Fine Gael Ard Fheis, 2009
- 8:46 PM Suzy Byrne - Irish Emergency Budget Live Blog for Tuesday is set up. is.gd Thanks to Marian Finucane the tag is #bludget. See ye Tuesday
- 11:29 PM JimDHunt - #fgaf I missed EK’s speech tonight. Does anybody have a link to it?
- 11:28 PM rteheads - Fine Gael can guarantee change – Kenny
- 11:28 PM FineGaelNews - Address by Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny tinyurl.com
- 11:28 PM rubot - say what you want about Enda Kenny…but i am thinking for the first time about voting Fine Gael now. YES HE CAN!
- 10:08 PM Stephen Spillane - @suzybie believe me i am. Pint number 3 here!
- 9:55 PM Jules - Which cllr. lost to Sean? Northwest results in yet?
- 9:48 PM Suzy Byrne - @spiller2 Thanks Stephen go have fun #fgaf
- 9:46 PM Stephen Spillane - Mckeirnan elected on cllr panel, dan sullivan didnt get elected #fgaf anything else ye need to know?
- 9:33 PM Stephen Spillane - South results: o’neil, fitzgerald and hoare elected #fgaf
- 9:33 PM eoinbannon - YRC blog post on Kenny’s speech: url.ie Now, time for a mingle #fgaf
- 8:47 PM walshmichael - @spiller2 #fgaf Michael is the only politician that ever sent me a few nice handwritten letters. Everyone else just takes, takes, takes.
- 8:34 PM Suzy Byrne - Cruthóidh Fine Gael 100,000 post nua – Ó Cionnaith andrumamornuacht.blogspot.com
- 8:22 PM Suzy Byrne - @spiller2 thanks Stephen – do results come out tomorrow or as soon as count complete? hope you have a pint in front of you! #fgaf
- 8:20 PM Stephen Spillane - Count starting for nat exec – starting in 10 mins #fgaf
- 8:18 PM stephencrowley - although very necessary re:3rd level loans #fgaf
- 8:17 PM stephencrowley - and you can’t plan on expected income from a “new economy” also a loan system for 3rd level would be a huge cost for a decade #fgaf
- 8:17 PM stephencrowley - wonders does the average irish voter understand the concept of a national budget? the money is not there. #fgaf
- 8:09 PM lostexpectation - he didn’t actually explain what health system he wants #fgaf
- 8:07 PM leotraynor - Can’t really see any possibility for a poll surge by Fine Gael after Kenny’s speech. Nice guy , but lacklustre
- 8:06 PM ianbrunswick - Lincoln AND Obama quoted in Enda Kenny’s speech?
- 8:05 PM AdamMaguire - No crowding around the RTÉ reporter from Fine Gael. I wonder if they were warned off or if they just have more cop on. #fgaf
- 8:04 PM squidlimerick - Video of Enda Kenny press conference from earlier is now availible.on Limerick blogger #fgaf
- 8:04 PM Suzy Byrne - So where is David Davin Power reporting tonight? No it’s David McCullagh #fgaf
- 8:03 PM eolai - does “A Fairer Ireland” mean a blonder Ireland? Are Fine Gael changing their name? Fionn Gael? They’ll be happy in Finglas #fgaf
- 8:02 PM lostexpectation - pascal donohue did his version of the dean scream #fgaf
- 8:01 PM Suzy Byrne - So will Enda’s speech build on the FG bounce? #fgaf
- 8:00 PM Stephen Spillane - Mass exodus. Time to hit the bar #fgaf
- 8:00 PM Stephen Spillane - Crowd loved it, one woman was leaping up shouting yes we will! #fgaf
- 7:59 PM Mark_Coughlan - The telly is gone #fgaf
- 7:58 PM AdamMaguire - Oh no. Enda Kenny just jumped the Obama. #fgaf
- 7:58 PM Stephen Spillane - Crowd loved it, one woman was leaping up shouting yes we will! #fgaf
- 7:58 PM stephencrowley - I hope the press cover the gaping holes in his promises with regards finances #fgaf
- 7:58 PM lostexpectation - oh my god, what is pascal doing #fgaf
- 7:58 PM Suzy Byrne - And Sean Kelly won race to get there first to Enda’s side
- 7:57 PM BrandIreland - Whats the views on the new Fine Gael branding
- 7:57 PM breakingnewsie - Kenny: I’ll fix public finances without raising income tax: Fine Gael in government will fix the public finances.. tinyurl.com
- 7:57 PM Stephen Spillane - Cringe #fgaf
- 7:56 PM stephencrowley - my mother was lapping up the promises enda was making. this is not good. #fgaf
- 7:56 PM Suzy Byrne - FR. Enda talks about his flock
- 7:55 PM Stephen Spillane - He quoted Lincoln. Wasnt expecting that #fgaf (no i didnt read the speech)
- 7:55 PM garymckeown - Kenny reiterates Fine Gael’s support of the Lisbon Treaty #FGAF
- 7:54 PM Stephen Spillane - No instant fix #fgaf
- 7:54 PM Suzy Byrne - ‘We have moved from being navvies to being nation builders’
- 7:52 PM ConallMcD - OK so Enda is no Barack but he still speaks for five times mor Irish people then Sinn Fein! And unlike Gerry he can actually speak Irish.
- 7:51 PM Suzy Byrne - Obama Mention coming up….Are you ready!
- 7:51 PM garymckeown - “No bureaucrat with a pen should be allowed to destroy that generosity of spirit by the Irish people” #FGAF
- 7:51 PM lostexpectation - two more junior mininsters then labours promise #fgaf
- 7:50 PM Suzy Byrne - ‘Whatever decisions have to be made next Tuesday in these difficult times, they must not destroy the spirit of communities and the voluntary care provided for
the voiceless, the defenceless, the aged and the intellectually challenged.’
- 7:49 PM Stephen Spillane - We will end two tier health system – kenny #fgaf
- 7:47 PM Stephen Spillane - Enda getting a good reception in hall. Lots of smiles
- 7:46 PM EmilyAM - “The Fine Gael plan is not just about jobs for the boys, it’s about jobs for the people.” Enda Kenny at #fgaf
- 7:46 PM Stephen Spillane - @MickFealty its ok, i had to listen two speeches on it, today
- 7:45 PM garymckeown - Standing ovation for Enda Kenny as he talks about himself as Taoiseach #FGAF
- 7:45 PM Stephen Spillane - RTE pan and everyone stands #fgaf
- 7:44 PM michaelpkelly - is Watching Enda Kenny delivering his Ard Fheis speech
- 7:44 PM michaelpkelly - Wonders how Enda Kenny plans to create the 100,000 jobs he just promised…
- 7:44 PM jamesfarrar - Enda Kenny , Fine Gael giving the bankers hell at the Ard Fheis bit.ly
- 7:44 PM Suzy Byrne - Crowd going mad at mention of Enda as Taoiseach
- 7:43 PM Stephen Spillane - @Mark_Coughlan graduate tax, kind of similar, but still diffrent. No reg fees with it.
