Vincent Browne, 18th May
- 10:03 PM Suzy Byrne - Tonights Candidates are from the South Constituency according to their tweets.
- 10:08 PM stephencrowley - much better
- 10:11 PM Alexia Golez - Toiresa Ferris (Sinn Fein), Kathy Sinnott (Independent), Colm Burke & Dan Boyle
- 10:11 PM Suzy Byrne - Kathy a Socialist… lol
- 10:11 PM stephencrowley - keep forgetting how American kathy sinnot is.
- 10:11 PM Suzy Byrne - I wonder how they decided who goes on. Vincent may have already explained..
- 10:12 PM Simon McGarr - Vincent pokes at Kathy Sinnott’s abortion terminology and then complains that he doesn’t want to get into it. Sneaky.
- 10:16 PM Simon McGarr - Dan Boyle’s tie has just scuppered his election.
- 10:19 PM cianflah - @suzy he is probably going to have a second panel otherwise he has asked all candidates and only these replied.
- 10:20 PM Alexia Golez - Séan Kelly has a bigger four-wheel drive than Colm
- 10:20 PM Alexia Golez - Wait, wait.. Dan is going to say something controversial
- 10:20 PM stephencrowley - poor colm. he seems a bit desperate and disparate. too much make up dan
- 10:20 PM Suzy Byrne - Ah there are ties and then there’s Senator Boyles Tournee de Chat Noir…
- 10:20 PM stephencrowley - LOL at tie. did not notice. its hilarious.
- 10:20 PM cianflah - is that le cat noir on his tie?
- 10:20 PM Suzy Byrne - Twitter mention…
- 10:20 PM Alexia Golez - Tweet or Tweek..
- 10:20 PM Alexia Golez - LOL – Vinny picks up on controversial Twitter
- 10:20 PM Suzy Byrne - Cian and I are having vincent b live blog problems it seems!
- 10:20 PM Alexia Golez - OMG.. Dan says a Twat?
- 10:20 PM deebdublin - Not a bit of it his tie rocks
- 10:20 PM Alexia Golez - Me too, Suzy!
- 10:21 PM Simon McGarr - Logjam cleared!
- 10:21 PM cianflah - battle of the ties between Dan Boyle and Shay Brennan, final panel of VB before the election
- 10:23 PM Simon McGarr - Government cancels Christmas!
- 10:24 PM Simon McGarr - SF woman is making my brain try to climb out of my ears.
- 10:25 PM Simon McGarr - Vincent goes for the bogus expenses line. Left that wide open.
- 10:26 PM Alexia Golez - Go Vinny
- 10:27 PM Suzy Byrne - Never seen Colm Burke before on telly. Leans forward reminding me of elder something
- 10:28 PM Simon McGarr - FG guy is like watching a Redwood slowly keeling over.
- 10:28 PM Simon McGarr - Anti-chafing gel? Is this a product the universe required?
- 10:30 PM Suzy Byrne - watches the refugees from Q&A move windows
- 10:31 PM Simon McGarr - Overshot channel surfing there and ended up on Paisean Faisean. Fierce tempted.
- 10:32 PM Suzy Byrne - So for starters can we analyize a tie? Simon can you upload this?
- 10:35 PM Suzy Byrne - And Vincent’s weird and wonderful programming moments continue – Mother of people who were injured in the Dublin Bombings in 1974 joins the panel.
- 10:36 PM Simon McGarr - Goodness, this is a moment of strange but powerful telly.
- 10:36 PM cianflah - fantastic television. I can hardly type. Few people are capable of moments like this.
- 10:37 PM Alexia Golez - Wow
- 10:38 PM leotraynor - @Suzy Fair play to him for allowing her voice to be heard. The woman’s lived with this for years and the irish media ignores the fact that the RUC and British government were involved.
- 10:38 PM stephencrowley - whats going on? whats she talking about? I’m scared. she’s talking about the jesus monster.
- 10:38 PM stephencrowley - oh. sorry.
