Vincent Browne, TV3
- 9:09 PM Suzy Byrne - Marian Harkin, Jim Higgins and Joe Higgins on Vincent tonight according to their respective tweets.
- 10:19 PM Alexia Golez - Paschal Mooney on the show too!
- 10:19 PM Simon McGarr - I’ve abandoned Q&A. The IDA stooge did for me.
- 10:20 PM Alexia Golez - @ Simon: me too!
- 10:20 PM christinebohan - @Simon @Alexia I’m thinking of defecting. I can’t take much more of Q&A.
- 10:22 PM Alexia Golez - Oh, dear.. does this mean that Libertas is economically literate?
- 10:22 PM Simon McGarr - This is the Big Split now. Who will jump to the other 60 something grey haired chaired panel show? Such choices!
- 10:23 PM Alexia Golez - Love these shouty moments
- 10:23 PM Alexia Golez - Where’s the dartgun, Vinny?
- 10:23 PM Mark_Coughlan - There is space for a new political voice in this country. Ganley unfortunately is taking up that space with a with his lack of a political voice…
- 10:26 PM Suzy Byrne - Ok phone calls dealt with time for popcorn…
- 10:26 PM Alexia Golez - Harkin – is giving Ganley a single-payment lesson…
- 10:27 PM deebdublin - @simon mcgarr forget sky+ VB better fun. aah missing george lee q……
- 10:28 PM Todd Unctious - I live in the NW and I’m horrified watching this. What a shower
- 10:31 PM Alexia Golez - C’mon ad break. I want more.
- 10:32 PM christinebohan - Vincent Browne has gotten more interesting in direct inverse proportion to Q&A getting duller
- 10:33 PM Mark_Coughlan - Love to background to Midday. Static scenery of Donnybrook.
- 10:33 PM Alexia Golez - WTH.. where did this come from?
- 10:33 PM Simon McGarr - Has there been anything to match last week’s Caroline Simons and the EU 3D Chickens of DOOM!
- 10:33 PM Mark_Coughlan - Arsebishop Martin *snigger*
- 10:34 PM Suzy Byrne - Abortion question up I see…
- 10:34 PM christinebohan - Marian Harkin looks ghetto fabulous with her zebra-print jacket and rapper-style hand gestures
- 10:34 PM astarmain - VB not in control this evening.
- 10:34 PM Alexia Golez - Noone puts the Chairman in the corner…
- 10:35 PM christinebohan - Lol @ Vincent! “You’ve made your point Paschal, you’re a practising Catholic and you agree with everything they go along with…”
- 10:35 PM Suzy Byrne - Vincent Browne Show – Website police
- 10:36 PM Mark_Coughlan - LOL @ Suzy
- 10:37 PM astarmain - They should all just stick up the expenses like De Rossa and be done with this question
- 10:37 PM Todd Unctious - Marian Harkin employs all these people and she still can’t respond to email
- 10:37 PM Mark_Coughlan - Communications my hole..
- 10:37 PM deebdublin - 6 staff per MEP?? Well, they can say then that they do know about employment issues.
- 10:39 PM Alexia Golez - Ganley is obv a humanitarian.. he only makes gadgets that help people..
- 10:39 PM davidpkelly - I wonder how many times @declanganley
Is going to have to be told to stop talking over people on Vincent Browne tonight
- 10:40 PM MarkBagnall - Giving up on Vincent Browne before that lot give me nightmares. The show works much better when it’s not all politicians on the panel
- 10:40 PM omahonydonnelly - This is making me really hate EU politics. There must be more to it than this.
- 10:40 PM brianpcleary - Declan Ganley being savaged on TV3 by Vincent Browne and the panel
- 10:40 PM nicholasdolan - go on Declan Ganley! give em hell!
- 10:41 PM omahonydonnelly - This show hasn’t been as good since they’ve been featuring groups of candidates. Maybe just because I hate all the campaiging and want to hear people that have real ideas on issues.
