Vincent Browne, Tues 19th May
- 9:02 PM Suzy Byrne - Dublin Central Candidates – Part 2 tonight I think?
- 10:09 PM Suzy Byrne - Maurice Ahern, Malachy from Workers Party, Christy Burke from Sinn Fein, and someone from the Christian Solidarity Party.
- 10:14 PM Alexia Golez - Oh dear.. Christian Solidarity Party sounding off
- 10:14 PM Alexia Golez - <tumbleweed>
- 10:14 PM Suzy Byrne - Waits…
- 10:15 PM Simon McGarr - It is a bit wicked to put the FFer with the mentalists.
- 10:16 PM Alexia Golez - I predict some sighing tonight
- 10:16 PM Simon McGarr - Licking the lips always a good vote getter.
- 10:16 PM Alexia Golez - LOL @ Simon
- 10:17 PM Simon McGarr - Maurice Aherne not one of Ireland’s more reflective people, it seems.
- 10:17 PM Simon McGarr - He opposed Divorce being made legal, but hasn’t thought about it since.
- 10:22 PM Alexia Golez - Wow… Vincent carrying on from last night
- 10:22 PM Alexia Golez - Go Vincent
- 10:23 PM John J - Same baiting of the Shiners as last night with Ferris. Becomes a bit tedious. Would prefer to hear a debate on the issues they should be discussing
- 10:23 PM Suzy Byrne - Students of Irish history I hope yer watching! A ‘Shinner’ and a ‘Stickie’ and Vincent stirring the pot.
- 10:27 PM Simon McGarr - Severe delusion clearly runs in the Ahern family
- 10:29 PM Alexia Golez - Oh, for God’s sake.. Not a mention of a tribunal for Maurice Ahern?
- 10:34 PM Alexia Golez - Ahern is also running for a seat in Cabra-Glasnevin and Burke for North Inner City..
- 10:34 PM deebdublin - The Aherns sure love the Bots.
- 10:35 PM leotraynor - Tonight’s Nightly News looks like the carnival of the damned #vinb
- 10:35 PM hughgreen - You may not believe it, but we believe God believes it, and therefore it’s the truth, says altar rail eater. And Maurice Ahern agrees #vinb
- 10:35 PM hughgreen - Is divorce really a burning issue for Dublin Central? #vinb
- 10:36 PM Alexia Golez - Malachy also running in North Inner City… Wow, aren’t they confident
- 10:37 PM Alexia Golez - Apple is in Dublin, Maurice?
- 10:38 PM Simon McGarr - My name is Maurice Ahern. I have tumbleweeds in my brain. Even my Numbskulls have tumbleweeds in their brains.
- 10:38 PM Alexia Golez - Jesus Christ, if you aren’t sure of “what they do in the European Parliament”… why admit it,
- 10:40 PM gomaonaigh - Bertie must really hate his older brother. The only time he gets a dig out. It’s for a death run #vinb
- 10:41 PM Simon McGarr - It must be terrible to have been demanding the nationalisation of the banks for decades and then seeing it hoving into view. You have to explain that your nationalisation was always a different sort.
- 10:41 PM Simon McGarr - Rebuild it, knock it down and then Rebuild it again!
- 10:42 PM CllrKeithMartin - #vinb it’s like the cast of Shaun of the Dead
- 10:42 PM Simon McGarr - What skills? Holy skills, presumably.
- 10:43 PM Simon McGarr - National incomes of course will be halfed by the Christian Solidarity’s plan to keep women in their houses.
- 10:45 PM John J - Is this guy serious? He hasn’t a clue. Christy is good, tho.
- 10:45 PM Simon McGarr - Maurice is leaping into Macro-economics. Stand back!
- 10:46 PM leotraynor - Maurice Ahern is so pathetic you’d almost feel sorry for him. Almost but not quiet. #vinb
- 10:47 PM John J - It is embarrassing watching Ahern
- 10:47 PM Simon McGarr - Anyone get a nice photo of the panel? I think the man from Christian Solidarity would be photofantastic.
- 10:48 PM gomaonaigh - The Stickie is right about dropping history but too moody about the issues #vinb
- 10:49 PM gearoidorourke - this is some of the worst TV I’ve ever seen. Vincent is a belligerent old fart (which is not to say his guests are any angels) #vinb
- 10:49 PM leotraynor - tonight’s nightly news is like being stuck in the waiting room at a psychiatric clinic #vinb
- 10:49 PM Simon McGarr - Starting to wish the panel was composed of Boyzone members. Debate quality could only be improved.
- 10:50 PM gomaonaigh - Christian Solidarity will make pain more Christian so you can be rewarded in heaven. #vinb
- 10:50 PM CllrKeithMartin - #vinb the Christian Solidarity Party has all their policies drawn up by a schoolboy from the 1980s
- 10:51 PM Simon McGarr - Newspaper time!
- 10:52 PM Simon McGarr - Not being able to build your prison certainly something of a setback to your plan to build a prison.
- 10:53 PM Simon McGarr - I think we ought to have Christian Solidarity’s man tell us his thoughts on Christian Brother abuse. Is he in solidarity with Christian schoolchildren, or just clergy?
- 10:54 PM gomaonaigh - @CllrKeithMartin #vinb they are a bunch of grumpy old men at a busstop that’s been decommissioned… About 25years ago
- 10:54 PM stretchneil - This is a terrific episode. Mad, but great fun watching them all lay into Maurice #vinb
- 10:54 PM deebdublin - That idea of our national resources in state ownership for the benefit of all is very refreshing. Nationalising banks seemed unlikely a year ago.
- 10:54 PM John J - At lease we have Boyzone to amuse us during the break
- 10:55 PM Alexia Golez - Craving booze after tonight’s show
- 10:56 PM Simon McGarr - Fantastic! Candidates accepting they’re not going to win and tipping the competitors.
- 10:57 PM leotraynor - Burke has a chance. Popular locally in Dublin Central & hard working activist. He’ll play better with the locals than Ivana Paycheck #vinb
- 10:58 PM finkeegan - Can somebody tell me why this discussion is moderated?
- 10:58 PM John J - Somebody should give the CS guy a razor!
- 10:58 PM John J - @finkeegan Good question
- 11:00 PM Simon McGarr - @finkeegan It is crossposted to, so I exercise arbitrary executive powers over it for defamation purposes. I also try to keep the discussion readable, so I don’t put up retweets etc. The twitter hashtag means you can always have your comments available even if they’re not on here.
- 11:01 PM finkeegan - 2 of my comments on seemed vanished into moderation. Granted they weren’t the greatest comments ever made…but they passed muster in my livingroom
- 11:01 PM finkeegan - @ Simon McGarr Thanks for explanation
- 11:04 PM finkeegan - Only problem with tweeting #vinb or #qa is that there seems a significant timelag, depending on Twitter’s humour. Plus this moderation loop…
- 7:49 PM Simon McGarr - Join in the Liveblog from 11pm tonight here or post on Twitter with the #vinb hashtag at the end.

I bit defensive, eh?
Christy is coming across as more open
Vincent betrays his blueshirt roots from time to time
If de brudder was the best FF could do, I’d hate to have seen the rest of the shower
Kind of a Monty Python vibe off tonight’s crew: probably because they all seem to have come out of a historical deepfreeze.
Is anyone going to moderate me?