosting power bar.
- 11:32 PM faduda - Simon, how do I join the liveblog?
- 11:32 PM Simon McGarr - @faduda you’re in!
- 11:32 PM faduda - Ah, by invite me you mean no longer have to pass moderation?
- 11:33 PM Simon McGarr - Rennie duel action plays the 300 card. Certainly I’ve often thought of antacid as Spartan Warriors holding the pass against a flaming army of Magma Persians. Good to see it on screen at last.
- 11:34 PM Mark_Coughlan - @adrianweckler It wouldn’t take much to top #vinb tonight. Camera + Random Pub with the obligatory aul’ codgers… sorted.
- 11:34 PM Suzy Byrne - they are all very old vinb tweets..
- 11:35 PM Fergal Crehan - That was me. I saw them all queing up in moderation and thought they were tonight’s. *Facepalm*
- 11:35 PM Simon McGarr - ‘Twasn’t me, Suzy
- 11:36 PM Suzy Byrne - Those candidates are staying in studio.
- 11:37 PM Simon McGarr - Oh wow. I can’t wait to hear the man with the tie’s view of Ireland’s print media.
- 11:42 PM cianflah - someone get jim corr on this.
- 11:43 PM Simon McGarr - Vincent thinks airplane crashes are a class issue.
- 11:43 PM faduda - Vincent thinks everything is a class issue
- 11:43 PM Simon McGarr - Deaglan thinks that it is because nobody has any idea how planes fly.
- 11:44 PM cianflah - worst airplane crash panel ever assembled? Not a stellar political panel either mind….
- 11:44 PM Simon McGarr - I have a little bit of an idea. Really, I couldn’t build one, or anything, but I have thrown a frisbee.
- 11:45 PM faduda - Vinny still has 15 minutes to burn. How will he stretch it
- 11:46 PM Simon McGarr - 15 more minutes! We can only expect a song.
- 11:46 PM faduda - Manybe tie-man could lead the panel in a decade of the rosary
- 11:47 PM Suzy Byrne - Here we go – Sinn Fein bashing moment…
- 11:48 PM Simon McGarr - Chuckles. Northern Bank ref.
- 11:48 PM faduda - “some of the hardest politicians” nyuk nyuk
- 11:49 PM Simon McGarr - SF man says that SF elected reps are some of the hardest politicians. Chortles.
- 11:50 PM Simon McGarr - Three hour Vincent Browne extravaganza on Saturday We’re all going to need to prepare a party piece.
- 11:51 PM Suzy Byrne - That’s Saturday for 3 hours with Vincent. Notes need for TV as will not be live streamed.
- 11:52 PM Simon McGarr - Was it Sunday or Saturday?
- 11:52 PM Suzy Byrne - Alan Rantwell is on Sunday with the news at 5.30 – Vincent is Saturday 4 – 7
- 11:54 PM Suzy Byrne - Garret who helping Eoin?
- 11:54 PM Simon McGarr - Universally disagree with every prediction there. Good to know I’m still paddling my own lonely canoe.
- 11:55 PM faduda - @Suzy: Tubridy?
- 11:56 PM Simon McGarr - Weather. Time for bed, says Zebedee.

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