Vincent Browne, Wed 20th May
- 10:14 PM Mark_Coughlan - Wish TV3 would start streaming online. No TV access at present. Apprentice hogging it.
- 10:53 PM Suzy Byrne - isn’t Vinb supposed to be on by now? Have I missed it?
- 10:54 PM Mark_Coughlan - delayed by UEFA Cup… few minutes late…
- 11:10 PM Mark_Coughlan - It must be hard to be a genuine Christian Brother with a real moral compass at present…
- 11:12 PM Christine Bohan - Some great front pages in tomorrow’s papers.
- 11:13 PM Mark_Coughlan - … genuinely upset. Vincent is handling it very well.
- 11:14 PM Christine Bohan - Vincent reading out those quotes from the Examiner is sinister but effective
- 11:16 PM Suzy Byrne - Will anyone raise point that the standard for inspection of residential settings for people with disabilities launched last week have no statutory basis or funding for implementation? So this stuff continues to this day!
- 11:16 PM Christine Bohan - Mary Raftery has been fantastic all day at articulating the most crucial points of the report
- 11:19 PM Christine Bohan - Jesus, this is powerful stuff. I’m in awe of Christine Buckley.
- 11:19 PM Mark_Coughlan - my God. That was powerful.
- 11:19 PM deebdublin - Really pleased for Christine Buckley to be finally fully vindicated. I remember her getting a hard time from representatives of a group, called ‘LOVE’ ironically I think, on the Late Late years ago who were denying that it was systematic abuse in Goldenbridge.
- 11:21 PM Christine Bohan - @deebdublin Yeah, I don’t think LOVE will ever be heard from again, tbh. No media outlet could give them coverage after this.
- 11:23 PM Mark_Coughlan - … Access to Irish Times Digital Archive? Help me out here see bottom of post. Re: Vincent’s topic…
- 11:23 PM stephenkinsella - Fantastic, listening to Christine Buckley, the anger the woman feels is hopping off the screen. Fully justified, but wow, it’s hard listening.
- 11:23 PM stephenkinsella - Btw, here’s the report in full:
- 11:24 PM stephenkinsella - Read especially Vol III, part 7. Awful stuff.
- 11:28 PM faduda - Chilling silences on Vincent Browne show. No politicians shouting, only single voices telling their stories.
- 11:28 PM stephenkinsella - Interesting how the regulatory capture of the govt by the catholic church lead to high levels of funding for these institutions.
- 11:28 PM valueireland - #vinb If you’re not watching Christine Buckley on Vincent Browne on TV3, turn over now. You have to see her. Compelling!
- 11:29 PM EmeraldDiscount - This is heart breaking listening to the child abuse report on Nightly News
- 11:30 PM Mark_Coughlan - The report goes right up to mid 90s… there was abuse going on in St Joesphs School for Deaf Boys in Cabra during the Celtic Tiger.
- 11:32 PM DermotCarmody - Watching Christine Buckley on #vinnieb extraordinary woman.
- 11:37 PM Duffs1 - Watching Vincent Browne on the Catholic abuse report. Hateful treatment of children, ignored or condoned by those with power to stop it.
- 11:37 PM paddyanglican - Watching Vincent Browne special on report on Institutional child abuse – I am moved to tears – truly horiffic – there are no words……….
- 11:37 PM stephenkinsella - One gets the sense Christine Buckley could talk for 2 weeks about her experiences, and she’s just one person. It’s frightening to think of the scale of the abuse.
- 11:37 PM steoreilly - Never knew they had a masturbating monkey that lived in a palace in Goldenbridge Industrial School.Vincent Browne in shock on tv3 newshere
- 11:38 PM deebdublin - @suzybie Shocking that those HIQA standards for residential services for people with disabilities not being compulsory hasn’t got more coverage – what is the point if they are not enforceable? Be very interesting to know more about discussions on that decision.
- 11:38 PM Christine Bohan - @Stephen Yeah, def. Especially considering that Goldenbridge is a relatively small section of the report when compared to Artane, Daingean and Letterfrack.
- 11:39 PM stephenkinsella - #vinb is on a break, but you’ve got to tune into this if you’re in Ireland.
- 11:41 PM Mark_Coughlan - If the Brother named as John Brander in the report was CONVICTED of related abuses, why is he not named?
- 11:41 PM Simon McGarr - Bleak. And Geoffry Shannon is trying to say that the current national system for at-risk and in-care children is as willfully blind to their welfare.
- 11:42 PM star_scapes - Watching Vincent Browne on the child abuse report. This country makes me physically sick
- 11:43 PM Christine Bohan - @Mark That’s the man that Mary Raftery just named, isn’t it? Donal Dunne?
- 11:43 PM Mark_Coughlan - Donal Dunn. The venom I feel towards him after reading that chapter.
- 11:44 PM Mark_Coughlan - Chapter on Donal Dunn/’John Brander’
- 11:45 PM stephenkinsella - The key point is how the institutions themselves curved around these people, all together. To what extent are these institutional regularities still with us?
- 11:48 PM stephenkinsella - A monument to survivors of abuse in Ireland. What would it look like?
- 11:48 PM Christine Bohan - They suggested that the monument have the words of Bertie’s apology on it. Good idea, methinks. Kind of a ‘lest we forget’.
- 11:50 PM Mark_Coughlan - … demeaning comment IMO “ask her to put her name forward for president”. Trivial.
- 11:55 PM Christine Bohan - Did anyone see the terrible article by Mary Kenny on the Guardian site this afternoon? She said that she’d never met a priest who abused kids, and she’d met loads of priests. Head. Sand.
- 11:56 PM Christine Bohan - Really powerful episode of VB. Not the easiest to liveblog but v moving.
- 12:13 AM Simon McGarr - And, as we didn’t see them in the programme here is a segment of Ms. Buckley responding to the arrogant soundbiting of Br. Kevin Buckley, head of the Irish Christian Brothers in heroic fashion.
- 12:13 AM Simon McGarr - Br. Kevin Mullen on RTE Newskevin_mullen_rte_child_abuse_commission
- 11:06 PM Simon McGarr - Liveblog: Twitter Hashtag: #vinb The Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse is discussed tonight.

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