Questions and Answers, 11th May 2009
- 10:49 PM Simon McGarr - I need photos of the panel on the telly, and quick about it, people.
- 9:31 PM Suzy Byrne - Mary Harney, Alan Shatter FG, Kathy Sheridan – Irish Times. Dick Spicer, Humanist Association and an entreprenaur whose name escapes me.
- 9:33 PM christinebohan - Final panellist is Padraic White, used to be head of the IDA
- 9:33 PM Suzy Byrne - Ty Christine… I was rivetted by the cardigan….
- 9:34 PM Omaniblog - Is that Dick Spicer I used to know in BICO in 1970s?
- 9:34 PM Suzy Byrne - In relation to blasphemy has Minister Dermot Ahern chosen the best option – Question 1
- 9:34 PM christinebohan - Ok, first question is on blasphemy. Should be interesting.
- 9:35 PM NeoLiberalScum - So elts have a referendum on blasphemy!
- 9:36 PM Omaniblog - Nothing this government does these days is credible to me
- 9:37 PM Suzy Byrne - Long time since I’ve seen Dick Spicer. He’s been doing this for years.
- 9:37 PM Fergal Crehan - Padraig White is husband of Sen. Mary White. The great Q & A tradition of having one
out” and one “closet” FFer on every panel continues
- 9:38 PM christinebohan - In the middle of some quality rambling, a good point by Dick Spicer: the government hasn’t rushed to legislate on the X case, so why the sudden race to legislate for blasphemy?
- 9:39 PM Suzy Byrne - ‘My understanding’ says White – aka his briefing from department….
- 9:39 PM Omaniblog - What’s the fuss about blasphamy? No court, no jury, would convict anyone of blasphamy, surely
- 9:40 PM christinebohan - I hate that wide-eyed faux-naiveté attitude from Padraic White: “The Minister is just doing his job! Why are people rushing to attack him?”
- 9:41 PM Omaniblog - Irish times woman agrees with Dick Spicer
- 9:41 PM Omaniblog - Should I have registered to blog?
- 9:41 PM Suzy Byrne - No Omaniblog you’re grand i think – you used facebook to log on?
- 9:42 PM Omaniblog - FG Shatter mocking Mary Harney, effectively.
- 9:42 PM lauramcgonigle - blasphemy law being debated on Q&A – 500k unemployed and this is what we’re discussing.
- 9:42 PM Fergal Crehan - Even if no prosecution was ever taken, having a blasphemy offence on the books would one day come back to bite us by providing an excuse for harassment under cover of law.
- 9:42 PM Duffs1 - Questions and answers – RTE- Blasphemy law.
- 9:43 PM Omaniblog - Shatter should know the legal background, isn’t he a lawyer? He’s right to say this is an effort to distract us from more serious stuff.
- 9:43 PM AdamMaguire - Why can’t we have a referendum on blasphemy? It could be tied in with Lisbon 2 to make it as easy as possible. #qa9
- 9:43 PM Omaniblog - Another Irish legal maze
- 9:44 PM christinebohan - Good point from Alan Shatter about the actual meaning of the amendment. How do you measure outrage? When is enough outrage sufficient? How many people need to be outraged for the law to be broken?
- 9:44 PM Omaniblog - Defamation Bill is the reason according to Harney. Disgraceful talking over each other
- 9:45 PM mneylon - @AdamMaguire if it’s not in the constitution or tied to it, why would we? #qa9
- 9:45 PM Omaniblog - “We ran an honest attempt…” Harney says. Really?
- 9:46 PM Omaniblog - Harney is towing a government line. You can see it in her body language. No passion for the issue
- 9:47 PM christinebohan - I could be mistaken, but this sounds like that rare thing; a valid, articulate point being made by an audience member.
- 9:47 PM Suzy Byrne - Evangelical Christian who asked question thinks that it should be scrapped!
- 9:47 PM deebdublin - something weird about debating having a blasphemy law at all
- 9:47 PM Omaniblog - The man who asked the question is an “evangelical” christian
- 9:47 PM Alexia Golez - What Would Jesus Do?
- 9:48 PM Alexia Golez - Epic comment!
- 9:48 PM Omaniblog - Why now? asks a woman
- 9:48 PM Suzy Byrne - Followed by Audience member making stupid remark – restoring the lack of faith in audience.
- 9:49 PM Suzy Byrne - And then again – an audience member raises the issues of clerical abuse and how disclosures may be affected.
- 9:49 PM christinebohan - Alan Shatter: If we’d had this rule ten years ago when allegations were being made of sexual abuse by clergy, if the people had gone on the streets to protest then they could have been prosecuted under this law
- 9:49 PM politicalthicko - Mary Harney – Satan, or just an asshole? #qa9
- 9:49 PM AdamMaguire - @mneylon The online version is handy due to its searchability; I assume it’s Article 40.6.1i they’re referring to; bit.ly #qa9
- 9:49 PM Fergal Crehan - Shouldn’t let Ahern away with the “Constitution made me do it” line. He is an orthodox Catholic with prior form when it comes to legislating dogma
- 9:49 PM AdamMaguire - @mneylon Apparently the constitution requires a blasphemy law & Ahern has decided it’s too much hassle to seek to remove it. #qa9
- 9:49 PM mneylon - @AdamMaguire at times like this I wish I had a copy of the constitution in the house
- 9:50 PM Omaniblog - “I’d wonder about victims of clerical abuse” – how would they speak and would they be prosecuted under this law? Good p0int – I favour saying anything about priests
- 9:50 PM christinebohan - @Fergal – completely right. Ahern’s background isn’t being discussed at all.