- 10:42 PM christinebohan - @omahonydonnelly I actually think it’s really good to get all the candidates together. Good way to compare them all.
- 10:42 PM astarmain - This has been the worst of the candidate specials.
- 10:43 PM deebdublin - @christinebohan i can’t get past your ghetto fabulous description while watching marian lol
- 10:43 PM omahonydonnelly - Maybe it’s just too late for me to take it all in.
- 10:43 PM Suzy Byrne - i assume susan o’keefe et all (13 candidates in North-West) will be on another night
- 10:44 PM Mark_Coughlan - The Libertas candidates are a total shambles. Left wing fella in Portgual. Right wing in Poland. Total bullshit.
- 10:45 PM Alexia Golez - I’m flabbergasted how Ganley says he will influence the lives of locals in the NW and the aftermath of the Govt’s mismanagement of the finances
- 10:45 PM Alexia Golez - This is EUROPE
- 10:45 PM Suzy Byrne - Lech Walesa 50k brought up
- 10:46 PM Mark_Coughlan - Hard hitting stuff in the Mirror.
- 10:47 PM christinebohan - Lol @ the Star headline
- 10:47 PM Simon McGarr - @omanhonydonnelly “I hate all the campaigning and want to hear people that have real ideas on issues.” Where’s the fun in that?
- 10:47 PM Todd Unctious - I will be shocked if Libertas get more than 3 votes in the NW
- 10:47 PM astarmain - Red tops headlines are the best bit of news on the show
- 10:48 PM deebdublin - Ganley also said he’d look after the Health of the locals in NW didn’t he? Unless health becomes regarded as Service in EU, how will he do that?
- 10:49 PM Alexia Golez - @deebdublin Indeed. He seems to have confused both local and National politics with Europe. Ooops
- 10:50 PM deebdublin - @Alexia Golez, or else, and big conspiracy theory coming up, he’s planning on going into private health care and lobbying for it? Well he has the experience post-Katrina.
- 10:50 PM astarmain - Would have thought with Declan’s full understanding of Lisbon he’d know what competancies the EU has
- 10:53 PM christinebohan - I’ve been trying to figure out who Ganley reminds me of and it just came to me. Baldemort from In the Loop.
- 10:54 PM Todd Unctious - Where does Ganley get that slight touch of Australian in his accent? Too much Home & Away?
- 10:55 PM Alexia Golez - On the thorny issue of the banks, Vincent asks Ganley would he give AIB a dig out
- 10:57 PM christinebohan - That was a fairly interesting episode anyway. We should tell Vinny we’re liveblogging it next time, tell him to give us something interesting to write about
- 10:58 PM Simon McGarr - I’m on it.
- 10:59 PM Alexia Golez - Harkin for all of her hand talk, was the most impressive member of the panel
- 10:59 PM Alexia Golez - It may have been because she was wearing camouflage so they didn’t see her crafty moves
- 10:59 PM christinebohan - @Alexia Agreed. I don’t know a lot about her but she was the best of all of them
- 11:00 PM Mark_Coughlan - Harkins hands scare the shite out of me. Between her and Andrew Marr…
- 11:01 PM Simon McGarr - Remember Folks, the Vincent Browne liveblog is here all week. Tomorrow’s one will properly pop up on the liveblog_ie twitter account.
- 11:02 PM christinebohan - Thanks for organising it, Simon.
- 11:02 PM astarmain - You guys should check out Maria Parodi in SEIC for labour if you want ninja hands
- 11:04 PM dueyfinster - @vincentbrowne best comment “Ganley celbrated Lisbon victory with UKIP, people who use tricolour as a table cloth and support Millwall FC”
- 11:04 PM stevelenihan - @JHigginsMEP Fair play for sticking it to Ganley, he’s just trying to destroy Europe from the inside. You’ve got my vote

re lisbon treaty how can michael martin say its a sign of democracy at work to push people back to vote again ?