- 7:43 PM eoinbannon - Battery dead. More from me later #fgaf
- 7:42 PM Stephen Spillane - @MickFealty nope, graduate tax #fgaf
- 7:42 PM Suzy Byrne - Special needs…
- 7:41 PM Suzy Byrne - RE Grad tax – ‘Thcis will provide a new €500 million annual fund for which 3rd level Colleges will compete – based on the quality of the courses that they offer and the scale of their reform.’
- 7:40 PM Stephen Spillane - @MickFealty he didnt say indirect taxes. He means income tax #fgaf
- 7:39 PM Stephen Spillane - Education is key #fgaf
- 7:39 PM Suzy Byrne - Targets and dates are dangerous things -well dangerous if you got elected. The one about completing 2nd level education is dodgy!
- 7:38 PM Stephen Spillane - @lexia lmao!
- 7:38 PM lexia - @spiller2 PD Pocket a la Polly.
- 7:38 PM Stephen Spillane - Here come the targets #fgaf
- 7:37 PM Stephen Spillane - Think i was just on the telly. Had camera in my face! #fgaf
- 7:36 PM Stephen Spillane - @lexia id say you are!
- 7:35 PM Stephen Spillane - Taxes not answer, jobs are #fgaf
- 7:35 PM lexia - Ciaran Cannon is teeny in RL. A wee man. I might possibly be taller than he is.
- 7:34 PM Stephen Spillane - Batt gone. Goin to enjoy speech. #fgaf
- 7:33 PM Suzy Byrne - ‘We must act for benefit of everyone in country and not pander to any special interest’
- 7:32 PM eoinbannon - Of all the conferences,FG’s members are in the most buoyant mood. They smell blood.Labour were a little more downcast, more serious(?) #fgaf
- 7:32 PM Stephen Spillane - @eoinbannon ive noticed that all day! even ard fheis back in 04 wasnt as positive as this #fgaf
- 7:31 PM Suzy Byrne - Enda is out of breath at beginning of speech
- 7:31 PM Stephen Spillane - here comes Enda Kenny with Shining Light by Ash – corney or what? #fgaf
- 7:30 PM Suzy Byrne - Enda Comes into room – music?
- 7:30 PM Suzy Byrne - A man rooted in family community and country – Richard Bruton describes Enda Kenny
- 7:29 PM Suzy Byrne - Richard Bruton is clock watching and waiting for RTE’s signal
- 7:27 PM Stephen Spillane - 10 mins left on laptop
- 7:26 PM Stephen Spillane - Bruton gets standing ovation at start of speech. this man is loved
- 7:26 PM eoinbannon - another standing ov – this time for Bruton #fgaf
- 7:26 PM Suzy Byrne - Mairead McG roaring in my ears now…
- 7:25 PM Stephen Spillane - Rational Government not National Government
- 7:25 PM Suzy Byrne - Yes it is now Stephen
- 7:25 PM Stephen Spillane - is sound working on the live feed Suzy?
- 7:23 PM Stephen Spillane - ah @paschald on now #fgaf
- 7:23 PM Stephen Spillane - flanagan: Fine Gaels time is now! #fgaf
- 7:22 PM johnnycbad - Someone give me a shout at half eight for Enda Kenny’s speach
- 7:21 PM Stephen Spillane - Golden handsakes and #picturegate get mentions. Crowd liking it
- 7:19 PM Stephen Spillane - The heat in the hall is something else
- 7:18 PM Stephen Spillane - Charlie Flanagan up now.
- 7:17 PM Stephen Spillane - I dont know. Gerry O’Connell is normally good at doing that. I hope so
- 7:17 PM eoinbannon - partly unveiled infamous portrait of Cowen #fgaf
- 7:17 PM Suzy Byrne - Will FG release all these candidate videos on Youtube?
- 7:16 PM eoinbannon - Playing video knocking Gov waste. E-voting, PPars, etc #fgaf
- 7:16 PM Stephen Spillane - #picturegate!!!!! #fgaf
- 7:16 PM Suzy Byrne - @eoinbannon they went mad for Noel at FF if I remember!
- 7:15 PM eoinbannon - Ring gets a standing ovation: he’s their own and they love him.Think that’s 1st standing ovation for warm-up speaker this conf season #fgaf
- 7:14 PM Stephen Spillane - Here comes the clown video, classic
- 7:11 PM Stephen Spillane - Dont give out about them, get them out and keep them out! Standing ovation for Ring
- 7:10 PM Suzy Byrne - 8.30 yes Stephen
- 7:10 PM Stephen Spillane - What time is it live? 8:30?
- 7:10 PM Suzy Byrne - TD picking nose behind Ring better sort it out before Enda starts and RTE going live…
- 7:09 PM Stephen Spillane - Im going to be deaf after Ring. #fgaf
- 7:09 PM eoinbannon - Michael Ring takes the podium, reporters’ notebooks come out #fgaf
- 7:09 PM Suzy Byrne - Pity no sound for the Ring warm up – it looks like a classic one!
- 7:08 PM Stephen Spillane - Jaysus aint he passionate! he just introduced Nora Owen and his now lashing out at Gov’t. He said “We know how to run the country” Time to move FF on. Getting great reaction
- 7:06 PM Stephen Spillane - Micheal Ring goving out about Dempsey and e-Voting, and Cullen and the helicopters
- 7:04 PM Stephen Spillane - prepped to switch to phone as battery will not last
- 7:00 PM Suzy Byrne - Sound is still down…Mairead Sweeney from Glenties on video now – she spoke this morning also.
- 6:59 PM Stephen Spillane - See my tweet suzy!