- 9:50 PM Bazalini - www.constitution.ie
- 9:50 PM Omaniblog - Shatter looks down his nose at Harney. I think he thinks of her as yesterday’s woman
- 9:51 PM Suzy Byrne - Do we need a referendum to protect children? Question 2
- 9:51 PM NeoLiberalScum - Children’s Referendum…
- 9:52 PM christinebohan - Pretty odd that these are the first two topics. What about AIB? George Lee? The local elections? I’ll bet all the money in my pockets right now that the final question will be about Ryan Tubridy and the Late Late.
- 9:52 PM Omaniblog - More constitutional stuff: children. This is much more serious and deserving of respect. Only a few minds could follow this complexity
- 9:52 PM Omaniblog - I agree Christine
- 9:53 PM Omaniblog - Half the audience have turned off
- 9:53 PM AdamMaguire - No support for the blasphemy law in the Q&A audience. But what do the public know? #qa9
- 9:53 PM mneylon - @AdamMaguire that clause shouldn’t be in there really #qa9
- 9:53 PM mneylon - @AdamMaguire that entire sentence is abhorrent #qa9
- 9:53 PM AdamMaguire - @mneylon I and seemingly all the main political parties agree with you. The Government just think it’s too much work to remove it. #qa9
- 9:53 PM Omaniblog - Shatter is boring me
- 9:54 PM NeoLiberalScum - “Sexual relations” Why not just say have sex?
- 9:54 PM Fergal Crehan - @ Christine Surprising, but not unhealthy. I think its a bit insider-y to discuss the political game instead of issues
- 9:54 PM christinebohan - @Fergal I don’t think it should be the focus of the debate, but it’s something that should be at least mentioned in any discussion of the blasphemy law
- 9:55 PM christinebohan - @Fergal Agree on the whole thing about playing the game and not the man, though.
- 9:56 PM Omaniblog - now reading a long quote… I understand why the public is bored. This could be discussed in a much more interesting manner
- 9:57 PM Suzy Byrne - Harney says that govt have made no decision – well I doubt they will be calling for a referendum!
- 9:57 PM Omaniblog - Harney: the govt have made no decision on this issue. So what’s new?
- 9:59 PM Omaniblog - The problem with constitution is that it’s so inflexible. But it’s no good wishing there was no constition I guess
- 9:59 PM Omaniblog - Constitutions enrich lawyers – discuss…
- 10:00 PM Fergal Crehan - I seem to recall the government making a decision several years ago. They even issued details of what amendments would be put to the people. Though even then I suspected it was more of a press release than an actual proposal
- 10:00 PM Fergal Crehan - @Omnaniblog Any old law will enrich lawyers. But Constitutions guarantee rights.
- 10:01 PM Omaniblog - This sounds like reform of the Seanad
- 10:01 PM gomaonaigh - God is dead, And no one cares. If there is a hell, I’ll see you there. #qa9
- 10:01 PM Omaniblog - @fergal – thanks, food for thought there
- 10:02 PM christinebohan - I find it amusing that Padraic White tried to tell Alan Shatter what Shatter’s committee said on the whole issue
- 10:02 PM Suzy Byrne - Padraic’s briefing is going well – learnt off lines and parroting..
- 10:03 PM Alexia Golez - Dear God, this Humanist is a terrible bore
- 10:03 PM christinebohan - This is interesting – Bowman goes to the audience for a show of hands on
what people think on the issue
- 10:04 PM Omaniblog - Humour at last – Spicer shrugs his shoulders – says he’s a great fan of referenda
- 10:04 PM Omaniblog - @alexia: could it be that you wish he’d speaker faster?
- 10:05 PM Omaniblog - Most countries have a law of absolute liability, says Shatter
- 10:06 PM christinebohan - No, don’t explain what you set out to do, Harney, just answer the question!
- 10:07 PM christinebohan - You know, it’s starting to get just a little tiring hearing all this aspirational stuff from Harney about how amazing the health service is going to be at some stage in the murky future
- 10:08 PM Omaniblog - Dreadful question on health
- 10:08 PM Fergal Crehan - Too late for this guff from Harney. If she couldn’t fix things when she had money, I fail to see how she’ll fix them now
- 10:08 PM deebdublin - Lordy Mary Harney please don’t mention Suzie Long. U may believe u mean it and mean well but given your track record, its not for you to use her legacy really is it?
- 10:10 PM Omaniblog - Imagine discussing accounting protocols, “a theoretical accounting exercise” “a technical issue” – when there’s a real need to improve the health service
- 10:10 PM Simon McGarr - Dear Lord! I’m not even here this evening, but I”m driven to say that this IDA guy is the greatest stooge FF have ever unearthed.