- 10:38 PM leotraynor - Dublin/Monaghan Bombings need to be addressed. RUC involvement and British collusion has never been properly investigated
- 10:38 PM stephencrowley - anyone know who in the greens is pushing for that… apart from me? cause i commented on a blog post about it over the weekend…
- 10:38 PM stephencrowley - eep. that headline of greens pushing for end to political donors had best not quote me
- 10:39 PM johnj - That leaning tower, burke, is so wooden! Imaging him firing a session of the parliament with his resounding speeches!
- 10:39 PM Simon McGarr - SF feel no shame for all the killed people!
- 10:40 PM Simon McGarr - This is astonishing.
- 10:40 PM leotraynor - The Stardust fire had bigger coverage, a bigger investigation and the relatives were treated with more respect. Go figure.
- 10:40 PM leotraynor - Vincen’ts on a roll. Compelling television
- 10:40 PM finkeegan - Go Vincent. Right to specify a particular atrocity.
- 10:40 PM Simon McGarr - The blank eyes of Ferris the Blonder her only response.
- 10:40 PM Alexia Golez - WTF… Ferris ?
- 10:41 PM Simon McGarr - Vincent has four sighs over that one.
- 10:41 PM johnj - Bit of a waste of time, though. Vincent knows the predictable answers he will get.
- 10:41 PM cianflah - that was some moment of television. incredible stuff.
- 10:41 PM stephencrowley - poor woman. being on live tv for vincent to rip them apart.
- 10:42 PM Simon McGarr - I think that segment was worth staying up for, all by itself.
- 10:42 PM leotraynor - Dan Boyle kept very quiet there
- 10:42 PM cianflah - another sigh over Dunlop
- 10:43 PM LittleMissEmma - I that what trasha, trasa, traesa, tresha, Ms. Ferris looks like, hhmmmm Good man Vincent push her on her “Republican” pride. I like him!!!
- 10:43 PM davidcochrane - Vincent Browne asking if Toiresa Ferris has any guilt or shame for republican killings. She says ‘no’, he does his usual on-air sighs.
- 10:43 PM riancoulter - toiressa ferris is the most disgusting thing alive – shame on her and her filthy type
- 10:43 PM leotraynor - @stephen. I’d say she may well have enjoyed it. She should have. She acted as the catalyst for one of the most remarkable segments of current affairs TV I’ve seen for a long time
- 10:43 PM finkeegan - @johnj Don’t see this as a waste of time. It’s a demonstration of SF moral position.
- 10:45 PM Suzy Byrne - Dan Boyle doesn’t know about the gender equality cuts – like the equality authority, human rights and other cuts.
- 10:45 PM leotraynor - Go on Vinny. Give Dan a good boot
- 10:45 PM finkeegan - Anybody in a position to YouTube that bit with Ferris?
- 10:46 PM johnj - @finkeegan I know. But we have been getting the same bland platitudes from SF for years. Mary Lou is brilliant at it. This new one is cut from the same cloth. I don’t know whether it adds to what we already know, that’s all.
- 10:46 PM leotraynor - Dan Boyle – claim to fame – a Bertie appointee. His Mammy must be very proud
- 10:46 PM stephencrowley - @ leotraynor he’s also chair of the green party.
- 10:47 PM Alexia Golez - Kathy preying on the disenfranchised – change the record!
- 10:48 PM Suzy Byrne - Kathy Synnott the feminist… pigs are out for nightly sortee overhead.
- 10:48 PM leotraynor - @stephen. Gosh. I’d forgotten that. That must tax the brain
- 10:48 PM johnj - Dan’s in for it after the break!
- 10:48 PM Murphskie - vincent browne can not read numbers, he’s messed up so many of them!
- 10:52 PM leotraynor - @stephen. come on now. don’t be bashful.
- 10:52 PM leotraynor - @stephen. Is anyone in the Green party even vaguely embarrassed by their failures?
