Vincent Browne, TV3 Monday
- 11:13 PM Simon McGarr - Radical move tonight. Abandoning the traditional Questions and Answers liveblog to try out a TV3 Vincent Browne alternative.
- 11:17 PM Simon McGarr - Panel today- ESRI reliable Hairy Economist.
- 11:20 PM Suzy Byrne - Ah ireland’s only academic expert in Banking – Brian Lucey
- 11:21 PM Suzy Byrne - Mentions of icebergs are apt tonight given meltdown in Iceland…
- 11:25 PM Suzy Byrne - Norah Casey from harmonia publishing
- 11:31 PM Simon McGarr - Ms. Casey could at least have read our ESRI guy’s article in Saturday’s Irish Times when she found out that she was going on the show with him. It’s only manners.
- 11:33 PM Simon McGarr - Lucey not selling me on this idea that Anglo was just being quietly killed for our own benefit.
- 11:35 PM Simon McGarr - (Scribble live, btw, has undergone a facelift since the last time I used it. This has added all sorts of bells and whistles, but seems to freeze up both Internet Explorer and Firefox at a whim)
- 11:37 PM Suzy Byrne - precipitously…
- 11:38 PM Simon McGarr - Some lovely ads. I’m starting to wonder if Q&A might have been a better bet after all. I’m not getting enough blame poured out to satisfy my blood lust.
- 11:39 PM Simon McGarr - John Fitzgerald is the Hairy Economist, by the way
- 11:39 PM Suzy Byrne - Wait for Brian to offer to cut his salary again..and everyone elses!
- 11:40 PM Simon McGarr - Vincent Browne has decided to point out that COs and Nurses don’t get paid very much to start with. Should poor mini-wages be sliced?
- 11:42 PM Simon McGarr - John Fitzgerald says that the Social Welfare recipients are getting the best deal this year.
- 11:42 PM Suzy Byrne - Norah runs to defence of poor and nurses etc. John Fitzgerald lives on another planet!
- 11:43 PM Simon McGarr - Meanwhile I’m writhing with fury.
- 11:46 PM Simon McGarr - Hooray! My faith in the Hairy Economist is rewarded. He is just taking the long view.
- 11:47 PM Suzy Byrne - Brian has more time to explain his thoughts on pay cuts – he offers to run the Vhi for half the cost.
- 11:48 PM Simon McGarr - Dammit! It turns out that Solicitors are making loads of money. Where is my load?
- 11:50 PM Simon McGarr - Time for tax increases, says Mr. Lucey. We don’t have the super rate for mega earners.
- 11:51 PM Suzy Byrne - suddenly realised that this is an extra long programme – and who is Ciaran hancock? Irish Times newbie?
- 11:52 PM Simon McGarr - He’s been writing a series of opinionpieces on the Irish Times Business Section.
- 11:52 PM Suzy Byrne - Oh a special page 1 comment in tomorrow’s Irish Indo – I. can’t. wait!
- 11:53 PM Simon McGarr - Gibberish Ahoy. I ‘m tempted to hover around the Indo Website to see what kind of insights they’re offering the nation.
- 11:54 PM Simon McGarr - I’m guessing its the urgent need for Civil Servants to be fired without heed as to what they’re actually doing.
- 11:55 PM Suzy Byrne - it won’t be on the indo website till very late this morning – well 3 or 4 at least
- 11:55 PM Simon McGarr - Curse you inefficient Private sector!
- 11:58 PM Suzy Byrne - bad bank is new description for toxic bank i see
- 11:58 PM Simon McGarr - Having heard the headlines from tomorrow’s newspapers I now know I don’t want to buy any of them.
- 12:00 AM Simon McGarr - How could Vincent think there was a lack of expertise in the Department of Finance? Don’t they have both Arthur Cox, acting from beyond the grave, and Merril Lynchacting to help them.
- 12:02 AM Suzy Byrne - ESRI man says ‘we told you so’
- 12:03 AM Simon McGarr - Sudden burst of clear speech. John Fitzgerald says that we’re going to have to raise our taxes to pay for the public service we want, which we build on the back of Property bubble money.
- 12:04 AM Simon McGarr - They did tell us so. Their 2004 report was pretty clear.