- 6:58 PM Stephen Spillane - MEP’s and Candidates now being introducedby Phil Hogan, Director of Elections for the Euro Elections #fgaf
- 6:55 PM Stephen Spillane - Phil Hogan on now. He is brilliant! #fgaf
- 6:54 PM Stephen Spillane - fomer PD’s and former FF’ers welcomed to to Fine Gael #fgaf
- 6:53 PM Stephen Spillane - come on Smashey!!! (thats Neale Richmond!) #fgaf
- 6:51 PM Suzy Byrne - I was wondering what they were getting – Avril looks like she’s knighting them…
- 6:51 PM Stephen Spillane - They are being presented with bound copies of all their contributions to the EP #fgaf
- 6:47 PM Stephen Spillane - Mary Banotti, John Cushnanhan and Joe… being honoured #fgaf
- 6:46 PM Stephen Spillane - 3 MEP’s being recognised with something.
- 6:44 PM Stephen Spillane - She could be, who knows
- 6:43 PM Stephen Spillane - Simon Coveney getting a slagging, shes now moving onto Denis Naughtan #fgaf
- 6:42 PM Suzy Byrne - Do you think Mairead would ever be party leader? The way she works crowd etc.
- 6:41 PM Stephen Spillane - alan dukes got large welcome! #fgaf
- 6:41 PM Stephen Spillane - and back to Mairead!
- 6:40 PM Suzy Byrne - Sound on live feed is down..
- 6:39 PM Stephen Spillane - Suzy, ard fheis is all about the TD’s and Senators. FG treat Ard Fheis as an opportunity to show them for some reason.
- 6:38 PM Suzy Byrne - In tonights speech watch out for targets and figures and the absence of making contracts
- 6:38 PM NiallSF - isn’t sure what to make of Fine Gael’s new logo
- 6:37 PM Stephen Spillane - @suzybie in the hall we are just getting pictures of the Oireachtas Members #fgaf
- 6:36 PM Suzy Byrne - I’ve still not recovered from tenors! Now did other parties do this introduction lark to every member of parliamentary party?? Feeds into my post about this Ard Fheis being all about TD’s and Senators and not about grass roots!
- 6:35 PM Stephen Spillane - ahh yes, Thanks suzy I remember ye on about the tenors now
- 6:34 PM Stephen Spillane - only on mayo…….
- 6:33 PM Suzy Byrne - Live Stream – flash yoke (as in player)that can’t be expanded and camera is stuck at back of hall…no close ups of stage.
- 6:32 PM Stephen Spillane - new recruit Cannon, and he got a big cheer – Is he welcome to the party though? #fgaf
- 6:31 PM primaryposition - @spiller2 really? how many leaders did they have #fgaf
- 6:30 PM Suzy Byrne - Labour had comedian, FF had tenors, Greens had Liam O’Maonlai
- 6:30 PM Stephen Spillane - hmmm dont think my battery will last full speech, will have to switch to phone for last 15 mins it looks #fgaf
- 6:30 PM Stephen Spillane - This crowd are good but not sure we need a band, did the other Ard Fheis’ have bands?
- 6:28 PM Suzy Byrne - @cianflah answer to our query earlier – Michael Creed is FG agriculture spokesperson #fgaf
- 6:28 PM Stephen Spillane - biggest cheer of the night so far was for Richard Bruton
- 6:25 PM Stephen Spillane - next up @jerrybuttimer
- 6:25 PM Stephen Spillane - Hmm looking forward to Ciaran Cannon introduction, I wonder how he will be described? #fgaf
- 6:23 PM Stephen Spillane - Must stop clapping, will drop the laptop!
- 6:21 PM Stephen Spillane - Tom Hayes introducing the parliamentry party #fgaf
- 6:20 PM Stephen Spillane - i can see myself getting alot of unfollows over #fgaf so i do apologise
- 6:18 PM Stephen Spillane - another video, this time Frank Fahy in Galway #fgaf
- 6:17 PM Stephen Spillane - parliamentry party all seated on the stage #fgaf
- 6:17 PM Stephen Spillane - Shes listing out the 50 countries represented here #fgaf
- 6:16 PM Stephen Spillane - Sinead Shepard Cobh Town Council video on now #fgaf
- 6:16 PM Stephen Spillane - shes the one that was in six! #fgaf
- 6:16 PM Suzy Byrne - I was wondering where I’d seen Sinead Shepheard before….
- 6:15 PM Stephen Spillane - Mairead is great at this. Is the live feed working? #fgaf
- 6:14 PM Stephen Spillane - shes the one that was in six! #fgaf
- 6:13 PM Stephen Spillane - Sinead Shepard Cobh Town Council video on now #fgaf
- 6:13 PM Suzy Byrne - Livestream is working on finegael.ie #fgaf
- 6:12 PM Stephen Spillane - he wants us all to stand up for the envelope for the bumper raffle
- 6:10 PM Stephen Spillane - twitpic, fecking up
- 6:09 PM Stephen Spillane - Superdraw most sold constituencies being announced now #fgaf
- 6:08 PM Stephen Spillane - Paul Kehoe TD up now #fgaf
- 6:07 PM Stephen Spillane - woo tweetdeck is now working!
- 6:07 PM Stephen Spillane - Mairead giving out to Sen. Joe O’Reilly! I love her! #fgaf
- 6:06 PM lexia - @spiller2 I know! He was apparently trying to sign people up himself. Bucket of salt. Wha?
- 6:06 PM Stephen Spillane - we are getting videos of some of the candidates. Cllr Gerry Breen was just on
- 6:05 PM Stephen Spillane - @lexia they would say that!
- 6:03 PM lexia - So yeah, the MiCandidate team at the convention centre couldn’t answer any of my questions on the tech. Enda spent ages there, apparently
- 6:03 PM Stephen Spillane - @suzybie we are woefully unprepared there as we have two sitting TD’s who have people waiting in the wings for their seats not a new seat
- 6:01 PM Suzy Byrne - @spiller2 oh yeah – or George Hook
was wondering if it’s in June why it’s not been sorted yet. #fgaf
- 6:01 PM Stephen Spillane - @suzybie the by-election page www.finegael.ie
- 6:00 PM Stephen Spillane - @suzybie according to the google search we want George Lee or Jim Power to run there :/
- 5:59 PM Stephen Spillane - @suzybie not officially I dont think.
- 5:58 PM Stephen Spillane - @lexia yea I know. And i dont know when results are out
- 5:58 PM Suzy Byrne - Have FIne Gael selected their candidate for Dublin South By-Election yet ? #fgaf
- 5:57 PM Stephen Spillane - in the hall and itrs filling up nicely #fgaf
- 5:57 PM lexia - @spiller2 How very Frankie Goes To Hollywood
- 5:56 PM Stephen Spillane - Graffiti Classics is the warm up act it seams #fgaf
- 5:55 PM Stephen Spillane - mairead mcguinneas giving welcome atm, shes telling us to relax! #fgaf
- 5:52 PM lexia - When are the results of the National Executive election available? #fgaf
- 5:44 PM Clare_People - Shannon Airport was mentioned about 200 times in the debate on tourism… Fine Gael definitely like the idea of US pre-clearance…
- 5:44 PM AllanCavanagh - That new Fine Gael logo is very very 80s altogether. If we’re going to do this 80s revival properly can we have our punts back too?