- 10:52 PM stephencrowley - @leotraynor he wasn’t too happy with it himself. he lost his seat because he was so busy in dublin all the time in the run up to the elections being finance spokesperson and appearing on TV and policy launches and stuff. he did not have a base in cork to support him while he was gone. I’m canvassing myself and everyone tells me that they were annoyed he did not get his seat and I respond. well did you vote him no1. and they kinda look away. he missed out by 100 votes.
- 10:52 PM leotraynor - Astephen. How do you feel about the haulbowline incident? Tara? Poolbeg? Rossport? How does Dan feel? Does anyone know or care?
- 10:52 PM finkeegan - @johnj Take your point. Striking though, when you see VB at work on SF, how gentle many others are on them. I have rarely seen an SFer so neatly pinned. At the same time, let’s not forget McGs “traitors” speech: SF now HAS changed from SF then.
- 10:53 PM Suzy Byrne - Killer question – Dan Boyle do you have confidence in Brian Cowen as Taoiseach?
- 10:54 PM Simon McGarr -

- 10:54 PM johnj - @finkeegan Yes, that was a sea change in some respects. I think they all go to SF school of “how to answer questions about atrocities”
- 10:55 PM EoinRyanBetfair - Watching Vincent Browne. I do like Dan Boyle, comes across as one of the more decent ones..
- 10:55 PM johnj - I’m getting dizzy looking at Burke.
- 10:55 PM leotraynor - @stephen I used to canvas for the Greens myself. But I was so disgusted by their decision to enter government with FF that I resigned. I wanted to retain at least a little dignity and self respect
- 10:56 PM Suzy Byrne - Dublin Central By-Election tomorrow night….
- 10:56 PM Fergal Crehan - A decade of tip-toeing around SF for the sake of the peace process has made its mark on the media. That’s why its startling when someone says “what about all those people you murdered?”
- 10:56 PM RealBLenihan - Toiresa Ferris, mother of two children, has no shame about Republican killings. Not even when innocent children were killed? SF all over
- 10:56 PM Simon McGarr - Brian Lucey in today’s Irish Times on the lead balloon of NAMA.
- 10:57 PM finkeegan - Always think a cold thrill of fear must run through VB’s next batch of guests when they hear themselves forward announced at the end of a VB show…
- 10:57 PM stephencrowley - @ leo haulbowline has and is being dealt with. incineration will not happen, much like nuclear. our interest in rossport was a matter of planning and consulting the local population about the pipelines they found dangerous.I met these people they talked in UCC at my request. then everyone realised that the previous governments had signed off a deal handing away our natural resources. I admit failure on tara. but that also lies in the hands of FF voters. as for dan… he’s a little depressed and overworked.
- 10:58 PM Simon McGarr - It would be good to get a YouTube of that Vincent Browne -v- Ferris exchange.
- 10:58 PM Suzy Byrne - @finkeegan it’s like the thrill of near delight when the viewer hears it
- 10:59 PM Simon McGarr - @stephencrowley “our interest in rossport was a matter of planning and consulting the local population about the pipelines they found dangerous”. What is that sentence?
- 11:00 PM stephencrowley - by the way i’m canvassing for myself I’m a green party candidate for cork city council
- 11:00 PM leotraynor - @stephen Then he’s in the wrong job. I’ve been personally involved in Rossport and the correspondence I entered into with a number of very senior greens would not suggest that what you say is factual or accurate.
- 11:00 PM leotraynor - @stephen. I’m aware of that
- 11:02 PM stephencrowley - too fast lol. initially rossport was a complaint about dangerous pipelines going through their community. this was rushed through by their local authority to create jobs. that was my only interest in rossport as a green party member. bad planning and local government transparency.
- 11:02 PM leotraynor - @stephencrowley “haulbowline has and is being dealt with.” How, may I ask?
- 11:04 PM Simon McGarr - Shutdown coming. Weather has been and gone, leaving us with vampire detectives on TV3.

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