Vincent Browne, Wed 27th May
9:50 PM Alexia Golez - Coming up tonight on Nightly News with Vincent Browne – Ireland North West candidates for the European elections! Pádraig Mac Lochlainn (Sinn Féin), Susan O’Keeffe (Labour), Joe O’Reilly (FG), Michael McNamara (Ind), Fiachra O’Luain (Ind)
- 10:01 PM Alexia Golez - Question of the evening: What is defective about EU? And what would the candidates do about it?
- 10:11 PM Alexia Golez - oh dear, look at the size of SOKs flower!
- 10:13 PM Alexia Golez - LOL.. SOK calls EU work “Donkey Work”
- 10:14 PM Allan Cavanagh - Is Fiachra Ó Luain on? No telly.
- 10:15 PM Alexia Golez - @Allan ‘ang on – yup
- 10:16 PM Allan Cavanagh - @lexia Vincent’s going to tear him a new one. He’s very young, very naive. What about Ganley? Don’t see him on your list here.
- 10:16 PM Alexia Golez - @Allan Nopes..
- 10:17 PM Alexia Golez - There are going to be many sighs tonight… Vinny poking holes in O’Reilly’s farmer plans
- 10:17 PM Alexia Golez - Even a face rub there!
- 10:18 PM Allan Cavanagh - He’s got such nuanced body language. You really have to watch him to know what’s on his mind.
- 10:18 PM Alexia Golez - O’Luain up next!
- 10:19 PM Alexia Golez - Europe needs to listen to all of us..
- 10:20 PM niall72 - Who are these nobodies? It’s vaguely interesting when you actually recognise them. I know they’re second string, but boy are they innane. God help Europe if any of these shower get in.
- 10:20 PM Suzy Byrne - Turns on telly…aha!
- 10:21 PM Alexia Golez - Fiachra’s proposals include building a Dear Mr Europe/Mrs Europe website? LOL
- 10:21 PM Alexia Golez - Would a liveblog do?
- 10:22 PM Suzy Byrne - ‘We are elected’ ha ha…
- 10:24 PM Alexia Golez - Split personality job too? Schizophrenic donkey job, Susan?
- 10:26 PM niall72 - I was in a bar in Fiacal talking to a man about the Lisbon Treaty on Saturday night . . . Jesus wept.
- 10:26 PM Suzy Byrne - All points bulletin issued for Pat the Cope…
- 10:26 PM Allan Cavanagh - @suzy you got mail?
- 10:28 PM mcj66 - Pity about the no show by FF. Guess we can call the NW candidates from that party Pascal (no) Mooney and Pat the “can’t cope with a light grilling” Gallagher
- 10:33 PM Christine Bohan - Fatal error there, Vincent. There are change to the treaty, they just aren’t announced until after the European election results. Susan O’Keefe is correctamundo.
- 10:34 PM mcj66 - There now. You learn something new every day Susan
- 10:36 PM Alexia Golez - Farmers have fabulous chins
- 10:37 PM Alexia Golez - What a lacklustre show.. C’mon!
- 10:37 PM mcj66 - Michael McNamara is like a young Eamon Ryan. I’m not sure which of either to feel sorry for
- 10:39 PM Christine Bohan - Ok, we get it, the North-West is a pretty shit place.
- 10:40 PM Christine Bohan - Nice little phrase there from the Shinner – something about how this country was turned into a casino during The Boom Years (TM)
- 10:40 PM mcj66 - It’s nice of Fine Gael to let Elmer Fudd run for them all the same
- 10:41 PM mcj66 - Sorry. Ambassador Fudd
- 10:42 PM niall72 - Dreadfully dull stuff. Not an original (nevermind radical) idea between them. All playing it safe and haven’t a chance as a result. I’m sure Europe is already au fait with the broadband shortcomings of Clare. Not.
- 10:43 PM Alexia Golez - Vincent is confused. Understandable..
- 10:45 PM benofsky - Susan O’Keeffe not looking too intelligent on vincent brown.
- 10:46 PM mcj66 - SOK shouldn’t worry. If the church get around to ponying up FF won’t be in power
- 10:47 PM niall72 - Shinner is getting the hairdryer. Up close and personal.
- 10:47 PM Christine Bohan - New word to add to the phrasebook for words SF use to describe the Troubles, courtesy of Padraig MacLochlainn: “Disaster”.
- 10:48 PM Simon McGarr - @christinebohan Ah, but for whom?
- 10:49 PM mcj66 - “the church didn’t kill children…well not many anyway” Jesus that’s dark Vincent
- 10:50 PM Alexia Golez - * has a Vinny sigh * Dunno if I can suffer through this last segment
- 10:50 PM Allan Cavanagh - @Christine, “The Boom Years” might have another connotation altogether coming from a Shinner.
- 10:50 PM Christine Bohan - @Allan I actually laughed out loud. Touché, sir.
- 10:51 PM Christine Bohan - @Simon From the way the SF guy was talking, it sounds like it was pretty tough for all those Shinners having to kill people. I mean, that must have been really difficult for them.
- 10:52 PM Christine Bohan - Btw, Sean Healy’s speech from the Dáil committee today is on Oireachtas Report now on RTE 1
- 10:54 PM niall72 - Did O’Reilly say ‘elective shame’ or ‘collective shame’? Couldn’t make it out.
- 10:55 PM Alexia Golez - Adieu, Vinny
- 10:57 PM Christine Bohan - Well that was uneventful.
- 10:57 PM Allan Cavanagh - I keep hovering over people’s avatars waiting for the reply arrow to appear, alá Twitter. D’oh.
- 10:59 PM Christine Bohan - Vinnie seems to be a bit constrained by all these EU candidate shows. Surely he must have done all the candidates at this stage? It’s getting a tad repetitive.
- 11:02 PM Christine Bohan - My bud works on the TV3 website. I’m going to ask him if they can stream Vinnie live. It would be much handier. I wouldn’t have to leave my room and actually turn on the television.
- 11:03 PM Allan Cavanagh - @Christine that would be handy for the non-tv types among us.
- 11:05 PM Christine Bohan - @Allan I’ll say it to him anyway and see what the scéal is. Twould be handy.
- 11:06 PM Alexia Golez - @Christine I would love embeddable video!
- 11:07 PM Christine Bohan - @Alexia Is the one on the TV3 site not embeddable? That’s pretty silly.
- 11:08 PM Alexia Golez - @Christine I don’t believe so. RTÉ are the same. I suppose they are scared that bandwidth will kill their servers
- 11:09 PM Christine Bohan - @Alexia Well I’ve emailed the guy anyway so let’s see what TV3 say.
- 9:50 PM Alexia Golez - Coming up tonight on Nightly News with Vincent Browne – Ireland North West candidates for the European elections! Pádraig Mac Lochlainn (Sinn Féin), Susan O’Keeffe (Labour), Joe O’Reilly (FG), Michael McNamara (Ind), Fiachra O’Luain (Ind)

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