- 5:44 PM faduda - work done, got the pics I need so heading home from #fgaf
- 5:35 PM Suzy Byrne - Senator Paschal Donohue blogging from #fgaf www.paschaldonohoe.ie
- 5:34 PM seanmck09 - Thanks spiller2 for the advice on the old tags #fgaf
- 5:34 PM seanmck09 - 3 hours of handshaking at voting area, great to see old friends and meet new ones! #fgaf
- 5:03 PM Suzy Byrne - @christinebohan it is indeed – sign on stand at Ard Fheis. I’ve always written and seen it as by-election.
- 4:52 PM Stephen Spillane - RT @fiannafailparty: South Euro Convention: Brian Crowley MEP and Ned O’Keefe unanimously selected to represent FF on June 5th.
- 4:50 PM Stephen Spillane - food then endas speech!!
- 4:43 PM Stephen Spillane - Clune now speaking #fgaf
- 4:34 PM Stephen Spillane - @suzybie i noticed that too!
- 4:34 PM Suzy Byrne - How do you spell by-election? Bye-election? I need to know! As maybe does a candidate!
- 4:23 PM breakingnewsire - NEWS: Fine Gael: Emergency Budget already a disaster: The Fine Gael leader has said the formation of next T.. tinyurl.com
- 4:22 PM Stephen Spillane - latest post from #fgaf is.gd
- 4:18 PM Stephen Spillane - RT @Paschald: In hall. Watching dry run of Enda speach. Great stuff. #fgaf
- 4:17 PM Stephen Spillane - if you are wondering we are onto education motions #fgaf
- 3:59 PM Stephen Spillane - @cianflah are you coming back for the speech tonight??
- 3:58 PM lexia - @cianflah will kill me!! Braindead
- 3:44 PM Stephen Spillane - @suzybie yea its very strange, i often dont get FG #fgaf
- 3:42 PM Suzy Byrne - @spiller2 aye – it was nearlyfine as if they were preparing for gen elec in this mornings session. (In terms of profiles not policy) #fgaf
- 3:39 PM Stephen Spillane - @suzybie most motions are being pushed by candidates, but most of these arent streamed so kind of useless #fgaf
- 3:35 PM BrianGreene - bloggers at #fgaf how confident is the FG team’s mood for june 5th ?
- 3:17 PM Stephen Spillane - quotes, I need quotes!
- 3:10 PM FineGaelNews - PR: Speech by Denis Naughten TD, Fine Gael Spokesman on Immigration and Integration tinyurl.com
- 3:10 PM FineGaelNews - PR: Summary of Speech by Fine Gael Environment Spokesman, Phil Hogan TD tinyurl.com
- 3:09 PM squidlimerick - audio of enda kenny press conference now added . Video on the way #fgaf
- 3:00 PM Stephen Spillane - had to leave YFG Session, was very very hot! had to get out. Interesting stuff from @LCreighton #fgaf
- 2:50 PM squidlimerick - audio of enda kenny press conference now added . Video on the way #fgaf
- 1:47 PM Stephen Spillane - right, got some quotes from delegates, met @noelrock who was looking for @suzybie and now off to YFG Session, well find it! #fgaf
- 1:29 PM lexia - Wifi here at FGAF is very frustrating. Cannot connect to Qik!!
- 1:18 PM lexia - Off to spot hairy backs #fgaf
- 1:06 PM Stephen Spillane - no feed of the afternoon sessions it seams. Even in the press/bloggers room #fgaf
- 1:01 PM Stephen Spillane - @stephencrowley there is a live feed on the website finegael.ie
- 1:01 PM Stephen Spillane - @ianmcgahon they havent switched the feed. We are still looking at the main hall. This is in a different suite #FGAF
- 1:00 PM stephencrowley - with the lack of a live working feed, i can only talk about FG’s new logo. how are they the 2nd largest party? #fgaf
- 12:50 PM davemolloy - As everyone seems to be saying, the new Fine Gael logo is terrible. It has no connection to the party, and is just pretty bland really.
- 12:49 PM BrianGreene - #fgaf the new FG logo has a star like the @socialistparty logo url.ie SP logo & website renewal due real soon.
- 12:49 PM BrianGreene - @ShellDillon sure i’m only warming up. this is sport to me, but this #fgaf looks like the community games. someone (in FG) surprise me.
- 12:26 PM cianflah - @suzybie meets her favourite FG county council candidate (with a unanimous mandate) @simonharris09 twitpic.com
- 12:20 PM ElaineByrne - ‘power in our society must be held to account’ #fgaf
- 12:20 PM ElaineByrne - where in citywest is the best place to watch munster v leinster tonight #fgaf
- 12:19 PM Killian2009 - Busy morning at the Fine Gael Ard Fheis. Great atmosphere, interesting policy proposals.
- 12:19 PM NInews - Irish Times: Full text of James O’Reilly’s speech: Full text of the speech by Fine Gael health spoke.. tinyurl.com
- 12:19 PM sharoncasey - #Fine Gael are making sense – hope FF are taking notes
- 12:16 PM cianflah - Other one not as empty. It has cabbage (no bacon mind) #fgaf twitpic.com
- 12:16 PM Mark_Coughlan - @darraghdoyle I’m not out there either. @suzybie @cianflah @lexia @paraicnt @limerickblogger @spiller2 are all there in various roles. #fgaf
- 12:16 PM stephencrowley - @BrendanJHayes add #fgaf to be included in the official discussion www.twitscoop.com
- 12:16 PM stephencrowley - other than being born into it …. why FG #fgaf
- 12:16 PM AdamMaguire - I still think the new Fine Gael logo looks a fair bit Soviet. #fgaf
- 12:16 PM Mark_Coughlan - @adammaguire horrible font, the star is in the wrong position IMO too #fgaf
- 12:16 PM ElaineByrne - here in citywest is the best place to watch munster v leinster tonight #fgaf
- 12:13 PM cianflah - Two mins ago at one of two food joints. Empty. No bacon on then menu. QED twitpic.com
- 12:08 PM Mark_Coughlan - @adammaguire horrible font, the star is in the wrong position IMO too #fgaf
- 12:08 PM AdamMaguire - I still think the new Fine Gael logo looks a fair bit Soviet. #fgaf
- 12:02 PM cianflah - @eoinbannon that is a big cockup – bruton already had moved off script from early to squeeze it all in. Not epic, but a fail. #fgaf
- 12:01 PM cianflah - so how did we rate Richard’s speech?