- 10:11 PM Simon McGarr - He makes Terry Prone look like a dangerous loose cannon.
- 10:11 PM Omaniblog - Ah Harney’s alive treating us to a dose of stuff that’s too complex and tedious for most
- 10:11 PM christinebohan - @Simon – lol! His ability to stay on-message is quite spectacular
- 10:12 PM Omaniblog - Spicer versus Harney. Spicer cut off rather rudely, I think, in order to let Shatter rattle on
- 10:12 PM Fergal Crehan - He is not the brains of the White partnership, whcih is saying something
- 10:12 PM Alexia Golez -

- 10:13 PM Omaniblog - Audience: HSE criticised, one thing after another, healthcare worker speak up: do better
- 10:13 PM Simon McGarr - When the MiStooge database is released, his will be the stern, but concerned avuncular face emptily fronting it.
- 10:13 PM christinebohan - Great comment by young guy in the audience.
- 10:13 PM Omaniblog - Young man blames Harney, powerfully
- 10:15 PM Omaniblog - Adbreak
- 10:15 PM Alexia Golez - Ganley on Vinny Browne, kids!
- 10:16 PM deebdublin - btw i’m just getting stuck in – ok to join in?
- 10:16 PM christinebohan - It’s a particularly dry episode of Q&A. Yes, I know that’s saying something. Harney’s jargon-speak, the focus on interesting but difficult legal issues and the lack of good audience people have all combined to make it unusually dull.
- 10:16 PM christinebohan - @deedublin Yeah, of course! That’s what we’re all doing:)
- 10:16 PM Omaniblog - LOL – I’m staying here. I couldn’t cope with excitement over Ganley
- 10:17 PM christinebohan - Jesus, that’s some claim by Marian Harkin on Vincent Brown. She names someone in her constituency who was asked to run for Libertas and says he was told he’d get €800,00 to run his campaign
- 10:18 PM Omaniblog - @christine: I don’t usually watch this. and won’t tune in again unless it gets a lot better, and it can’t get better…
- 10:18 PM Alexia Golez - The Vincent Browne liveblog is here www.scribblelive.com
- 10:19 PM Omaniblog - Wouldn’t it be good to have a split screen TV?
- 10:19 PM Simon McGarr - @christinebohan You’re draining the goodness out of the #vinb liveblog! The semantic web will never take off with this kind of carry on.
- 10:19 PM Omaniblog - @alexia can you follow both ?
- 10:19 PM deebdublin - @christinebohan ta! sky+ing VB waiting to see next q
- 10:19 PM Omaniblog - Obama tax policy influence on Ireland?
- 10:20 PM Simon McGarr - @deedublin Sky+ is the natural enemy of the liveblog.
- 10:20 PM christinebohan - @Simon McGarr Oh god, I’m sorry, I’m so web 2.0:( Back to Q&A…
- 10:21 PM Omaniblog - x-MD of IDA: big fear – there would be an “”end of deferral – doesn’t look as if it’ll materialise.
- 10:22 PM christinebohan - Padraic White is wrong about Ireland being a low-tax economy. We may have relatively low direct tax but we have some of the highest levels of indirect taxes
- 10:22 PM christinebohan - Plus, the idea of Ireland being a tax haven is actually something that is taken seriously by a lot of people. Kieran Allen from UCD has written some really good stuff about that.
- 10:22 PM Omaniblog - “We’re not a tax haven”. Completely different from Cayman Islands. Big relief here… in Glanmire
- 10:23 PM Omaniblog - Harney used to be a relevant minister: we don’t need to worry. Harney seems to have a fine intellect and be a lousy communicator
- 10:25 PM Omaniblog - Complacency? This reminds me of analysts predicting a soft landing for property prices.
- 10:26 PM christinebohan - Final question of the evening is whether George Lee will prosper in the fishbowl of Irish politics…
- 10:26 PM Omaniblog - Shatter points out that Ireland has been becoming less competitive vis-a-vis eastern europe. One good point. Spicer overlooked on this question
- 10:26 PM Simon McGarr - And @lexia gets her lovely photo of the Minister on the Liveblog front page.
- 10:27 PM christinebohan - Mary Harney mentions how lovely George got his photographs done for FG before being announced. Says she’s never heard of that happening before.
- 10:28 PM Omaniblog - People of callibre = George Lee according to Harney. Talking up your opponent?
- 10:28 PM christinebohan - You know, I thought Q&A had been really good the past few weeks. Energised. Interesting. This episode killed that. Very dull stuff.
- 10:28 PM Omaniblog - No Spicer on that question either. Bloody rude. He could have been excused earlier
- 10:29 PM Omaniblog - Thanks all. First time I’ve done this.
- 10:30 PM Simon McGarr - There is a credit on Questions and Answers for “Audience Reseacher”. That is why the format died.
- 10:31 PM christinebohan - Ok nerds, over to the Vincent Browne liveblog: www.scribblelive.com
- 10:32 PM deebdublin - @Omaniblog tks. Me too. Mary harney talking up FG candidate – isn’t that where all the ex-pds are going – is that her plan too? Cud remain as MofH&C for long time yet…

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