- 12:05 AM Simon McGarr - “[The ESRI say] “unexpectedly sharp corrections have the potential to reduce Irish growth rates substantially”. Current housing stock output is well above the amount required to meet long-term housing needs, estimated at 30,000-50,000 units a year. At some point, output will have to fall to those levels, whether suddenly or gradually… It is difficult to engineer a soft landing, the ESRI warns.” From the tiny Indo report on same.
- 12:06 AM Suzy Byrne - and if I remember Bertie and others told us to stop talking down the economy and others generally laughed at them for pessimism
- 12:07 AM Simon McGarr - I kind of wish they had gone for headlines, just a little bit.
- 12:08 AM Simon McGarr - And We’re out of here.

why were patrick neary,ex regulator and rody molloy,ex fas boss allowed to resign – they should have been sacked without the lotto win payout or pension and should be joining the innocent workers on the dole Q. Idea for bank bosses????
bailiffs should be sent into the BIG borrowers to remove their assets as would be the case with ordinary people and save the tax payers
I wanted to hear more from Constantin Gurdgiev. Far too much time wasted on Dan Boyle. Yes, the government is an absolute disgrace, yes they are clearly incompetent. We know all that. We also know we are not going to get an intelligent, believable comment from them on the current situation. I can’t watch any more such episodes or I’ll lose the will to live. What I do want is an analysis of the situation by someone who understands what’s going on and is sufficiently independent to state it clearly. Constantin G was making points I really wanted to hear but was cut off each time to have another go at Dan B.
Bríd Kennedy
Dear, Vincent,
I’m afraid the show has descended into a fiasco.
I’ll be watching party people from now on,
for more in-depth analysis.
The appeararance of the program was shabbier than usual.
yours etc.
Garth Broon.
Dear,Vincent,I work for Dublin Bus.This Sunday we will more than likely go on strike.I ve have not like most people been asked to take a wage cut.Instead Ive been told all my work practices &conditions that have been agreed with for years are no more.
How do you agree with someone who after says no that dosen t suit us now.
Dear Vincent,
I thought you had a sense of humor but after hearing your outburst about Brian Cowen’s comic painting .I am deflated .Get a life , if more time was spent on how he runs the country and less on the cartoon then I think it would be more productive.
Do you have a sense of Humor?
Hi Vincent! What do you think of the reaction to ROG’s meeting with the British queen? Personally, I cannot understand why the Irish rugby team should meet her in NI. If it was in Dublin it would be understandable and under the circumstances Ronan was right! NI and Britain’s role there is very contentious for the majority of Irish people and cannot just be papered over to suit a particular proportion of our society.
And just to remind those psycophants (and grovellers}, it is not so very long ago that the president of ireland was very blatantly insulted by the English rugby team.
Just thought I would share that!
PS: I really enjoy your show, though I wish you would not allow everyone to interrupt each other and talk at the same time. It is like listening to a gaggle of geese much of the time!
at the launch of the munster championship’s in lismore castle,the chairman of the munster council mr.jimmy o’gorman speaking to the media was very illumanting with he’s praise and compliments and thanking the Duke and his family for the few acre’they gave to the local gaa club some years ago. the Duke only have 8,0000 acre’s.And the river bed of the blackwater from youghal to fermoy via cappaquin lismore tallow ballyduff. Another magnificent First for cumann luthcleas gael.
America and England are reporting ‘green shoots’. Are beginning to see the end of the recession or, as with my garden these shoots just weeds?
patrticia mckenna is the irish sarah palin – what a twit
Having a small busineass,employing people,collecting vat and tax for government,and working day and night to get it off the ground,of which i am not entiled to dole(Ridicolous) being tossed to the wolves by the Banks and government,it is so demolorising to see all i woked for being ripped assunder and so many more.
To see the attitude of the gov.to us the people they are supposed to represent is sickining.The wastage of money which they will not give up,the people they know who have billions of our money,yet i owe €1000 i be dragged across the Courtroom floor.
Two societies have been created now,not a posite move to help our counrty,to see so many people suffer an uneven JUSTICE 1 law for the rich many laws for the poor,our wills to go on now are broken.
But after christmas a wave of small busineass will go,and then all will backfire on the gov. with revenues unemployement etc.
We have come to an impass when the people say NO:.Laws and regulations are only pieces of paper,and we dont need these people any more,we ignore them, and we stand up and revolt to the system.
To read the Irish Proclamation,and what many died for to give us our freedom,those people would turn in their graves.