- 12:00 PM cianflah - @suzybie @Mark_Coughlan v impressed altogether with welcome, food, coffee, tea, biscuits, fruit and general reception from FGPO #fgaf
- 11:59 AM lexia - Richard is way off script from the circulated speech we got off FG #fgaf
- 11:59 AM Mark_Coughlan - He’s not coming across great on d’telly… #fgaf
- 11:58 AM ElaineByrne - ‘power in our society must be held to account’ #fgaf
- 11:58 AM cianflah - very interesting comparisons to be made between Brutons speech and Kennys at 8.30. #fgaf
- 11:58 AM Suzy Byrne - @Mark_Coughlan culinary report – fresh fruit, sambos and – wait for it – meal vouchers – beating FF hands down.
- 11:55 AM Suzy Byrne - New FG Logo revealed – Officially bit.ly #fgaf
- 11:53 AM AdamMaguire - Anthony Hopkins for Taoiseach! #fgaf
- 11:52 AM BrianGreene - @ianmcgahon #FGAF what social housing construction hardly any. 46K empty units in Dublin. take em over, compensate, thats revolutionary
- 11:51 AM Suzy Byrne - @Mark_Coughlan Well it’s apartheid for everyone – rte, bloggers, broadcast, print – all have seperate gaffs #fgaf
- 11:49 AM Mark_Coughlan - @suzybie the future will not have the press apartheid bloggers and MSM are subject to today! #fgaf
- 11:48 AM cianflah - some thoughts on the #FGAF morning session bit.ly
- 11:47 AM AdamMaguire - Did Varadkar just suggest we create new clean banks? Is he thinking we just all forget about the debt that makes them toxic? #fgaf
- 11:47 AM Stephen Spillane - Brutons speech in 14 minutes???? Is it doable? ##fgaf
- 11:47 AM BrianGreene - #fgaf pictures from fashion tv sound from Leo Varadkar. is the summer 2010 collection as ridiculous as what i am hearing. FG & Lab?
- 11:46 AM Simon McGarr - anyone following @darraghdoyle ‘s example and asking people why they ought to vote or follow FG? #fgaf
- 11:46 AM AdamMaguire - Did Varadkar just suggest we create new clean banks? Is he thinking we just all forget about the debt that makes them toxic? #fgaf
- 11:46 AM seanmck09 - Moved motion 4 re’ mental health funding without due deference to timing! #fgaf
- 11:42 AM ElaineByrne - at the #fgaf
- 11:41 AM simontuohy - So what is happening with the conference party looking forward to be next party in power. #fgaf
- 11:37 AM Stephen Spillane - sandwiches in press room! nice touch and a meal voucher
- 11:37 AM Simon McGarr - I want to love this sitting around in armchairs effect. It is a welcome change from the unnatural speaking at a podium model used by the other parties. But, I’m not sure tub chairs, that make you rest your elbows either that little bit too high on them or squeezed in to the side, are the right choice.
- 11:36 AM BrianGreene - #fgaf FG cllrs can’t freeze biz rates they are independently set. look these FGers WILL support residential water charges inside next 12mnts
- 11:36 AM ianmcgahon - #FGAF -FG also want to cut rent supplement thresholds by 12% and halt Social Housing construction – talk about attacking the vulnerable
- 11:35 AM Suzy Byrne - Deputy Press Director came in to bloggers to check on how the future is! I look forward to FG realising that future in website etc! #fgaf
- 11:29 AM Simon McGarr - Just switched to the Fine Gael website there and am mesmerised by the photograph of Andrew Doyle TD. www.finegael.ie THE EYES!
- 11:28 AM FineGaelIreland - <> Speech by Billy Timmins T.D. Fine Gael Spokesman on Foreign Affairs tinyurl.com
- 11:27 AM ianmcgahon - #FGAF – Fine Gaels plan for supporting jobs doesn’t add up – they want to get rid of 15,000 civil and public service jobs
- 11:27 AM Stephen Spillane - Post on today so far is.gd #fgaf
- 11:25 AM johnnycbad - DIMPLE! #fgaf
- 11:25 AM BrianGreene - #fgaf Enda maxheadroom Kenny at the 07AF url.ie
- 11:25 AM ianmcgahon - Ah look Paschal Donohoe finally got his late late slot #FGAF
- 11:24 AM Stephen Spillane - @ianmcgahon wayhey!
- 11:23 AM ianmcgahon - Ah look Paschal Donohoe finally got his late late slot #FGAF
- 11:20 AM squidlimerick - Audio interview, Dan Neville has been uploaded #fgaf www.limerickblogger.ie
- 11:20 AM BrianGreene - @whatthetrend #fgaf is the Fine Gael Ard Fheis – 2nd largest irish political party annual conference. url.ie
- 11:18 AM NoelRock - Enda: “You can all rest assured, I won’t be using any parliamentary language tonight” #fgaf
- 11:15 AM Stephen Spillane - Is the streaming working on the FG website? www.finegael.ie
- 11:13 AM ann_donnelly - Switching on Fine Gael Ard Fheis. Is any of this talk going to help anything?! #fgaf
- 11:13 AM bosca - YFG gain seat on National Exec: There was amotion this morning giving Young Fine Gael an extra seat on the Fine .. tinyurl.com
- 11:12 AM Stephen Spillane - @eoinbannon of course we are, you are missing so much!
- 11:10 AM eoinbannon - Due to totally foreseen circumstances, I won’t be at FG Ard Fheis until much later today. Hope y’all having good time out there #fgaf
- 11:09 AM Suzy Byrne - @simonmcgarr the motions this morning were on candidate not delegate selection – they’ve been sent to a special delegate conference for further debate.
- 11:08 AM BrianGreene - #fgaf too many delegates are monitor watching. then when they are focused on they adjust. the late late show audience syndrome (or Live@3)
- 11:07 AM johnnycbad - Nice! #fgaf
- 11:07 AM revahealth - @BrianGreene #fgaf further slight correction ‘unemployed’ can be mis-interpreted due to fudging of the figures, better say ‘on the live …
- 11:07 AM trendsy - #fgaf: #fgaf is now a trending topic on Twitter.
- 11:07 AM BrianGreene - tv cams track @lexia Qik the room (iThink) was the phone in portrait?
- 11:07 AM BrianGreene - #fgaf correction 11% of workforce unemployed. not 11% of population. the former is greater in number.
- 11:07 AM cianflah - Carvery is open with the last hour. Still no one on the Rte boardroom tho one or two floating around main conf. #fgaf
- 11:06 AM johnnycbad - Nice! #fgaf
- 11:06 AM revahealth - @BrianGreene #fgaf further slight correction ‘unemployed’ can be mis-interpreted due to fudging of the figures, better say ‘on the live …
- 11:06 AM trendsy - #fgaf: #fgaf is now a trending topic on Twitter.
- 11:02 AM Stephen Spillane - Speeches starting to come through on the Press lists
- 11:02 AM BrianGreene - #fgaf correction 11% of workforce unemployed. not 11% of population. the former is greater in number.
- 11:01 AM davidcochrane - Coveney says FG have overtakn the Greens on their ambition for the green economy #fgaf
- 11:01 AM BrianGreene - #fgaf boy racer government ! nice one.
- 11:01 AM BrianGreene - hello Cllr Joan Maher Howth/Malahide. #fgaf #zzz
- 11:01 AM RedDave14 - Anyone know a good dry cleaners to get my blueshirts laundered; all that saluting plays havoc with my creases…#fgaf *stands well back*
- 11:01 AM Stephen Spillane - was about to right a post for slugger and its down
- 10:58 AM Stephen Spillane - Coeveny: FG have taken over greens on green economy #fgaf
- 10:56 AM cianflah - God what an awful last tweet damn iPhone keyboard.
- 10:56 AM cianflah - #anyone any ideas what the motion is? It doesn’t seem that obvious from speeches unless it is ‘that ff are a shower of hoors altogether.’
- 10:56 AM FineGaelIreland - <> Summary of Speech by Fine Gael Environment Spokesman, Phil Hogan TD tinyurl.com
- 10:56 AM Simon McGarr - www.qik.com
- 10:55 AM Suzy Byrne - @lexia makes it to telly doing qiking #fgaf
- 10:54 AM AllanCavanagh - FG speeches are hitting Reader at a rate of knots now #fgaf
- 10:54 AM Simon McGarr - What’s the really big Motion of the day? I see that the question of changing how delegates are selected, which Miriam Lord suggested in today’s Times was a bit contentious has been shunted away. Any equivalent of the massive Labour Party 21st C Commission Report vote?
- 10:53 AM Stephen Spillane - @suzybie ahh its grand, its not annoying. Yet
- 10:52 AM BrianGreene - in summary FG are listing much what is wrong with ireland. no way forward that i would believe in. just as well RTE Int. TV is off air #fgaf
- 10:52 AM Simon McGarr - Excellent reporting here, by the way. I like seeing the wires.
- 10:52 AM Suzy Byrne - @spiller2 you have permission to shut down!
- 10:51 AM Stephen Spillane - well @suzybie‘s laptop is playing lovely music as we listen to speeches in the press office #fgaf
- 10:51 AM lexia - #fgaf Going to Qik the room – www.Qik.com/alexiagolez
- 10:50 AM Simon McGarr - I should point out, re blogger and press digs that at Labour, RTE TV Hair and Makeup got their own room.
- 10:49 AM Stephen Spillane - @lexia mainly that is because that is where the cameras are panning too. It needs to look full
- 10:48 AM lexia - FG faithful being sheparded to the other side of the room away from where we’re sitting #fgaf
- 10:48 AM ann_donnelly - Switching on Fine Gael Ard Fheis. Is any of this talk going to help anything?! #fgaf
- 10:48 AM BrianGreene - how would broadband help Waterford Crystal? anyone counting the number of times BB is mentioned at #fgaf
- 10:48 AM Stephen Spillane - @ann_donnelly who knows, depends. on when the next GE is and if FF rob policy #fgaf
- 10:42 AM Suzy Byrne - Speeches much longer, chats are taking up time. No debate? #fgaf
- 10:42 AM cianflah - Tv strategy is get the front bench and
Economic message out. Sure we know them! No major Reliance on local candidates for speeches. #fgaf
- 10:41 AM lexia - Frances looking altogether very Hillary #fgaf twitpic.com
- 10:36 AM Suzy Byrne - It’s the chat show format again this year but where is Fine Gael’s chat show queen? #fgaf
- 10:28 AM cianflah - Mep or chat show host. twitpic.com
- 10:28 AM FineGaelIreland - <> Speech by Fine Gael Health Spokesperson, Dr James Reilly TD tinyurl.com
- 10:21 AM Alexia Golez - Coveney is good cop to Mitchell’s bad cop. Mr. Positivity talks of change and the need to push past recrimination and then talks about how two economic busts were presided by FF.
- 10:19 AM Stephen Spillane - Come on Coveney! #fgaf
- 10:19 AM Alexia Golez - And here comes Simon!
- 10:17 AM Suzy Byrne - The live blog at #fgaf – join us as we watch Gay Mitchell talk about fish and barrels bit.ly
- 10:16 AM cianflah - Gay Mitchell hits the ‘cronie’ half point at Ard Fheis bingo. Lost half point for lack of capitalism. We are off to Niagara Falls since Fianna Fail can’t shoot at fish in a barrel. No I don’t really know what he is talking about either.
- 10:12 AM cianflah - James Reilly sending a message to government, via shouting and mic distortion. #fgaf
- 10:11 AM Stephen Spillane - Annual Check up?? An NBT? #fgaf
- 10:10 AM Suzy Byrne - Resource to be cherished – the patient – according to James Reilly #fgaf
- 10:07 AM Stephen Spillane - lesson one: Do not shout into microphones please! #fgaf
- 10:05 AM Stephen Spillane - James Reilly introducing new policy on health #fgaf
- 10:03 AM lexia - @kellyforeurope My, you are all a-twitter this morning. #fgaf
- 10:03 AM cianflah - Nice digs for RTE at #fgaf. Nothing but the best. Rooms for print, broadcast, bloggers not as luxurious. twitpic.com
- 10:03 AM Suzy Byrne - It’s Telly Time at the Ard Fheis…and Jim Higgins annoys disability rights movement immediately by using the the h word even if it is to have a dig at FF.
- 10:00 AM kellyforeurope - Really looking forward to Enda’s speech tonight #fgaf
- 10:00 AM kellyforeurope - We have the London Taxi up with us so try and get a shot with it and post it on my site www.seankellyforeurope.com #fgaf
- 9:57 AM Suzy Byrne - James Reilly’s speech arrives – it’s going to involve a bit of shouting #fgaf but maybe no mention of farmers?
- 9:56 AM FineGaelIreland - <> Speech by Senator Frances Fitzgerald, Fine Gael Seanad Leader & Spokesperson on Health and Children tinyurl.com
- 9:55 AM Stephen Spillane - Signing up for Irish Youth Media European thing www.irishyouthmedia.ie
- 9:54 AM Suzy Byrne - Econcide – defined by Dan Neville, FG spokesperson on Mental Health #fgaf
- 9:54 AM Stephen Spillane - @ann_donnelly its just a typical FG slag. The party of the big farmers. We seam to be playing to stereotypes #fgaf
- 9:48 AM kellyforeurope - Then I am chairing a session at 3.15 come along and get involved we have some very good speakers, Tom Sheahan and Michael Creed etc #fgaf
- 9:48 AM Squid Limerick - Could the free examiner be classed as a political donation
- 9:48 AM kellyforeurope - I will be at the cheque ceremony for the Super draw at one #fgaf
- 9:47 AM kellyforeurope - Had a good night in City West last night #fgaf
- 9:47 AM Suzy Byrne - Tony O’Donnell – blogging candidate and competent speaker at #fgaf drtod.wordpress.com
- 9:41 AM Stephen Spillane - good speech by David Stanton on carers. No mention of farms #fgaf
- 9:34 AM Suzy Byrne - tinyurl.com Dan Neville’s speech released by FG press office before it’s delivered.
- 9:33 AM FineGaelIreland - <> Speech by Fine Gael Spokesman on Mental Health, Dan Neville TD at the 2009 Fine Gael Ard Fheis tinyurl.com
- 9:30 AM Stephen Spillane - its strange that two speakers on health have mentioned farms! its going to be a strange day #fgaf
- 9:29 AM Stephen Spillane - Health motions under way #fgaf
- 9:29 AM cianflah - Defending the Family Farm at #fgaf, no stereotyping here.
- 9:29 AM FineGaelIreland - <> Speech by Fine Gael Spokesman on Mental Health, Dan Neville TD at the 2009 Fine Gael Ard Fheis tinyurl.com
- 9:27 AM cianflah - inspirational speeching at #fgaf Fianna Fail boo. Fine Gael yay.
- 9:25 AM Suzy Byrne - 40 acre farm mentioned by Paul Connaughton – #fgaf bingo has begun
- 9:22 AM lexia - Morning all! At the #fgaf with @cianflah @suzybie @spiller2 @limerickblogger
- 9:20 AM Stephen Spillane - Live feed is being sorted (hopefully). Have raised it with Press Office and they ware working on it #fgaf
- 9:20 AM limerickblogger - New post: [Liveblog]Fine Gael Ard Feis #fgaf: www.limerickblogger.ie
- 9:18 AM Suzy Byrne - RTE have their own room (very swanky board room type), then other radio and telly have a room, then print and then bloggers. So they are ‘distincting’ between everyone…No Special Treatment…
- 9:15 AM Simon McGarr - Surely not blogger/ Press distinctions being made already? #fgaf
- 9:15 AM Suzy Byrne - @squidlimerick every press type has own room here…we’re not been shoved anywhere. Bloggers are in swiftbrook suite 3rd floor hotel.
- 9:14 AM squidlimerick - waiting for media badge. #fgaf
- 9:13 AM Suzy Byrne - Bloggers in the blogger room #fgaf
- 9:13 AM squidlimerick - @suzybe [cont] have been dragging this shit like laptops and cameras around since 5am and aint doing it again till i go home #fgaf
- 9:13 AM squidlimerick - @suzybie which room ye in. I seem to have ended up in the main room. If they ask me to leave then they can shove their ard feis #fgaf
- 9:13 AM cianflah - P diddy #fgaf twitpic.com
- 9:13 AM squidlimerick - waiting for media badge. #fgaf
- 9:01 AM Stephen Spillane - YFG motion done and hangover kicks in. My body is strange
- 9:01 AM Stephen Spillane - @MickFealty thanks for the follow
- 9:00 AM Stephen Spillane - onto organisation motions, get rid of church gate collections! #fgaf
- 8:58 AM Stephen Spillane - amendment passed! woo! #fgaf
- 8:56 AM Stephen Spillane - Denis Kirby rocks!!!!! #fgaf
- 8:52 AM Stephen Spillane - current amendment on giving YFG an extra seat on National Exec, National Exec opposing its #fgaf
- 8:46 AM ann_donnelly - @suzybie Have a good time. Looking forward to your tweets. #fgaf
- 8:44 AM Stephen Spillane - amendment carried. FG to contest Hiugher Education Seanad seats #fgaf
- 8:43 AM Stephen Spillane - Amendment to allow FG to contest NUI and Trinity Seanad Panel being proposed #fgaf
- 8:40 AM Stephen Spillane - @suzybie woooo!
- 8:16 AM Stephen Spillane - first post of the day is.gd #fgaf
- 8:11 AM Stephen Spillane - we haz sound still no picture #fgaf
- 8:09 AM Stephen Spillane - no coverage so far on monitors, may head down in to main hall #fgaf
- 8:06 AM Stephen Spillane - @suzybie issue with the TV reportage was technical issue. RTÉ have apologised! #fgaf
- 8:04 AM Stephen Spillane - (PS My head hurts!!!)
- 8:03 AM Stephen Spillane - the only controversial amendment on OMOV vs Delegates at Convention has being moved to a special delegate conference #fgaf
- 8:01 AM Stephen Spillane - Morning everyone, alone in the bloggers room again. First session is Constitution and rules, im under a whip to vote on one motion #fgaf
- 7:33 AM squidlimerick - Another day another Irish Rail cattlewagon. wheres the coffee #fgaf
- 7:33 AM RTEpolitics - Job retention the focus for Fine Gael: The Fine Gael Ard Fheis resumes in Dublin this morning, with the main foc.. tinyurl.com
- 7:31 AM FineGaelNews - MIRIAM LORD’S WEEK tinyurl.com
- 7:31 AM the_irish_times - Fine Gael ardfheis to focus on economy tinyurl.com
- 10:26 PM Paschald - Opening of Ard Fheis went well. We have a by election stand there. Good response to it.
- 9:09 PM Simon McGarr - Fine Gael is hopeless at the internet. Seem actively unable to communicate. #fgaf
- 9:08 PM Suzy Byrne - @briangreene I put the full clar online myself last night for the bloggers etc. bit.ly #fgaf
- 9:05 PM BrianGreene - @suzybie basic Clár ? in PDF url.ie #fgaf nb: LIVE scary TV
- 8:24 PM Suzy Byrne - No footage from City West on RTE Nine O’Clock News? Cuts? Or Technical Problems?
- 8:19 PM Suzy Byrne - @spiller2 there was a screen on front of website last night – as depicted in @damienmulley ‘s post. We’ll see what story tomorrow is! #fgaf
- 8:16 PM lexia - loving that #fgaf is an anagram of #gaff
- 8:16 PM Stephen Spillane - First post on #fgaf done is.gd
- 8:15 PM Stephen Spillane - right off to find people and may get some delegate views, Later all
- 8:14 PM Stephen Spillane - @suzybie none that I can find #fgaf
- 8:11 PM freenews - BN: Kenny attacks Government’s handling of health service: The Leader of Fine Gael says if he gets into Gover.. tinyurl.com
- 8:11 PM rteheads - Fine Gael promises universal health cover
- 8:08 PM Stephen Spillane - @LCreighton Lisbon will complete Single European Project – What?? No it wont #fgaf
- 8:06 PM Stephen Spillane - @LCreaighton to address Ard fheis #fgaf on Lisbon Treaty
- 7:58 PM eoinbannon - @colmburkemep says he believes if Israeli policy continues unabated, Gaza will cease to exist within 10 years #fgaf
- 7:43 PM eoinbannon - First YRC post from the FG Ard Fheis url.ie #fgaf
- 7:43 PM Stephen Spillane - not sure what to make of part of Billy’s speech. Esp about the stance on Israel/Palestine
- 7:43 PM eoinbannon - Kenny has a kiss for Lucinda Creighton. Everything is grand so… #fgaf
- 7:42 PM Stephen Spillane - @eoinbannon of course its grand we aint a family at war!
- 7:37 PM Stephen Spillane - Billy Timmins speaking now, Enda Kenny gave good speech, looking forward to health policy tomorrow #fgaf
- 7:17 PM Simon McGarr - @faduda Is that because they don’t think there’s much point in going to an event and then sitting in a room away from it all? Or did they just not bother going?
- 7:14 PM faduda - Bloggers room empty at #fgaf
- 7:12 PM Stephen Spillane - Enda now speaking. Blaming FF for crises. #fgaf
- 6:58 PM kcoDublin - at the fine gael ard fheis
- 6:42 PM Simon McGarr - #fgaf New Fine Gael Logo typeface is 1987 Garret-Tastic!
- 6:41 PM Stephen Spillane - I think we are about to start #fgaf
- 6:41 PM eoinbannon - Big news from FG Ard Fheis is, eh, there’s a separate room for bloggers. Reading speeches now so proper news soon #fgaf
- 6:41 PM Stephen Spillane - Just been interviewed by two of journalists from the village magazine who are here without accreditation. They also took my photo! #fgaf
- 3:11 PM RTEnewsIreland - Around 5,000 delegates are expected to attend the Fine Gael Ard Fheis, which opens in Dublin this evening. tinyurl.com
- 3:08 PM FineGaelIreland - <> Sen. Joe O’Reilly to run for Fine Gael in Euro Elections in Ireland North West – Kenny tinyurl.com
- 3:08 PM ColmBurkeMEP - Leaving for the Ard Fheis shortly, lunch went really well great crowd! Look out for the jeeps on the way up to Dublin
- 2:30 PM GayCork - [BLOG] Fine Gael Ard Fheis 2009: Today I leave for Dublin for the Fine Gael Ard Fheis. I media accreditati.. tinyurl.com
- 2:30 PM FineGaelNews - Fine Gael names election candidates tinyurl.com
- 2:29 PM eoinbannon - Off to Maynooth for a bit. Then back into City West for some of the evening. Exciting day! #fgaf
- 2:29 PM chrismehigan - Are Fine Gael on Twitter? #fgaf
- 12:11 PM Stephen Spillane - right time to get up shower, pack, get hair cut, meet @murphskie, then @colmburkeMEP‘s fundraiser, then #fgaf with @jerrybuttimer – fun day!
- 12:11 PM eoinbannon - Off to Maynooth for a bit. Then back into City West for some of the evening. Exciting day! #fgaf
- 12:11 PM chrismehigan - Are Fine Gael on Twitter? #fgaf
- 10:14 AM lauramcgonigle - Morning! All packed and ready for the Ard Fheis #fgaf
- 11:51 PM Suzy Byrne - Ard Fheis Clár (Programme) is available here www.scribd.com
- 10:08 PM Stephen Spillane - If anyone wants the Clár (Program) for #fgaf and isnt going, let me know and Ill send it to you. ff.im
- 10:08 PM Stephen Spillane - reading the motions for #fgaf and shouts “No” at motion 1. European Information Officer… yea right… ff.im
- 10:36 PM Stephen Spillane - now told I have to be at very first session of #fgaf on sat morn. so much for a lie in
- 10:36 PM Stephen Spillane - Full Timetable with sideevents of #fgaf if anyone is interested is.gd (PDF File)
- 10:36 PM Stephen Spillane - wooo! YFG side event at #fgaf “Ireland needs Change” and Richard Bruton is Chair

Why do consultants earn three times as much here as they do in Germany ?
FF had plenty of opportunity to capitalise on the Boom but they … shot the barrel. Now it’s leaking (is there any water left? Any fish?)
I hope Coveney talks about the 100,000 jobs FG say they can create.
A man can’t even get a ****job in this country now.
Can’t we bring back Capital Punishment and subject errant politicians to it first ?????
Coveney is dead right about renewable energy. This is our biggest strength. Your mod policy is also very strong.
Clean water is neglected – there are a few holes in our system down in Ennis i.e. we’re drinking e-coli from our own feces. Those kinds of holes are in our system.
They do sound like a bunch of demogogues – the opinions of neutral listeners (like me) will get coloured by these speeches. It’s not very warm and friendly at all. Don’t they realise they Irish Race rejects this kind of pulpit talk??? Where’s the love?
[...] from a €9 mobile phone. I know, because that’s what I used when moderating part of the Fine Gael Ard Feis Liveblog, while at the zoo with my family. Anyone who’s been excitedly shown tumbling baby [...]